#work problems


When you have have kind of coworkers that care not that you twisted your ankle while at work and are in pain, hobbling to go out front and take orders when 2 of them could handle it today—-and they insist on rotating and customers that want you to walk around around whole store—-while in pain and you’re not able to put your foot up and keep it from swelling. Yeah that is the kind of coworkers and kind of day I’ve had. Now everything hurts.

I had n episode at work yesterday and as often as I’ve explained before what can happen when a low blood sugar is concerned I feel like most people just don’t get it.

I didn’t bring lunch and would have bought something but when a group order was going around for lunch I realized my wallet was at home. No one offered to help out and have me payback later and that just kicked me into an emotional response. I knew if I went all day with nothing but the protein drink I found in the workplace fridge it could be bad—-but hey if done it before when we were busy and was fine.


I could tell I was getting shaky and more aggravated which sometimes makes me slam things around, curse and be a totally different person. I’d just been cutting up with jokes and laughing earlier and still no one took notice to ask what was wrong even as my usual lunchtime went by and I didn’t leave to go. I just got angrier and then when a customer came in with a big order took it because all those feelings of uselessness and annoyance and everyone was pissed at me because I was snappy pushed me to just keep busy and ignore them. When you’re in that mood, it’s so hard to snap out of it or tell anyone “Hey something is wrong.” The more they tried to take over the order when my friend States away that I had been texting had lunch delivered to me (God was looking out for me there) the more annoyed I became. Cause once again when you’re in that mode you can refuse to eat, refuse to be reasonable. I finished the order, ate the lunch she got me and just broke down in sobbing cries for ten minutes when I was alone. Of course when I got back no one would talk to me or ask still what had happened, in fact they ignored me, so I stayed quiet until the end of my shift. But it reaffirms how little people really understand of when your sugar is LOW, what actually happens. Close friends and family know, but since I was fifteen countless boyfriends, friends, teachers, managers and work place colleagues have felt it was in my head or done for attention. Unless someone has experienced it with me and could pick up that hey this behavior isn’t normal (it’s not always the shakes, clammy skin, almost fainting, etc). I will go into work today and wonder what it is to tell them because they’re not likely to believe me. But I read up last night and this is the kind of thing people need to understand. It’s not just in my head.

“Hypoglycemia causes the brain to lack the sugar it needs to operate at 100% which can lead to diminished inhibitions.

Hypoglycemia may greatly increase your emotional response which can make you exceptionally happy, silly, worried, frightened, paranoid or angry. The effect can be strikingly similar to a person who is drunk.

Even people who are widely considered to be pleasant and peaceful can experience dramatic changes of character as a result of hypoglycemia. It is relatively common for people suffering from particularly low blood sugar to become violent and people who know you may be very surprised by such a Jekyll and Hyde-like behaviour.”


It is  sad to see how so many companies have no compassion at all


I find it hard to believe someone would do this with their free time

Me * being too anxious and depressed to go to work * “I CAN’T”

Also me * being too anxious to tell my boss I can’t go to work cause of my anxiety and depression…and instead goes to work * “…. It’s just 8 hours… 7 if you finish fast and your boss is having a good day”

…….all I want is to sleep the entire day please

9 am and I already had a panic attack at work. Going great so far…feel like I’m disappointing everyone no matter what decision I make.

Called in sick today for Uni cause I just mentally CAN’T but now I’m sitting here and feeling so bad for not attending uni cause physically I’m fine…. But my depression and anxiety are just over the roof.

Also my boss called me earlier and asked if I could work on Saturday so there goes my plan of using my weekend + holiday on Monday and trying to get out of the depression loop.

So now I’m sitting here, feeling anxious for not being at uni today and having to work tomorrow….

I’m very fucking pissed today because I had to work 8-5 but my Sunday availability only allows for 12-8 shifts! So I’m definitely hunting down the person in charge of making the schedules and making it clear that this is not ok and that I put no morning shift availability on the weekends for a reason!

I almost lost sleep because of this because I normally stay up later on Saturday hence the “cannot work mornings on Sunday” shit.

So my manager at work has a habit of texting me on my days off. These texts have nothing to do with finding coverage, etc. She just texts me to ask me, “how things are going,” etc. I don’t trust her as far as I can throw her (there is currently a rumor going around the clinic that I and another tech have beef with each other [which we 100% dont] all because she talks shit behind peoples’ backs), so it’s not like I’m going to tell her anything is other than fine and I don’t appreciate being bothered on my days off. Is this an unreasonable request? To not be texted on my days off (and at times when it can be assumed that I’m sleeping since I work overnights)? I understand if there are emergency situations or coverage issues, but it’s almost never that. Am I being an asshole here?
