#alice in wonderland


They just keep coming and they don’t stop coming

the fact that this art series had been rent free in my brain these past few days is very very dangerous. But, look at the great work that comes out of it.

On my day off

Me: let’s draw some princes

Alistair has an adventure ponytail and I’ll die on this hill.

Darings fit is very inspired by Chris pine in into the woods

Dexter is the perfect prince as always :)

Alice in Wonderland (1951)

Alice in Wonderland(1951)

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Five more Alice-themed prompts from this week.

Since I haven’t been posting for a while now due to personal reasons, here is a fun bit of classified information about me that you never asked for‍♀️

Questionable Characters I’d not question giving a chance to. Part 1 ??

1. Ronan the Accuser

2. Voldemort from those ‘A Very Potter Musical’ shows

3. Willy Wonka

5. Tarrant Hightopp a.k.a Mad Hatter

6. Edward Sci Oh fuck off practically every hysterical Johnny Depp character

6. White Queen

7. Mary Poppins AND Bert

8. Mr Tumnus

9. Bard the Bowman

10. Miss Peregrine

11. Dracula

*sighs* Why am I like this?

Comment your questionable attractive character so that I don’t feel embarrassed for exposing myself PLEASE

“We’re painting the roses red”Not my proudest work, and not my scheduled Inktober post, but this is

“We’re painting the roses red”

Not my proudest work, and not my scheduled Inktober post, but this is my Day 7 entry. I like this concept but my drawing juice for it is just so bleh TwT

Also entries for Days 8, 9 and 10 will be posted together with Entry Day 11, because my scanner is down and I don’t want to post these babies using my crappy camera phone TAT

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aliisadraws:Alice in Wonderland is a book that starts with Alice being bored by a book


Alice in Wonderland is a book that starts with Alice being bored by a book

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how long is forever?

how long is forever?

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Follow me on Instagram, @TeenieSavage … I follow back 100% ♥♥♥

Follow me on Instagram, @TeenieSavage … I follow back 100% ♥♥♥

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