

Stop assuming people are cis.
Stop assuming people are straight.

But also…
Stop assuming all gay men are feminine.
Stop assuming all lesbians are masculine.
Stop assuming bi or pansexuals will date anyone and everyone.


instead of assuming, ask.

instead of assuming, ask. instead of judging, try to understand. &then maybe just maybe this world &the people in it won’t be as big&bad as they seem.

I recently was described as “unfriendly unless I was really trying to not be” //harsh//. but the real bitch in this story is actually not me. //hang with me on this//.

the girl saying these less than nice things about me not once tried to get to know me. not once did this girl ever ask me who I am. instead of taking the time to get to know me, she took that time &wasted it. she took that time to create a narrative of who she ~wanted~ me to be.

maybe this “unfriendly me” was shy. maybe “unfriendly me” was in thought, stuck inside my own head. or maybe “unfriendly me” was tired, hurting, in way too deep with an eating disorder. //cause I was//. but she wouldn’t know that. because she didn’t care. so now neither do I. she can have what she wanted, the story she created about me. she gets unfriendly me because well she’s a story writer. &I’m tired of those. I am tired of giving chances out to people who give me none.

When you “Assume”, you make an Ass of YOU

When you “Assume”, you make an Ass of YOU

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Send an assumption about me and I’ll say if it’s true or not ☺️



QAC 76.5 - 11 Years In The Making:  #TheBigChop || Non-binary | QPOC | Haircut |

two months after moving back to America from Japan, i’ve finally done what i’ve been dreaming about doing for years…! that is, cutting off my butt-length locs of 11 years– i.e., the #BigChop.

as a #nonbinary person i’d been conflicted about the length and style of my hair for years, but unable to do much of anything about it for various reasons, so finally being able to do away with them now is quite literally a dream come true.

even so, adjusting to life post-locs comes with new challenges, not only in terms to adjusting to the new hair itself, but also adjusting to others differing perception of me and my own unstable perception of myself. and what better way to deal with it all than to document the first week of it daily vlog style…?

…sure is an unscripted, experimental video if ever there was one.


So happy for Vesper! Everything seems to be coming together for them right now, and it is so wonderful to see <3

But on the subject of hair: while I am sad to lose an ultra-long hair buddy, I am so happy this worked out for them. Between the cut and the glasses they look a) amazing and b) somehow more like themself. I dunno, obviously the only look I have ever known on Vesper is locs, but just the way their energy has changed makes it clear this look is their Look.

Something I find interesting as relates to my own experience, though, is the fact that preliminary results suggest losing the hair has resulted in more gender confusion. This is exciting of course, but also interesting because as I try to articulate why I persist in keeping my hair long, one of the things I’ve hit on is that if I cut off all my hair, I would be a Lesbian, mystery solved.

Now, I’m not trying to say that there aren’t already people who identify my as a lesbian from how I dress, just that there’s more variety at this moment than I anticipate there would be if I chopped off all my hair. But, you know, then tension is real; my brother’s wedding isn’t until next March but already my biggest question is, what am I going to do with my dumb hair?

(It doesn’t help that I am terrible at hair care/styling (although I did do a deep cleanse on it recently and it doesn’t feel perpetually gross anymore, so that’s a positive). It’s so hard to figure out who to trust, especially when I cannot find anyone else with hair that looks like mine because only a crazy person would keep their hair as long as I do.)

Anyway, recently I’ve been having more fun with color than length (I wore blue to visit Grandma and wow was that a good time), but I so happy to see Vesper in love with their new look. Congratulations!

thanks for the kind words…! several people have said similar things about me looking “more like [my]self” post-Big Chop and… i have unprocessed Feels (neither negative nor positive Feels, mind you, but #Feels) about that and what that even means? both for me personally and in a more general sense? still processing that, but that’s beside the point.

on the topic of anticipating being perceived as a lesbian—#MysterySolved—should you cut off your hair, as opposed to the seemingly greater variation that exists in how people perceive you now with long hair… oh do i have feels that too, in addition to having feels about how my partner’s assumed gender becomes an additional #Checkmate to that #MysterySolved in most people’s eyes… i feel like i ought to expand upon and unpack my own feels about those things in a proper blog post or video at some point in the future, but long story short, i empathize so much with you there. 

and while i may have bowed out of the Ulta Long Hair Club, i still retain lifetime membership to the Pain In The Ass Hair + Trust Issues Club and wholly understand that struggle. glad to see you’ve found some respite in coloring your hair at least and appreciate you taking the time to bounce off of my experience / thoughts with hair with your own.

i am so Here for any & all discussion of the complex, intersectional nature of hair, self-expression, and identity. <3

There’s a lot of misunderstandings and assumptions about me I’m sure. I only hear some of them every once in while. This blog is for mostly spilling my thoughts though, it’s not meant to please everyone nor show who I am entirely. Only those who get to know me will ever see who I am.

Yes, I want someone, but I don’t want just anyone. It’s not that I think I’m terrible or undeserving of love, it’s just that I can’t find the right person. I’d be perfectly happy with someone who was like me also, because I do like who I am. Not in a conceited way, but in a general way. It also doesn’t mean I’m not fine being alone. If I just wanted anyone at all, then I’d be with someone. But I respect myself enough to look for someone who’s right for me.

Part of why I write what I do on here is for getting my frustration out in writing. Sometimes it probably doesn’t come across the best way, but that’s how raw feelings and emotions are. Not many people do it publicly, or at all maybe, but I do it also for people to see my raw thoughts/feelings. To make them not feel alone if they feel the same. Maybe they’ll relate to the same feelings and maybe make it easier to connect. I mainly do it for myself though, and I don’t expect anyone to fully understand. 

I’m also a very giving person, so I hope that I don’t come across as someone who always takes just because I ‘want’ love and a relationship. That’s not who I am. I’m there for people when I’m close to them, I give a lot and I love a lot. Everyone always wants something though (whether they say it or not), which is perfectly fine. It still needs to be a balance.

One post is just one little piece of who I am. It’s not always going to be the best parts of me. Nor do I expect that with others either. I like seeing/hearing raw thoughts, feelings, and emotions from others too though. It’s what makes us all human. We’re allowed to feel, to want things, and to show who we are.

This sharp-witted lawyer, activist and writer, Harriet McBryde Johnson, once described herself as a

This sharp-witted lawyer, activist and writer, Harriet McBryde Johnson, once described herself as a “disabled, liberal, atheistic Democrat,” but like any Push Girl, her incredible achievements defied categorization. As a very public face of the disability rights movement, she regularly blew minds and challenged assumptions - helping people to get their Social Security, standing up for Congress in the public battle over Terry Schiavo, and speaking up against the “pity based tactics” of certain charity organizations. This wheelchair using Push Girl may be gone, but her fire still burns bright! 

Tell your friend she’s got a little Harriet in her. Reblog now to give her a little push.

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I made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people havI made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!This one addresses some of the assumptions people hav

I made a new comic for Ace Awareness Week 2017!

This one addresses some of the assumptions people have made about me because I’m ace. Hopefully this will help spread some awareness of what asexuality is and is not. :)

Here are some other ace comics I’ve made:

If you have any questions about ace stuff, feel free to hit up my ask box!

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I went on a Twitter rant about asexuality and the assumptions people make about it(full transcript bI went on a Twitter rant about asexuality and the assumptions people make about it(full transcript bI went on a Twitter rant about asexuality and the assumptions people make about it(full transcript b

I went on a Twitter rant about asexuality and the assumptions people make about it

(full transcript below the cut)


I had an incident happen a couple days ago that really got me thinking about how the world views asexuality/the ace spectrum

I was playing a card game called Quick & Dirty with my friends, and a few of them thought all my filthy answers were “ironic” since I’m ace

Which is weird, because I’ve always looked at it the other way - it’s kind of “ironic” that I’m ace since I have such a lewd sense of humor

But in reality, a dirty mind and asexuality aren’t mutually exclusive. So it’s not ironic at all. And that really made me think…

Even though more people are talking/learning about asexuality, it’s still not well understood. Especially all the nuances of the spectrum

Many people confuse asexuality with other things: aromanticism, celibacy, hatred of sex, a disorder, innocence… just to name a few

But in reality, “asexual” just means you fall on a spectrum of feeling little to no sexual attraction to others. That’s literally it.

So why is asexuality so often confused with other concepts? And why do people make so many assumptions (most of them false) about aces?

The ace spectrum includes a diverse range of experiences. So how can anyone assume they know what a person is like just because they’re ace?

I don’t blame my friends - or anyone - for making these assumptions about aces. I made plenty of my own while I was still questioning.

The real problem isn’t the assumptions themselves - it’s the root cause, which is an appalling lack of sex education in our society

I remind myself of this whenever those assumptions get to me. (I try not to let them, but I’m only human, & sometimes they frustrate me)

More importantly, I ask myself what I can do about this problem. And I think I have an idea that will help, at least a little

I made an educational comic about discovering the ace spectrum and coming out, and it’s reached a lot of people: http://gckinsey.tumblr.com/post/148694750931/this-is-a-little-comic-i-made-about-the-journey-i

And this incident with my friends has inspired me to make a comic about what asexuality is not. I want to tackle those assumptions head-on.

So really, even though I felt weird about it, I have to thank my friends for calling my dirty sense of humor + my asexuality “ironic”

I think I’ve been subconsciously looking for a way to address those assumptions about asexuality for a while, & this has given me the push

So I’ll be making a comic about this soon - probably for release during Ace Awareness Week in October. But in the meantime…

Asexuality is NOT:
-hatred of sex
-a disorder
-an automatic rejection
-one size fits all

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Please stop making assumptions when writing fanfictions


Hi. Yes, Hello. Nice to meet you, the name’s Nixon. Normally this wouldn’t be something I’d do, but damn does this one thing irritate me. Now, I’m not stupid. I am very aware of the concept of minorities and majorities. But even so, it still mildly irritates me when I have to actively ignore certain parts of a fanfiction when they:

Assume my height

Assume the length of my hair

Assume my breast size

Assume my skin color

Assume my weight

Basically, assume anything about me.

When writing fanfiction, you’re not writing about yourself(unless you are, then it’s a self insert fanfiction and should be stated as such). It just baffles me how many times I’ve had to actively tune out the parts of fanfictions where they say “he/her/they bent down to kiss you” or “you leaned up to kiss him/her/them”. Like, maybe I’m 6 feet tall.

And it especially confuses me when they do this with characters like Shoyo Hinata and Yuu Nishinoya, who are very short (Shoyo being about 5'3, and Nishinoya being about 5'2). Who knows, maybe I likeshorter guys. Maybe I want to be taller than them

About the minority and majority. I understand that in the majority of relationships the boy is taller than the girl. I understand that most times, the girl wants to be protected by the boy. I am aware that alot of the times, girls might have longer hair. But that’s what makes fanfiction so great in my opinion. Societal norms have no effect! You can write about anything! So it frustrates me when nothing I’d like to read is available.

I LOVE Deku, but in basically every fanfiction I see of him, he’s “becoming a man” or “showing a more dominant side” or “fucking you senseless because you called him cute and he wants to put you in your place” and my dominant ass is over here like: ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️

I just wish there was more of something me and my dom friends could enjoy.

I just wish fanfiction was more neutral, and less assumptions were made about who the reader is, what they like to do, what they look like, you know?

Sorry for the rant. I just felt like releasing some thoughts I’d had on my brain for a little bit. That’s all I wanted to say. Thanks for listening :)

- Nixon


Put an assumption in my ask. I’ll confirmordispute it. I’m not gonna be mean or anything, I’m just very interested.
