
We had a tea ceremony at Boston common today. It was very lovely to be outside, it was kind of warm

We had a tea ceremony at Boston common today. It was very lovely to be outside, it was kind of warm today again but it was very comfortable under the shade and by the water.
Anthony is learning Japanese tea ceremony, and conducted us a very nice one. I always love the creamy fresh matcha and I have a good time with those nice people.
アンソニーさんはお茶をお勉強されています、そして私たちド素人に本格的な茶席を設けて下さいました。外国の方から本国の事を学ぶというのは、なんとも面白い経験。クリーミィな抹茶、美味しいですよね。素敵な人たちを楽しい時間を過ごせて良かったです^^ #bostncommon #teaceremony #matcha #boston #ボストンコモン #お茶席 #お茶会 #抹茶 #ボストン #kimono #japaneseculture #着物 #きもの #和服 #日本文化

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I’ve heard that gata shoes are very warm. I wasn’t really sure what that means, but it i

I’ve heard that gata shoes are very warm. I wasn’t really sure what that means, but it is!! You feel the ice cold floor when you step on it even if you wear thick socks but probablly the wood insulates much better than wool or rubber. After a bath I feel like even the geta keeps my feet warm.

どなたかのブログか記事で、下駄は温かいと言うのを読んだので、オールフローリングで靴下履いても寒い霜焼けになりやすい足を守るため、履かない下駄を部屋履きに。そしたたほんと、分厚いソックスやビーサンより確実に温かい!! 木って断熱パワー凄いのねと感服致しました。お風呂あがりも足の温もりを保ってくれてる気がします。素晴らしい履き物下駄!!

#geta #japan #japaneseculture #greatinsulation #下駄 #履き物 #日本 #日本文化 #断熱 #快適 #粋

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別府 大分県

Hit Parade Club

This is a live music house which is loved by locals and has 35years history.

Reminds me of Showa era.

Everybody gets so excited!♬

Beppu, Oita





This sizzling sound is irresistible.

Sometimes I really crave Okonomiyaki…

Yumetake 湯雨竹

Bamboo cooling system to cool hot spring.

No adding water to cool the boiling spring water, so you can enjoy soaking in the pure hot spring. It is called “Gensen-kakenagashi”.

500yen for 30minutes, Private

This is heaven ♨️

Yamada-bessou, Beppu



これが 「源泉掛け流し」


30分500円 貸切

山田別荘 別府

Kwaidan / 怪談 Meitei is a Japanese artist who started out as a freelance composer, making various kinKwaidan / 怪談 Meitei is a Japanese artist who started out as a freelance composer, making various kinKwaidan / 怪談 Meitei is a Japanese artist who started out as a freelance composer, making various kin

Kwaidan / 怪談 

Meitei is a Japanese artist who started out as a freelance composer, making various kinds of music across genres. Having done it for 8 years, his goal was to eventually release his own original music.

Living in Kyoto for the past two years has deeply influenced his current sound, which is a focus on musically crafting a “Japanese mood” called Meitei (冥丁) (thus, his name). Rich in history, Meitei wanted to borrow this lost “Japanese mood” and incorporate a contemporary spin on it. This led to the creation of Kwaidan (怪談).

Kwaidan is a style of Japanese ghost stories. Meitei took it as a challenge of his skill as a musician to transpose the folklore into intricate compositions, capturing this lost “Japanese mood”.

“The shocking elements in the horror have become a staple. It’s functions as entertainment. But I personally felt the mood and ambience from Kwaidan is starting to wither – while the darkness is scary, the beauty is in the curious spirit”

Kwaidan was originally released in January 2018. Evening Chants is pleased to be re-issuing this exceptionally crafted piece of work on cassette tape.

And this time the bonus track “Tsukumo / 九十九” has been added. This track was created by capturing Tsukumo-gami / 付喪神 / 九十九神 which is also an old god of folklore in Japan. Taste this, too!

Follow meitei instagram

Follow meitei soundcloud

Evening Chants band camp

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