
 Перемен требуют наши сердца

Перемен требуют наши сердца

Post link


Слава Україні!

My dear kittens and puppies, it might be my last post. But I do hope it’s not and I’ll come back to all of you. The situation right now is difficult. There’s no way now for me or my family to leave the country. My brother Victor was working in UK when the war started, we have no opportunity for now to meet or help each other. Bridges are ruined, Russia is firing by civil evacuating cars, trains, hospitals, houses, people. Yes. Everything’s burning. But we won’t give up! In my city already formed defense among militaries and civils. I’m staying with them. I never wanted war. I never wanted to kill Russians or anybody, I never wanted to make anyone suffer. But I will defense my home.

Thank to all of you! For your support, care, prays, thoughts about us. We had good time here in our safe Sims place. It was the best time. And let’s pray to meet up again.


Россияне! Если вы ещё фоловите мой блог, моя убедительная просьба - НЕ ВЕРЬТЕ Путину, НЕ ВЕРЬТЕ своему СМИ. Они вам лгут! Когда вы боролись за weddingsforeussia вы просили западных симмеров верить вам, тем людям, которые живут в России и лучше знают законы своей страны. Я прошу вас о том же, верьте нам, украинцам. Тем людям, которые прямо сейчас под обстрелом российских оккупантов. Именно так, оккупантов! Нет и никогда не было в Украине никаких фашистов против русского населения! Верьте мне! Я здесь родился и вырос, я - украинец. Я постоянно общался с русскими симмерами, я поддерживал их когда ЕА собиралась не выпускать на территории РФ последний набор. Я никогда не имел ненависти против какой-либо нации, расы, веры И я не один. Я отражаю настроение всей страны. Я повторяю, все, что вы видели, слышали или знали о “фашистах в Украине” это жирный и наглый фейк! Все, что вы видите по своим СМИ про войну России против Украины - ложь! Я не желаю Северной Кореи для России и я надеюсь у вас, русских, будет достаточно смелости и силы победить тоталитаризм!


Українці,@its-adrienpastel, якщо ти живий (Боже, я дуже сподіваюся що ти живий!) це наша земля. Я розумію, ніхто з нас не був готовий до збройного конфлікту. Я ніколи в житті не бачив та не тримав реальної зброї. Але такі часи, ми маємо допомоги тим супер-людям що зараз стримують натиск ворога. Ми не можемо бігти, тож нам залишається лише одне - битися та допомогати бійцям! Чим можна. Якщо дуже страшно - то не заважати нашим захисникам працювати, чекати та молитися у бомбосховищах, домівках. Я залишаюсь у Кривому Розі. Якщо почнуться відкриті бої я зроблю все можливе аби Україна вистояла. Боже, нехай вона вистоїть! Бо іншої нема.

З любов'ю до вас всіх, кошенятки та цуцики,

Ваш полтергейст,


Мирное небо над Украиной. Нет войне!

People around the world ask NATO to close the airspace over Ukraine - Online petition

Взявшие меч мечом погибнутТи, хто взяли меча, від меча і загинуть Нe who took sword, by the sword wi

Взявшие меч мечом погибнут

Ти, хто взяли меча, від меча і загинуть

Нe who took sword, by the sword will perish

*Music playing*

Post link

Stop the war! Я против войны на Украине.

I know Tumblr is less about politics than many other social media, and it will be my first and last post like this. But Tumblr has always been about finding friends and support all over the world, it has always been about raising awareness and speaking your mind. What I want to say is:

Russian people don’t want this war. We hate this war. We hateour president that started this war and the police and security forces and generals and officers who are carrying out his orders.

Ukrainian people have always been close and dear to us, many Russians have relatives and friends in Ukraine. Ukranian people are devoted to their land and to each other, they’re proud of their culture. Ukraine has a right to build its own future as any other country in the world.

We are all horrified and devastated by the fact that our country - the country that suffered so much in the WWII - now has taken the role of the agressor and is invading another free country, mudering its citizens. 

Up to the last minute we didn’t believe it would happen. By “we” I mean not just ordinary people like me, but businessmen, political scientists even politicians.

And now we feel helpless and weak and ashamed.

- Any protests here aren’t allowed (they weren’t allowed before either). Even when mothers and small chilren come with flowers to the Ukranian Embassy. Even if you simply put a “No War” sticker on your bag. The protesting people are arrested in the streets of many Russian cities, beaten up by the police. The conditions of the confinement are inhuman, they can’t get lawyers for days.

- Right now the government is going to issue a new law which says that spreading“fake”information about the actions of Russian army in Ukraine is considered a crime, and those accused of it get up to 15 years of prison. And since we aren’t even allowed to call this ‘operation’ “a war”, that means any sort of talk, any sort of truth will be considered “fake” and therefore “crime”.

- People working in the industry of culture, science, entertainment and so on who are openly speaking against the war and asking to stop it, are being fired, their shows and concerts are cancelled. 

- If you help people from abroad - it’s considered a treason, and you get up to 20 years of prison.

-Independent Media is being closed. All newspapers, channels and radio stations that have been covering the events as they are have been declared “Media acting as foreign agents” like MeduzaorДо///дь and/or simply shut down like Echo of Moscow. Even BBC Russia is expeciencing problems right now! People are reading, people are talking, people can think for themselves, and yet the government thinks they can shut everyone up. Of course, they have means to do it: as the popular political scientist Ekaterina Shulman said: “Putin has enough security forces, and he will find the money for those security forces.”

-Teachers at schools are made to teach students that “Russian army is saving our people in Ukraine”, and other such crap. If they don’t - see the part above. BBC Russia interviewedsome of the many teachers who refused to tell lies to their students, either refusing to raise the topic or telling the truth about the war instead. Some of the teachers even got instructions from their local authorities to ignore the instructions given by the Kremlin.

- Anyway, because of the long-lasting propaganda and the lack of real news, there are still some people who try to defend the so-called “special operation”, but even they can’t shy away from the images of the tragedy caused by our “brave warriors”, and even they can’t deny that this war isn’t something we would want as people or as a country.

With this post I’m not trying to ask you to pity us, we probably don’t deserve it.
I’m not even sure that I have a right to write it because I haven’t been in the streets with the protestors. But at least I can speak and I can write, and soon even that might be taken away

The best I hope to do is to let you know which side we, normal Russian people, are really on. We are want peace.We want friendship.We want progress. We want freedom

 (P.S. Sorry, all the links are in Russian, I had no energy to look for the same articles in English. I’m sure most of you out there have better access to true information than me. And if you’re here and you can read in Russian, it might be useful.)

I have not been online, but I cannot keep silent now.

I am not in Ukraine, I cannot speak on the behalf of the Ukranian people.

I live in Russia.

Today I woke up to find the news about the beginning of war: I was terrified, and then I read about what the citizens of Ukraine woke up to. Being in a region that does not border with Ukraine, I can only imagine the terror of those who are still there.

This is not a war of the countries, this is an invasion of a power-hungry government. The people of Russia don’t want the war. I am ashamed to be living under a “leader” who allows his greed destroy lives, and I am terrified, both for the Ukranian people and for us.

Today, there have been anti-war protests in the Russian cities, more than 1700 people were arrested. The ordinary people do not want this war, we are angry and we are scared.

Please, listen to the voices of the Ukranian citizens, of the Russian citizens, approach the news you find online critically, double-check the facts and do not spread false information.


I did not post anything because I was busy with one project. It was two weeks ago. Since then the reason why I did not post anything has changed. I am shocked and terrified by the current situation in Ukraine. I do not want to spread aggression, threat, anxiety but I also have the urge to express very clearly I am against war (yes, it is war regardless what Russian government says) and I support Ukraine and the whole world.

I am asking anyone who has this opportunity please donate money, clothes, drugs, food to Ukrainians. Anyone in Europe please be kind and patient. Currently there are thousands of refugees are trying to arrive to your countries. Please help as much as you can. Please don’t spread your aggression against innocent people even if they have passports from Russia or Belarus. I am in Warsaw and see how hate against those people in Poland is growing. They do not support their government. They moved to Europe because they wished a better life for themselves and their families. We are living in the dark time so please be kind and smart.

When you attack someone small, defenseless and not threatening, remember - you may not see the whole picture and those who are ready to confront you.

I was inspired by one of my favorite game series Shelter - a few touching and tragic stories about motherhood, the path and self-sacrifice. I made this art like a week ago but I wasn’t sure if it would be the right decision to publish drawings at a time like this. But i want to say by my art that one of the most important things right now is to protect and care for your loved ones.

Русский народ против войны! Нет фашизму и путинизму!

Russians against war in Ukraine!

НЕТ ВОЙНЕ пожалуйста

NO WAR please

Как русский человек, я никогда не желала этого насилия ни сейчас, ни 8 лет назад. Я не хочу быть врагом для моих украинских сестёр и братьев. Давайте жить дружно, пожалуйста.

As a Russian person, I never wanted this violence neither now, nor 8 years ago. I don’t want to be an enemy to my Ukranian sisters and brothers. Let’s live peacefully, please.

— in 2014 russia attacked my homeland and took everything I had. (under the slogan of saving civilians). 8 years later, everything happened again. what is that a freaking “rescue” subscription and how do I cancel it? #stopputin #nowar

Check my twitter, I’m currently sharing useful information about Ukraine there!

Donation links, etc.




I’d like to write a lot of things here, and I have thought for a long time about what I want to say, but honestly? No words would express how I feel…

I prepared this print to help our Brothers somehow. The falcon, viburnum and mallow are some of the national symbols of Ukraine.

You can buy the preorder in our store.


I will be about 16x16 cm, 300 g, satin paper. Shipping worldwide.

100% earnings from this print go to Polish Humanitarian Action: https://www.pah.org.pl/en/ukraine/

I know it’s not much, I would like to do a lot more, but I’m very grateful to the fate, that in such situations quite large following is an useful weapon.

Слава Україні! ✊

There’s already several dozen of orders worth over $600, and I posted it just 2 hours ago, it’s insane! Bless you People, you are great! If you can’t order, just please, spread this post, thank you





polish government has opened a website for ukrainians seeking safety and trying to cross the ukrainian-polish border:


as of 13:10 polish time, it has been said as many people as possible will be let through the borders. they are also supposed to let through children who do not have passports, as to not divide families.

Polish person here, I’ve been on the website, it looks legit! Adding the full link here:

Information is available in Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and English

Please get the help available!

Other people, please boost this!!!!

Gov.pl is a legit website connected to the polish government i use it to look at tax info and school stuff (it has the lessons for the teachers written out) and driving license info. So this is legit!!!

Ukrainian friends, you can also cross the border to Slovakia, with or without a passport, or at least that’s the latest update from our Ministry of Interior. You must prepare yourselves for waiting in lines as they check every individual vehicle upon entering (waiting times according to our news are hours long because of shitty capacities but hopefully after today the officials will figure out a more effective system). If anybody has a link too, I’d be grateful as I haven’t found anything useful prior to adding to the post. I hope you all stay safe.
