

So this is a great thing to say when you are giving a speech if you are going to be working in a Korean business. 

Lets take a look at some examples.

저는 조만간 아시아 지역에서 영업을 시작하게 될 것을 알려 드리게 되어 기쁩니다.

I am pleased to announce that we will soon begin operating in Asia

저는 테리 레이가 생산 및 마케팅 전무이사를 맡게 된 것을 알리게 되어 아주 기쁩니다.

I am very pleased to announce that Terry Ray has taken  on the role of Executive Director of Production  and Marketing

존댓말 어휘: Formal Vocab

영업 - Business

조만간: Soon 

생산: Production

마케팅: Marketing

전무이사 : Executive director

을/를 맡다 (1): accept a role of / take on the role of.

맡다 also has other meanings but we will get on to that later


[Credit to Naver Dictonary]

This one is used to explain the situation of something that you did in the past/will do later on/ or are doing/. it is similar to even though ( I don’t know what your reasons are ! X) )

제가 1년동안 한국에서 살기는 했지만 아직도 한국말을 잘 못해요
I have lived in Korea for a year but I still can’t speak korean .

서울 항공원 (비행기표) 는 비싸기는 하겠지만 살거에요
The plane ticket to seoul is expensive but I will buy it.

저는 한국 사람이기는 하지만 김치를 먹기 싫어요 I am korean but I hate to eat kimchi.

- 강태빈
