#world series


Check that one off the bucket list!

digitalpubliclibraryofamerica:Panoramic images from the 1906 World Series, October 9-14. The seriedigitalpubliclibraryofamerica:Panoramic images from the 1906 World Series, October 9-14. The serie


Panoramic images from the 1906 World Series, October 9-14. The series pit the two Chicago teams—the Cubs vs. the White Sox—against one another. It was each team’s first appearance at the World Series, with the White Sox taking the big win. 

Courtesy of Digital Commonwealth and the Boston Public Library. 

1.A panoramic image, with the Chicago Cubs in white.

2.A panoramic image of the fifth game in the series

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“VATO LOCO ES TU PAPITO” #nola #LA #dodgers

“VATO LOCO ES TU PAPITO” #nola #LA #dodgers

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Mrs. Met with FDNY 150th Anniversary vehicles

Mrs. Met with FDNY 150th Anniversary vehicles

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Carlos Correa & Jose Altuve. 2017 World Series

Bart Giamatti Of course, there are those who learn after the first few times. They grow out of sport

Bart Giamatti

Of course, there are those who learn after the first few times. They grow out of sports. And there are others who were born with the wisdom to know that nothing lasts. These are the truly tough among us, the ones who can live without illusion, or without even the hope of illusion. I am not that grown-up or up-to-date. I am a simpler creature, tied to more primitive patterns and cycles. I need to think something lasts forever, and it might as well be that state of being that is a game; it might as well be that, in a green field, in the sun.

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Let’s go Stros!! Ready for another historic Fall Classic appearance. But this one needs to be won the right way, with all-out athleticism and honor. Time to make Houston proud!

1 of 3 new prints for MondoCon. Will have the remaining prints on sale toward the end of the month.

1 of 3 new prints for MondoCon. Will have the remaining prints on sale toward the end of the month.

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world series

September 22, 1987 Pete O'Brien, a Texas Rangers first baseman, is tagged out by third baseman Gary Gaetti during his run down from 3rd base to home in the 6th inning. The 1987 Twins went on to win the World Series. (Bruce Bisping, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

World Series Fact:
The real World Series already took place, when the Sox defeated the Tigers. The Sox-Cardinals series just feels lacking.



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60 años de aquel legendario clásico de los 60´s

En esos años la televisión era en blanco y negro; en el Caribe ya Fidel Castro se había hecho con el poder en Cuba; en Estados Unidos solo unos días restaban para atestiguar los comicios presidenciales más estrechos de su historia, mientras en Inglaterra indetenible era el inicio  del ascenso de los Beatles en Liverpool.

Ese corto pero agitado espacio de tiempo transcurrido entre el 5 y el 13 de octubre,esa generación de amantes del Rey de los Deportes se deleitó con una de las Series Mundiales más icónicas que se haya desarrollado.

En este 2020 ya son 60 años de aquel Clásico de octubre del 60, entre Yanquis de Nueva York y Piratas de Pittsburgh, donde los primeros poseían una contundente amplitud de favoritismo gracias a su gran poder al bate, con Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Bill Skowron y Bobby Richardson como principales cañoneros del legendario Casey Stengel.

Aunque menos favoritos, los Piratas contaban con un excelente grupo dirigido por Danny Murtaugh, destacando la presencia de Dick Groat, Don Hoak, Bob Friend, Vern Law, Bill Mazeroski y Roberto Clemente en la primera temporada contundente de su carrera.

El duelo

Ese 5 de octubre comenzaron las acciones en el puerto de los filibusteros(Forbes Field) ante los bombarderos; Vern Law (siete tramos) y Roy Face (dos entradas) “limitaron” a los Yankees a cuatro anotaciones, mientras el ataque del buque fue comandado por cuadrangular impulsor de dos de Mazeroski para ganar 6x4.

La segunda confrontación resultó en una inmisericordiosa felpa de los Mulos de 16x3 apuntalados por dos vuelacercas del poderoso Mantle con cinco llevadas al plato.

Por su parte, la apertura del abridor yankee, Bob Turley, es una de las más peculiares en la historia de las Series Mundiales, pues a pesar de recibir 13 inatrapables y no ponchar a rival alguno, solo le anotaron tres veces.

Iguales al Bronx

En el mítico Yankee Stadium el tercer duelo fue muy similar al anterior: paliza de los Bombarderos 10x0, ahora con Richardson en plan estelar con grand slam en el primero antes de finalizar con seis impulsadas.

En gran apertura completa, Whitey Ford se acreditó el lauro.

Para el cuarto llegó la igualada de Pittsburgh, en cerrado juego a su favor 3x2,pisando el plato tres veces en el quinto liderados por sencillo remolcador de dos de Bill Virdon, mientras de nuevo Law (6.1) y Face (2.2) contenían la fuerza neoyorquina.

Los Piratas daban la sorpresa, al tomar control (3-2) de la Serie con su segundo triunfo en la Casa que Construyó Babe Ruth. La pizarra 5 para ellos y dos para los Yanquis; Face con relevo de 2.2 capítulos sumaba su tercer rescate en el careo.

De vuelta al Forbes

Arriba en la Serie, el regreso al puerto fue demasiado triste; el poder de yanqui nuevamente resultó demasiado con otra humillación en el marcador: 12x0.

Richardson con dos triples, tres remolcadas y Whitey Ford con otra blanquedade ruta completa obligaron a definir todo ese jueves 13 de octubre de 1960, fecha sin precedentes en los anales de las Mayores.

El toma y dame de batazos resultaría en una gran tragedia para los Mulos del Bronx,y llenaría de gloria absoluta a Bill Mazeroski en una de las páginas más brillantes de siempre.

Con la pizarra igualada a nueve en la baja del noveno, Bill Mazeroski dejaría su huella en el tiempo al mandar la esférica por encima de la barda del jardín izquierdo mientras en desesperada carrera el jardinero Yogi Berra fue sobrepasado.

Totalmente dominado por la efusividad y la adrenalina, de manera frenética Mazeroski, un hombre que antes de ese estacazo acumulaba 48 en 667 juegos (sin incluir postemporadas), daba una de los batazos de cuatro esquinas más trascendentales de siempre.

La belleza poética de su conexión se “justifica” por el hecho de ser el vuelacercas más importante del beisbol en los primeros días de la era televisiva, además de ser la primera ocasión que un cuadrangular daba el título de la Serie Mundial a un equipo de las Grandes Ligas, el máximo de los escenarios en el mundo de los bates, guantes y pelotas.

MLB respecting singular they/them pronouns love it.

MLB respecting singular they/them pronouns love it.

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@thehippesthop​ is proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States.We believe that wha

@thehippesthop​ is proud to endorse Joe Biden for president of the United States.

We believe that what America needs most is a compassionate and comprehensive leader who not only knows how to get the job done, but also cares to listen to those who have long felt voiceless. Joe Biden has a strong track record of keeping his word and welcoming opinions that differ from his own. He and Sen. Harris will confront systemic racism and work tirelessly to unite the American people.

We’re ridin’ with Biden because he is a leader who is not afraid to assert that BLACK AND BROWN LIVES MATTER and will work to advance the economic mobility of minority groups and close the racial wealth and income gaps that plague black and brown communities. Joe Biden’s plan to assist minority groups centers around economic and educational reform, not incarceration and division.

A Biden/Harris administration will be ready to take on COVID-19 from day one by actually listening to science, ensuring public health decisions are informed by public health professionals, and restoring trust, transparency, common purpose, and accountability in our government.

@thehippesthop​ encourages YOU to make your voice heard. Send a message to Washington that will resonate for generations. We must leave no doubts on election day. Remember, the president just confirmed the sixth conservative judge who will serve on the Supreme Court. If we leave any doubt in this election, the president will turn to his 6-3 majority conservative Supreme Court to serve as the tiebreaker. We MUST vote.

Q: But, but, won’t Joe Biden raise my taxes?

A: Do you make over $400,000 a year? If so, yes! If not, no! Don’t listen to the celebrities who are trying to protect their own coin. 

Don’t believe us? Click HERE.

Q: Hmm. But Joe Biden is a career politician who hasn’t done anything!

A: First off, Joe Biden has never been president of the United States. He has never had the supreme power that the current president flaunts on a daily basis. Joe Biden has dedicated his live to public service, an accomplishment that business man, President Trump, often ridicules. Who would you trust more to care about your well being: a cutthroat businessman whose slogan is “You’re fired,” or a small town gentleman who chose a life of public service?

Q: I don’t like either candidate, so I’m not voting…

A: You have rights that allow you to make this choice on your own. However, these same rights are being put into question by the current administration. How many times has the current president pissed you off with his antics? His homophobic, misogynistic, and racist rhetoric? Remember, in regard to women, he said he likes to “grab them by the p____”? Or when he called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers? Or when he called white supremacists, “very fine people”? Or more recently, when he blatantly refused to denounce white supremacy? Can you imagine your children hearing this from the president of the United States? We must stand up to bullies and for American values.

Q: Isn’t Joe Biden a socialist?

A: Joe Biden is NOT a socialist. He is a Democrat. His platform on health care, energy and other issues aligns with moderate Democrats, not socialists. The current president is using this as a fear tactic to scare undecided voters away from voting on a Biden ticket. Do not let fear tactics prevent you from accessing the truth. Remember, this is the same guy who calls any news that he doesn’t like, “fake news.”

Have other questions or concerns? Message us and we’ll do our best to respond publicly. 

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