#ambulatory wheelchair user


What do you mean disabled people can’t be superheroes/secret agents/super spies? Mate as soon as I’m in that wheelchair in public I’m bloody invisible I could get away with whatever the heck I want people actively avoid looking at me why is no one using this in their stories

We feel like we have to project this image of disabled and chronically ill people being so brave. Like they’re such heroes because of everything they go through without complaining. And it’s true that we’re cool, but sometimes I’m sick of it. Sometimes I don’t want to be seen as someone brave or tough, even by myself. I cried for hours today because the pain just got so bad, and afterwards I found myself apologising to my family. Screw that. Why was that my first reaction? I want it to be okay for me to have days when I’ve had enough of it, to just cry and be sad and angry and frustrated because it’s not bloody fair. To not constantly worry that I’m a burden to everyone around me. Sure, I like making people smile, I think it’s good to be sunshine when you can’t find any, but I’m sick of insisting it’s not raining. I like to inspire people and do good where I can, but I am not your inspiration. That’s not my sole purpose. I didn’t choose this. I don’t owe it to anyone to turn this into some kind of origin story. Some days I just need to frickin survive and know it’s ok to not be ok and cry without apologising for it and be mad without feeling guilty because this is not my fault

does anyone have any tips on hygiene and chronic illness? I dont have enough energy to brush my teeth, shower, brush my hair etc. most of the time and it’s not great. thank you!
