
2017.5.10 나도 선교사님 처럼! #JIU #deltamas #내려놓음 #이용규 #이용규선교사님 #인도네시아 #indonesia #bekasi #international #u

나도 선교사님 처럼!
#JIU #deltamas #내려놓음 #이용규 #이용규선교사님 #인도네시아 #indonesia #bekasi #international #university #korea #keduplex #eduplex #인도네시아국제대학 #thankGod #always #Godswork #amazing #cikarang #java #2017 (Kota Delta Mas Cikarang에서)

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2017.5.9 #itb #sisters #groupie #bandung #ciwalk #cihampelas #gigglebox #hijab #kyunheo #2017 #indon

#itb #sisters #groupie #bandung #ciwalk #cihampelas #gigglebox #hijab #kyunheo #2017 #indonesia #friendship #gybm #반둥 #thankGod #always (Giggle Box Cafe & Resto , Ciwalk Bandung에서)

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2017.5.7 #guru #dosen #ITB #pusatbahasa #kyunheo #groupie #eatboss #dago #bandung #2017 #gybm #thank

#guru #dosen #ITB #pusatbahasa #kyunheo #groupie #eatboss #dago #bandung #2017 #gybm #thankGod #always #korean #indonesian #loveindonesia #indonesia #denganguruguru (EatbossDago에서)

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#어버이날 #parentsday #thankyou #always #감사합니다 #사랑합니다 #잘할께요 #kyunheo #gfc #couple #부모님 #축복합니다 #myparents

#어버이날 #parentsday #thankyou #always #감사합니다 #사랑합니다 #잘할께요 #kyunheo #gfc #couple #부모님 #축복합니다 #myparents #lovely #loveyou #somuch (GFC 강남파이낸스센터에서)

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sadrien:thinking about them


thinking about them

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Since October is a month of Pumpkins I thought I would share this video of a hamster in cup by a Pineapple, because Pumpkin and Pineapple both start with the letter P and…. okay, that’s stretching things too far even for me. There is no reason why this video is seasonally thematic whatsooever. It is just cute. And cute is ALWAYS in season. (video by hammilkhua on instagram)

#pumpkin    #pineapple    #always    #hamster    #hamster video    #white hamster    
Here’s just a few pics! I know some of you figured it was going to happen but I - hopefully - Here’s just a few pics! I know some of you figured it was going to happen but I - hopefully - Here’s just a few pics! I know some of you figured it was going to happen but I - hopefully - Here’s just a few pics! I know some of you figured it was going to happen but I - hopefully - Here’s just a few pics! I know some of you figured it was going to happen but I - hopefully - Here’s just a few pics! I know some of you figured it was going to happen but I - hopefully -

Here’s just a few pics! I know some of you figured it was going to happen but I - hopefully - will be moving back to Florida in the next couple of weeks but Whit won’t be coming with me….

Now before I get into detail about moving back to Florida, I want to clear some things up - this is mainly meant towards family and friends that only want to believe their own thing:

1.) I’ve always been told and have heard that home is where your heart is. The best way I can explain this, is that when I moved to Florida the first time, I put my heart in a box, locked it up and put it away. When I came back to Bama I only brought the key and left the box now im trying to make it back to the box..

2.) Too much is going on up here for to be able to handle, and I don’t want any part of what’s going on. My dad’s side of the family found that it was better if we loved each other from a distance and only visited each other so many times out of the year. I feel the same way about this situation.

3.) It’d healthier for me to be some where else. I’m not okay and I haven’t been okay for years. Drugs not only mess up the person that’s taking them, they mess up everyone in that person’s life. Just like no one understands what being an addict is like unless you’re an addict, you won’t understand what its like not doing drugs and witnessing and going through the effects of drugs…so much damage…everyone has their own way of healing and coping, right?

I’m not moving just because I want to. Don’t get me wrong I do want to, but I’m not just doing it to do it out of the blue. I found something better than Walker County, Alabama in my opinion. I found where I belong. Home is home of course, but my heart is in Florida and I will get there….one way or the other.

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Here’s a couple from today The only reason I’m mainly posting pics is so that I can get Here’s a couple from today The only reason I’m mainly posting pics is so that I can get

Here’s a couple from today The only reason I’m mainly posting pics is so that I can get used to being in front of some kind of camera. Ive decided I’m not going to just wing it on videoing. If I’m going to do it then I’ve decided im going to do it right!

I’m in a really, really good mood today because I’ve applied for 2 different jobs so far and tomorrow I have nothing planned other than applying for more jobs. I’m tired of letting my depression get in the way of my life and my goals that I have set for myself. The other day I was just sitting on the couch and got to thinking to myself “I don’t want to be like this forever, I have to do something to over come this.” I figured if I got myself excited about something and gave myself some kind of motivation and some kind of hope to hold onto, then I can over come this depression✊

3 goals I want to accomplish:

1.) Fix my car.

2.)Fix up the trailer.

3.) Find the right kind of people.

Now - I know most of you are probably thinking > Right kind of people, wth?! What I mean by that is people that are/have been where I am right now. I’m tired of feeling worthless and like a piece of shit. I don’t like feeling this way and im tired of putting Whit through it too. He doesn’t deserve to be going through this just because I am. I try to act like nothing is bothering me, I try to act like a happy-go-lucky person around every one at all costs but Whit knows when something is wrong. That’s the perks of a 3 year long relationship, I guess. I guess when you’re around someone for so long you just know when something isn’t right.

Anyways - all I ask is that you guys continue to pray for Whit and I as we continue to go through this long and difficult process. I know God wouldn’t put us through anything we couldn’t handle!✊

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Started collecting this beautiful US Editions of HP #inlove #harrypotter #booknerd #bookish #bibliop

Started collecting this beautiful US Editions of HP #inlove #harrypotter #booknerd #bookish #bibliophile #bookporn #instabooks #booklover #books #bookworm #always #bookaddict #booktuber #bookcollecting #potterhead #untiltheveryend

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daphneblithe: @thelittleblackfox says I need to start posting my art :). So here is some from my upc


@thelittleblackfox says I need to start posting my art :). So here is some from my upcoming fic -

Love Among the Ruins, canon-verse spooky-Sleeping-Beauty Stucky with historically-accurate psychiatric dread, featuring angst, mystery, and anguished sex in ex-Soviet black ops sites. :) 

Let me know if it appeals to anyone! I could tag you when it’s out. :)  

Steve’s tangling fingers in Bucky’s hair to grip him even closer, making the kiss deeper, and Bucky’s responding with everything he has. Words aren’t enough, but he says them too, says them for the very first time. “I love you,” whispers it against Steve’s lips, “I love you,” against his neck, against his leaping pulse, “I love you,” desperate, into his mouth.


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ADHD is ruining punchlines for yourself and losing the impact of surprises when reading things by skipping to the last line of a paragraph/the first line of the next or scrolling to the end of a post after briefly skimming the beginning (or around the time you get to the middle), because your eyes go to small, sectioned, attention-grabbing shapes when it starts getting tedious to power through the rest of the paragraph, and you just want to understand the context already, plus there’s an exclamation point or question mark and you have to know what it is.

Did you do it?
