#am i crazy


When you picture yourself in your head, do you actually visualize . Because I don’t. Like sometimes I just know that I’m there and other times it’s just like my back or side profile. I never picture my face. To be honest, I don’t think I can visualize my face. Now if that’s just an insecure thing or an everybody thing, I don’t know.

Idk how to explain this but every single song by the front bottoms gives off a “all the young dudes” vibe

everyone is always saying “why do you have so much work to do in such a short amount of time? why do you have such bad time management skills?”

but they don’t understand… my time management skills are perfectly in tact and working well.

but every

fiber of my body,

every hair on my head,


commands that i procrastinate,

and i simply can’t refuse

Imogen’s flash of Dorian’s mom ಥ ‿ಥ

I can’t remember what ep it was in, and I cant find it either but I’m about 87% sure I didn’t just make it up…I think.

teenbukkakestuff: NICE PICTURES HEREIS IT WEIRD - That I get incredibly turned on wishing my fianc




IS IT WEIRD - That I get incredibly turned on wishing my fiance was hovering over that monstrous black beast looking somewhere in between scared and eager but definitely ready to take the entire thing in her? I often wonder if I’m crazy or not because I for sure love my girl to death no questions asked…I love her so much in fact, that seeing her get torn up by the biggest cock possible and how much pleasure it will bring her brings me a lot of happiness lol

Any thoughts?

Much Love,


Post link

bye i was talking to this guy abt bisexuality and this is how it went

me: well i’m bi so-

him: you’re bi? i am too

me: oh cool have you dated a guy before?

him: no but i’d probably kiss one

me: yeah but would you marry a guy?

him: nah, i don’t see myself marrying a dude but i’d kiss my homie you know? and anime guys are hot

me: but you wouldn’t marry or date one?

him: no but i’d kiss one

…..so I think my fiancé, @kattylovesreylo , and I had a date with a friend of ours tonight???? Like…..both of us have said multiple times if we weren’t together that we’d date him and we’ve also joked that if we were poly that he’d be our third. We’ve even joked about that to him and he said he’d be “honored.” He’s been very complimentary towards us and our looks and personalities. Tonight he came over and he brought us a gift of alcohol and he also made us drinks??? And I made us all dinner???? Was this a date???? Omg tumblr please. HAAALLLLLPPPPP
