#zodiac sign facts


astrology notes p.2 x

■ libra in the 2nd house natal people spend their money on pretty clothes, jewelry, aesthetic - somewhat unnecessary - things, it’s hard for them to save money, especially if they have some leo placements. But if they do have a virgo rising, they think a lot before buying anything.

□ the best gifts to give a virgo rising (venus or sun as well) is something they get to actually use most of the time or on a daily basis.

■ leo moons love attention as much as leo suns but they’re lowkey about it.

□ sun in the 12th makes someone very secretive about who they truly are, it’s like wearing a mask all the time, they might not even know it themselves.

■ taurus moons find comfort in spending money and eating their favourite foods.

□ capricorn venus have a thing for ankles, feet and tattoos.

■ both your ascendant/rising and your MC are shown mostly when it comes to first impressions.

□ cancer placements are usually surrounded by women in their family, they might have a sister or are very close to their mom, or just feel more comfortable around women in general.

■ capricorn suns/rising had to grow up too fast, that’s why they could be very mature at such a young age.

□ mars in cancer does NOT get along with another mars in cancer, or it’s just really hard since they get easily offended and get crazy angry. Also, absolutely hate not being listened to.

■ mars in capricorn is the scariest sign when angry that I’ve seen so far. They just have this “don’t give a fuck about you” face that makes them look like they could murder anyone.

□ venus in leo are the one of the most committed placements in relationships, but they need it to be reciprocated.

■ you can see how competitive someone is by their mars sign.

□ someone’s fashion style is defined mostly by their venus,rising&2nd house.

■ cancer risings usually have either big eyes/small nose/small lips, or small eyes/small nose/big lips.

□ libra risings tend to have big smiles.

■ mercury in the 12th house find it really hard to express themselves/talk the way they want to.

neptune in the houses

Neptune in the First House

People born with Neptune in the first house of their birth chart are only indirectly affected by this planet, so the influences of this celestial body are not quite noticeable in them.

Highly intuitive, they’re always employing their spirituality and transcendental abilities to deal with the everyday life. It’s normal for these people to sometimes feel deceived about themselves, disillusioned and confused.

Neptune in the Second House

While they don’t like to admit it, people born with Neptune in the second house of their birth chart have problems with their wealth and possessions. They tend to spend too much, so their life pretty much revolves around having to pay debts.

It’s like they don’t have any financial judgment, which means they should have someone to do their accounting for them. It’s also suggested they’re not dishonest because this can cause them more problems with money as Neptune in 2nd house wouldn’t allow anything illegal to happen.

Neptune in the Third House

People born with Neptune in the third house of their birth chart are influenced to be intuitive and able to communicate better than others, some even taking that on a whole new level.

When young, they tend to be very undisciplined and to not do a single practical thing. Their youth years will also bring them a lot of insecurity. The older they’ll get, the better they will learn how to focus and how to become productive.

Neptune in the Fourth House

People born with Neptune in the fourth house of their birth chart need security and have a strong link with their mother and their home.

As a matter of fact, their subconscious is strongly attached to everything related to family and the idea of a place that belongs to them. These natives love being near water and when older, it’s very likely for them to be very lonely and withdrawn from the society. It’s possible the home in which they were raised was somehow chaotic, so they don’t actually know who they are or how to stay grounded in reality.

Therefore, when adults, they may look to have a secure home and a partner that’s very nurturing with them. This means they’re family-oriented and want their friends to take good care of them.

Neptune in Fifth House

When in the fifth house, Neptune has an influence over romances, imagination and children. People with this placement have the ability to put themselves in others’ shoes and to know what their loved ones are feeling.

Natives having Neptune in 5th house are talented actors, or they just love going to the movies and the theater. Their imagination is very rich and they are more romantic than many other people with different placements.

Neptune in Sixth House

When in the sixth house, Neptune influences what work environment one is surrounded by and the natives’ need to be of service to others and always healthy.

It may seem people with this placement have a great desire to help others, no matter what they may be doing for a living. At work, they may be very imaginative and the most grandiose people around the workplace.

Neptune in Seventh House

The Neptune in the seventh house aspect has indirect effects over people and their way of responding to others, or their behavior in marriage and other types of relationships.

This planet here makes natives idealistic and completely unaware of what’s real and what’s fantasy. It also brings a deep mental connection between two partners and great intuition coupled with empathy.

Neptune in Eighth House

People born with Neptune in the eighth house of their birth chart have a way with other people’s money because this house is about finances, this amongst other things. Therefore, they may inherit, receive tax refund or share their finances with others.

What Neptune does when it comes to all these things, is to bring deception, weirdness and even hidden agendas. Many of the Neptune in 8th house people will struggle when collaborating with others in order to build something from the ground up.

Neptune in Ninth House

People born with Neptune in the ninth house of their birth chart are usually very educated and interested in philosophy, traveling or religion. It’s easy to influence them because they’re always curious and use only their intuition to find out if things are true or not.

They may be very good with art, so it’s very possible for them to study this subject or to teach it. Neptune in 9th house indicates they may not get along with some of their distant relatives.

Neptune in Tenth House

People born with Neptune in the tenth house of their birth chart are usually very spiritual when it comes to what they are doing for a living and the recognition they get from the public.

They may be confused and have some difficulties as far as finding the perfect job goes. They’re never who they seem because their behavior completely opposes their personality.

Neptune in Eleventh House

Neptune in eleventh house people are very hopeful, dreamy and friendly. It’s easy for them to get together with others and usually have a large social circle formed from all kind of individuals who are somehow strange and unconventional.

These natives are the rebels and conspirators of the zodiac, the people who plan for long-term and rely a lot on their intuition. If they want to see their dreams coming true, it’s important for them to develop good strategies.

Neptune in Twelfth House

Neptune in the twelfth house natives have all kind of fears from their past because this planet here has nasty effects over the unconscious mind. They tend to focus on what’s wrong with their life and when it comes to interacting with others, they only seem to absorb what’s negative.

It’s suggested these people focus more on their own happiness and don’t stress that much about everyday issues. Very intuitive and strong in their heart, people having Neptune in the 12th house can surprise with their easygoing attitude and shyness.
