#mercury in the 12th house


astrology notes x pt.3

■ aquarius can’t stand being forgotten/ignored.

□ Mars in virgo is indeed one of the kinkiest placements out there, and are very straightforward in how, when and where they like it.

■ pisces moon can cry over the thought of them crying.

□ capricorn moon is very sensitive but you’ll never catch them crying.

■ your 7th and 8th houses hold the sign of your best lover or worst enemy.

□ venus in virgo way of showing love is by never asking you to change, instead they’ll let you change at your own pace.

■ mercury and Jupiter both also indicate your type of humour.

□ mercury in the 12th are usually talking to themselves when alone.

■ Mars in cancer love language is physical touch. Specially in love relationship, they will literally cry if you don’t touch them.

□ sagittarius tells lies to be liked while Gemini just lies bc they don’t ever want to stop talking.

■ scorpios hide their feelings so well, they don’t even know them themselves.

□ mars in scorpio & leo love watching other people fight or get mad. It’s attractive.

■ Aries risings females are more straightforward and tomboy-ish than suns.

□ Aries & Leo hate copycats.

■ Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Libra are most likely to be copycats.

□ your toughest relationship w a family member is usually with someone whose moon conjunct your sun or vice versa (Ex. Their moon in Scorpio - your sun in scorpio) it takes a while for both of you to get along and you will need to learn to understand each other in order to have a healthy relationship.

■ capricorn, sagittarius & gemini placements don’t believe in astrology (or prolly do but will never admit it)

□ Aquarius risings have an unconventional beauty, I’ve notice most of them have their eyes kinda far apart.

astrology notes p.2 x

■ libra in the 2nd house natal people spend their money on pretty clothes, jewelry, aesthetic - somewhat unnecessary - things, it’s hard for them to save money, especially if they have some leo placements. But if they do have a virgo rising, they think a lot before buying anything.

□ the best gifts to give a virgo rising (venus or sun as well) is something they get to actually use most of the time or on a daily basis.

■ leo moons love attention as much as leo suns but they’re lowkey about it.

□ sun in the 12th makes someone very secretive about who they truly are, it’s like wearing a mask all the time, they might not even know it themselves.

■ taurus moons find comfort in spending money and eating their favourite foods.

□ capricorn venus have a thing for ankles, feet and tattoos.

■ both your ascendant/rising and your MC are shown mostly when it comes to first impressions.

□ cancer placements are usually surrounded by women in their family, they might have a sister or are very close to their mom, or just feel more comfortable around women in general.

■ capricorn suns/rising had to grow up too fast, that’s why they could be very mature at such a young age.

□ mars in cancer does NOT get along with another mars in cancer, or it’s just really hard since they get easily offended and get crazy angry. Also, absolutely hate not being listened to.

■ mars in capricorn is the scariest sign when angry that I’ve seen so far. They just have this “don’t give a fuck about you” face that makes them look like they could murder anyone.

□ venus in leo are the one of the most committed placements in relationships, but they need it to be reciprocated.

■ you can see how competitive someone is by their mars sign.

□ someone’s fashion style is defined mostly by their venus,rising&2nd house.

■ cancer risings usually have either big eyes/small nose/small lips, or small eyes/small nose/big lips.

□ libra risings tend to have big smiles.

■ mercury in the 12th house find it really hard to express themselves/talk the way they want to.



the twelfth house is a moment of surrender. the body must be untied, like a corset, so he may be embraced by the collective sea. the greater benefic jupiter is the ruler of the twelfth so fortune can be sought even in the deepest shadows. the charter through the higher mind tends to be awash with cosmic waves

Sun in the 12th house - The Sun still shines down the bottom of the ocean, illuminating an unseen world

Moon in the 12th house: Moon water shining like crystals under lunar light, heaven is a place in darkness with them

Mercury in the 12th house: The messenger is invisible, but words linger in the air for centuries, encased in liquid gold

Venus in the 12th house - Secret mermaid lover, turn into rain and take me home

Mars in the 12th house: The spiritual warrior wearing the scars of a thousand lifetimes, a divine flame burns like incense

Jupiter in the 12th house: A pillow shaped like a cosmic lagoon, a sanctuary inside to escape and hear words from the wise

Saturn in the 12th house: Divine labor is riddled with expectation and guilt, the dweller in the oceanic temple, serving and solitary

Uranus in the 12th house: Lighting crackles on the ocean floor and golden threads of heaven’s thoughts bring an invisible world to dazzling ecstasy

Neptune in the 12th house: A siren waits by the seaside to guide her followers to haven, speaking little but sharing everything

Pluto in the 12th house: A lone wanderer standing before heaven’s gates, waiting and watching, guarding in servitude, so filled with spirit it can become empty


Mercury Observations: Our Anxieties & Getting Through the Day.

*DO NOT plagiarize my writing or repost on other forms of social media under any circumstances.*

*these are my PERSONAL opinions, ideas & interpretations on how these anxieties could manifest on a surface level. Keep in mind, other aspects, are also factors.* ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

Mercury is the messenger of the gods and is the natural ruler of the nervous system;therefore, its location in a person’s chart is a crucial predictor of their nervous system’s health, resilience, and stress tolerance. This also explains why many mercury-dom individuals are often anxious and prone to shaking. Mercury also rules the third house, symbolizing the conscious mind, perception, thinking patterns, relationships, communication, neighborhoods, and family. In contrast to the 12th house, which may reveal our unconscious fears, wherever Mercury is in our charts (or Mercury’s signs such as Gemini and Virgo energies) can reveal anxiety and mild fear that is much more prevalent in our everyday lives. ⋆⁺₊ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺₊ ⋆⁺₊⋆

Gemini in the natal chart might represent areas where we tend to over-explain and share excessive amounts of information.It may also reveal parts of our lives where there is frequently so much gossip or where it feels impossible to escape someone’s opinions. Finally, it may also indicate where you might initiate gossip or drama or engage in it.Since it’s mercury ruled it can also show where you tend to be nervous, for ex: gemini in the 3h might feel anxious (gemini) when driving (3h).

For instance, with Gemini in the fourth house,you may discover that your family is frequently talking about you or they love to gossip in general. You could overshare many details regarding family drama or issues with others. Or Gemini in the eighth house,where people comment on your body, sex life, and even finances. You might be continuously questioned about these topics. With Gemini in the seventh house,you may find that people are always reaching out to you and being nosy about your romantic or business relationships. However, you might also overshare regarding your love life and relationships, so be mindful of who you vent to. Gemini in the second house might cause you to reveal too much about your finances, resources, and possessions. People may discuss your possessions (e.g., “Oh, see how she has this or look at his new car! ”),OR they may question your beliefs and what you stand for. Gemini in the sixth house may cause individuals in your everyday life to ask you intrusive questions or always appear to be scrutinizing your actions. WithGemini in the third house,your siblings may continually pry into your affairs (or you may gossip with them as well lmao), and your neighbors may be very nosy, peering through the blinds, criticizing you, etc.

On the other hand, Virgo could show where we are trying to keep things together. But we find that our need for perfectionism or even keeping up a specific image makes us feel even more frustrated or stressed. These problems could also lead to health issues or poor management of your routine/ care for your body due to that stress.

For example, Virgo in the 7th house and you could be very picky when it comes to picking your partners and be concerned with the image the relationship projects into the world. Virgo in the 10th housecould overthink when it comes to their reputation and career or even be cautious and concerned about the opinions that the figures of authority in their lives have of them. Virgo in the 1st housecould be very critical about their appearance and what people think of them off first impressions. Virgo in the 6th house could be particular in their routine, in general, and at work. They could also analyze or criticize almost every aspect of their physical body. Virgo in the 9th house could be very strict with themselves about their philosophies; the thought of their pre-existing beliefs being brought into question could make them panic. If in higher education, they could strive to be as organized as possible and have the best grades. Virgo in the 12th house, and you could constantly contemplate your fears, worry about every little thing you did throughout the day, or even berate yourself for your mistakes right before bed. Virgo in the 3rd houseand you could be very critical about the relationship you have with your siblings and family members, constantly wanting to keep up a well-liked, orderly and polite image in your neighborhood and within your loved ones and peers.

SinceMercury governs the central nervous system,its placement may suggest where we require specific reassurance or tend to be more readily overwhelmed by these concerns than in other areas of our lives.

For instance, Mercury in the 12th house, and you could find yourself lying awake at night thinking about your fears. There could be a sensation of feeling voiceless or like there is no point in speaking up for yourself since you feel like no one will listen to you anyway. So you would need a lot of reassurance that your fears and concerns are valid. And that your words are as well. Mercury in the 10th house, and you could care about what the authority figures in your life have to say, or you could worry about your reputation and career choices. So you would need reassurance that you don’t have to micromanage your image or constantly have to be ten steps ahead with your life choices. Mercury is in the 11th house, and you could get very nervous when it comes to the opinions of your community and friends and what they have to say about you and your goals. So you would need reassurance that you are free to be whoever you want to be without the need to ask for permission or live up to this image for others. Mercury in the 5th house, and you could feel anxious about nurturing your hobbies, inner child, and romantic interests. You could need reassurance that you are free to express yourself in the ways that seem most genuine to you, not to please others. Mercury in the 7th house,and you could feel like you have to be there to listen and consistently communicate in your relationships, both platonic and romantic. You would need reassurance that you can take time to set boundaries in your forms of communication so that you don’t have to feel like you’re hesitating or beating around the bush all the time. Mercury in the 9th house and you could become anxious when reflecting on your personal philosophies or beliefs, asking yourself am I truly standing up for whats right? You would need reassurance that no one is born knowing where they stand on certain topics or issues, especially societal and cultural ones. You create your own through series of mistakes, learning and unlearning.

You can use your mercury aspects, if any, whether they are harmonious or challenging, as ways to release that energy most beneficially to you; some examples:

Mercury-Sun aspects: When you live your life in the most authentic way possible (sun), you will find that you would need less reassurance from others and can communicate (mercury) in a much more direct, confident, and honest manner.

Mercury-Saturn aspects: When you find balance and try to be more stable, structured, and disciplined in your life (Saturn) without it becoming restrictive or limiting, you will find you get much less backlash from others, and you gain much more respect when you communicate (mercury). You can be truthful without being cruel, and in turn, people will seek your wisdom instead of resenting it.

Mercury-Venus aspects: The more you invest in your image, beauty, fortune, relationships, and pleasures (venus), the easier it will be to be diplomatic, charming, and relatable when speaking and relating (mercury) to others. You could benefit from writing poetry as well.

Mercury-Mars aspects:the more you learn how to be a powerful and assertive leader in a healthy manner (mars), the easier it will be to mobilize people or lead your peers with your words (mercury) and actions (mars) without being looked at as being overbearing (mars). you could be an amazing motivational speaker.

Mercury-Jupiter aspects: the more you begin to embrace your out-of-the-box ideas and visions (Jupiter), the easier it will be to communicate them and share them with others (mercury) as long as you reflect and make sure the energy remains insightful without becoming unrealistic.

Mercury-Moon aspects: The more you practice and reflect on becoming an emotionally intelligent individual, the easier it will be to comfort (moon) yourself and others without your words (mercury) being harsh or critical in the moments you are feeling overwhelmed. you could also be great at writing poetry, short stories and songs.

Mercury-Pluto aspects: The more you pride yourself on your deep and complex mind and nature (pluto) without demonizing it or behaving through an extreme perspective, the easier it will be to transform (Pluto) your views (mercury) and also the mindset of others without it being seen as threatening or dogmatic. Those with squares and oppositions should learn that there is also a time and place for their comments as not everyone will take your bluntness so lightly (I say this as someone with a mercury square pluto aspect, and my mouth has gotten me in trouble many times lmfaaaoooo).

Mercury-Uranus aspects: The more you channel your inventive (Uranus) and thrilling (Mercury) mental energy into more practical forms of expression, the more you will feel able to express your genuine self without feeling censored. Embrace the chaos without allowing it to overwhelm you.

Mercury-Neptune aspects: the more you accept that you see the world from different perspectives & hone your intuition and spirituality (Neptune) the easier it will be to enlighten others through your ideas and words (Mercury). The key here is to be able to nurture this imaginative energy without it spiraling into an illusion. another placement that can benefit from poetry or songwriting, practicing tarot and art that nurtures your spiritual side.

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random astro observations part 8.

part 7.

12th house placements, especially moons and mercury, are the people that give really great advice and then someone is like “eh, yeah I’ll think about it” but then someone else repeats the EXACT same thing the 12th house person just said and the person is like “wooow! great advice!” stop fucking ignoring the 12th house placements when they speak also I’m gonna talk a lot about 12h placements again in this post.

Virgo placements, especially Virgo moons and Virgo Venus will get turned off by the most minor things and it’s always something very specific. They’ll be like “yeah i can’t go on a second date anymore I saw his buttcrack when he got out the car”

also my virgomoon bestie venting about a dude she’s talking to “idk the way he pronounces certain words grosses me out” I screamed

also the way in which mercurials (Gemini and Virgo placements) start vibrating once they drink coffee, you know like those toys where you turn the little key in the back and they start moving… like girl… be calm. Drink some water baby.

mercurialscould also be the type to have certain compulsions, running your hands through your hair, constantly shaking one leg or cracking your knuckles, twisting your fingers into your shirt, turning your ring over and over or touching your necklace, chewing or clicking a pen, tapping your fingers on the desk, biting your nails etc. Some could even smoke because they have an oral fixation (I could also apply this oral fixation to Taurusplacements as well)

Saturnians (saturn aspects, aqua placements, cap placements) also have this penchant for sitting very still lmfaoo they remind me of lions. My friend has Saturn in the first house, and she will sit very still with her back straight and when you’re talking to her she pays a lot of attention to you. Same with my Capricorn sun friends. I think they’re amazing at listening to you. And when they feel fully comfortable (which will take some time so be patient with them) they will open up as well. labeling saturnian placements as boring is wrong, like maybe they just don’t trust you idk.

Sagittarius placements, especially moons and risings, really get turned off when you’re not willing to go on their crazy adventures with them. After a while they’ll just stop asking you (which is understandable but then other times it’s like im sorry i don’t wanna skydive with you and land on top of a cliff and then jump naked into the sea for a swim).

earth moons get turned off by loud ass people. Earth moons are the people that in high school looked at the ones yelling & having loud convos at 7am in disgust lmfaooo. I think earth moons are also the people that politely tell their guests to go when its past 9pm haha

air moons can be very charismatic. these are the people that you’re with them and when you turn around they’re having the most interesting conversation with a stranger. Its only when they feel like it though bc when they’re not in the mood… they’re really not in the mood.

I’ve noticed that a lot of water moons have had to re-parent themselves in some ways & their parents or family used them to vent emotionally to them constantly. I bet its very draining. WATER MOONS GET BEHIND ME I will make eye contact with you across the room and notice when your social battery has died and you want alone time.

I think moon in the cadent houses can also get overwhelmed easily or just need breaks from people (moon in the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th house). The cadent houses symbolize aspects of life that are characterized by human relationships and numerous transitional events. People with the moon in these houses may feel pressured to continually perform and therefore unable to change their minds on some issues pertaining to home life, values, roots, tradition, and coping. These individuals should be allowed to develop their own social identities. And if no one else is giving you this space, give it to yourself with grace.

fire moons get turned off by boring people. if you don’t have them feeling energized and excited to see u they’ll be like yeah imma head out. That’s why I think it’s so cute when fire moons date each other. I like watching the chaos and fun (from a distance)

water placements not speaking and instead staring at their crush until they notice them and form a telepathic and spiritual connection

fire placements bullying their crush to see if their crush isn’t boring and can handle them

earth placements consistent acts of service for their crush that they pretend is no big deal but hope their crush will acknowledge them

air placements debating with their crush so they can have a good time but also secretly analyze just how smart they are

who has experience dating someone who has their mars in your sister sign? My friend is a taurus mars dating a scorpio mars and she’s living her best life. I bet the energy can be very complimentary and challenging at the same time. it sounds like a good time So does that mean my leo mars has to find an aqua mars? I’m scared but also intrigued haha

4h, 8h and 12h synastry is mentioning something briefly or making a comment and much later it gets brought up as a problem or concern. And it can leave one person wondering, like “wow was it really that serious? It was just a small comment. I can’t believe they remembered that.” But with this synastry what you say to each other can have an intense and much deeper effect in comparison to other lighter synastry.

If you’re moving somewhere new you can check the synastry you have with the countries birth chart. Its interesting to see how that energy manifests, for example where I use to live the countries mercury was in my 6th house and the people were very social (mercury) in my daily life (6h), constantly greeting each other and chatting, whether at the market or neighbors. (you could find the birth chart of the country online. You could also do a relocation chart. I also made a post on astrocartography as well) ✈️

whereverMars is in the chart is where you need to stop bullshitting. You need to be assertive in those areas or it’s going to suck feeling unsatisfied at the end of the day bc you didn’t stand up for yourself. mars in the 6th house and you need to *kim k voice* get off your fucking ass and work. I’m kidding but with mars in the 6th house, don’t be afraid to be assertive in the work place, when setting goals with your body or working out, or just standing up for yourself throughout your daily routine, the day is YOURS so conquer it. Mars in the 7th house, and you need to be direct when you speak to people because when you’re not ppl are just gonna try to twist your words. Mars in the 1st house & sometimes ik it’s nice being humble and being the bigger person but don’t let people play with your accomplishments and image either. Mars in 8th house and assert your needs when it comes to sex and also the way in which you handle your finances. Mars in the 11th house *squints* do NOT LET people try to bully you, especially in group settings when they’re trying to show off so stand ur ground. Mars in the 12th house and do not allow people to project onto you and take their anger out on you, INTERRUPT THEIR ASS MID SENTENCE. You get the gist though.

whereverVenus is in our chart can also show where we are assertive but in a much more “diplomatic” way. This could be where we can silently take note until we have all the pieces together. It’s where we don’t reveal our hand. For example, Venus in the 7th house will watch for peoples reactions and word choice in their relationships. These are the people that can tell others to fuck off and still sound polite. Venus in the 8th house could see right through peoples bullshit and not let on a word but for sure the other person will FEEL it. Venus in the 1st house could be good at pretending like they’re a ditz in a way, like letting other people underestimate them only to then prove them wrong. Venus in the 4th house could make others feel at home, could make them feel comfortable enough to reveal their secrets. These are just examples/ thoughts.

duringAriesmercury transits & mercury-mars aspects in transit you should be very careful with driving. One my friends got in an horrible car accident during a transit where Mars (accidents) was conjunct her natal mercury (cars). she’s okay now though thank god. I’ve also got into an accident during a mercury-uranustransit in my chart but it was also during a mercury retrograde. If you have this in your natal chart, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drive, just take more precaution, same with Pluto or Saturn in the 3rd house. Those with mars-Uranus should be careful when working with machinery, using knives etc, you can easily hurt yourself. I have a Mars-Uranus aspect and I use to work in a restaurant and the amount of times I was near close to chopping a finger off pls.

people with Gemini VenusandMercury-Venusaspects will write the most beautiful and poetic shit and be like oh that? I was just playing like Shut-up and publish the book please.

ppl with Venus in the 10th house could find that people love to take pictures of them or in events they tend to draw in attention, appearing in photos and not even knowing. They could also be very photogenic.

the planets you have in the 12th house can manifest its energy through your dreams. Neptune in the 12h and you could feel like you have dreams that predict the future or can send you warnings. You find hidden messages in your dream. Mars in the 12th house and if you internalize your anger throughout the day you could have violent dreams where you’re fighting and standing up for yourself. Uranus in the 12th house and as you’re falling asleep, you could suddenly have epiphanies. Moon in the 12th house and your emotions could be released at night, you could have dreams of confrontation with someone who hurt you emotionally. You could cry at night as well to release what you held in throughout the day. Sun in the 12th house and you think about how you want to present yourself at night, you lay awake and fall asleep dreaming of how you truly want to represent yourself in your daily life.

speaking of the sun in the 12th house I was reading a book called the 12th house by Karen Hanmaker-Zondag and I was blown away when she stated that someone with a sun in the 12th house could have had a father who was overshadowed or was talked badly about by the mother. In a sense that figure of authority isn’t quite clear in the household. It’s like hello? Whose the adult here? That made so much sense to me!!! I know someone with 12h cancer sun opposite his 6h cap moon and both the son and father are def intimidated more by the mother who puts her foot down.

^ with that logic, Saturn in the 12th house could represent a father figure as well that was talked down badly about the family or called a deadbeat or just been accused of being emotionally or physically absent. Moon in the 12th and your mother could have been talked about a lot. She could have been found intimidating and emotionally absent as well and could have clashed a lot with your father.

In the book, she also recommended that 12th house placements keep a dream journal, which sounds like good advice. She stated, “Insight into and understanding ones dreams can provide powerful support in everyday life. Also in any situation in which we are very relaxed and not under any stress -but receptive and free from the desire to do things- is a good opportunity for experiencing the power of the 12th house.”

I think if you want to do some shadow work and reflection, focusing on the angular houses is important as well (the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house). Looking at your Chiron, Pluto, moon and Saturn placement can also provide you with a lot of insight.

Chiron might make us feel as if we are looking into a broken mirror, where we cannot see what others see. And the separation can be distressing. For instance, with Chiron in the 1st house & no matter how many compliments you receive and how many times you say “thank you,” you feel like you don’t completely comprehend or realize the beauty or greatness they express about you. Chiron in the 9th house might make it feel futile to connect with your culture, religion, or spirituality, as if you will never know “the truth.” Chiron in the 6th house could make you feel confined in your daily routine, as if the universe is making your decisions for you, despite the fact that you have complete control. With Chiron in the 4th house, you may be urgently attempting to restore the relationships in your home and with your family, but you may feel as though nothing will ever change. Wherever Chiron resides, we must be willing to view things differently, even if we are initially skeptical, weary, hurt, or disheartened. Just try anyway, as there is nothing to lose when confronting our deepest pains. We can only learn something from it. Chiron reminds me of the quote, “Face what you’re most afraid of and you will be free.”

Also, I’ve made a post on Scorpio through the houses, how other people can sabotage us & what we should keep private. But without a doubt, looking at the 8th house,whereScorpio is in your chart and Pluto,can also provide insight into our fears. Plutonians(Scorpio placements, 8th house placements, pluto aspecting personal planets) can be very good at self-sabotaging. Speaking from my sun-pluto aspect, sometimes it feels like “well, you don’t have to ruin this for me because I will destroy it myself” energy, especially when I was younger.

cont: I try to note down ways in which I can redirect the energy by looking at the sign, the houses, etc. But sometimes, we just need to learn about what one thing means and start reflecting on it before learning how to cope more healthily. For example, 8th house in Libra, write down and reflect on your fears with partnerships and relationships and your image. Pluto in the 2nd house and what worries do you hold about your confidence, the way you assert yourself, and your relationship with your money. Do you feel like you have to be frugal? Or Scorpio in the 7th house, do you self-sabotage when it comes to your relationships? Scorpio, in the 3rd house, do you focus intensely on finding the more profound meaning in everyone’s words that you forget what’s right in front of you? Believe people when they show you who they are. Again, these are just examples of how it can manifest.

*these were all just random observations, ideas and opinions based on personal experiences. take them with a grain of salt as placements and aspects can manifest themselves in numerous ways.*

-rxmxa ✨
