
Birthday dinner at Top of The Hub was excellent! Delicious food and sparkling night view… I’m so hap

Birthday dinner at Top of The Hub was excellent! Delicious food and sparkling night view… I’m so happy to be a city girl ;)


#birthday #dinner #topofthehub #boston #nightscape #nightview #誕生日 #バースディ #ディナー #夕食 #トップオブザハブ #ボストン

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Idid this St. Patrick’s day theme kimono display at work for March! お店でセントパトリックスディの着物コーデディスプレイ

Idid this St. Patrick’s day theme kimono display at work for March!


#stpatricksday #kimono #display #boston #tokai #着物 #きもの #ディスプレイ #マサチューセッツ #ボストン #コーデ

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A week ago last Friday, Brian went to a fish market and bought us nice lobstahs, and steamed them at

A week ago last Friday, Brian went to a fish market and bought us nice lobstahs, and steamed them at home. Those guys would be very pricey at a restaurant but what you should do is to cook yourself :) It was no doubt, delicious!!先々週の金曜日は、仕事後にフィッシュマーケットへ寄ってくれた旦那様がロブスタァゲットして帰ってきました。蒸した身がプリップリで最高❤お味噌も、しっかりバケットに付けていただいたけど、どちらも女の子で卵もたっぷり、濃厚だけどカニより臭くない感じ。レストランだときっともっとお高いので、これはもう自分たちで買って料理するのが一番やな!とテンション上がった私は年甲斐もなく舌出して記念写真。うぇーい #lobster #lobstah #boston #massachusetts #seafood #dinner #tooyummy #yum #ロブスター #ボストン #マサチューセッツ #シーフード #魚介 #ディナー #晩ごはん

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Saturday Dinner at Park Restaurant & Bar. The muscles were with fresh sage and it was a great fl

Saturday Dinner at Park Restaurant & Bar. The muscles were with fresh sage and it was a great flavor. Duck spring rolls were okay, and we went there for the famous patty melt but ended up ordering a ram meat pie. The pie was not very special but the corn bread on the side was amazing! It tasted like more pudding than a bread and I thought it could be a dessert, mmmm. 

土曜日の晩ごはん、パークレストラン&バー。 ムール貝はフレッシュセージが使ってあり、とっても爽やかなお味、スープも濃くなくてゴクゴク飲めそうでした(実際貝殻使って飲みました)。ダック春巻きはまぁまぁ、そしてパティメルトを食べようと行ったのに、今日のおススメのラムミートパイをオーダー。パイはそれほど特別ではなかったけど、サイドのコーンブレッドが激ウマでした。パンというよりプリンみたい、デザートにボール一杯ただ行きたいくらい美味しかったです。次回行ったときはこのコーンブレッド、おねだりしたいと思います。 

 (atPark Restaurant & Bar)

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After Beacon Hill window shopping, headed to the Langham to enjoy afternoon tea. Last time we had on

After Beacon Hill window shopping, headed tothe Langham to enjoy afternoon tea. Last time we had one was about 3 years ago in London, it was fun and this time was also excellent. The sweets was not the most special ones but the crab puffs and scones were fabulous!! I have a list of afternoon tea places, can’t wait to try all of them soon :) 


#thelangham #boston #afternoontea #crabpuffs #ランガム #ボストン #アフタヌーンティ #カニ

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We had a tea ceremony at Boston common today. It was very lovely to be outside, it was kind of warm

We had a tea ceremony at Boston common today. It was very lovely to be outside, it was kind of warm today again but it was very comfortable under the shade and by the water.
Anthony is learning Japanese tea ceremony, and conducted us a very nice one. I always love the creamy fresh matcha and I have a good time with those nice people.
アンソニーさんはお茶をお勉強されています、そして私たちド素人に本格的な茶席を設けて下さいました。外国の方から本国の事を学ぶというのは、なんとも面白い経験。クリーミィな抹茶、美味しいですよね。素敵な人たちを楽しい時間を過ごせて良かったです^^ #bostncommon #teaceremony #matcha #boston #ボストンコモン #お茶席 #お茶会 #抹茶 #ボストン #kimono #japaneseculture #着物 #きもの #和服 #日本文化

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Went to Kimono weekend day 1. The special guest was Kento Itoh who has traveled many countries in hi

Went to Kimono weekend day 1.
The special guest was Kento Itoh who has traveled many countries in his yukata to learn and think about other cultures and environment.
I actually didn’t really know the main event was to learn how to wear yukata, so I went there in my kimono, but had a great time with all the people who are interested in Japanese traditional clothing and culture.
# culturalexchange #kimono #yukata #boston #massachusetts #異文化交流 #着物 #浴衣 #ボストン #マサチューセッツ

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