

can we stop fucking interpreting freezing as inaction and start seeing it as a trauma response? idk why but i just came across a tik tok of a person explaining that claims that freezing = putting the pressure on everyone else and downplayed it by equating being triggered with being “uncomfortable.”

no. if action needs to be done, let them unfreeze and process the situation and then have them do their part. if you are overwhelmed and feel like all the responsibility is on your shoulders, leave the room and get some rest. there are other ways around this that doesn’t involve downplaying or making assumptions about other people’s trauma response.

fucking do better. i should not have to see ableist nonsense like that in my goddamn spare time.


really fucking weird that people are consistently shocked about “odd” triggers or having a lot of triggers

I legitimately have over one fucking hundred

“no one would be able to function with that many triggers” you say but that’s the whole point. I can’t function. I have PTSD and I’m disabled by it :)

“but they don’t make sense” yeah because I have a fucking mental illness :)

shut the fuck up :)

Thank you.

I have C-PTSD and I can’t keep count of my triggers. And most them won’t take me to one specific traumatic events but instead to some weird twisted fragment of childhood memory or something from high school and even though they aren’s scary in the same way traumatic triggers are they mess up with my sense of time and space and give me tics and hurt my head and it'is impossible to talk to anyone about it.

And I get those kind of triggers all the time, I can’t just sort out triggering topics from social media or tell people my triggers because they are everywhere.

really don’t like how i’m consistently surprised when people ask for consent for literally anything:/

so uh is it abusive for someone to drag some of your trauma history out of you while you get increasingly dissociated?

in case you were wondering yes this election can be considered traumatic. so can the past four years. so can your entire fucking life. it is not easy growing up as walking target.
