#am i the only one


The fact that I can’t remember like 90% of my childhood sometimes makes me wonder if I’ve ever even been a child. Maybe I haven’t and the blurry 10% I believe to remember are just random pictures and szenarios I made up to convince myself that I once was a child.


reblog this if you’re a fanfic writer & your motivation to write actually increases when readers actually show interest & give you feedback. even just a reblog or a little comment here and there

Am I the only one that desperately does not want BuckyNat to be in the MCU. I absolutely hate the thought of it. I would much rather Nat be with Banner or hell even Steve, but please for the love of god do not put her with Bucky. If I see those two together it just might kill me. I know that they’re together in the comics but I’m begging that it doesn’t transfer over to the MCU.

everyone is always saying “why do you have so much work to do in such a short amount of time? why do you have such bad time management skills?”

but they don’t understand… my time management skills are perfectly in tact and working well.

but every

fiber of my body,

every hair on my head,


commands that i procrastinate,

and i simply can’t refuse

This might sound stupid but…

I just got the Kaltenecker joke.

You know that trope where the Aliens/UFO’s always beam up a cow when it flys past a farm.

Its for the Earth Store at the Space Mall!

I just put two and two together and started laughing and now my BF thinks Voltron season 7 really messed me up.

I never thought I would regress so lowly as to going back to my romeo and juliet phase..

Frantically trying to read Heir of Fire to Tower of Dawn in 48 hours!!!

*is sad for like 3 days cause I don’t feel cute*

I’m the mom friend

but like the stressed, overworked, single-mom-of-three one where yes I’ll drive but I will be cracking skulls if yall get rowdy back there” and you can come over and I’ll cook but you’re gonna eat what I cook and you’re gonna like it

Do you ever find yourself searching for a word in English and your brain just goes “you know what word you need, this one” and it’s the right word but in the wrong language?

So for the longest time when I was little I thought that when a radio station played a song that the band had to come in and actually PLAY the song so the first time I heard the same song on two stations I tripped balls and told my mom and she still hasn’t stopped laughing true story

Trying to get a job, a summary:

  • Must have 45 years experience
  • Be under 21 years old
  • Super motivated to deal with all our corporate bullshit
  • Must be free 25/7 and never plan on leaving your job ever
  • You get 1 unpaid day off a year and it isn’t Christmas or your birthday or your granny’s funeral. It’ll be a random Tuesday in march
  • Must be super tech savvy and know everything about complicated programmes like microsoft word and iMovie
  • Must sacrifice your first born while still in the womb - but only when they have 2 years of retail experience
  • Pay is 5.99 an hour. No overtime.


me, not seeing anything interesting on my fyp and reloading the page:

tumblr, rearranging the order of posts just a little so im still entertained:
