#15 prompt challenge

  1. A finds a stray animal and brings it home, B is allergic so C helps A hide the animal until B finally catches them after sneezing for a week
  2. A is a Marvel fan and B is a DC fan, C doesn’t care either way and always mixes them up
  3. A is asexual, B is aromantic, and C is demi, and they have a happy healthy partnership 
  4. A falls instantly for C while B is interested in C but needs to be wooed still
  5. A and B have to explain to C why they never get to drive, optional: C drives wildly, speeding/running lights/etc or drives too slow/cautious
  6. A has a history of severe nightmares, B knows how to calm A down but is out of town, C has to try for the first time alone
  7. It’s A’s birthday but B and C both forgot until the last second, B distracts A while C sneaks out to get a gift
  8. A is always up late with work related things, one night A falls asleep and B and C have to fumble through getting the work done for them
  9. A is babysitting but has to go somewhere unexpectedly, leaving the baby with B and C who have little/no experience with babies 
  10. A helped color B’s hair but it was a disaster and C has to comfort them both while fixing it
  11. A’s glasses broke while they were reading a really good part of their book, B and C offer to read it to them, switching out between characters and making silly voices
  12. A has a secret fear (like of clowns/spiders/heights/etc), B and C don’t know and accidentally freak out A with their fear
  13. A’s never seen the ocean but wants to, B hates the ocean but agrees to go anyways, A and C swim and make sand castles while B naps on a blanket 
  14. A cuts their finger while preparing dinner, B panics and wants to go to the hospital, C calms B down and deals with A’s injury 
  15. A only has money for two tickets to an event all three of them love, so A and B have to sneak C inside 
  1. Pumpkin spice
  2. Falling leaves
  3. Hot cocoa
  4. Mittens
  5. Pumpkin patch/field 
  6. Scarfs
  7. Leaf pile
  8. Hay ride
  9. Scare crow/Corn field
  10. Hoodie
  11. Fireplace
  12. Harvest/yellow moon
  13. Bonfire
  14. Candy/Candy corn
  15. Apple cider
  1. “You sold me out?!”
  2. “What do you mean “maybe”? It was a yes or no question!”
  3. “If you say that one more time, you’ll hope for death.”
  4. “No no, your hair looks…unique. It’s okay, I’m sure we can fix it!”
  5. “It’s just a frog, why are you so scared?”
  6. “I’m just saying, if anyone could do it, it’d be me. That’s not cocky!”
  7. “If I’m an idiot, what’s that make you?”
  8. “I didn’t know you could make a flower crown.”
  9. “You can’t just strap a paper horn on a dog and say it’s a unicorn!”
  10. “I’m not crying, it’s just dusty in here, stop looking at me.” 
  11. “Lavender? Plum? Violet? They’re all purple!”
  12. “It’s not only for kids just because it’s a kid’s movie!”
  13. “Trust me, I know exactly what I’m doing. Mostly.”
  14. “Your’re not listening to anything, your headphones are unplugged!”
  15. “Did you just eat that flower?”