

demisexuals are so rad man

rlly rlly rlly hate when people say asexuals are just straight people looking for attention

do you know what i dont understand? why people think how much hate or how many struggles people endure are a contest like im so sorry that i finally feel comfortable in my own skin and im minding my own business but please feel free to knock me down and tell me that im not worth it because i dont suffer as much as you do apparently
even though this site originally helped me feel more secure in who i was, sometimes all i feel is more alone than ever.

who compared demisexuality to a hippogriff i would like to give that person an award

asexuals can reproduce

asexuals can reproduce

just wondering who thinks we are like freaking unicellular organisms

demisexuals need their own symbolic food or something like breadsticks or cake ya feel?

Happy International Asexuality Day! #writersofinstagram #poetry #ace #aceday #internationalasexualit

Happy International Asexuality Day!

#writersofinstagram #poetry #ace #aceday #internationalasexualityday #asexuality #asexual #demisexual #asexualmemes #asexualpride #acepride #queer #queerart #queerartist #queerpoetry #queerpoet #acepositivity #asexualityisreal #acespec #acespectrum #comingout

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I went on a Twitter rant about asexuality and the assumptions people make about it(full transcript bI went on a Twitter rant about asexuality and the assumptions people make about it(full transcript bI went on a Twitter rant about asexuality and the assumptions people make about it(full transcript b

I went on a Twitter rant about asexuality and the assumptions people make about it

(full transcript below the cut)


I had an incident happen a couple days ago that really got me thinking about how the world views asexuality/the ace spectrum

I was playing a card game called Quick & Dirty with my friends, and a few of them thought all my filthy answers were “ironic” since I’m ace

Which is weird, because I’ve always looked at it the other way - it’s kind of “ironic” that I’m ace since I have such a lewd sense of humor

But in reality, a dirty mind and asexuality aren’t mutually exclusive. So it’s not ironic at all. And that really made me think…

Even though more people are talking/learning about asexuality, it’s still not well understood. Especially all the nuances of the spectrum

Many people confuse asexuality with other things: aromanticism, celibacy, hatred of sex, a disorder, innocence… just to name a few

But in reality, “asexual” just means you fall on a spectrum of feeling little to no sexual attraction to others. That’s literally it.

So why is asexuality so often confused with other concepts? And why do people make so many assumptions (most of them false) about aces?

The ace spectrum includes a diverse range of experiences. So how can anyone assume they know what a person is like just because they’re ace?

I don’t blame my friends - or anyone - for making these assumptions about aces. I made plenty of my own while I was still questioning.

The real problem isn’t the assumptions themselves - it’s the root cause, which is an appalling lack of sex education in our society

I remind myself of this whenever those assumptions get to me. (I try not to let them, but I’m only human, & sometimes they frustrate me)

More importantly, I ask myself what I can do about this problem. And I think I have an idea that will help, at least a little

I made an educational comic about discovering the ace spectrum and coming out, and it’s reached a lot of people: http://gckinsey.tumblr.com/post/148694750931/this-is-a-little-comic-i-made-about-the-journey-i

And this incident with my friends has inspired me to make a comic about what asexuality is not. I want to tackle those assumptions head-on.

So really, even though I felt weird about it, I have to thank my friends for calling my dirty sense of humor + my asexuality “ironic”

I think I’ve been subconsciously looking for a way to address those assumptions about asexuality for a while, & this has given me the push

So I’ll be making a comic about this soon - probably for release during Ace Awareness Week in October. But in the meantime…

Asexuality is NOT:
-hatred of sex
-a disorder
-an automatic rejection
-one size fits all

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