#additional info






Thanks, Pixelvibes!

You reminded me that the chat function exists on EA Support! But…

How bizarre! In your screenshots, we don’t see the EA logo or the chat rep’s name by each message! Huh! That seems suspicious! And how he couldn’t answer my question and directed me to a forum! Huh! Didn’t I ask a similar question to yours, though? Hmm… Well if you WERE instructed to post on the forums… I suppose your post should already be over there? I’ll check in a moment!

Also, I encourage everyone reading this to contact EA Support via chat function if you think my screenshots are fake in any way, shape, or form. And ask the same thing I did if you please.

How bizarre! Truly strange how our chats look so VASTLY different for the SAME QUESTIONS! HMMMMMMM…

Anyone got a calculator to make this shit add up or nah?

Hmmm. Funny enough, I was just recently blocked by Pixelvibes, and I gotta say, I think I might have come to a similar conclusion.

My screen recording Below: (It is altered a bit to hide the email I was using, but everything else is untouched.) I would recommend that if you’d like to see the video that you increase the speed on it, because it is a 17 min long video.

Screenshots: Some are going to look off, because again, I’m editing out my email, and 2, I lost access to the chat half way through taking screenshots, so I had to take screenshots from the video.


Pixel Vibes’s Screenshot:


Keep in mind the following things that my screenshots as well as others have that Pixelvibes’ doesn’t.
-Context(But that’s a moot point.)
-The EA icon next to the EA employee’s texts.
-The name of the EA employee underneath the EA employee’s texts.
-(Update) Pixelvibe’s videos showing the transcript shows that she doesn’t have a casefile ID.

Strange differences between Pixelvibes’ screenshots and ours:
-The time stamp is a different more pixelated font. (How fitting.)
-If you look real closely at the EA employee’s text bubble in Pixelvibe’s screenshots, you’ll notice that there is distortion around the edges that make the speech bubble look like it was planted. Admittedly, this is alleged on my end, but this is based on experience with photo editing.

That in mind, some of these creators need to take notes. This is how you use screenshots. 

It should also be noted that some things EVERYONE needs to ask in any situation like this is:

- What is the context and do the screenshots account for it?

- Is there information within the screenshot that backs up the legitimacy of the claim?

- Are there multiple sources of info for this information or ONE source?

- Are the sources known to be trustworthy or could the sources have an agenda/angle that they want to promote?

Pixelvibes and Leosims/etc all have an incentive to try to lie and play victim. ($$$$$)

Not saying that they ARE, just that they have some incentives to try to misdirect, restate, and change the conversation going on in this community right now. So it would not be beyond belief for them to do so.

Myself and Bucky (victim of cowbuild) are not “creators” and do not have any sort of monetary method to “gain” from sharing this information. If anything sharing this puts the both of us at risk as we both have been previously doxxed by paywall creators.

So please consider the reputation and motivations of your sources!

Evaluating Sources of Information - @mack3030,@littleblackbooksims,@victimofcowbuild,@simbelene - hope these can help/be used for those anons that are trying to discredit you based on bad/fake information.

 On considering reputation and motivation of sources, I’ve grabbed a few free, online resources on media/information literacy. I apologise for the fact that these resources are only in English, but these kinds or resources will be freely available on university/college library webpages around the world. If university level is daunting, your local library can definitely help find accessible courses and resources and may even run workshops from time to time.

Media Literacy Crash Course Series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD7N-1Mj-DU 

Hone your media literacy skills course - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJicmE8fK0EjWxWJW83K4z93wmtxtanHG

Digital Media Literacy - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpQQipWcxwt9NUsBX4KpO4PwHMilgzEh1

Free Critical Thinking and Decision Making Skills (tutorial 7: logical fallicies) - https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/problem-solving-and-decision-making/

Evaluating Information (SDSU) - https://library.sdsu.edu/research-services/research-help/evaluating-information#:~:text=Evaluating%20information%20encourages%20you%20to,or%20bias%20of%20information%20sources.

Evaluating information (Deakin) - https://www.deakin.edu.au/library/skills-for-study/evaluating-information

Evaluate information you find - https://web.library.uq.edu.au/research-tools-techniques/search-techniques/evaluate-information-you-find

Evaluating Information in the Research Process: Evaluation Criteria - https://guides.lib.unc.edu/evaluating-info/evaluate


The fact that the kid who will be cast as the new Percy Jackson might not have even been born yet when the first PJO movie came out is absolutely sending me

Walker Scobell was 13 months old when the first PJO movie came out
