#15 writing prompts

  1. “I thought you knew.”
  2. “This was the best day ever.”
  3. “I can’t believe you’re back here.”
  4. “I felt bad so I got up and made you breakfast.” 
  5. “Can we start this whole day over?”
  6. “Of course I’m right, I’m always right.”
  7. “I wasn’t late, a cat tried to kill me and made me late!”
  8. “You nearly killed me, tell me how that’s not a big deal.”
  9. “I’m not stuck, just help me.”
  10. “But that’s my favorite shirt!”
  11. “To be honest, I really hate how this tastes.” 
  12. “Your music sucks and you suck, get over it.”
  13. “We can, you know, go together if that’s a thing you’d like.”
  14. “I’m not sorry, this isn’t an apology, I’m just being nice so you shut up!”
  15. “Alright, I lied, I’m not in a band. But I do think you’re cute!”
  1. A finds a stray animal and brings it home, B is allergic so C helps A hide the animal until B finally catches them after sneezing for a week
  2. A is a Marvel fan and B is a DC fan, C doesn’t care either way and always mixes them up
  3. A is asexual, B is aromantic, and C is demi, and they have a happy healthy partnership 
  4. A falls instantly for C while B is interested in C but needs to be wooed still
  5. A and B have to explain to C why they never get to drive, optional: C drives wildly, speeding/running lights/etc or drives too slow/cautious
  6. A has a history of severe nightmares, B knows how to calm A down but is out of town, C has to try for the first time alone
  7. It’s A’s birthday but B and C both forgot until the last second, B distracts A while C sneaks out to get a gift
  8. A is always up late with work related things, one night A falls asleep and B and C have to fumble through getting the work done for them
  9. A is babysitting but has to go somewhere unexpectedly, leaving the baby with B and C who have little/no experience with babies 
  10. A helped color B’s hair but it was a disaster and C has to comfort them both while fixing it
  11. A’s glasses broke while they were reading a really good part of their book, B and C offer to read it to them, switching out between characters and making silly voices
  12. A has a secret fear (like of clowns/spiders/heights/etc), B and C don’t know and accidentally freak out A with their fear
  13. A’s never seen the ocean but wants to, B hates the ocean but agrees to go anyways, A and C swim and make sand castles while B naps on a blanket 
  14. A cuts their finger while preparing dinner, B panics and wants to go to the hospital, C calms B down and deals with A’s injury 
  15. A only has money for two tickets to an event all three of them love, so A and B have to sneak C inside 
  1. Person A is an immortal and finally found out B was reincarnated but doesn’t remember them
  2. A’s an ER nurse/doctor and B comes in with a minor injury but is freaking out/afraid of medical devices
  3. A works at a soup kitchen and mistook B for a person in need
  4. A found a number in a library book and it turns out B’s friend left it there as a prank
  5. A bumped into B’s car and thinks B is really injured when B is just really taken by A and asks for a date to make them even
  6. A keeps going to B’s apartment by mistake to visit a friend, it’s not always an accident
  7. A stole a car and halfway down the road B wakes up in the backseat
  8. A and B are rivals in an online game, meet by chance in person and recognize each other’s voices
  9. A angrily drunk texts B by mistake thinking it was their ex
  10. A accidentally ran over B’s toes while on a skateboard/bike/scooter/etc
  11. A dies but B is still alive so A’s ghost acts as a guardian angel until B dies and they meet up again
  12. A took B’s prescription glasses by mistake and now B is blindly trying to give chase to get them back 
  13. A is Santa/Easter bunny/etc at a mall photo shoot and B’s brought in a kid for pictures, A awkwardly tries to hit on B without alerting/traumatizing the children
  14. A stole B’s camera but after looking at the pictures A feels bad and decides to track B down to give it back
  15. A’s cat just chased B’s dog and now the owners have to catch them before they get lost, optional: the owners blame each other/each other’s pets
  1. April fools
  2. Tree blossoms
  3. Allergies
  4. Easter
  5. “April showers”
  6. Spring cleaning
  7. Rained out picnic/BBQ
  8. Blooming flowers 
  9. Spring break
  10. Pastels
  11. Melting snow
  12. Fresh green grass
  13. Exams
  14. Lemonade/iced tea
  15. Twitterpated
  1. Forehead kiss
  2. Cheek kiss
  3. Nose kiss
  4. Back of hand kiss
  5. Fingertips kiss
  6. Collarbone kiss
  7. Shoulder kiss
  8. Spine kiss
  9. Throat kiss
  10. Stomach kiss
  11. Bellybutton kiss
  12. Hipbone kiss
  13. Outer thigh kiss
  14. Inner thigh kiss
  15. Pelvic bone kiss
  1. Water balloon fight
  2. Video game tournament
  3. Making lunch
  4. Pet sitting
  5. Formal dance/ball
  6. In the hospital
  7. Playing it cool after an embarrassing moment
  8. Arguing over a board/card game
  9. Movie marathon
  10. Dancing at a nightclub/rave
  11. Visiting home
  12. Lost in the dark
  13. Running from danger
  14. Doubling on a bike/motorcycle
  15. Learning something stereotypically for opposing gender 