#akaashi fluff


akaashi keiji x reader, 4.9k

akaashi refers to his best friends, tetsurou and koutarou as his boys. you think that akaashi’s boys are his sons.

“How do you feel about DILFs?”

The moment the question leaves your lips, you feel the extreme heat of a judgmental gaze. The quiet atmosphere at The Coffee Club cafe was shattered. You slowly turned around and met the sharpest glare from your best friend and favourite (but feared) co-worker, Emiko. You can hear her mutter something about minimum wage not being enough compensation to deal with your questions — and every single thing she muttered was emphasised as she stacked the coffee mugs aggressively.

“Emiko,” you call out again, “I’m being serious.” If there had been customers present, this would have been a censored conversation about some safe-for-work topic like the weather or why iced coffee is better than hot coffee… but there were no customers. So you leaned against the countertop and asked Emiko again, “How do you feel about DILFs?”

“Why are you so obsessed with DILFs, Y/N?”

“That doesn’t answer my question.” you blink at her. You gasped dramatically, covering your mouth in pseudo-shock as you pointed at her. “YOU! Youlike DI—”

“Don’t talk to me for the rest of this shift.”

That was nota sufficient answer.

“Look, I’m asking you a serious question, Emiko.” You continued as you stared at the back of her head. You should have been helping her tidy up after the sudden rush of customers, but this discussion was more important. “Like what is your opinion on DILFs? It’s for science, Emiko.”

“No, this is not for science. Don’t stain the name of science for your stupidity.” there was a heavy growl of annoyance in the back of Emiko’s voice. She points a teapot at you, “Why are you even asking? It’s not like you’ve ever hit it off with a DILF.”

“First of all, foul,” you pouted, “I haven’t hit it off with a DILF yetbecause I never tried but that’s besides the point Emiko. I was asking for your opinion on it.”

“Do whatever you want with them. Just call me the night before if you’re coming to work or not. I need to know if I have to find someone to cover your shift.” Emiko turned back to wiping the countertop beside you. “Seriously though, as your friend, be safe.”

You turned bright red as you sputtered out syllables in a failed attempt to respond. You fold your arms over your chest as you pout, “I’m not doing anything. I was honestly just curious about how you felt. You’re my best friend. Youropinion matters to me.”

“Look, as long as you’re being responsib—” Emiko was cut off as you moved right past her. Her expression fell into an annoyed one as she watched you turn on the charm to full; it visibly irked her to see you wear a smile so seemingly sweet and so charmingly kind when they were justtalking about your possible attraction to DILFs.

You knew it wouldn’t take long for Emiko to put two and two together.

Emiko was smart like that.

Andthiswas the DILF that you were talking about.




“Right on time,” your voice picked up a playful tone as you looked over at the customer who entered. It didn’t take a genius to figure out whyyour smile had become so wide or why your eyes twinkled with playfulness. The dark haired customer with glasses came in. Though he had an intimidating aura, the tension broke as his kind eyes wandered over to you. You swore you saw the flash of relief that washed over his face but maybe that was just well-wishing on your part… but you couldn’t help it. His smile was just toocute.

“I’m never late for a date.” the man smiled at you, “Do I need to order, or have I bothered you enough for you to remember my order?”

“Don’t worry Akaashi-san, I remember what drinks you and your boys always order.”

Akaashi was a frequent visitor — he came every Wednesday and Friday night at half past six. From their initial conversations, Akaashi always ordered a vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso and two iced non-caffeinated drinks of whatever flavour you wanted to surprise him with. At first, you thought the amount of drinks he ordered didn’t match the man himself, but eventually, through the art of flirtation, you found out that he bought the extra drinks for his two sons. Apparently, one of his sons, Tetsurou loved anything with vanilla, and his other son, Koutarou, just loved all iced drinks. You had never met his sons before, but you assumed it was because Akaashi was always on his way home to pick them up from the babysitter.

“You know me too well, Y/N.” Akaashi swmiled as he hovered over the counter. His eyes remained on you as he continued the conversation, “Has it been busy today?”

“It’s been okay,” you nodded as you got started on his latte. You could have asked Emiko for help making them, but you never shied away from making the extra effort for Akaashi. “I think it goes quiet during this time since everyone’s usually having dinner.” Maybe you should go to dinner with me, you thought to yourself as you punctuated your sentence with a smile. “What are you and your boys having for dinner?”

“Honestly, we’re probably having onigiri.” Akaashi laughed as he shrugged. “There’s a new onigiri restaurant that just opened up nearby owned by someone we know. Tetsu’s been asking for natto all week, but me and Kou just aren’t in the mood for it.” he shook his head. “That boy has the funniest taste in things but I can’t blame him. He’s at that age, you know?”

You didn’t know but you nodded in agreement. “At least he’s exploring his tastes.” you smiled. Akaashi seemed like such a good dad — he was so attentive to what his sons’ enjoyed and their particular tastes. These were good signs. “Better to have him try things out while he can before he gets picky.”

Akaashi laughed. “Are you the picky type?”

“Not picky, I just have strong preferences,” you say seriously, finishing the first drink. You began the next drink as he nodded, “But I promise I won’t ever be an awful dinner date.” Please get the hint, you quietly thought as you scooped ice into a cup. You clear your throat as you ask, “You must go on dates a lot, huh?”

Akaashi shook his head, “Surprisingly, no. The boys say I need to start going out on dates again, but it’s hard, you know?” he shrugged as he started to flush from embarrassment, “I haven’t been in the dating scene in so long. It’s like I don’t even know how to get back into it, you know?”

So not only is he a DILF… he’s a singleDILF.You looked up at Akaashi. You blinked a few times and shook your head, “You shouldn’t even worry. Youof all people wouldn’t have any issues with it. Trust me.”

“You’re very kind,” Akaashi laughed, “I don’t know if I even have the time for it.”

A single, attentive father. You smiled as you finished the second drink. “I know there’s a lot of people that would love to go out with you.” Me, myself and I. You walked over to the shelf containing different syrups. “Koutarou doesn’t have a nut allergy, right? I don’t want to give him something he’s allergic to.”

“Y/N, you really spoil us.” Akaashi replies with a grin. He shook his head, “Kou’s not allergic to anything. That kid drinks anything, he wouldn’t even notice if mixed things up.”

The rest of the conversation remains light-hearted, plenty of corny dad jokes (on Akaashi’s part, but you happily forgave him for it). At the end of it, the three drinks were packed into a bag and Akaashi handed you his card. Before you could finish the check-out process, Akaashi looked over at the display behind you.

‘Are those plushies for sale?”

You turned around to look at the shelf then to him, “Yeah, we’re doing a partnership with an endangered owl sanctuary. Did you want one?”

“Not for me. Kou loves plushies and he’s been working hard recently.” Akaashi smiles and points to one, “I’ll take one for him if you don’t mind.”

“For you? I’d never mind.”




When the door shut as Akaashi left, you could feel it. It slowly crawled up your back and began to glare daggers into the back of your head. You felt the cold thoughts of murder being thrown at you. If you turned around too quickly, you were sure you’d become a victim.

Emiko’s glare was unmatched.

“If you’re going to do that, the least you could do is actually ask him out.” Emiko’s glare softened as she sighed, “It’s painful watching your attempts flop like that.”

“It wasn’t a flop,” you say defensively. (it was). You sigh as you look at her, “I learned that he’s single.”

“Youknewthat last week. You wouldn’t shut up about how he didn’t have a ring on his finger,” she stares at you. Emiko shakes her head as she teases, “How could you of all people forget? Especially when he’s your,” Emiko makes air quotation marks as she says, “soulmate.”

“But now,” you emphasised as you pointed at her, “we have confirmation he’s singlesingle.”

“Okay so now what are you going to do?” she looks at you. “Do you even have a game plan for this attempt to capture a DILF?” A few seconds pass as you pout. You jut your lip out and flash Emiko the saddest eyes you can muster. “You’re not going to catch a DILF if you don’t do something.” you stare at her with a quivering bottom lip until Emiko sighs.

Fine.I will help you catch a dilf.”




It may be the start of a new shift, but you eye Emiko with suspicion. You guys may be best friends, but there was something about this that didn’t sit right with you. You leaned against the counter as you squinted at her. You fold your arms before you ask, “Why does this seem like something you know from experience?”

Emiko looked over to you, then shoved a box of napkins at you. “Put these in the napkin dispensers.” she instructs. “Work until what’s his face comes in and then, I’ll convenientlytake my fifteen-minute break.” Emiko shrugged as she stifled a yawn. “At least it’s slow today.”

“You never answered me, Emiko.” You haphazardly shove napkins into the dispensers, “is this something that you’ve done before?”

“You’ve never asked someone out before?”

“Not at work.”

“That sounds like a youproblem.” Emiko busied herself with stacking the shelves with fresh buns.

Despite your desire to find out what secret your best friend was hiding, you knew better than to bother her while she was in the zone. One, fresh buns were the biggest upsell to the customers, but also, Emiko’s buttons being constantly pushed was more terrifying than most people could fathom.

You could never understand how there was so much anger and power inside this five foot one woman.




Just like clockwork, Akaashi walked in at his usual time. You smiled, you could always count on him.

“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Akaashi teased as he walked up to the counter. He looked as though he had just clocked off some office job, clad in a smart turtleneck and black slacks. “Right on time for our weekly date, huh?”

Date.Your eyes widened for a second before you looked over to Emiko. There wasn’t any need to signal anything to her — she rolled her eyes and shrugged as she walked to the back. Emiko said something about taking her fifteen minute break and that she’d be back later.

Your usual banter with Akaashi continued as you started on his drinks. As you packed them into a bag, you decided to pry a little more into the life of your favourite customer.

“So you came here straight from work? Did you miss seeing me that much?” you teased.

“Don’t laugh, but my week doesn’t feel right if I don’t see you at least once.” Akaashi’s response was so casual that you dropped a spoon onto the floor with a clang. Akaashi let out a small chuckle as he watches you fumble around to pick it up. “Honestly, I look forward to coming here for my favourite coffee. It’s like a little reward after a hard day at work.

“Mhmm,” you nodded as you tried to focus on making his drinks. “Yeah, I look forward to your visits, no other regular lets me make them a random drink every time they come in.”

“I’m guessing I’m your favourite customer then.”

You don’t answer but the way you blushed immediately and giggle softly gives you away. And that was fine, until you hear Akaashi say cuteunder his breath. That was notfine.

You drop a coffee lid onto the floor. Again.

“Sorry, I’m butter hands today.” you apologise sheepishly, before you finish his third drink. “I don’t mind making normal drinks, but it adds a little something to my day when I get to be creative I guess.”

The rest of the conversation trickles down into the light flirtation you usually fell into. Akaashi would tease suggestions lightly, and you would get flustered over it. However, this time — under the threatening guidance of a particular co-worker named Emiko — you would be the one to take the lead. According to her, most single fathers liked the boldness (she refused to answer where she got her research from and that you should simply trust her).

Three drinks were packed with your gentle care and Akaashi was ready to check out. Before you rang him up again, you pointed to the plushies behind you and asked, “Do you want to take another one for Koutarou again? Since he loves plushies and all.”

“I appreciate you remembering that,” Akaashi smiles and nods as he takes out his wallet. “I’ll let you pick one and I’ll tell him that my favourite Coffee Club employee picked it out so he needs to take extra good care of it.”

“This one. It reminds me of you.” you pick out a small brown owl, with round, charming eyes. You hold it up to his face teasingly before handing it over.

“I like that.”

“Me too.” you nod as you ring him up. As a crushcourtesy discount, you applied your employee discount to his purchase. When the receipt prints out, you take a deep breath as you hear Emiko’s voice at the back of your mind… that voice in your head that pushed you forward. “Before you go…” you cleared your throat as you nervously picked up a pen. You quickly scribble your phone number at the back of the receipt and hand it over to Akaashi.

Then you smile. “Have a good night.”




When Akaashi finally left, you felt your soul leave your body,

“Congratulations,” Emiko said as she returned from the breakroom, “you finally gained the courage to do something you should have done earlier.”

You looked over at her and sighed. You put your hand over your chest and let out a dramatic sigh. “That was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done.”

“Youflirtwith him every time he’s here.”

“That’s different. It never crosses to actuallygoing on a date outside of the safe bubble of the Coffee Club,” you pointed out as you frown at her, “and now there is a very real possibility that he will never call me or ever return. I could have easily ruined getting my weekly eye candy, Emiko.”

“Or, you could have secured your DILF candy outside of work.”

You blinked a few times as you stared at Emiko, opening your mouth to say something before you close it. “You’re rig—”

The bell rang and the door opened. You catch sight of Akaashi walking into the cafe with a receipt in hand… and that was enough to have to drop to the ground. Emiko’s eyes widened as she stared at you — you waved her away and whispered, “Handle him; tell him I’m on break and not here.”

“You’re being stupid.” Emiko hisses at you. She tried to kick you as she said, “It’s your man, you deal w—”

“Hi.” Akaashi said as he looked around. Luckily for you, he didn’t look down, or otherwise you’d be seen. “Um,” Akaashi held the receipt as he looked at Emiko.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Emiko shook her head. “As you’ve already walked out with your coffee, we can no longer take any returns or exchanges. It’s store policy.”

“Oh, I wasn’t asking for th—”

“If there’s any issues with the drinks, I’ll take it up with Y/N when she gets back from her break.”

Akaashi laughed. “There’s no issues with the drinks,” he smiled as he held the back of the receipt, “Y/N gave me her number but she forgot the last digit.”

Emiko kicked you under the counter before she nodded and said, “It’s ok, I know her phone number. Best friend duties and all. The last digit is an eight.”

“Ah perfect,” Akaashi smiled. “Thank you!”




“How the hell do you forget the last digit of your phone number?” Emiko asked as she smacked your arm lightly, “It was so easy and you could have messed it up just like that.”

“Listen, Emiko,” you said as you stood up from your hiding place. You put your hands on her shoulders and said, “That’s why I deemed you as a best friend who can handle everything that I cann—”


You froze.

The two of you stared at each other. You blinked a few times as you stared at Emiko. It couldn’t be, right? You blinked a few more times.

There was no way that text was from…

“Check your phone.” Emiko demanded as she nodded at you. “Check your phone now.

You slowly moved your hands off her shoulders as you tried to remember which pocket your phone was in. Your mind was racing as you searched for it until you felt it in your back pocket. You grabbed your phone and click the button; there was one unread text message: “Hi, this is Akaashi Keiji…”

If Emiko wasn’t in front of you, your phone would have hit the ground.




“So,” Emiko started as she broke the silence, “Have you secured your fi—”

“Do you think I’m ready for motherhood?”

Emiko closed her eyes and shook her head. She turned around and began to walk away, muttering something about being unfortunate enough to be friends with you and cursing you quietly — you put a hand on her shoulder.

“This is a serious question,” you pleaded, “Do you think I’m ready to be a mother to two children?”

Emiko sighed as she frowned. She softly rubbed her temples and asked, “Why do you always jump straight to conclusions? You need to go on a first date and probably a few more after that before you can even start thinking about motherhood.”

“I want to prepare for it.”

“You can’t prepare for something like that.” Emiko said. “Sometimes, you just learn when it happens.”

You stared at Emiko, blinking as your eyes squinted. “Are you speaking from experience again? Because I swearyou—”


There were so many answers you expected to hear, but ‘yes’ was not one of them. You opened your mouth to say something but closed it as you tried to process all the possibilities. You shook your head, “How many kids?”

“Why is that your first question?”

“I just…” you shrugged, “I want to know how you’re dealing with being a new mother.”

“I’m not a mother,” Emiko replied before she waved you off. “Enough. We’re talking about you; why haven’t you secured a first date yet? You already have his number and I’m assuming you’ve been texting, right?”




There was a challenge in asking out a single father. Every time you wanted to, your brain kept scolding you for taking Akaashi away from his kids. At one point, you wanted to ask when the boys were going to spend time with their mother but it was never brought up in the texts — a majority of your texts were just overly flirty conversations with a much higher rating than your usual banter at the cafe.

However,  you weren’t sure when you could finally ask Akaashi out. You felt guilty for taking away a single father from his boys.

“So, when are you going to ask him out?” she raised an eyebrow. “I’m asking as your best friend this time.”

You shrugged, “I don’t know if I can… unless,” you looked over at her and raised your eyebrows, “Unless, as my best friend, you want to help me out and do me a hugefavour.”

“I am notbabysitting.”

You let out a dramatic gasp as you shook your head. “You’re my best friend and you can’t even do that for me? I cannot beli—”

“I doubt a single father would allow a stranger to babysit his kids.” Emiko pointed out. “Why don’t you just offer to buy dinner and bring it to him? That way you won’t need a babysitter and you can meet his kids.”

“You really are speaking from experience.”

“No, I just have a brain.”




Securing the first date with Akaashi had actually been much easier than you anticipated. In fact, all you had to do was text, ‘do you want to go on a date with me?’ and his response was an immediate ‘absolutely :)’.

Most of your first dates had always set your nerves on fire. However, your first date with Akaashi was void of any of that nervousness and you were thankful for all the previous flirting you had done at the cafe which swept away all of the first date nervousness.  You guys were able to really get to know each at Akaashi’s favourite onigiri restaurant (he swore by it, saying it was the spot he and his boys always went to).

By the time you finished your food, you were a few drinks in and the liquid courage was flowing through your veins.

“So,” Akaashi said as he took a forkful of the cake you ordered for dessert, “your best friend Emiko always looks angry. Did I do something wrong?”

You laughed as you also took a forkful of the cake, “No, that’s just her face. I promise, she always looks like that.” you paused. “She’s actually the one who pushed me to give you my number.”

“What a good best friend.” Akaashi smiled, taking another bite.

You had tried to be a good date. You tried your best to pay attention to everything that he did, and even more attention to everything he said. Despite being distracted by his lips all night, (they just looked oh so kissable), you had been an attentive date.

But your focus cracked when he cupped your cheeks, running his thumb over the corner of your mouth. “You have a bit of whipped cream there.”

In normal circumstances, you would have been embarrassed— but you had a few drinks already and the alcohol gave you enough courage to lean forward, as Akaashi gently guided you closer.

Your eyes met before you finally leaned in to taste your biggest distraction of the night.




“Do I even wanna know why you’re reading a parenting book?”

You closed the ‘Dummy’s Guide to Raising Children’ slowly. You set the book down and smiled at Emiko. “I’ve decided that I’m ready to embrace motherhood. I want to be prepared, I’m literally going from a single woman to a possible mother of two.”

“You went on one date.”


“One date and you’re already thinking of marriage and children.” Emiko shook her head before muttering, “I didn’t even consider that until the fifth date.”

“You…” you began until Emiko glared at you. Why she was so secretive about her relationship, you couldn’t figure it out. But right now, you were too preoccupied  on trying to figure out how to be a good stepmother. “Do you think my future sons, Tetsurou and Koutarou, will like me? Should I buy them ice cream? Chocolate? Oh my god, what do children even like?”

“You haven’t even met them.” Emiko said, exasperated.

“Me and Keiji,yeah that’s right we’re on a first name basis now, had a really good first date.” You emphasised. “It was weird though, he never really talked about them. He talked about himself, which I’m happy about but… I wanted to know more about his kids. If I’m going to be their new mother, I want to really get to know them.”

Emiko rubbed at her forehead. “You should really stop jumping to that conclusion before you meet them.”

“I’m going to meet them eventually!” you argued, raising the book to her face, “That’s why I’m trying to be prepared.”

“Do you even know how old they are?”

“Well, he’s only two years older than me, and judging from what he’s mentioned about them, I’m guessing they’re pretty young.” you shrugged. “Probably under ten? They like iced, non-caffeinated drinks, what kind of adult even functions without caffeine, and Koutarou lovesplushies. Keiji buys him so many.”

“That’s what I figured from what you’ve said about them so far.” Emiko nodded. “You should bring plushies when you meet them, you know, make a good impression. It’s their opinion that will matter most to him.”

“Yeah, I know.” you sighed. “That’s what stresses me out about it but… you know, I can’t wait to see Keiji with them. I bet he’ll look even sexier.”

“Well, you might get the chance.” Emiko nods towards the window. The man of the hour was walking through the door. “Wipe that stupid expression off of your face.”

“Shut up!”




“Just the usual?” you asked as he approached the counter,

“Actually, no.” Akaashi gestured to the two strangers behind him who were looking at you excitedly. “We’re here to get some of your buns and sit in, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not!” you said, excited at the possibility of seeing him for more than a fleeting moment today. “Three, right? Just the vanilla latte with an extra espresso shot for you, I’m guessing.” Akaashi nodded, giddy that you always remembered his order. You then turned to look at the two people behind him, “What about your friends?”

“Tetsu! Kou!” Akaashi called out. “Let Y/N know what you want.” He then turned to you and said, “Tetsurou’s probably gonna take his usual, but Koutarou’s a wild card so I have no idea. You’ve probably given him every iced drink on the menu by now.”



You took a sharp breath as you tilted your head to the side in confusion. What a coincidence it was to have two friends that shared the sa— Did he say his usual order? Did he say you’ve probably given him every iced drink on the menu by now?

“Keiji.” you called out. Akaashi stopped talking to the other two men and leaned on the counter towards you. His smile was still charming as ever, but that’s not what you were focused on right now. “Whenever you talked about your boys…”

“Yeah,” Akaashi smiled as he pointed to the two men behind him, “Those two are my boys. You know, my best friends Tetsu and Kou. And I’m their glorified babysitter.”

Boys did not mean sons.

Boys meant his best friends.

As the realisation struck you like a punch to the gut, Emiko’s laughter broke out through the half empty cafe. She let out a cackle, seemingly trying to hold it in, before she completely lost herself to an unending fit of giggles. She laughed so hard that if she didn’t have the counter to lean on, she would have fallen to the ground. Emiko fell into a hysteric fit of laughter that she started to cry. Every time she looked at you, she laughed again.

Emiko stumbled from where she stood and attempted to walk to the breakroom in the back. Before she left the scene, she looked at you one more time and then let out another laugh.

“Is your friend okay?” Akaashi asked as he looked at you, confusion swirling in his eyes.

You let out a defeated sigh. “Keiji… you don’t have kids do you?”

Akaashi laughed and shook his head. “Definitely not. I can barely take care of myself at the moment.” he gave you a sheepish look. “Maybe in the future I will, but not now. I don’t think I’ll be ready for kids for a while.”

“So, you’re really not a father?”

Akaashi shook his head. “No. I’m not a father unfortunately.”

You could admit that you felt a little disappointed that Akaashi was nota dad (did you even keep the receipt for the bookstore you bought the parenting book from?) but… this wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened.

You were stilldating Akaashi and maybe, in the future, if everything went well… Akaashi could become the DILF you thought he was.

And hopefully, you would be his partner for that.

a repost of a silly lil fic i wrote for akaashi’s bday before… i hope you liked it ! :’)

Synopsis:Akaashi has more patients than you do when it comes to combing your hair.


Warnings:None! POC!Reader with curly hair. I wrote this assuming reader is male but it’s gender neutral.

Akaashi watches from the doorway of the living room as a fight occurs between your hair, the comb in your hand and you. Akaashi snickers as you let out a low sound of frustration.

“You know if you’re gonna stand there and laugh at me you could at least offer to help me.”

“Fine, I’ll help you. I don’t know why you didn’t just ask from the beginning.”

“You were sleeping. You spent all night trying to edit that manuscript.”

You felt the couch dip slightly next to you as Akaashi took a seat. He takes the comb and lets you sit on the floor between his legs.

This is not the first time that Akaashi has helped you with your hair. It’s evident by how his hands move through your hair with practiced patience. Careful to work his way to your roots and not snag one of the combs teeth on a curl. Slowly working his fingers through the more knotted parts of your curls. Taking the time to massage your scalp before moving on to detangle with the comb.

There is something magical about being taken care of like this. Something to be said about the gentle way he works with your hair. How he takes his time to rub circles into your scalp. The tension drops from your shoulders and you melt into his touch. When he finishes combing your hair he gently runs a hand through it in an attempt to catch any stray knots. Not finding any he places a kiss on your forehead before leaning back on the couch with a soft yawn.

[04:23 ]

you could barely keep your eyes open. akaashihad promised to take you to a beach to see the sunrise. there was just one problem; the beach was pretty far away from where you live.

“you can go to sleep if you want to.” he says, smiling. he’s probably smiling because of the sleepy look on your face, and you can’t help but smile back. “i’m alright, the sleepiness will fade away soon.”

there were only a few cars on the road and you could still see the moon and stars in the sky. the soft and calm music coming from the car’s radio makes the car drive even better.

“i think it’s only a few minutes until we arrive the beach.” - “ i’m so excited, i haven’t been to the beach since last summer.” akaashi’s hand goes to the buttons next to him, and you can hear the car window next to you roll down.

faint wave sounds can be heard and the birds are singing. you close your eyes to feel the wind on your face. the car finally comes to a stop and you’re met with the sight of a beautiful beach.

the tired feeling you had just felt was replaced with energy. it was the prettiest view you had ever seen. “thank you so much for driving me here, keiji.” you say flashing a bright smile. akaashi didn’t reply, but he knew that seeing you happy was worth all the trouble.


word count: 4k

warnings: angst and ending is fluff, fading love

– – – – – – 

Things weren’t the same anymore. Waking up next to him didn’t give you a thrill, didn’t make your heart race like it used to. Bringing him coffee in the morning, kissing his cheek… his fingers never lingered where your lips pressed against his heated skin. Your laughter didn’t make his heartbeat skip, it just stayed still now. You both felt it, you both knew that things were different now… but never had the words been spoken out loud. They were there though, despite never being acknowledged. They were there when the two of you fell asleep alone, your bodies just mere inches from one another. Together but undeniably alone. 

“Hey baby,” Kuroo spoke from behind you, jolting you back into reality. You turned to the man you once loved, the one you wish you still felt the same for. You smiled up at him, a sad smile… but a smile nonetheless. 

“Hey,” you replied softly, holding back a small cringe at the feeling of his lips pressing against your forehead. A pang of numbness swirled in your stomach at the attempted affection. Pushing the feeling down your throat, you quickly changed the topic, “Do you have volleyball today?”

He nodded, stepping back from you. A rush of oxygen invaded your lungs, the suffocating feeling leaving you as the distance between your body and his grew, “Yeah we’re going to go practice with Fukurodani today. You want to come? Your bestie will be there.” 

You chuckled at his teasing tone, rolling your eyes, “Akaashi isn’t my bestie, he’s just a friend.” 

He reciprocated your eye roll jokingly, “Sometimes I think you like him more than you like me.” 

You knew he was meaning it in a joking manner, but you could read it all over his face. He actually thought that. He saw the way you and Akaashi spoke, how Akaashi smiles at you and you smile back. The two of you had grown very close over the years, but you never thought of it to the extent that your boyfriend did. 

“Don’t be silly,” you chuckled, your tone guarded. He was wrong, but not by much. You loved your boyfriend, you really did. But things were so different now… every movement, every kiss… they all seemed so forced now. The relationship you have with Akaashi is so easy. There is no questioning between the two of you. You could talk to Akaashi for hours and never once feel bored or like a burden. That’s not how it is with Kuroo anymore… honestly you’d never felt that way with Kuroo. 

“Sure,” he spoke numbly, taking in the way your body stiffened at his words, “So are you coming?” 

“Yeah, just let me go get dressed real quick,” you said sweetly, turning to head to his room to find some clothes. He went to reach for you, but you were already so far out of his grasp. In more ways than one. 


“Y/N!” Bokuto yelled as you and Kuroo walked in. Normally he would be holding your hand, walking in step with you… but today you trailed slowly behind him. He had his hands in his pockets today. 

“Bo!” you squealed happily, running into the energetic boys arms. He swung you around, nearly knocking Akaashi over but he was used to this. He ducked just in time, narrowly avoiding your tattered converses. A small smile was gracing his lips as he watched you laughing loudly, begging Bokuto to put you down. 

“You’re going to make Y/N sick, Bokuto,” Akaashi voiced, his usual monotone voice causing small butterflies to swarm your stomach. 

“Listen to ‘Kaashi,” you laughed, clinging onto Bokuto for dear life, “Pleaseee!” 

The boy grumpily placed your feet on the ground, but the constant spinning had caused your mind to go a little fuzzy. You stepped forward in an attempt to ground yourself, but you could feel your body tipping over. Steady hands gripped your waist, holding you in place so you wouldn’t faceplant. You assumed it was Kuroo for a millisecond, but then you felt the twist in your stomach. You felt your heart racing slightly faster than it should. You felt your skin set on fire underneath their touch. 

“Thanks Akaashi,” you mumbled, placing a hand on your forehead as the world slowly stopped spinning.

“Yeah,” he spoke, the words coming out slightly warbled. Confused, you turned to look at him. His cheeks were dusted over with pink, his eyes never once leaving the sight of his hands gripping your waist. 

“‘Kaashi?” he looked up at your eyes at the sound of your concerned tone and for a moment you thought time stopped. His lips parted slightly at the sight of your reddened face, but you knew better than this. You knew that Kuroo was watching and you felt sick because of it, so you spoke up, “You can let go now. I’m not dizzy anymore.” 

“Sorry,” he whispered, stepping away from you.
That felt different. 

When Kuroo stepped away from you, sudden rushes of air plagued your lungs… but when it was Akaashi distancing himself. It was as if all the air in your lungs left with him. Ashamed of the feeling, you pointed towards the bench, “I’m gonna go sit down, have fun guys.” 

Akaashi watched you as you walked away, his hands curling into fists at their sides. He wanted to reach out to you, he wanted to hold you… but you weren’t his to hold. You were with Kuroo and of course he knew that. He just hated it. 

“Kuroo doesn’t look too happy with you,” Bokuto whispered to his best friend, breaking him from his trance. Akaashi looked over to Kuroo to see him glaring him down. Akaashi’s face remained stoic, but he felt irritation begging to express itself on his gentle features. 

“Let it go,” he whispered to himself, causing Bokuto to look at him with a small smirk. Of course Bokuto knew all about Akaashi’s feelings for you. He was also aware of the lack of feelings between you and Kuroo. 

“You two would be a cu-”

“Finish that sentence and I won’t set for you for the rest of the season,” Akaashi threatened as he walked away. Bokuto watched him with a knowing smirk, loving the sight of his normally stoic best friend starting to crumble over a girl. But he understood, you were one hell of a girl. 

“Let’s play!” Bokuto yelled as he chased after his best friend.

For a practice match, it seemed a little serious. Normally the boys would be cutting up, but that was not the energy today. You could feel the brewing emotions between Kuroo, Akaashi, and even Bokuto. It only got worse whenever Nekoma won the first match, causing Kuroo to spin you around and kiss you. Surprised, you barely had time to to register what happened to kiss him back. Kuroo felt it, he felt you hesitating to kiss him back. He wanted to say he didn’t know why, it wasn’t like you were shy. The two of you used to do this all the time, but he knew the reason. What hurt the most is that he knew it wasn’t just because Akaashi was there… you just didn’t want to kiss him. 

Akaashi watched the moment between the two of you, but from his view he couldn’t see your hesitation. His fist curled once more, anger taking over his body in a fiery motion. The second set. That’s when he was going to kick Kuroo’s ass.
“Calm down, Akaashi,” Bokuto said to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Akaashi didn’t mean to, but his body reacted before his brain did. He shoved the boys hand off of his shoulder in a huff. 

“Shut up,” he nearly growled, “I am calm.” 

“We’ll win the second set,” Bokuto said to him with a smile, giving him room to seethe. 

“I know we will.” 

True to his word, Fukurodani won the second set. He smirked at Kuroo as he finished the set with a setter’s dump. Kuroo glowered at him, using every bit of restraint in his body to not jump the boy right there. But Akaashi wasn’t done. He turned to you, giving you a thumbs up. You, unaware of the brewing battle between the two boys, gave him a giant smile and returned the gesture. 

“That’s it!” Kuroo yelled, pushing the net out of the way to get to Akaashi. Bokuto ran between the two boys, panic set in his features. 

“Calm down, Kuroo!” Bokuto said, his tone matching Kuroo’s. He spread his arms out, protecting the smirking setter behind him. 

“No,” Akaashi spoke with amusement in his tone, “Let him hit me. I promise to return the favor.” 

Bokuto looked at him in surprise, “YOU’RE NOT HELPING!” 

Now you understood. Silently, you marched over to the boys. Angry words spewed from each of their mouths like daggers being propelled across a battlefield. The teams were attempting to separate the two boys, but when they saw you walking over with a black aura radiating off of your body they all froze and stepped back. They knew you could handle this, and frankly they didn’t want to be in the mix while you did it. 

Kuroo continued to scream at Akaashi, who of course just stared at him with that snotty smirk on his lips. But that all changed when he saw your approaching figure behind Kuroo. His expression dropped, showing the slightest bit of guilt. Kuroo never stopped, his words echoing through the now silent gym. 

“Kuroo,” you said to him, your expression void of any feeling. He stopped mid sentence, his eyes widening in surprise. Everyone watched curiously as the tall boy seemed to shrink in shame as he turned to face the angered girl. Seeing that everyone’s attention was on you, you sighed, “Get your stuff. We’re leaving.” 

Without another word, you spun on your heels and headed out of the door. Kuroo winced, realizing what was about to come. He silently packed his belongings and followed you out of the building, his movements unbearably slow. 

“I guess it’s a tie?” Bokuto voiced, causing the entire room to stare at him in disbelief. 


The ride was silent. Kuroo didn’t even attempt to speak to you. There was nothing that he could say. He thought of apologizing, but he promised you that he would never lie to you. He wasn’t sorry and he wasn’t going to pretend that he was.
It was the front door. The front door when it slammed behind you. When you shoved your shoes off of your feet. It was at the front door that the night really began. 

“What was that?” you practically spat at the boy while he struggled to undo the knot in his shoes. 

“I was protecting what is mine,” he mumbled, his fingers shaking around the skinny fabric. 

“Excuse me?” his hands paused, immediately realizing his mistake, “I am not your property, Kuroo. So don’t you dare start that with me, got it? I’ll give you another chance. What was that?” 

Kuroo snapped, standing to cower over you. His words came out lightning fast, he didn’t even know what he was saying until it was echoing the halls of his home, “What about you, huh? What about what’s going on with you and Akaashi? How about we talk about that? You think I didn’t see that little show the two of you put on when we got to the gym? You think that I’m an idiot? I saw it all!” 

He didn’t intend for it to come off as threatening, he was just tall. But when he saw the way you cowered slightly under his gaze and under the pressure of his words, he softened. His hand reached out to caress your chin, but you shied away from his touch, “You think I don’t know that you don’t love me anymore? I do. Trust me, I have noticed.” 

Pain. That’s all you could hear in his now gentle tone. You looked up to the boy, the one you used to love with your whole heart, “I do love you, Kuroo.” 

He shook his head, tears dripping from his beautiful eyes, “Baby, please don’t lie to me. We promised we would be honest with one another.” 

A sudden sob broke out of your chest as you clung to Kuroo. His arms instinctively wrapped around you, holding you close to him just as he did a million times. But, like most things these days, it was different. You weren’t warm anymore.

He wondered when your body stopped feeling like home to him. 

“I want to love you,” you sobbed into his chest, “I want to love you so much, Kuroo.” 

“I know, baby,” he sighed, pressing kisses onto the top of your head. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. But instead he just held you tighter, whispering his biggest confession, “I want to love you, too.” 

There it was. Out in the open. He felt the same and he had for a while. Today was just his final attempt at keeping you in his arms, no matter how empty it made his heart feel. 

“Please don’t hate me,” you whispered to him, causing both of your hearts to scream out in pain. His grasp tightened around you as tears began to flow freely. 

“I could never hate you, Y/N.” 


It had been two weeks since you and the Nekoma captain had broken up. It felt so weird to you to be without him. You were kind of thankful that you didn’t attend his school, you could only imagine how much more painful that would have made things. But it definitely was just as awkward at Fukurodani than it would have been at Nekoma. 

You hadn’t spoken to Akaashi since that day. Of course, you weren’t sure if it was out of anger or confusion. The anger option was the easier excuse. But you were confused. You didn’t know how to act now. Akaashi made it painfully clear for you that day that he was interested in you and you didn’t know how to handle that. Obviously you had your suspicions beforehand, but he practically wrote it in the sky. How were you meant to act around him now? Was it too soon to talk to him? Did you feel the same way?

That one was the worst question of them all. You honestly didn’t know if you had feelings for Akaashi. 

“Talk to him,” your friend prodded, nudging you backside with her elbow. Akaashi and Bokuto were on the other side of the library. Akaashi was attempting to study while Bokuto was trying to convince him to do anything but that. You watched the boys in slight amusement, but it quickly vanished when Akaashi’s eyes met yours. He seemed hopeful for a moment, but when you turned away from him, he felt his heart tearing in his chest.

“I can’t,” you whispered to her, pain evident in your tone. You walked to the other side of the room, attempting to find a seat where Akaashi’s gaze couldn’t burn your skin. 

“You’re killing yourself over this,” Hana complained, snatching a book off of the shelf as she walked by. “It would be a lot easier to just… talk to him.” 

“I told you,” you grumbled, placing your bookbag on the ground and sitting in the uncomfortable chairs. That was the price you had to pay to keep yourself from seeing Akaashi. Your body screamed out at you in protest. It had not stopped begging for his touch since that day in the gym. When his fingertips brushed against the exposed skin of your slightly raised top, it sparked so many things inside of you. Ever since, your mind and body have been calling out his name. You wondered if his was the same, but you couldn’t think about that long. When you think about his body begging for yours just as desperately as yours cried out for his… You shook your head, “I can’t. I told you I can’t.” 

“Why not?”

“What if I don’t actually like him? What if he’s just a rebound?” 

“You liked him before the breakup,” she said in a bored tone, spreading the spine of the book. It was new, your ears perked up at the sound of the spine adjusting to its new position. 

“It’s too soon.” 

“Even Kuroo said to try, didn’t he?” 

She was right. That night, Kuroo had helped you pack your stuff (you didn’t live with him, but no one would’ve known that with as much stuff as you had at his place). He zipped up your bag and went to hand it to you. Right before you grabbed it, he spoke, “I know you don’t want to hear this just as much as I don’t want to say it, but I do like Akaashi. I think he would be good for you.”

“Kuroo,” you tried to say, but he silenced you with a pained look. 

“Please,” he whispered, dropping the straps of your bag into your hand, “Don’t avoid love because of this.” 

You said you wouldn’t. You promised him that you wouldn’t. But here you were hiding in the library from the one person who can set your skin on fire and cool it down with a simple brush of his skin on yours. 

“Maybe I’m just scared,” you shrugged, trying to rid the air of this conversation. Hana sighed, dropping the subject. But even with her mouth shut and her eyes lazily scanning the pages in front of her, you knew every single thought going off in her mind. 


“Are you mad at me?” Akaashi asked from behind you. Your body froze at the sound of his voice, so calm yet you could hear the panic behind it. 

“No, ‘Kaashi,” you whispered, trying to walk away from him. Akaashi wasn’t sure what took him over at that moment. Maybe it was the fear that if he let you walk away now, you would never come back to him. His hand reached out, taking hold of your arm. His grasp wasn’t harsh, but it spread pain through your entire body. Longing. It sparked inside of you, causing tears to form in your eyes. 

“Please,” he whispered, letting his frozen facade crumble as he stared at the floor underneath him, “Please don’t leave me.” 

You turned to look at the boy, seeing a single tear drop from his eyes. Your fear was swallowed up by sadness, realizing it wasn’t just you who was breaking down. He needed you just as much as you did him. He just couldn’t ignore it any longer, “‘Kaashi…”

“I am so sorry for how I acted that day,” he struggled to speak, trying to force down a sob. He couldn’t let you walk away. His entire body trembled in fear that he would lose you before he even got to experience loving you. 

“I’m not mad at you,” you whispered, but your words meant nothing to him. Not when you’d been avoiding him for so long. 

“Then why won’t you talk to me?” he croaked, looking you in the eyes. Time froze around the two of you once more. You couldn’t help but notice how warm his gaze was on you, how inviting it made his body feel to you.  

“I can’t.”

“Why not?” his voice grew louder in the abandoned hallways. You had never heard him sound so desperate before and suddenly you were thankful school had ended. Akaashi’s grip softened to the point it completely vanished from your body, causing your stomach to twist. You already missed the feeling of his skin on yours. But what broke you even further was seeing Akaashi’s body sink to the floor, barely able to hold himself up on his knees. 

“I know that you and Kuroo broke up because of what I did,” he whispered, his fists clenched in his lap, “And I get it if you don’t feel the same about me. You don’t have to. But I cannot stand another day without you beside me. It’s killing me, Y/N.” 

The emotion in his voice was raw and painful. You couldn’t stand hearing him like this, and it was tearing you apart that it was your fault he was acting this way. So you finally broke, falling to your knees in front of him. Your hands, so desperate to feel his warm skin beneath your fingertips, reached out in front of you and held onto his face, forcing him to look at you. 

“I do feel the same way, Akaashi,” you admitted, your cheeks burning red at the confession, “That’s why I’m so scared. That’s why I’ve been hiding away from you. You were my only thought after I left Kuroo’s house that night. You have been the only thing I have thought about for the last two weeks. Every morning I wake up and look at the place Kuroo once laid and I imagine you there. I imagine your hands wrapped around my waist…” 


“And it’s wrong,” you sobbed, causing his eyes to widen as your hands fell from his face. He wanted to question you, but instead he stayed silent, “I shouldn’t crave you this much.” 

Words were never Akaashi’s strong subject. So instead he threaded his fingers through your hair, gentle and loving fingertips brushing across your scalp. You looked at him, into his gunmetal blue eyes and suddenly you were no longer in the hallway of your school. You weren’t crumpled to the ground in despair, no longer fighting every ounce of your body to not fall in love with him. Suddenly you were in a field of cherry blossom trees, their soft petals gently cascading down from the sky and flowing down the soft edges of your skin. 

“Couldn’t we just try?”

And then you were flying. You were in the sky as fireworks bloomed around you. You were soaring above all of the hurt and pain you had been feeling for so long. That numb feeling in your stomach morphing into something so bright and beautiful that you were sure those butterflies people speak of were more than just an expression. Desperation took over your body as you flung yourself forward, wrapping your arms around Akaashi’s neck and pressing your lips to his in a valiant declaration of love. His response was immediate, pulling you closer to him with the hand in your hair. His spare hand wrapped around your waist, tugging you into his lap. He was tired of the space between your bodies. 

“Aka-” Bokuto went to yell as he turned onto the hallway. He stopped, seeing the sight in front of him. The two of you broke your lips apart, but remained together. He rested his forehead against yours, gazing up into your eyes with pure love. You couldn’t look away from them, they were intoxicating. Bokuto nodded approvingly before turning away, headed back to the gym to tell the team that Akaashi would be late to practice. 

“You know he’s going to tell the entire team, right?” you asked feebly, your voice barely over a whisper. 

A small smile fell onto his lips at your words, “That’s fine with me.” 

He didn’t give you another moment to respond before his lips found yours once more. This time much gentler than the last. He poured every unspoken thought he had trapped in his mind into the kiss, and you heard every last word. Every single confession of his love. Every single cry of longing he had felt. Every night he laid in bed restless, wishing it was you beside him and not an empty space. 

How your body was home to him. 

“I love you,” he whispered against your lips as they separated. You looked into his eyes, as if searching for any sign of doubt. Doubt. That’s what you were used to now. But when you saw his unbreaking gaze and felt the vulnerability of his skin… you knew he was void of any doubt. 

“I love you… I’m so sorry I made you wait.” 

He smiled at you, his body relaxing at the words, “I don’t mind, just don’t run away from me again.”

You shook your head softly, “I would never.”

words: 1950


this isn’t really my favorite of what I’ve written. It’s a little all over the place, but I also kinda love it? 

Hope you enjoy



To be fair, this whole thing was Bokuto’s fault. He was the one who lied to you and said that Akaashi asked you to wear his jersey to his game. You thought that it may be a little too fast, seeing as he’s never invited you to one of his games. You, of course, went anyways. The thing is, this would be the first time that he actually saw you during the game. Before now you would stay away from his view. But today was going to be different. Bokuto drove you to the game. He forced you into a front row seat. He did all of this. 

The reason that you normally stayed out of sight is because of your previous relationship. You dated a boy who played basketball and he wasn’t too fond of showing you off to others. His opinion was that the two of you should remain a secret, fearing that if his fans found out that he was taken they’d be upset. You weren’t sure how Akaashi felt about these things and that was due to the fact you were terrified he’d be angry with you. It’s safe to say that relationships were a little scary for you. After the previous boy, you said that you would never date again. You didn’t either. You stayed single for three years, avoiding every single boy who came up to you. But when you saw Akaashi, something inside of you turned. You couldn’t really describe it, but something about him made you break from your routine. Every morning you would wake up earlier than usual, preparing a bento box to place in his locket during volleyball practice.
Of course it was Bokuto who caught you. You had snuck into the club room with the bento box tucked carefully underneath your arm. When you went to place it in the locker, Bokuto burst into the room in full emo mode. You stopped and stared at him, your soul leaving your body. You thought that he was going to laugh at you, mock you for being so desperate. However, he just smiled at you. 

“So you’re the one crushing on our setter, huh?” he laughed, nearing you. You shut Akaashi’s locker, stepping away from it as if it would make you look less guilty. Heat took over your face and you could only imagine that you resembled a tomato right then. 

“Y-You won’t tell him right?” you stuttered in a panic, eyes wide with fear, “I just wanted to be nice.” 

“Your secret is safe with me.” 

It wasn’t. He immediately went and told Akaashi.
Thankfully, Bokuto had no idea what your name was. You kind of assumed that the boy sold you out, so you actively avoided the pair. To Akaashi’s dismay, you even stopped making him bento boxes. You couldn’t risk being caught again. 

You kept this up for a month. Your best friend, Yuma, was  understanding of you not eating in the lunchroom, instead eating on the roof with you. Of course, being the hopeless romantics she was, she tried to talk you into just talking to Akaashi, but your shy nature was just too strong. Just imagining him looking down at you, telling you that he didn’t feel the same as you did… it just wasn’t something that you wanted to face. But of course, life wasn’t always so kind to you. 

“Y/N it’s raining,” Yuma said with a frown, pointing out the window at the grey storm clouds, “You’re going to have to face him eventually.” 

“I don’t think you understand,” you whined at your friend, dropping your head onto your desk, “I really can’t. They’re all going to laugh at me.” 

“You don’t know that for sure,” she tried to encourage you, rubbing your back soothingly, “Just give it a shot. If anything happens, I’ll rush us out of there and say that your parents are in the hospital or something.” 

You laughed at your friend, nuzzling your face into your hands, “If anything happens, you owe me two pints of ice cream.” 

“Mint chocolate chip,” she nodded, “Your favorite. I’ll even buy you a new blanket.” 

“The fuzziest?” you asked while looking up to meet her eyes. She chuckled and nodded her head.

“The absolute fuzziest.” 


You couldn’t breathe whenever you walked into the lunchroom. No one was looking at you, but you swore every conversation being held was about you. The voices were loud, louder than you remember them being before. Every bit of your body was screaming for you to turn and run out of the room, but your friend held onto your hand and led you to your favorite seat. It was your favorite because you could see Akaashi from it, but also kept you nicely hidden from his own view. 

“Is he looking this way?” you asked your friend, your voice shaking slightly. She turned towards the boy, her brows furrowing. 

“He isn’t there?” 

“He isn’t?” you asked in a slight panic. You knew he was in the room, you saw him the second you walked in. He was all you saw when you stepped into the room. You craned your neck, looking at the empty seat beside Bokuto, “Where is he?” 

“Hi Y/N,” a voice spoke from behind you. Chills ran down your spine at the sound of his voice. You had never heard him speak before, but you immediately knew who it was. Not only because of the way your heart began to beat wildly, but also from the panicked look on your best friends face. 

You turned slowly to look at the boy, his face as stoic as always. Bright red blush formed on your cheeks, much like it did when you were caught leaving the bento box in his locker. Words failed you. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out of them. 

“Hi Akaashi,” your friend greeted for you, noticing that you weren’t going to say anything to him. However, his eyes never left your face. He didn’t spare her a single glance, causing you to shrink back slightly. 

“I’m sorry,” he spoke once more, crouching down to your level. You watched him curiously as he continued to speak, “Bokuto shouldn’t have told me.” 

“I-” you choked in a panic, small tears forming in your eyes. Rejection. It was coming.

“Though I’m glad he did,” Akaashi spoke once more. 

Of course he’s glad. Because when he did, you disappeared. That’s how he wanted it. He didn’t want you around. You should’ve just eaten in the rain. You could’ve hidden in the classrooms. Or the library. Or even the restroom. Anywhere but here. 

“Now I know who to thank for the food,” he said, the smallest of smiles forming on his lips. Your heart stopped. It actually stopped. 

“Y-You don’t have to thank me…” 

“I’m going to anyway,” he shrugged before reaching his hand in his pocket and pulling something out. You watched with a confused expression, “A small thank you.” 

He handed you a small box before standing back up and walking back to his seat. 

“What is it?” your friend asked in a panic, trying to snatch the box out of your hands. You moved it from her grasp and opened it, revealing a small necklace with the number 5 on it. 

“The number five?” Yuma asked with furrowed brows. 

A bright smile broke out on your face, tiny happy tears forming in your eyes, “It’s his number.” 

Yuma squealed in glee, but you were too busy looking over at Akaashi. He was looking at you through half-lidded eyes, the small glint of a smile on his face at your reaction to his present. Your cheeks burned as you hooked the necklace around your neck, the smile on your face so wide it almost hurt. 


“Bokuto, what if he’s angry that I’m here?” you asked carefully, tugging gently on the hem of Akaashi’s jersey. The boy scoffed, clearly amused by your question. 

“He’s going to love it. Trust me.”

Bokuto didn’t stay long. You didn’t expect him to either, seeing that he was on the team. Secretly you wished that Yuma came with you, but she had work today. That didn’t stop you from texting her, telling her about every insecurity that was taking you over at the moment. And since she is literally the epitome of a best friend, she shot down every single one of those insecurities. She was sure he was going to be happy to see you. But she never knew about the anger of your ex. 

When the teams were introduced, you shakily stood to cheer on your boys. You had grown so close to the entire team in the few short months you had been with Akaashi. Bokuto was probably one of your best friends now, even though you never let go of the fact he ratted you out. 

“Akaashi!” Yamato Sarukui yelled to the setter, “Look who’s here!” 

Of course you knew that he was talking about you, so you held the sign in your hand in front of the jersey. When Akaashi saw you, he grinned and did a small wave. But of course, Bokuto had to ruin it. 

“Move the sign!” he yelled, causing the rest of the team to look at him confused. Shyly, you moved the sign to show the jersey. Akaashi stared just as he always did, but something about the look in his eyes made your stomach flip. Bright blush formed on both of your faces, but Akaashi took it a step forward. 

He grinned and blew you a kiss. 

They won that game. 


“How was your first game?” Akaashi asked you later that night as the both of you were cuddled together on his bed. 

“I’m going to be honest for a second and I don’t want you to get mad, okay?” you spoke shyly, moving to sit up. Akaashi watched your movements with furrowed brows. 

“We won so you aren’t about to say we sucked, right?” 

You chuckled and shook your head, “No that’s not what I was going to say. What I was going to say is that… that wasn’t the first game I saw. I’ve been coming for a while, just staying where you couldn’t see me.” 


“I didn’t want you to be mad at me for coming without being invited…” 

Akaashi stared at you, a frown on his lips. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you forward to him. You moved to straddle his hips, looking down at him with shy eyes. 

“I want you to be there at every game,” he spoke softly, “I want you standing front row where I can see you. I want you to wear my jersey and I want to hear you cheering me on.” 

“You do?” 

“Of course I do,” he smiled up at you, cradling your face with one hand, the other staying placed on your hip. You melted into his touch, a happy smile on your lips, “Now come here please?”

You didn’t hesitate to lean down, letting your lips intertwine with his. Akaashi was never the most expressive person, so most of his emotion came from this. Because when your lips met his, you could feel everything that he felt for you. He didn’t have to say anything, you knew how he felt. 

But sometimes… sometimes he said it anyways. 

When his lips left your momentarily, he looked into your eyes and spoke your favorite words, “I love you.” 

“I loved you first.” 

“I’ll love you longer,” he teased, his hands threading through your hair. You shook your head stubbornly.

“We will see about that.”


featuring ; matsukawa issei, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto kotarou, akaashi keiji

warnings ; slight angst/hurt, eventual comfort, crying

notes ; it’s been a while since i updated you guys, think of this as my check in. i hope you’re all doing well !

MATTSUNexperienced that uncomfortable feeling of dread filling his senses at around six thirty, approximately an entire hour late from your scheduled dinner date. the restaurant he picked out, the outfit you had bought specifically for this rare occasion. wasted. yet he didn’t realize until he happened to open his messages, your pinned number causing him to leap from the loveseat in terror. he messed up big time. your beautiful face crumbling with sadness sent him dizzy in distress. the frazzled man disregarding his usual belongings to run to the place, evening lights twinkling with the dimmed lighting; elevating the romantic atmosphere. “baby i’m so so-“ however, the apology was cut off when you shoved past him—soft sniffles heard. “if you have time to apologize, you surely had time to show up.” you hissed, not sparing a single glance at issei. after that, he trailed behind you on the way home—downcast. the sounds of your crying haunting him from the living room. he was giving you space, but this was killing him. “i made your favorite dish, come out so we can talk-“ once again, the words frothing in his throat dissolved upon impact. your face hidden in his t-shirt. “you jerk, don’t you ever do that again or i will not hesitate to cut off your hands and feet.” he stood in stunned silence. “alright then, am i forgiven ?” — “not a chance.”

KUROO was fully immersed in his job, and you couldn’t be happier for him. except for the portion which required him to be away for long periods of time. apparently, the at-home movie date was long forgotten. because tetsuro was a no show. the thought of calling him left your lip quivering. this could possibly be one of the only times you get to see him this week and your patience and resilience was running thin. finger pressing the call, listening to the dial tone with absolute silence—emotions in an overflow. but the anger bubbling quickly dissipated when the fluid and ear numbing voice was heard. his. “..how could you forget ?” your voice cracked, crucially unhelpful. “that’s it ! tonight was the movie night wasn’t it ?” he bit his lip, guilt eating his heart alive. “it was.” you finished, hands shaking as you held the phone—struggling to keep it together. “it’s okay kitten, i hear you, i can’t even explain how sorry i am, let it out i’m here.” he hushed, easing your choked sobs. he stayed on the phone with you all the way to the door, enveloping you in his arms while gently rubbing your back. “how about my neighbor totoro ?” you gasped in air. “that sounds okay.” he smiled weakly, kissing your lips. “anything for you.”

BOKUTO grinned form ear to ear, this smile was most definitely not as large as it was when gazing at you—but impressive in the least. his power was phenomenal and this practice was proving simple. kotarou’s gained skill over the years bringing him to this moment. he was obsessed. although no matter how deeply he adores volleyball, you took first. today though the ace was fully charged. mind straying from the picnic date set up forty minutes ago. “that one was the best !” he shouted with glee, fists clenching pridefully. his mini celebration cut short at the gym doors being opened. there you stood, gorgeous as ever in your newly purchased sun-dress. “how’d the practice go ?” you quietly exclaimed, eyes saddened. automatically he ran to you, noting the picnic basket in your hands. “sweets i forgot i’m sorry honey i—“ the look on your face unreadable. “can we start this day over ?” he mumbled, fiddling with his fingers. “just take me on a date you oaf, and if you forget next time i’m not going to your next game.” he brightened first, then paled at the later add in. “that’s easy peasy then.” he smirked triumphantly, hands on his hips. “mhm i bet it is.” you hummed, brows lifted in amusement. ‘honey.’ you haven’t heard that one before.

AKAASHI is a busy man. from filing reports to his editing career, his life at the moment is an endless loophole of assignment after assignment. spacing out hardly any time given to spend with you. today was a breakfast day. a day he reserved especially for you, only for you. to go out and eat early and to return to your comfy abode to lay in bed, simply conversing. nevertheless, his internal alarm clock filtered on his job, waking up beside you to leave a peck on your forehead before walking to the subway station. regular routine. funny enough, this one was a close call. a very close call. seated in his office chair, your text affirmed on the screen. ‘where are you ?’ the memories drowning keiji in a huge tsunami. recollections of yesterdays excitement crashing into him. ‘went to the store, hang tight love.’ and just as fast as he’d entered the building he exited. with the small white lie discarded. déjà vu passing by at the familiar bedrooms entities. “you weren’t actually at the store we’re you ?” surveying his coat with a sleepy smile gracing your angelic face. “no, but i’m here now.” he puckered, glancing away from embarrassment. “close call.” he hovered above you, breathy kisses devouring your neck. “but i made it.” you chuckled, his lips tickling your jaw. “that you did.”


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featuring ; ( timeskip! )sakusa kiyoomi, akaashi keiji, tsukishima kei, kuroo tetsuro

warnings ; none!

notes ; my requests will be answered do not fret, it’s difficult right now .. but i promise i’ll get to them ( and this forbidden affair of ours as well )

SAKUSA takes your hands in his, holding your fingers up to his ice cold cheek with a soft sigh. he won’t budge, at some point you’re concerned if he’s even breathing until peering an eye open to see your beautiful face and only sigh more. especially when you’re immersed in a conversation and not him. unbelievable just how much this giant volleyball was a sucker for you. “y/n..” he utters in a hushed tone, thankfully drawing your attention away. you noticing immediately the need in his voice, a feeling of guilt gnawing at your chest at just how blind you were to his fear of crowds. this germaphobe going such lengths for you—to fulfill your wishes despite his disadvantage. his eyes straying to your connected hands to you with pinched brows. once you excused yourself, you whipped to the car and the moment you sat down his head was in your lap. “kiyoomi, we need to go home baby.” your fingers curving to soothe his curly black locks. “it’s fine here.” he whispered, big hand stroking your thigh with relief. “do you want to stay here then ? i thought you’d want to get home though.” you chuckled softly, stunned into silence at his following words. “wherever you are, that’s my home.”

AKAASHI reaches for his glasses, using the wipe ever so carefully to clear the fogged lenses. today was his day off, and after countless hours with you the bustling errands has came to a halt. now shifting to make way to nighttime routine. you walked from the bathroom to the bedroom in your pajamas, that being one of akaashi’s big t-shirts with ‘VOLLEY-STARS’ glittering in hot pink letters that he’d been gifted from his mom for his thirteenth birthday ( he wore it nonstop and a few years later discovered just how truly ugly it was ). “are you tired ?” keiji insisted, glancing up from his reading to survey your spirited expression. “nah not really.” you shrugged, stretching your arms comfortably behind your head. of course akaashi’s pout was spotted like a dazzling orange gem in black soil. “what ? you want me to climb in there with you and cuddle ?” you grinned mischievously, earning a sheepish keiji in reply. “yes… please come here, i want to lay on your chest.” he proposed, ecstatic when you hoped down. “fine, just until you go to sleep you hoot.” you chuckled at how eager he was, humming in delight. what could be better than this, with your husband half-asleep on your chest in a daze. “i love you ..“ he grumbled softly before falling right asleep.

TSUKISHIMA is much more subtle when needy, he’ll start with quiet gestures of maybe a poke on the cheek or a soft pinch to your hip to try and gravitate your affection ( which can come in the form of annoyance to tsuki ). but this time it seemed you were resilient, generally numb to his efforts and the blocker was becoming gradually frustrated. he leaned back in the seat, tapping his foot and deciding on how he should time this. instead, his mouth spoke before he could even process it. “brat, give me a kiss.” he tapped your shoulder, your bewildered face telling him enough. however this was tsukishima we’re talking about, the one person in this world who doesn’t get phased even when they’re the ones projecting strange outbursts so he simply smirked. “you said you want to all the time, so i’m making it easy for you. go on.” your response immensely surprising to him. “what’s the occasion ? letting me have it easy this time or do you want it.” you clamored, edging closer to him. “what if i did say i want it then ? “ — “then i won’t waste the opportunity.” you sang, breath lingering on his cherry lips and crashing in seconds later. needy, hungry kisses. this side of tsukishima was foreign, but not disappointing. “so cute, even your lips taste sweet.” he snickered, mouth pulling at the sides.

KUROO has and will always be outward when he’s needy. not limited to, but especially when he’s needy. “kitten~ it’s so lonely here~” he whined, facetiming you while you factored in at work. unfortunately the hours aligned on kuroo’s rest day and he was not having it. his complaints thought to irk you, but after all these years of being married to the living cat it didn’t bug you that much. “then why don’t you come visit me, my lunch break is in 30 minutes. if you drive you’ll be there right at 12:00.” you lifted your brows at his gaping jaws. “great idea kitty ! you’re a genius !” rolling your eyes at his toyed gratitude. well he might just be the easiest person to spot in the entire building, practically bouncing with energy. and maybe you should’ve felt just as happy to see him, but knowing the childishness that was going to proceed left you faltering. oh great. he wasn’t just sugaring you up. “KITTENNN ! !” the loud shout drawing the attention of the entire office. how embarrassing. you deflated, there was no escape. “i missed you so much—“ you nearly sobbed, flinging himself onto you with dramatic fake-tears. “please leave tetsu you’re embarrassing me.” you muttered, covering your face with your face. “i guess i’m too attached huh.” kuroo beamed, grabbing your hand to lead you into the cafeteria. “now i can show you how much i missed you unhinged~” — “tetsu you’re a dork.” — “not nice kitten.”


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“can we get a dog ?” with hq boys

featuring~atsumu miya + sakusa kiyoomi + suna rintarou + akaashi keiji

warnings~rin being annoying, suggestive themes

notes~haven’t written in a bit, this is a nice start-up

ATSUMU>>a dog ? well we can’t have an ankle-biter, so how ‘bout a retriever ? or one of those big ones like- a great dane ?” you remained mildly surprised that he wasn’t opposing, y’know, since his volleyball career and such. oh wait, there’s no way he could be agreeing so easily without a catch. “why a big dog tsumie ?” he pulled his head back in the love-seat, sultry smirk coating his lips. “so when i’m out at a game or a practice my baby will be protected. ‘can’t trust a chihuahua to keep my princess safe.” he huffed, crossing those veiny arms comfortably. “we cannot possibly fit a dane in here atsumu ! and for goodness sakes it’s not even fair !” the setter only chortled in reply, apparently pleased with himself. “is this your way of saying no ?” you crossed your arms defiantly, mimicking the boy seconds earlier. “nah, just sayin’ what needs to be said.” he inched closer to you, leaning forwards to meet your gaze. “but seriously, can’t have anything happenin’ to my little lady now can i ?”

SAKUSA>> “.. out of all the things you could want. a car, a new bag, maybe even shoes. but a dog ?” he knitted his brows, glaring at your smug self looking all pretty in the passenger seat. “yes kiyoomi, a puppy. we’d get one that doesn’t shed, and their a really really good companion.” you pleaded, trying your hardest to form some doe eyes. he sighed heavily, placing his head on the wheel hopelessly. “i’ll think about it, but this dog .. if we get it, is going to be the most well trained dog to exist.” he furrowed, his peculiar moles shifting with his troubled facial expressions. “thank you omi—“ you hushed, giggling at that cold stare as you peppered his face with an endless flurry of kisses. “but.” he interjected, grasping your jaw lightly despite his grip seeming stern. “at least kiss me properly as a form of repayment, but that’s not all, i expect a bit more.” his eyes traveling down ever so slightly, a soft gasp escaping your lips at the bold retort. oh, repayment was an interesting way of getting his thoughts through to you.

SUNA>> “why not a baby ?” he glanced up from his phone at the restaurants venue, expression unwavering when you proceed to choke on your food. “rinnie, c’mon.” you ushered quickly, patting your chest hurriedly. well, it was a futile attempt to calm down your racing heart. the things he did to you. if only he knew. however, it appeared he wasn’t joking this time. that poker face continuing to make you palpitate. biting your lip as you fiddled with the hem of your top. “think of a dog-a puppy as a start, then we can think of a baby. but with you playing for the paper mills.. it’s a lot to work with rinnie.” suna swirled the liquid in his glass, that sly grin parting ways once almond orbs met yours competitively. “why a start ? this baby can be our start and to be honest—i don’t know if i can wait in the long run sweetheart.” rising to his feet, he called to the waiter, handing his card easily with a business-oriented smile before slipping his cold fingers between yours. “let’s make tonight our start, shall we ?”

AKAASHI>> “mm .. that’d be cute. we could dress them in sweaters in the winter and celebrate their birthday.” he hummed, hands kneading the shampoo into your hair. today was a showering-together day. a day akaashi liked to recall as a best-of-all day. a day where he could get to experience the euphoric sensations of a warm shower with you, and save on the water bill at the same time. “really ? i thought you’d object the idea.” you chuckled, his hands leaving a satisfied sound rolling off your tongue. he pondered on the thought as you both bathed, transitioning to scrubbing your back ( while leaving kisses on your shoulders to simper at the goosebumps tracking afterwards ) instead. “what would you name them ?” you inquired, turning your head to watch him thoughtfully. “olive.” he replied nonchalantly, confused at your beaming face. “that is the most akaashi-thing i’ve ever heard you say.” — “olive ?” — “there it is again !”


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## ft. suna rintaro, sakusa kiyoomi, akaashi keiji, miya atsumu, iwaizumi hajime

## a/n. sike just wanna sit on


SUNA RINTARO finds himself keening into your lap — a clear sign of his appreciation for the softness of your thighs (as if his constant mumbles of praise did not suffice). suna would lace your fingers with his own as he cradles your hand in his chest. feeling close to you was all he could ever ask for. you always loved it whenever he holds your hands against his own cheek, eyes fluttering close at its warmth.

SAKUSA KIYOOMIwould actually be the person whose lap you would lie on not because he did not want to lie down on your lap, but rather because he finds you absolutely beautiful if it was you instead. even better, sakusa loved it when your arms reached out in an attempt to weave your fingers through his curls. when he bends his head to help you, the smile that laced your lips was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

AKAASHI KEIJI has always loved the view when you were around, even more so when he was on your lap. resting his head on your thighs, he would softly whisper to you to look at him. when you finally did, butterflies bloomed in his stomach when your fingers pinched his cheeks. in his heart, he hoped that you looked at him as lovingly as he does to you.

MIYA ATSUMU indulges himself. this man does not hold back when it comes to comfort. he would curl his arm under one of your thigh, snuggling it as if it was his pillow. yes, it was uncomfortable for you but as you watched atsumu slowly fall into slumber, you can’t help but leave him in his peaceful state. or maybe you just can’t seem to leave given how his arm tightens around your thigh every time you tried to pry yourself off of him.

IWAIZUMI HAJIME often seek different ways to tell you how much he loves you. from simple ‘i love you’s to keeping a whole gallery full of videos and pictures of the two of you, it was clear that he loves you deeply. yet, he still managed to shock you when he sat between your legs, peppering kisses between your thighs before resting his head against it, looking up at you with such an innocent look on his face.

likes and rbs are always appreciated

— 2:14 AM

remind yourself to thank the heavens for rainy weather later on. sure, a week’s worth of laundry and muddied rubber shoes await your attention, but how could you? how could you manage to peel yourself away from where the bed dipped to adapt to your sleeping position, wriggle out of the blanket that had begun to absorb your warmth, and now shielded you from the cold?

the skies weep on your behalf. another body laying flush against your back, cupping you perfectly in the curve of their chest.

broken snores and limp hands are wrapped around your waist — a signal that they are still fast asleep, earning you free reign to turn and litter their face with kisses, smiling after each one.

it was quite funny, if you were being honest. the other’s face smooshed into one side where the pillow dipped and crinkled with a small pool of drool. their face was absent of any wrinkle indicating stress and it makes your heart swell. to be able to behold their state of vulnerability and calm.

it was moments like these that made you question whether or not you were even truly human. mortal. flesh and blood. you could’ve sworn you were fully engulfed by this lightness of being; all your humanly weight stripped off by the moment. skin and blood cowering away from you with each kiss and touch.

you lay on your back to look at the ceiling while rain play their song around you, drumming in disorganized harmony over surfaces. the curtain gently flaps to accomodate the chilly breeze, and birds rush past in search for shelter.

yes. you are in fact here. in the moment. in the flesh.

something shifts beside you.

their eyes meet yours, still droopy and puffy from sleep. you offer them a small smile while they slowly blink in the morning light and mouth you a ‘good morning’.

you playfully wrinkle your nose to complain about morning bad breath, earning a groan and even more stirring from the other figure. each giggle and hum sheds sleep away from the both of you.

it was moments like these where you hug them a little tighter, kiss them a little deeper, and hold them a little closer. you fear anything less than that will reduce either of you to a barely-present spectre.

you want to feel the rough pads of their fingers caress every surface of you skin, you want to savor the way chapped morning lips press itself against your shoulder, or how you both fit perfectly into each other in all aspects.

everything is sealed in them pulling you back flush into their skin, your hands curled into little fists in the smallest of spaces between you two. chapped lips press themselves on your forehead. familiar breaths tickle your hair. you can almost feel their steady heartbeats where your forehead rested against their chest.

hands find their way through the sheets to trace patterns on the expanse of your skin that by now, you swear ghosts of mandala designs litter your back. under your breath, you hum a thank you to the grey skies — for the moment, for your lover’s gentle heaving chest, and for being flesh and blood.

notes: i was scrolling through my notes app and found this little thing. i thought it’d be a waste to assign a specific character so i left it open, but you can look at the tags for some character suggestions too. take care!!

>> all words by aero 2021. please do not plagiarize.

a/n:not proof-read either but here’s another drabble for you lovelies <3 this time…

pairing:akaashi keiji x reader

“Just can’t shake that cough, can you?” Akaashi mumbled as he entered the room, fingers looped through the handles of two patterned mugs. A pair of reading glasses—now smudged as they nestled into his hair—sat atop his head, no longer over his tired eyes. You lifted your head from the heavy blanket that cradled your warm body, half-lidded gaze catching sight of the steam that curled up from the mugs’ contents.

“I’m sorry, love…” He sat down on the couch, allowing your blanketed figure to curl around his back, an arm shifting out to wrap around his midsection happily. “I wish I could be more helpful to you, right now…”

“Mm… you’re fine…” you croaked, cringing at the itching pain in the back of your throat. “There’s not much anyone can do anyway.” His frown twitched until the curve of his lips became upturned, soft and full of adoration. Briefly averting his attention, Akaashi leaned forward and sat his mug on the small table, using both hands to cradle the seemingly small cup. As soon as you sat up and took the heated porcelain into your own hands, you noted the size difference between the two of you.

Seriously, he had made that mug look much smaller than what it was.

“It’s hot chocolate,” he explained with a quirked brow as you sniffed the steaming beverage, “blow on it a little before you drink it, okay?” A heavenly smile graced his gorgeous features as your nose scrunched, clearly in cahoots with the tiny grin adorning your lips.

“Thanks, Keiji.” You rasped, dropping your attention to the hot chocolate as you took a careful sip. He said nothing, instead producing a quiet noise meant to shush you. His hand slowly crept up to move stray strands of hair from your face, the tip of his thumb gently poking at your nose.

“You’re too warm,” he muttered, continuing to caress your heated skin as you enjoyed your beverage. “How about I put on a movie and we both get some rest? Does that sound good?” You hummed and shuffled up into a more comfortable position, allowing Akaashi to slip in beside you, an arm up on the rest of the couch.

The blanket remained draped around your body, parting at the front as you continually lifted your hands to your face to sip from the mug. Akaashi cautiously sat his own mug in his lap as he settled in, his spare arm curling snugly around your shoulders. He picked up his mug once the screen darkened, the bold, white logo reflecting within his deep, sapphire hues.

“Can we watch–“

“We binge watched all those Pixar movies last week.” He cut you off, giving your shoulders a gentle squeeze. “Let’s start this week with that new Disney movie Bokuto wouldn’t shut up about. Does that sound alright?”

“Of course,” you smiled and nestled into his side, desperately fighting off the exhaustion tugging at your body as the movie began. It didn’t help that your husband had started massaging abstract shapes into your arm with his thumb, clearly inviting you to succumb to sleep.

And as a soft melody began to play out into the darkened room, you decided you could simply drag Akaashi to bed a different night and rewatch the movie.

“ hands ”

akaashi x reader

genre: fluff.

it didn’t matter that you were at the mall, crowds of people rushing back and forth to get their holiday shopping done, all that mattered was the boy in front of you. the two of you tucked away in the booth at the far end of the food court, warm drinks in front of you.

this was only your fourth date, but you already knew you loved him. his black hair with curly tips and bangs that almost draped over his eyebrows. his blue eyes looked like the water in a hidden magic garden. his beautiful brain, that always found such unique ways to compliment you.

“keiji?” you got his attention, his head peering up from what he was reading; the back cover of a book he’d just bought on your mall date. his hands began fidgeting under the table, reminding you of why you bothered to break the silence. he hummed, waiting for you to continue.

“why do you play with your hands?” you asked like a young child, curious on why the sky was blue. akaashi paused for a second, bringing his hands onto the cool surface of the table and laying them out, palms facing the ceiling.

his eyebrows frowned, lines creasing into his forehead. not even he knew how to answer. he looked back up to you, your eyes wide with curiosity.

“well,” he sighed, tilting his gaze back down so he could watch his fingers curl in and out. “i think it’s just because i get anxious about…things.” you watched him press his lips together, deep in thought.

“just things?” your tone became softer, slightly biting your lip and analyzing his response, “but it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.” although he shook his head, meeting your eyes once more. seeing you gave him confidence.

“no it’s okay. it is a bit weird but i guess i just get insecure about them.” your lips pressed together, a small pout forming on your face while akaashi waited for you to reply.

leaning forward, you placed his hands into yours, cupping them despite his being bigger and you gently jolted him forward in order to bring his hands close to you.

“i don’t think it’s weird.” his mouth was open just the slightest bit, taken a back from your sudden movement, his eyebrows raised with surprise as he anticipated what you were trying to do.

you kept eye contact until the moment your soft lips touched the back of his hand. your eyelids fluttered shut, resting lightly. his hands heated up, it was cute you could feel his fluster all the way to his finger tips.

sitting back up, your beaming expression was contagious as a smile rested naturally on his face. “you’re amazing, you know that?” you reminded him, trying to keep any self deprecating thoughts from his mind.

“i always feel amazing when we’re together.” he managed to connect your hands, giving them a loving squeeze. you could feel the tips of your nose heating up at his remark, nodding in agreement.

you were quick to break out into a giggle, feeling the happiest you had in awhile. love had a tricky way of slipping into every situation with him.

Warm & Cozy

A BokuAka Twins (Hoshi & Sekai) Drabble feat. BokuAka

warning/s: none just pure fluff

a/n: this is my entry for @maddox-rider ‘s event for Hoshi and Sekai’s 1st Birthday ~ If you haven’t met the twins yet, kindly visit Maddo’s IG for the twins’ shenanigans Happy first birthday Hoshi and Sekai! ⭐️ aaaahhhhh its their first birthday but let’s just say they’re between 5-6y/o in this drabble~ Please give love to these precious twins too~ thank you!!

Akaashi was hunched before his computer opting to finish his work before his husband arrives, when a sudden gust of wind blew through his his home office, he stood up pulling his cardigan closer to his body and closed the window, noticing how dark the skies were. “A storm is brewing up.” he thought to himself. “And I need to brew another cup of coffee.” he said as he walked out of the room into their little kitchen.

Despite the cold winds bellowing outside of their house, the warm and cozy feeling of their home lingers. Flashbacks of their fond memories came crashing on him. From the time he moved in with Bokuto, their marriage and until the present time where they had the twins. Akaashi couldn’t help the swelling of his heart and the upward curve of his lips.

His train of thoughts was sudden interrupted when a blinding and terrifying lightning flashed, followed by the most grueling sound the thunder. The first thing that came into his mind were the twins, Hoshi and Sekai, that were peacefully sleeping upstairs.

Without a second beat, he immediately sprinted upstairs to their sons’ bedroom. Creaking the door open, he heard voices coming from his sons, sniffles, which he concluded was from Sekai and some cooing and shushing noises that was from Hoshi. As he opened the door just a bit to peek, the sight that unfolded into his eyes made him wanna cry, of fondness. Hoshi was on the lower bunk of the double decker bed, hugging Sekai as he was comforting his twin.

“Shi-kun… I’m scared…” Sekai sobbed into his brother’s embrace. Hoshi just tightened his hold and started rubbing his twin’s back. “D-don’t worry Kai-kun.. I’m here! Hoshi will p-protect you!” Hoshi assures, even though he himself was scared too.

Sekai looked into his brother’s eyes. “Aren’t you scared Shi-kun?” He then asked… Hoshi tensed, he doesn’t want Sekai to think that he can’t protect him. “N-no! I am not. The lighting won’t reach us! B-because were together! And because w-were together, we’re strong.” Hoshi reasoned out despite his own voice shaking, in slight fear.

On the other hand, Akaashi, that was hiding behind the door, witnessed everything, can’t help but be proud of his sons.

“Kai-kun, do you remember what Papa Keiji told us?” Sekai turned his attention back to his twin and nodded. “Y-yes. That we have each other..”. Hoshi flashed his toothy grin reaembling of his Daddy Koutaro’s, “Right! So no matter what happens, I will always be here! To protect you!” “P-promise?” “Pinky Promise!” Hoshi lifted his pinky and Sekai linking his as they sealed the promise fondly.

“You’ll be safe, as long as I am here Kai-kun!” Hoshi then hugged Sekai even tighter.

And that’s when Akaashi decided to enter the room. “Everything okay here,boys?”. The moment they heard their father’s voice, the twins immediately jumped off the bed and ran towards him. “Papa!” the boys said in unison as they hugged their father’s legs.

“I heard Sekai crying, are you okay?” Akaashi asked as he crouched and patted the grey-haired twin’s head. Sekai nodded, “Shi-kun protected me Papa! I am okay now!” He turned his attention to the dark-haired twin and complimented him, “That was brave of you Hoshi! Papa is proud of you!” And Hoshi’s face lit up.

“I will always protect Kai-kun, Papa!” Hoshi beamed as he hugged both his papa and his brother. “And I’ll do the with Shi-kun!” Sekai turned to his twin and linked their hands together.

A lone tear escaped Akaashi’s eye at the warmth his sons emitted and can’t help but hugged them tighter. Little did they know that Bokuto was already home and saw the exchange.

“I wasn’t informed that there’s a group hug happening here now!” He suddenly bursted into the room from hiding with a pout.


Akaashi’s gaze softened at his husband and chuckled. “What are you waiting for then” extending his arm to let Bokuto join in.

“I’m home” Bokuto said as he placed a gentle kiss on Akaashi’s forehead.

“Welcome home, Kou”

And despite the raging storm outside,.their home remained warm and cozy.

copyright © aka-a-shii 2021 /09

akxkskdkdkdkekf okay i think this was kinda rushed~ I apologize if there were grammatical errors


reblogs are very much appreciated!

thank you!!
