

안녕하세요 여러분! Today I have a new kind of lesson for you all: it’s about Hanja! If you don’t know what Hanja is, it’s “Chinese characters borrowed from Chinese and incorporated into the Korean language with Korean pronunciation,” according to Korean Wiki Project. Korean words that feature the same borrowed character often have a shared meaning of some sort, which is why Hanja is good to know! If you know the meaning of one word with a character, you might be able to figure out another word with the same character without even using a dictionary! 

To start this series of lessons, I wanted to start with the character 최; I got an ask about some words starting with it and thought it’d be helpful to make a short lesson about it :) I’m also going to post this on my Instagram soon as well, so go check it out there too! Let’s start!


I hope this short list of words has been helpful – let me know what you think and if you’d like to see more of these! Maybe in the future I can break down the entire word – instead of just explaining what 최 means, for instance, I can explain what 애 means too, for example. Lmk your thought! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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Some of these styles are difficult to describe, so if my description doesn’t make sense, google image search should make it clear.

생머리, straight hair

곱슬머리, curly hair

층을 내다, to get layers

머리를 다듬다, to trim hair

Men’s styles (남성헤어스타일)

바가지머리, a bowl cut

까까머리, a buzz cut

이대팔, a man’s haircut which is parted to the side (the ratio is 2:8)

오대오, a man’s haircut which is parted in the middle (the ratio is 5:5)

댄디컷, a man’s haircut which is long with bangs

투블록, a man’s haircut which is shaved underneath and longer on top

맥가이버 머리, a mullet

울프컷, a short mullet

대머리/삭발, bald

반삭머리, hair that is very short (but longer than a buzz cut)

리젠트, the pompadour 

올백, slicked-back hair

드레드록스, dreadlocks

Women’s Styles (여성헤어스타일)

단발머리,  a bob

숏컷, a boy cut 

파마/펌, a perm

똥머리/당고머리, a bun

만두머리, two buns on side of head

양갈래머리/삐삐머리/트윈테일, pigtails

옆가르마, side part (가르마 means part)

올림머리, an up-do

땋은머리, braided hair

디스코머리, french braided hair

히메컷, hair with choppy side layers

벼머리, a small braid which is braided into the rest of the hair

포니테일, a ponytail

꽁지머리, a low ponytail

사과머리, one small lock of hair tied up on the top of the head (to look like the stem of an apple)

반머리, half of the hair tied up at the back of the head

아줌마파마, the classic curly perm that Korean ajummas often have

Bangs (앞머리/뱅)

일자앞머리, straight bangs

쉼표머리, bangs that curl to the side (like a comma)

여신앞머리, long bangs parted to each side down the middle

시스루 뱅 앞머리, thin see-through bangs

처피뱅, choppy bangs

깻잎머리, side bangs which are pinned to the side of the head (to create a shape that looks like a leaf)

hi everyone

~ 정황이 포착되다, to be caught/discovered

산하기관, affiliated organization

사표를 내다, hand in one’s resignation

헌신적인 사랑, selfless(devoted) love

정의롭다, righteous

활력소, the lifeblood/zest of smth

파티의 활력소, the life of the party

무산되다, fail//fall apart

적격자, a qualified person/a qualified candidate

돌연, suddenly/unexpectedly

일련의, a series of

품성, character

품성의 좋은/착한 사람, a person of good character

품성에 -를 심다, to instill – in one’s character

도덕적 품성, moral character

품성을 도야하다, to build character

비천하다, humble/lowly

비천한 배경, a humble (ie poor) background

비천한 출신의 사람, a person of humble beginnings

비천한 가문 출신, a humble family background

Recently I have been interested in the military draft system in Korea, so I wrote a small explanation of some of it and am leaving it here :) In Korea I often met people who did special work instead of military service, or had exemptions for various reasons I didn’t completely understand. So I did some research, and it’s pretty interesting, in my opinion.

Draft Assignment

This conscription system is called a 징병제, and the military service is called 병역. Those who are drafted either get drafted into active duty(현역), or into non-active duty. Being drafted into active duty is referred to as 징집, while being drafted into another service is called 소집. Those non-active duty services include the reserve(예비역) and what is referred to as ‘supplemental duty’ (보충역) which includes a variety of alternative services (대체복무).

Those in active service go into the army (육군) or the marine corps (해병) for 21 months, the navy (해군) for 23 months, or the air force (공군) for 24 months.

The types of 대체복무 are as follows:

1.     공익근무요원 Public Interest Service Personnel

2.     국제협력봉사요원 International Cooperation Personnel

3.     예술·체육요원 Arts and Sports Personnel

4.     산업기능요원 Skilled Industrial Personnel

5.     전문연구요원 Technical Research Personnel

6.     국제협력의사 International Cooperation Doctor

7.     공익법무관 Public Service Advocate

8.     공중보건의사 Public Health Doctor

9.     징병전담의사 Draft Physical Doctor (ie, a doctor who gives draftees physical examinations)

1&2 serve for 24 months, 3&4 serve for 34 months, and 5~9 serve for 36 months.

Obviously, those who qualify to do service in these special 대체복무 categories are exceptional, highly-skilled individuals. The most hotly-contested among them is the 예술·체육요원 category which applies to athletes who receive any Olympic medal, athletes who win gold at the Asian Games or other major sport events, artists who win first or second place in specific art contests and artists who receive education in intangible cultural artifacts (traditional Korean music, dance, etc). The reasoning behind giving special treatment to these athletes are artists is simple: they deserve exemption because they have done amazing feats to bring glory to Korea and Korean cultural on an international scale. But why does that reasoning apply to some artists and not others? A Korean idol group ranking first on the Billboard Artist 100 chart also brings glory to Korea on an international scale, and yet those idols don’t receive special treatment in regards to military service. So fans are understandably upset about the nonsensical reasoning behind this particular law.

There are seven levels of health one can receive in the initial physical examination. Those ranked 1~3 go to 현역, and 4 to 보충역. High schools dropouts (or those who didn’t attend high school at all) go to 보충역 even if they are ranked 1~3.

Those who rank 5 receive “time-of war” status (전시근로역) also known as “second eligible conscription status” (제2국민역), which means that they receive exemption and would only be drafted in the case that an emergency mobilization order is sent out at a time of war. Those in this category only need to undergo civil defense training (민방위 훈련) and not the official military training.

Anyone who ranks 6 or lower (ie, is in very poor health) receives exemption and does not need to undergo any training at all.

The other special circumstances for receiving an exemption from military service (면제) or eligibility for 전시근로역/보충역 are as follows:

1. 생계유지 곤란사유: Those who have a certain number of dependents they must take care of > 전시근로역

2. 수형사유: Those who are convicts > 전시근로역

3. 고아사유: Those whose parents died before the age of 13 and had no other family to care of them, or otherwise spent 5+ years living in an orphanage facility > 전시근로역

4. 귀화자 사유: Those who became naturalized in another country > 전시근로역

5. 전.공상자 가족: Those who have a parent or sibling who died in battle or suffered an injury in battle ranked 6 or higher in severity > 6 months in 보충역

6. 성전환자: Those who’ve had sex-reassignment surgery > 전시근로역

7. 군사분계선 이북지역 이주 사유: Those who live north of the Military Demarcation Line > 면제

8. 질병/심신장애: Those who have a serious disease and/or a mental or physical disorder > 면제

Draft Evasion (병역비리)

Those who refuse to go to the military for moral reasons are called conscientious objectors (양심적 병역 거부자) and are sent to prison for 3+ years, making them eligible for 전시근로역 as convicts. Some argue that people with religious objections to violence should receive exemption from the draft without being sent to prison, but alas, this is a difficult exemption to create because anyone who doesn’t want to go to the military for any reason at all could use it under the guise of fabricated moral outrage.

There are also those who go out of their way to evade military service through deceptive means. This ranges from forging documents, pulling out one’s teeth, eating oneself into obesity, faking addictions/mental health problems, purposefully damaging tendons/ligaments/bones etc. 

I highly recommend this article about how Korean celebrities who had draft evasion scandals suffered a bigger hit on their reputation (and went to prison longer) than those who had scandals related to sexual misconduct, drugs, gambling and drunk driving. Basically, being a draft evader is one of the worst things you can do as a Korean celebrity (or any Korean person). 


징병(제), draft/conscription 

병역, military service

징집, conscription into active duty

소집, conscription into non-active duty

군대에 징집되다, to be drafted into the military

현역, active-duty

육군, army

해병, marine corps

해군, navy

공군, air force

입영하다, to enter into service

퇴역하다, to retire from the military

예비군, the reserves

징병검사, draft physical

이등병: private

상등병: corporal

병장: sergeant

병역면제: exemption from military service

병적제적: removal from military register

민방위 훈련: civil defense training

양심적병역거부: contentious objection

병역비리: draft evasion  

안심시키다, to reassure

황당한 발상, an absurd idea

처지를 바꾸다

빈발하다, to be frequent

호응하다, respond positively to smth

격리, quarantine

실효성이 없다, useless/ineffective

방역, prevention

박탈감, deprivation

재발방지, prevention of reoccurance

짚어내다, figure out/pick out/capture

탁상공론, an armchair argument (an argument with no real feasibility)

불신, distrust

틀어막다, shut/plug

총력, all of one’s energy/strength

암시장, black market

뇌사자, brain-dead patient

골수, bone marrow

각막, cornea

췌장, pancreas

미온적, lukewarm

밀수꾼, smuggler

신부전, kidney failure

장기이식대기자, patients waiting for an organ transplant 

금품을 수수하다, to receive money (in exchange for smth else)

취직을 알선하다, help sm1 get a job

비밀리에, secretly

공공연히, overtly

밀거래하다, to traffic/smuggle smth

은어, slang/jargon

공갈, extortion/intimidation

사형수, a convict on death row

절취하다, steal/take out

헌혈/매혈: donating blood/selling blood

콩팥: kidney (pure Korean)

신용불량자, a person with bad credit history

추궁하다, to interrogate sm1

급전이 필요하다, to need a large sum of money quickly

쓸개, gall bladder

위조되다, to be false/forged



Imagine you hear some unfortunate news, and you feel a jolt feeling in your heart (almost like lightning struck your heart). You may feel uncetain and scared about what happened or what may happen next. This idiom can also be translated into a similar meaning to “one’s heart sinks” and can also be seen used like 가슴이 철렁 내려 앉다.

Example sentences:
1. 고향에 태풍이 온다는 소식을 듣고 가슴이 철렁했어요. I was shocked (with fear) when I heard a typhoon was headed for my hometown.
2. 헤어지자는 그녀의 말에 가슴이 철렁 내려앉았어요.  My heart sank when she said we should split up.
3. 제 할아버지가 응급실에 실려간다는 소식을 듣고 가슴이 철렁했어요. I was shocked when I heard my grandfather is being rushed to the emergency rooom.

-고향: Hometown
-태풍: Typhoon/hurricane
-소식: News
-헤어지다: To break up
-응급실에 실려가다: To be rushed to the emergency room

사회적 거리두기 – social distancing
마스크 착용 – wearing a mask
마스크 미착용 – not wearing a mask
(손) 소독제 – hand sanitizer 
확진자 – confirmed patient (someone who’s tested positive)
검사 – test
음성 – negative
양성 – positive
격리 – quarantine
재택근무 – working from home
밀접 접촉 – close contact
비접촉식 체온계 – contactless thermometer

So this is a great thing to say when you are giving a speech if you are going to be working in a Korean business. 

Lets take a look at some examples.

저는 조만간 아시아 지역에서 영업을 시작하게 될 것을 알려 드리게 되어 기쁩니다.

I am pleased to announce that we will soon begin operating in Asia

저는 테리 레이가 생산 및 마케팅 전무이사를 맡게 된 것을 알리게 되어 아주 기쁩니다.

I am very pleased to announce that Terry Ray has taken  on the role of Executive Director of Production  and Marketing

존댓말 어휘: Formal Vocab

영업 - Business

조만간: Soon 

생산: Production

마케팅: Marketing

전무이사 : Executive director

을/를 맡다 (1): accept a role of / take on the role of.

맡다 also has other meanings but we will get on to that later


[Credit to Naver Dictonary]
