#wyrd sisters



various discworld fanart…!!! i’m in love with this series


various discworld fanart…!!! i’m in love with this series

A witch and her familiarCurrently reading Wyrd Sisters.

A witch and her familiar
Currently reading Wyrd Sisters.

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Granny stared at him. She hadn’t faced anything like this before. The man was clearly mad, but at the heart of this madness was a dreadful cold sanity, a core of pure interstellar ice in the center of the furnace. She’d thought him weak under a thin shell of strength, but it went a lot further than that. Somewhere deep inside his mind, somewhere beyond the event horizon of rationality, the sheer pressure of insanity had hammered his madness into something harder than diamond.

Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters

“It seems words are extremely powerful,” she said.

“Indeed, lady.”

“You must have made a lengthy study.”

The Fool nodded. The power of words had sustained him through the hell of the Guild. Wizards and witches used words as if they were tools to get things done, but the Fool reckoned that words were things in their own right.

“Words can change the world,” he said.

Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters

Magrat whirled away in the buffeting wind, clinging tightly to a broomstick which now, she feared, had about as much buoyancy as a bit of firewood. It certainly wasn’t capable of sustaining a full-grown woman against the beckoning fingers of gravity.

As she plunged down toward the forest roof in a long shallow dive she reflected that there was possibly something complimentary in the way Granny Weatherwax resolutely refused to consider other people’s problems. It implied that, in her considerable opinion, they were quite capable of sorting them out by themselves.

Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters

this is the most self serving drawing ive ever made, best t4t clown love

this is the most self serving drawing ive ever made, best t4t clown love

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Hey Tumblr, long time no post :) *blows dust off blog*I have to admit, it’s been really hard lately Hey Tumblr, long time no post :) *blows dust off blog*I have to admit, it’s been really hard lately

Hey Tumblr, long time no post :) *blows dust off blog*

I have to admit, it’s been really hard lately to find the motivation to create properly… I have decided to try and be a bit more present from now on. Maybe post once a week, see if I can keep the rhythm.

And for a start, since I’ve been rereading the Witches novels out of order and I’m currently at Wyrd Systers, here are Granny and the Fool (he of the famous ‘jingled miserably across the floor’ quote)

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 Wyrd Sisters by Terry PratchettMy re-listen of the Discworld series in order of publication has y

Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett

My re-listen of the Discworld series in order of publication has yielded some art. Wyrd Sisters is when the trio witches start and I love them. Can’t wait for all the next books. It just keeps getting better!

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i keep trying to reread wyrd sisters but i can’t get further than this cause every time i see it i have to turn my phone off and close my eyes for twenty minutes…..this is SO funny. you just know there’s a little recipe book in goodie maysherestinpeace whemper’s old cottage with an entry that says RECIPE FOR HOT LEAD BONES: step one you get some lead step two you put it in their bones

[id: “Witches just aren’t like that,” said Magrat. “We live in harmony with the great cycles of Nature, and do no harm to anyone, and it’s wicked of them to say we don’t. We ought to fill their bones with hot lead.”

The other two looked at her with a certain amount of surprised admiration. She blushed, although not greenly, and looked at her knees.

“Goodie Whemper did a recipe,” she confessed. “It’s quite easy. What you do is, you get some lead, and you-” / end id]


“Genuine anger was one of the world’s great creative forces. But you had to learn how to control it. That didn’t mean you let it trickle away. It meant you dammed it, carefully, let it develop a working head, let it drown whole valleys of the mind and then, just when the whole structure was about to collapse, opened a tiny pipeline at the base and let the iron-hard stream of wrath power the turbines of revenge.”

— Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters
