
We had a tea ceremony at Boston common today. It was very lovely to be outside, it was kind of warm

We had a tea ceremony at Boston common today. It was very lovely to be outside, it was kind of warm today again but it was very comfortable under the shade and by the water.
Anthony is learning Japanese tea ceremony, and conducted us a very nice one. I always love the creamy fresh matcha and I have a good time with those nice people.
アンソニーさんはお茶をお勉強されています、そして私たちド素人に本格的な茶席を設けて下さいました。外国の方から本国の事を学ぶというのは、なんとも面白い経験。クリーミィな抹茶、美味しいですよね。素敵な人たちを楽しい時間を過ごせて良かったです^^ #bostncommon #teaceremony #matcha #boston #ボストンコモン #お茶席 #お茶会 #抹茶 #ボストン #kimono #japaneseculture #着物 #きもの #和服 #日本文化

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