#1970s cinema

Klute 1971 Alan J Pakula East German poster

Alan J Pakula
East German poster

Post link
Puzzle of a downfall child1970Director Jerry Schatzberg

Puzzle of a downfall child


Director Jerry Schatzberg

Post link

James Bond

Paring: Cliff Booth x fem! Reader

Warnings:smut, unprotected sex, subtle praise kink, oral (m receiving), older guy young girl trope

Summary:Whose idea was it to hire a stunt double as a lead? It was an utterly awful, unfathomable idea. That was, until you got to know this mysterious lead… then, things become so much more.

Word Count:6.1k


As a child in Los Angeles, all I ever wanted to be was a movie star. There was something endearing about watching people move on television and knowing that every step, twirl, kiss, and line was meticulously planned.

They made it look so natural, as if they came up with it on the fly.

I wished I could be like them. I wanted to accomplish what they could with minimal effort. I desired to be interviewed by a handsome man who would inquire as to how I was able to do what I do. I remember lying on my aunt’s hardwood floor as she’s the only one in the family with a television. My stomach pressed against the ground, twirling my hair in my fingers as my gaze wandered over the familiar faces dancing across the screen.

Movies are an untapped market that will undoubtedly boom in the coming decades. I wanted to be a part of the revolution. I aspired to be a forerunner. I wanted to be remembered as an influential woman who had a significant impact on cinema for decades after my death.

Now I found myself in the 1970s. An era that will be remembered for its fashion, dances, and phenomenal impact on cinema. Bond movies were at an all-time high, and the stereotype of womanizers was in full swing.

“Cliff Booth?!”

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Cliff Booth?! I tightened my grip on the poor piece of paper, causing it to crinkle under my grip.

“But… he’s a stunt double?!”

“Well ever since he beat up those hippies that broke into Rick Dalton’s house his name has gained quite a bit of traction in Hollywood.”

The director spoke with a country accent that was thicker than tar. He was well-versed in the land of westerns, and I had no doubt that this casting was at least partially his idea.

I scoffed. He was joking, right?

“Oh come on David… he’s a sorry sack of shit and we both know it…”

David took a long drag on his cigarette before tossing it to the floor and crushing it under his boot, twisting the embers into the dry ground.

“Y/N, you know the whole womanizer idea is hot shit right now…”

“There’s thousands of studs in Hollywood, David… Thousands of studs who are also good actors.”

I crumpled the paper into a ball and tossed it to the ground below me. Our attention was drawn to the paper ball, which we followed with our eyes until it stood motionless on the dusty ground.

“He better keep his shit together…”

I tried to come across as intimidating by speaking through my teeth and straightening my back. Unfortunately, my efforts were not fruitful, and David saw right through me.

The bright California sun glinted off his blue irises as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest in over exaggerated annoyance.

“Y/N… he’s a professional-”

“They say he killed his own wife!”

“I do not give two shits about what my actors do off set!… Frankly, as long as they’re able to give one hundred fifty percent in front of the camera they’re considered gold in my book.”

I rolled my eyes, chewing on my bottom lip in an attempt to keep from losing my cool.

This was a completely ridiculous idea. Casting a stunt double as an attractive, romantic, womanizer lead was a ludicrous notion.

I swallowed my rage and crossed my arms over my chest, digging my dull nails into my biceps until my brain forced me to stop due to the assault on my nerves. The pain was harsh, but it successfully distracted my mind from the problem at hand for mere moments.

“Look Y/N… you’re young-”

“I’m not a rookie.”

“I never said you were… But I’ve been in this business for longer than you’ve been alive and I assure you I know what I am doing.”

I despised how every man over 30 addressed me as if I were a complete moron who didn’t know their right from their left. I wasn’t an idiot. I’ve been in the industry for a few years now, and I make it a point to learn everything I can before diving into something new.

I know exactly what I’m doing.

I simply bit back my rage. I couldn’t let a single bad decision ruin my chances of making it big.

“Couldn’t you have at least gotten Rick Dalton?… I mean, he’s ancient and practically insignificant nowadays but at least he can act.”

David grimaced. In his youth, he was a big fan of Bounty Law, and hearing me, an inexperienced idiot, bash his favorite actor damaged a very important part of himself.

“Rick Dalton is a cowboy… Not a womanizer… Plus, I’m sure he’s busy.”

“What does Cliff Booth have that the thousands of super talented Hollywood hunks don’t?”

David tilted his head slightly forward.

“He’s an untapped market… people know him as Rick Dalton’s stunt double but if he’s also good as an actor…”

David smirked and nodded devilishly, raising a finger.

“Well… then that’s a conversation piece.”

He dropped his arm, returning it to its original position across his chest.

“Besides… he’s got a look that could make all of us filthy rich.”

I pursed my lips.

“Sure… whatever.”

“Just do the goddamn movie with him. I don’t give a shit if you two never speak to each other after we wrap this up but at least act like you’re interested.”

“Well… that is my job.”

David chuckled, a crooked smile forming on his face.

“Cliff will be here soon… Be on your best behavior.”

I rolled my eyes nonchalantly.

“Whatever… I’ll be in my trailer if you need me.”

I said my goodbyes and made my way across the small trailer lot to my new home. Because the cast of this film was small, only a few trailers were required to accompany the small number of cast members.

As usual, the California weather was pleasant. The sun was warm but not oppressive. The gentle breezes that blew through the city were the perfect breath of fresh air in the midst of a hectic day.

The weather here was always perfect.

The sun glistened off the side of my metal trailer, reflecting directly into my eyes and forcing me to cover my face with the back of my hand to protect my retinas from the rays.

As I flung open the door to my trailer, a particularly cool breath of fresh air tousled my hair. I sighed heavily, my chest collapsing.

Let’s hope he doesn’t screw this up.

I mean, who’s idea was it to cast a stunt double as the lead role?


In a temporary fit of rage, I slammed the door shut. A loud bang erupted, shaking the entire trailer.

“I swear if he messes this up for me…”

I clenched my teeth. This was going to be my big break. This movie was going to be a huge hit! A spicy romance film about a womanizer man and a younger girl would undoubtedly make waves in Hollywood, especially with the Bond universe reaching an all time high.

I’d be right in the thick of it. People will be talking about this movie for decades to come. How it was technically incorrect, how it was messed up in so many ways, but they’d go home and watch it anyway. Because it would be impossible to deny that they’re tempted.

David made a wise choice in giving me a chance. But a stunt double? He’s only good for jumping off horses and trying not to get hurt!

I take a deep breath and close my eyes to enjoy the sensation of sweet oxygen filling my lungs. David is not a moron. Cliff will be fine, I’m sure. I couldn’t let a minor inconvenience derail my promising career.


I groaned, collapsing onto my stiff couch, which provided little comfort in my time of need. The hinges groaned as they suffocated under my weight.

I pressed my cheek against the scratchy fabric, my cheekbone digging into the surface as my face compressed to meld against the couch.

I should rehearse my lines. I should go for a walk. I should do something productive.

I couldn’t make myself move from where I was, my front pressed against the rock solid couch. The trailer was poorly insulated, and the interior was musty and sticky. I could see dust particles floating through the air, with not a care in the world.

“Hey Dave, how’s it going?”

Outside my trailer, I heard a man’s voice I didn’t recognize.

Was he already here?! How long have I been relaxing?

I sat up, clambering to the tiny window on the side of the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of my costar.

I leaned in, my hands on either side of the circular window, my face almost touching the glass. I stared at him as if I’d never seen a man before.

He stood tall on the dusty ground, clad in dark blue jeans and a bright yellow button-up shirt. His eyes were obscured by dark sunglasses that reflected David’s image onto them.

As much as I despised admitting it, he had a look, an iconic look. He carried himself as if he were the only man who mattered. Even if you weren’t a fan of the macho older man look, his confidence was undeniably impressive.

David tipped his cowboy hat to him, giving him a proper welcome full of good old-fashioned southern hospitality.

Cliff’s voice was much deeper and stronger than David’s. His tone cut through the air like a knife, and I could clearly hear what he was saying. I couldn’t make out David’s words. He sounded like he was mumbling under his breath.

To be fair, they were quite a distance away from me.

They conversed as if they were old friends reuniting after a long absence. Their postures were relaxed, with their hands lazily placed on their hips and their pelvises cocked to the side.

“I’m excited to do this movie David…”

“Thank you for the opportunity…”

“I love your work…”

He was kissing up, and rightly so. When I first met David, I did the same thing. I knew I needed to win over the director, or else I’d be in for a bumpy ride.

“Sure! I’d be willing to start filming later today!”

Huh?! What did he say?!

Oh God, I needed to prepare myself.

Cliff gave David a nod, before turning on his heels and making his way towards my trailer.

Oh wait… why is he coming over?

His hair fluttered in the gentle breeze as he strutted confidently towards me. I crouched quickly to avoid his gaze.

Don’t panic.

Don’t panic.

Don’t panic.

I crawled across the floor, scrambling for stray pieces of my script that were strewn about. The papers kept slipping from my grasp, fluttering to the floor just beyond my reach.


I exclaimed, hurriedly gathering the papers in my grasp and clutching them to my chest, crinkling them in the process.

I could hear him, his loud footfalls echoing just outside my trailer.

I lunged to the couch, settling into a comfortable sitting position with the few papers I could gather in the limited time I was given. I went through them. They were all scrambled, chunks from various scenes at scattered points throughout the film.

He knocked, sending a brief shock through the trailer. I gulped.

“Come in.”

I said with all the assurance I could muster. Hopefully, he won’t think too much about the nerves that were covered by my phony confidence.

He swung the door open using its flimsy hinges. I glanced at him through my lashes, pretending to be surprised but not overjoyed.

He leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed over his broad chest.

“Oh… hello…”

I gave him a quick smile before returning my attention to the script in my hands.

“Boss told me to tell you that we’ll be filming later today… if that’s alright…”

I pursed my lips and nodded, not looking him in the eyes.

“That’s fine… What time is he thinking?”

“In like… two hours maybe.”

“Okay… Thanks for telling me.”

I pretended to be reading the script in front of me. It was the scene in which the two characters were in a club, hitting it off.

It was unmistakably a slow burn.

I was expecting him to leave. He’d told me everything there was to say. What else could he possibly want?

He pushed himself off the door frame and took a long step forward, getting halfway between me and the door.

“You look like you take yourself too seriously… Am I right?”

Excuse me?! I scoffed, not looking him in the eyes in fear my nerves would consume me.

I’m not sure why I was so worried. Nerves didn’t look good on me.

“You really just say whatever’s on your mind, don’t you?”

He chuckled.


His presence was oppressive. As I read the page in front of me for the tenth time, I could feel his eyes boring into my skull.

Okay, this is ridiculous.

I raised my head to meet his stare.

I could feel his gaze on me despite his sunglasses. My heart started racing. Even when he didn’t want to be, he was super intimidating. He exuded dominance, which would undoubtedly come in handy during filming.

“Are you gonna leave now?”

I inquired as politely as I could. Unfortunately, I came across as bratty rather than kind. Cliff chuckled through a closed mouth.

“I think I’d rather stay here and stare at you a little longer.”

Now he was just messing with me.

“Fine… I don’t really care.”

I did care. I very much did care.

I couldn’t think because he was standing over me. I was struggling to breathe. He had a hold on me just by being in the same room with me.

“Why are you even here? You’re a stunt double.”

I asked nonchalantly, my gaze fixed on the words on my script. I’m not sure why I said that. I only needed to talk to get my mind off the crushing weight of his presence.

“Boss said I have a good look…”

I could tell he was smirking. His tone was far too arrogant.

“I’m sure that stroked your ego.”

I flipped the page, focusing my attention on the script’s words. It was the first scene.

It might be beneficial to take a close look at this.

“You’ve got fire in you… I like it.”

Oh, please. I could see where this was going. Did he think I wouldn’t notice how his voice changed to add a sensual undertone to the conversation?

“Thank you… now please leave before I vomit all over your fifty cent boots.”

I wanted him out of my trailer so I could breathe normally again. He was staring at me like a hawk, and it was getting annoying and uncomfortable.

Cliff scoffed.

“Alright… I’ll leave you alone honey.”

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the pet name.

He turned and walked towards the door, his steps rattling the trailer slightly everytime his foot came into contact with the ground.

I let out a heavy sigh as he closed the door behind him, my chest collapsing with relief.

I lowered myself to the ground and began rummaging through the papers to compile the first scene. I was successful in organizing the papers into their respective scenes.

I read the first scene several times, making sure I knew every line from beginning to end. I even spoke aloud, rehearsing what I would say and how I would approach the dialogue in the most natural way.

I’d done enough research on David to know that he prefers to be free most of the time, which is why his films are so iconic. He believes in his actors and allows them to do almost anything they want while saying their lines as long as it appears natural.

So, it was my responsibility to put together a rough idea of my staging.

I couldn’t help but look over to the bar scene to see what I was in for. I read it once, twice, and three times. I couldn’t stop myself from skimming over the words.

I was in for a wild ride. This scene was completely wild.

A loud slam on my door startled me out of my daze.

“We’re filming now! Get on set!”

“I’ll be right out!”

I assumed we’d start the day with the first scene because I hadn’t received any information to the contrary.

I took a few moments to myself. Before exhaling, I took a deep breath and stretched my arms above my head.

“Okay… let’s do this.”

As I approached the set, I noticed that the props and locations appeared to correspond with the first scene.

Thank God.

“Alright… First scene… get ready you guys.”

David addressed us from behind the camera, which was pointed directly at the set. I lowered my gaze, smoothing the wrinkles in my costume. Fortunately, I had not completely ruined the dress with sweat.

Cliff was dressed in the same outfit as before.

Was that his costume?

I suppose it did fit the character.

In a sense, the character reflected his own personality.

“Alright you guys… you know I’m a fan of improv so just do whatever the hell you feel like… just keep the lines the same… don’t leave anything out.”

David was a big fan of small groups as well. He didn’t hire anyone unless he absolutely needed to. As a result, he was the sole operator of the camera.

He was truly iconic. This method of execution should not work… but David manages to make everything work despite the odds.

Cliff was prepared, standing in place, waiting for his chance to shine.


“Oh… right!”

I exclaimed, completely absorbed in my own thoughts. I walked onto the set, taking a random position and re-enacting the blocking I’d imagined in my head.

Only now would I have to work off of Cliff, making the job even more difficult.

I’ll be alright.

I can do this.

The first scene went very smoothly, we only needed one take to get it perfect.

“You guys are on fire! Alright, how about the club scene?!”

The club scene?

However, we were in the middle of the desert, where our characters were supposed to meet for the first time. It was extremely unlikely, but I had faith in David. When it comes to romance films, the more absurd, the better. People are drawn to a plot that they have never heard of before.

Besides, the entire point of this film was to be unlikely, almost impossible. A film in which critics will make ridiculous assumptions about hidden metaphors decades later.

“How are we gonna do the club scene when we’re in the middle of the desert, boss?”

Cliff was thinking the same thing as me.

David bit his bottom lip and gazed at the ground, thinking. He was a bit short-sighted for a theatrical genius at times.

“Well… let’s just do the post club scene shall we?… Cliff’s character is supposed to be broke despite how he presents himself… So using one of the trailers will suffice.”

Oh God… the post club scene meaning the scene where it is heavily hinted at that we-

“Sure… I’m good with that.”

Of course Cliff didn’t mind… he got to kiss a girl old enough to be his daughter.


David turned his eyes to me, as if he needed confirmation that everything was fine on my end.

I flushed bright red.

“Oh… yeah, sure… that’s fine… but, um… I didn’t really get a chance to look over my lines for that scene… and I-I think I need a different costume.”

David nodded.

“You’re right… let’s wait for an hour or so, so the sun can fully set… and so you guys can prepare.”

“Sure! Sounds great!”

I agreed a little too enthusiastically before hastening my way to my trailer. I had no doubt they’d be very suspicious of my rushed manor.

The trust was, I had gone over that scene twenty times before. I knew all of the lines backwards and forwards. I had spent time thinking about how much I would despise having to kiss him and pretend to be deeply in love with him.

That’s why I was blushing… because I was nervous… and I hated him.

I changed my outfit and did my own makeup.

Makeup and costume people were another thing David considered pointless. He was always saying how he preferred the actors to choose their own costumes based on what they thought was best, and to do their own makeup. He wanted his characters to be real people, people who were probably not great at clothing design or elaborate makeup techniques.

Fortunately, he offered to pay me more since I was basically doing all the work myself.

I must have done my makeup ten times to avoid having to think about the impending doom that was coming much sooner than expected. In the little mirror hanging on the wall of my trailer, I put it on, then took it off, then put it on again, then fixed every single minor error before taking it completely off.

As the sun began to set, I could see the light fading from my trailer and feel the sudden unease that struck me every time my mind wandered.

I swiped the eyeliner against my skin.


I muttered under my breath as I erased it all away with a wipe.

I should probably put it on for good, as filming time is quickly approaching.

I was about to apply my final stroke of eyeshadow when I heard a knock on the door and a voice telling me to come outside. I finished quickly, taking a deep breath, hoping for calm rather than preparation.

When I stepped outside, I felt naked and exposed in front of two fully grown men. Unfortunately, the short red dress I chose left little room for the imagination.

“Alright… I think we’d better use Cliff’s trailer since I’m sure it’s a mess.”

Dave and Cliff both laughed at David’s terrible joke. I remained silent, only offering a small smile to indicate that I was listening.

I wasn’t paying attention. I was thinking about how much this was going to suck, at least for me anyway.

I thought of how much it would suck to have Cliff feeling me up and pretending I enjoyed it.

Because I’d definitely hate it.

I’d hate how his rough hands would feel against my soft skin.

Ew. I don’t like that I had that thought.

The scene was… a big mess of emotions. I wasn’t sure what exactly I should feel at any given moment. My entire mine was plagued with scattered thoughts that would lead to unintentional and completely ludicrous places.

By the time it was completely over, my face was flushed bright red and my heart was beating out of my chest.

I slammed my trailer door shut, heaving breaths of anxiety.

Oh God… that was too much.

The way he was touching me… I wanted to hate it so bad. I hated myself for allowing myself to enjoy it.

The worst part of it was… we needed more than one take.

Which meant I had to feel him touching me in every place the sun touched. I had to feel his lips against mine and try to pretend I was seconds away from moaning into his mouth while David stood behind a camera and recorded us.

God I wish we could just do those things in private.

No, no I don’t. What am I talking about?! I definitely don’t want that.

He was in my trailer, standing in the frame while I was busy agonizing over my thoughts. I didn’t notice him at first.

“Oh! Um… I’m sorry I didn’t see you there…”

I swallowed my anxiety, my gaze fixed on the ground below me as my insides shook violently, plaguing me with heavy waves of unease.

He knew what I was thinking.

He knew exactly what I was thinking.

How could he not?

“I’m just gonna cut to the chase because I think you know what all of this is about.”

I did.

I knew exactly what all of this was about.

I knew exactly where this was going.

And I couldn’t help but grow wet at the mere thought of where this night would undoubtedly lead.

“You were gettin’ antsy in that last scene.”

He placed a curled finger under my chin, forcing my head upwards to meet his gaze.

“Waddya have to say about that?”

I gulped.

“I don’t know.”

“I think you do know…”


I sounded pitiful. Cliff was obviously a man who knew exactly what he wanted, so I expected him to become frustrated and antsy. Instead, he seemed amused, finding my discomfort humorous.

He scoffed.

“Alright honey…”

My lower abdomen fluttered at the pet name.

“Since you don’t wanna talk I guess I’ll have to work it outta ya.”

His voice dropped to just barely above a sensual whisper, his newfound tone making my stomach flip upside down.

He smashed my lips into mine without hesitation, pushing me backwards with extreme force until my knees smacked against the couch, knocking me into a sitting position until I was eye level with his large belt buckle.

His hand caressed my jaw, tilting it upwards to meet his crushing gaze.

Cliff’s calloused fingertips grazed sensually against my lips, raising goosebumps along my spine. He took his time, ensuring I was aching by the time he was done getting under my skin.

“God you’re beautiful…”

He mumbled almost incoherently.

“You wanna suck my cock babygirl?… you want me to cum in that pretty little mouth of yours?”

I swallowed, my throat becoming constricted with fear.

I clenched my thighs together in an attempt to relieve the ache in my core.

“Speak up honey… otherwise I’ll leave while you’re aching.”

I took a shaky breath, reaching up with trembling hands to undo his belt.

Cliff dropped his hand to the side, releasing his tender grip on my jaw.

The metal buckle continued to slip from my shaky hands. My nerves transformed the simple task into a nearly impossible process.

“Don’t be nervous…”

My cheeks flushed red as I tried to keep my eyes on the rusty golden buckle so I didn’t become intimidated.

“Hey. Look at me when I’m talking to you.”

He demanded, his voice becoming firm yet keeping the mumbling tone.

I gathered my courage, trialing my eyes upwards to glance at him through my lashes.

“Don’t be nervous… after I fill you pretty mouth with my thick cock I’ll make you cum so hard your whole body will be begging me for more.”

I clenched my jaw, tearing my eyes away from him to fully undo his belt and slip it through the loops with a loud whoosh.

I felt his large cock growing hard through his jeans as my hands gently grazed over his clothed erection. My mouth watered as I unbuttoned his pants and dragged the denim down his muscular thick thighs.

I palmed him through the thin fabric of his boxers, eliciting a low moan from the back of Cliff’s throat as he threw his head backwards and exposed his adams apple.

His hands found their place on my scalp, tangling his fingers into my locks.

“Put my fucking cock in your mouth before I make you regret it…”

His grip tightened in my hair, pulling the strands from my scalp. I couldn’t help but groan at the pain, pushing the noises down into the pit of my stomach.

“No teasing.”

He demanded, his voice now breathy and thick with anticipation.


I murmured timidly, swallowing my nerves as I hooked a finger in the waistband of his boxers and tugged them down his legs until they pooled around his ankles.

I was eye level with his cock, which was incredibly thick and unmistakingly the most beautiful dick I’d ever seen in my entire life.

Which wasn’t saying much, as I wasn’t the most experienced person on set.

The aching in my cunt grew when I was able to fully take in his glorious cock, and began thinking of how it would feel inside of me, fantastically stretching my walls.

My face was burning hot with desire as I tenderly grasped his length, giving it a few gentle pumps.

Cliff sighed deeply, loosening his grip on my hair once he realized I would gladly take control.

“You’re beautiful Cliff…”

I wasn’t sure what I should say now that I was so close to having his cock inside of me, but I figured he’d appreciate a gentle compliment.

Cliff scoffed.

“Thank you honey… you’re not too bad yourself.”

His line was painfully cliche, but I didn’t mind. This situation was making me far too aroused to care about a cliche.

I took his cock into my mouth, immediately thrusting it towards the back of my throat with eagerness.

Cliff groaned and moaned as I bobbed my head along his length, the pleasure filled sounds adding to the pooling wetness in my damp panties.

His grip tightened, not in frustration, but in the sheer pleasure of my warm mouth bobbing along his veiny cock.

“Fuck… you’re such a good girl.”

He gasped in between strangled moans.

I was already a mess and he had hardly touched me. My heart was pounding. My face was flushed bright red. My panties were soaking wet and my cunt was aching to the point of pain.

I was antsy, antsy to feel him throbbing inside of me.

Cliff threw his head downwards, his eyes boring into my skull as his strong grip assisted me in bobbing my head along him.

His tip was hitting the back of my throat. I almost gagged as he began to buck his hips into my mouth.

Tears of pleasure were forming at the corners of my eyes, and a few escaped my eyelids and began to roll down my cheeks.

I glanced up at him through my thick lashes, his crushing stare making my heart flutter with anticipation.

His lips were wet with saliva, his teeth clenched, the muscles on his jaw protruding from the sides of his cheeks.

It filled me with pride to know I had such a profound effect on him. I wrapped my hands around his muscular thighs to steady myself as I began to take his cock with my urgency.

“Oh my… fuck… you’re such a slut for me.”

Cliff’s hips were thrusting aggressively into my mouth, the tip of my nose brushing against his happy trail.

“You’re gonna make me cum so hard honey… I can’t wait to feel your sweet little pussy around my throbbing cock.”

His length began to twitch in my mouth, the salty taste of precum lingering on my tongue.

With a few more thrusts, Cliff was falling over the edge into the realm of pleasure. His chest collapsed as he unloaded his cum into the back of my throat, his grip on my hair suddenly loosening as he reached his high.

I bobbed my head twice more along his dick to help him ride out his orgasm before removing my mouth with a pop.

Cliff was breathing heavily, his chest heaving with gasps as he came down to earth after an intense orgasm.

He dropped his hand to his side, relaxing his body as we both mentally prepared ourselves for what was yet to come.

“You ready for me honey?”

He asked, a big stupid smile plastered on his smug face.

I gulped, resting my hands in my lap as I nodded my head meekly.

Cliff brought his hands to the front of his shirt, glancing down at the buttons as he began to undo them.

With every button, he exposed his chiseled body, glistening with sweat.

Cliff dropped the fabric to the floor with a soft thud, now fully naked and exposed in front of my inexperienced eyes. Being fully clothed in front of him added an additional layer of anticipation to the situation.

“Stand… let me undress you.”

He commanded, and I followed his orders, standing on my shaky knees.

Cliff glued his eyes to my chest, grazing his fingertips sensually over my collarbone, raising goosebumps on my skin.

He moved his hand to my shoulder, pushing my spaghetti strap down until it hung limply. He did the same with the other side until my dress was hanging loosely on my body.

I stared at the floor as Cliff grasped onto the deep neckline of my dress, pulling it down until I was dressed only in my underwear. The cool breeze hardened my nipples.

I gasped as Cliff connected his warm mouth with the sensitive skin on my neck, raising my hands to gently rest on top of his shoulders.

He kissed and nipped on my skin. He grasped my hips and tugged my forward until our bodies were pressed flush together. I could feel the warmth radiating off of his perfect body.

Cliff kicked off his shoes, pushing me backward as an indication that it was time for me to lay down.

I followed his instruction, finding a comfortable place on my stiff couch as he settled in between my legs, hovering over me, his lips moving expertly against my neck.

I tangled my hands in his hair, squeezing my eyes shut and dropped my jaw as his lips hit every single sweet spot on my neck and collarbone.

“Cliff… please… I need you.”

Cliff smirked against my skin.

“Beg for it… I wanna hear you beg for my cock.”

He murmured against the crook of my neck, his body pressed firmly into mine, his cock so close to my aching cunt.

“Please Cliff… I need you to fuck me.”

“Keep going…”

I gasped as he bit a patch of sensitive skin on my collarbone.

“Please Cliff… my pussy is aching so bad for you… I need you to fill me up… I need your cock throbbing inside of me.”

I begged hard, not caring about how utterly pitiful I sounded.

“Alright honey… I’ll give you what you want.”

He lined himself up with my entrance, pushing himself inside of me and stretching my walls to the max.

I moaned loudly, grasping onto his hair for leverage.

He began pounding into me, hardly giving me any time to adjust to his thick girth.

He snapped his hips forward, his pelvis smashing into mine as he thrusted mercilessly into my aching cunt.

“Fuck Y/N… you feel so fucking good… you’re so wet.”

Cliff’s voice was just as fucked out as mine. Either he was truly breathless, or he knew how much his strained gasps drove me crazy.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, giving him a complete new angle to attack my cunt.

Tears of pleasure began to return to my eyes as his thick tip slammed against my g spot with every eager thrust.

Cliff removed his face from the crook of my neck to stare into my fucked out face. He was taking in every single feature and relishing in the fact that he was completely ruining me.

“Oh God you’re such a fucking slut for me… I love it…”

I furrowed my eyebrows as I became so incredibly close to the edge.

“Cliff… I’m gonna cum.”

I was crying tears of pleasure as his girth continued to slam into my g spot.

“Look at me honey… I wanna watch your face as you cum all over my cock.”

I held eye contact as his last few thrusts made me topple over the edge, unleashing my orgasm with a strained moan.

It hit me like a freight train, knocking the breath out of me as my lungs collapsed with glorious pleasure.

Cliff followed shortly after, our combined juices dripping onto the couch below as he gave a few more thrusts to help both of us ride out our orgasms.

We maintained eye contact until we both of our hearts had begun to beat normally once more.

I felt… good, fulfilled, happy. That was the greatest orgasm I had ever experienced in my entire life. I was on cloud nine.

Cliff pulled out of me, a strand of cum attaching my body to his.

He crawled downwards until he was in between my legs, burying his face in between my thighs as he lapped up our combined juices.

I sighed with post orgasm pleasure as I allowed Cliff’s expert mouth to clean me up.

He climbed off the couch when he was satisfied with his work, immediately beginning to redress.

I stared at the ceiling, a stupidly big smile on my face as I allowed myself to live throguh the previous events of this glorious night once more.

“I’ll see you tomorrow honey… maybe we can do this again?”

I tilted my head to the side, my cheek pressing against the scratchy fabric of the couch.


We both chuckled before Cliff bid me an adieu, making his way back to his trailer as quietly as possible to avoid suspicion.

Who knew Cliff Booth was a man sent by the gods? A Hollywood hunk, a James Bond, a womanizer.

He was everything perfect wrapped into one.

Except he wasn’t James Bond, he was Cliff Booth.

The poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling, from his book, Rewards and Fairies 1910. Read aloud by Dennis Hopper on the Johnny Cash Show in 1970. One of my favorites.


Once upon a time, Dan and Una, brother and sister, living in the English country, had the good fortune to meet with Puck, alias Robin Goodfellow, alias Nick o’ Lincoln, alias Lob-lie-by-the-Fire, the last survivor in England of those whom mortals call Fairies. Their proper name, of course, is ‘The People of the Hills’. This Puck, by means of the magic of Oak, Ash, and Thorn, gave the children power

     To see what they should see and hear what they should hear,
     Though it should have happened three thousand year.

The result was that from time to time, and in different places on the farm and in the fields and in the country about, they saw and talked to some rather interesting people. One of these, for instance, was a Knight of the Norman Conquest, another a young Centurion of a Roman Legion stationed in England, another a builder and decorator of King Henry VII’s time; and so on and so forth; as I have tried to explain in a book called PUCK OF POOK’S HILL.

A year or so later, the children met Puck once more, and though they were then older and wiser, and wore boots regularly instead of going barefooted when they got the chance, Puck was as kind to them as ever, and introduced them to more people of the old days.

He was careful, of course, to take away their memory of their walks and conversations afterwards, but otherwise he did not interfere; and Dan and Una would find the strangest sort of persons in their gardens or woods.

In the stories that follow I am trying to tell some
thing about those people.”

Liza Minelli, A Matter of Time, 1976.Costumes by Andretta Ferrero.Characters based on Marchesa Luisa

Liza Minelli, A Matter of Time, 1976.

Costumes by Andretta Ferrero.

Characters based on Marchesa Luisa Casati.

A Matter of Time is a 1976 American-Italian musical fantasy film starring Liza Minnelli and Ingrid Bergman, directed by Vincente Minnelli. The screenplay by John Gay is based on the novel The Film of Memory by Maurice Druon. The fictional story is based loosely on the real life exploits of the infamous Italian eccentric, the Marchesa Luisa Casati, whom Druon knew during her declining years in London while he was stationed there during World War II. The film marked the first screen appearance for Isabella Rossellini, the last for Charles Boyer, and it proved to be Vincente Minnelli’s final project. (x)

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 Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975. Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975.

Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975.

Post link
 Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975. Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975. Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975.

Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975.

Post link
 Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975.

Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975.

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 Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975.

Mirror. Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky. 1975.

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The NFSA has a pretty good feature on Caddie.  And for 1920s costumes fans it has a bit of a backgroThe NFSA has a pretty good feature on Caddie.  And for 1920s costumes fans it has a bit of a backgro

The NFSA has a pretty good feature on Caddie. 

And for 1920s costumes fans it has a bit of a background on costume and makeup design for the film. Like tracking down darker blue-reds for lipsticks.

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Dersu Uzala (1975) - Nature & ColorsDirected by Akira KurosawaCinematography Asakazu Nakai, YuriDersu Uzala (1975) - Nature & ColorsDirected by Akira KurosawaCinematography Asakazu Nakai, YuriDersu Uzala (1975) - Nature & ColorsDirected by Akira KurosawaCinematography Asakazu Nakai, YuriDersu Uzala (1975) - Nature & ColorsDirected by Akira KurosawaCinematography Asakazu Nakai, YuriDersu Uzala (1975) - Nature & ColorsDirected by Akira KurosawaCinematography Asakazu Nakai, YuriDersu Uzala (1975) - Nature & ColorsDirected by Akira KurosawaCinematography Asakazu Nakai, Yuri

Dersu Uzala (1975) - Nature & Colors

Directed by Akira Kurosawa

Cinematography Asakazu Nakai, Yuri Gantman, Fyodor Dobronravov

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