#zora ideale



Could someone please watch this video for me because I couldn’t get through it without cringing like hell after the most ridiculous of reasons I stopped at the middle point maybe not even that but they were literally saying absolutely ridiculous reasons and from experience I know that they say the same thing over and over again yes they say that he’s not a bad guy but still this is absolutely absurdly ridiculous just how????

I’m gonna bring a point that they brought up and why it sounds retarded that the Faust family and the Zogatis family have known about each other all this time

1. That doesn’t make any sense it’s illogical and was never ever under any circumstances stated to be the case

2. When Dante saw Nacht for the first time he was surprised to know that there was another devil wielder you know just like Julius but anyways

They also decide to bring up a point about how Lucius was the one responsible for Morgan’s death but made it seem like it was Nacht so he felt guilty and did his bidding……….

You see why I couldn’t even continue on with this ridiculous video not only does it devalue his entire story that sounds so fucking ridiculous these fan boys trying to make Lucius the best villain ever for me honestly a villain can be trash as long as the characters are good if the characters are bad I don’t give two fucks about the villain because I know they’re not gonna come out on top anyways whether they kill someone or not I mean if he ends up being right my goodness that be an absolutely awful writing choice because his whole entire character is based on him being the reason for his family’s death that’s why he feels so guilty that’s why he wants to kill himself that’s why he doesn’t value his life and that’s why it needs to take so many people for him to realize maybe I should live. to just make it all one guy’s fault literally makes this entire incredible story nothing it makes everything he goes through pointless he’s suffering his struggles pointless it wasn’t his fault that’s what it will be

The same thing is with the whole entire Zara was killed by Lucius what made Zora’s character so amazing was because he was technically in the moral right but if it was all a huge misunderstanding misconception it literally destroys his entire character makes his struggles pointless makes him coming to terms with I can actually rely on my teammates I can actually believe in royalty and nobility just the good ones it would make all of that completely fucking worthless why do people want to make that happen it sounds horrible let me know what you think if you think they’re right to make Lucius the best villain ever and destroy amazing characters then we just have the opposite opinion I don’t care about Lucius not that much compared to characterization to those stories to those struggles maybe it’s because I suffer from depression but that’s just moving blame what I like about black clover is when it knows that you have to take blame when it’s you’re fault and when it isn’t you’re fault you can blame the people at fault but do not under any circumstances put everyone into one box because that’s just unfair

please Tabata I beg you don’t ruin you’re characters for one villain and even though it’s the final one it won’t be worth it

My coloring of the black bulls welcoming back they’re Mo— uhh I mean they’re Vice Captain 

Sorry I haven’t been doing much of late I’ve just been dealing with more and more depression mood swings so I wasn’t able to do much and I’ve been feeling very lazy and I made the sketch like maybe one week after the actual chapter was out so I had this for quite a while but it’s only now that I started actually coloring it and even though I reset everything I still have everything in my files everything important but even when I reset it it it was already still very glitchy so it is kind of poorly done but despite it all I hope you like it and I hope I start doing more and more colorings


Some recent bc doodles :)

cringeyvanillamilk: If Zara lived and met the Black Bulls! You know he’d embarrass Zora. cringeyvanillamilk: If Zara lived and met the Black Bulls! You know he’d embarrass Zora. cringeyvanillamilk: If Zara lived and met the Black Bulls! You know he’d embarrass Zora. cringeyvanillamilk: If Zara lived and met the Black Bulls! You know he’d embarrass Zora. cringeyvanillamilk: If Zara lived and met the Black Bulls! You know he’d embarrass Zora.


If Zara lived and met the Black Bulls! You know he’d embarrass Zora.

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Zora: Life means suffering until we eventually die.

Finral, concerned: What happened?

Vanessa, rolling her eyes: The coffee machine is broken.

Zora: I’m pretty sure I’m not going to like you…


Zora: It’s nothing personal, I don’t like anybody.

• ; zora ideale header ;

like/reblog if you save.

  • ; zora ideale icons ;
  • like/reblog if you save
My sis pointed out that Zoroark and Zora where quite similar, and I couldn’t get it out of my My sis pointed out that Zoroark and Zora where quite similar, and I couldn’t get it out of my My sis pointed out that Zoroark and Zora where quite similar, and I couldn’t get it out of my My sis pointed out that Zoroark and Zora where quite similar, and I couldn’t get it out of my

My sis pointed out that Zoroark and Zora where quite similar, and I couldn’t get it out of my head so I looked for other pokemon that had similarities and came up with this mashup.

Zora Ideale/ Zoroark

Magna Swing/ Obstagoon.

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Black Clover Monster Concepts.Got bored and made some creature concepts for Black Clover Characters(Black Clover Monster Concepts.Got bored and made some creature concepts for Black Clover Characters(Black Clover Monster Concepts.Got bored and made some creature concepts for Black Clover Characters(Black Clover Monster Concepts.Got bored and made some creature concepts for Black Clover Characters(Black Clover Monster Concepts.Got bored and made some creature concepts for Black Clover Characters(Black Clover Monster Concepts.Got bored and made some creature concepts for Black Clover Characters(Black Clover Monster Concepts.Got bored and made some creature concepts for Black Clover Characters(

Black Clover Monster Concepts.

Got bored and made some creature concepts for Black Clover Characters

(thumbs up if you can guess who’s who :).

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started watching black clover recently, these are some of my favs (Magna being my fav and Zora cominstarted watching black clover recently, these are some of my favs (Magna being my fav and Zora cominstarted watching black clover recently, these are some of my favs (Magna being my fav and Zora cominstarted watching black clover recently, these are some of my favs (Magna being my fav and Zora comin

started watching black clover recently, these are some of my favs (Magna being my fav and Zora coming in second I am also missing Mereoleona in this list, but I also like them all).

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