#andy mientus


They used it as a way to add spam, memes, & other things no one said in the video.

Because of these people YouTube has decided to remove the option all together.

Over 130 fans of ‘Spring Awakening’ worked together using Community Captions to caption over 400 Deaf West’s Spring Awakening videos. 

List of captioned DWSA videos: [X]

People all around the world worked together to make the videos accessible for EVERYONE. Not just for Deaf & Hard of Hearing people, but also people with sensory processing disorders, and people who’s language is not the same as the video.

Most the time a video is ONLY captioned because of Community Captions.

With the removal of this feature, billions of videos will not be accessible for ALL people. 

Sign the petition to tell @YouTube not to remove Community Captions.

Link to petition: [X]

(3/18/20) Andy & Michael’s Instagram Live

Something to cheer you up at this time of seclusion. Memories from when we were ONE community of Guilty Ones

- List of EVERY captioned DWSA Video: [X]

- Periscopes During DWSA: [X]

- DWSA Periscopes from Closing Week: [X]

- Periscopes After DWSA: [X]

- Opening Night on Broadway: [X]

- DWSA at The White House: [X]

@broadwaycom​.com & Andy Mientus’ “Vlog of Purple Summer”: [X]

@seangrandillo​’s “60 Seconds of Spring”: [X]

- DWSA Videos, Interviews, & Podcasts (that I didn’t upload): [X]

(3/19/19) Andy Mientus’ Instagram Live #TheBackstagers

The Backstagers: [X]

Where to buy-
- Amazon:  [X]
- Barnes & Noble:  [X]
- Indie Bound:  [X]
- Books A Million:  [X]
- Indigo:  [X
- iTunes:  [X]
- Google Play:  [X]
- Rkobo:  [X

#andy mientus    #the backstagers    #new book    #rian sygh    #theatre    #musical theatre    #theatre kid    #young adult book    #book for young readers    #abrams books    #dwsa cast    #dwsa broadway    #broadway    #spring awakening    #smash nbc    #nbc smash    #amazon    #barnesandnoble    #indie bound    #books a million    #indigo    #itunes    #ibooks    #google play    #google    #instagram live    #instagram    #graphic novel    

It has been one year since Playbill originally posted Andy Mientus & Matt Doyle singing ‘Spring Awakening’ together.

And one year since I captioned it, because they wouldn’t.


These Asks have probably been there for a while I really haven’t used social media a whole lot over the last 2 years. I’ve started to get better, but I still haven’t spent a lot of time on my @/13mtm80 socials (which includes my personal Facebook and Instagram; and my public Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube).

So, where have I been? Almost 3 years ago I suddenly stopped captioning dwsa/dwsa cast videos when I started to have a persistent migraine that refused to leave or lessen. The migraine then decided to make it difficult for my brain to send messages to my right side. Making it so I no longer had use of my dominate right hand (I couldn’t open/close my hand or hold anything, and I had no grip). Lot’s of examinations later: Atypical Chronic Migraine. Now I take medicine to lessen the migraine.

With the migraine lessened from a 10 on the 1-10 pain scale to an 8 with medication, my hand and the rest had almost returned to somewhat normal over several months.

When I can type again, I started a transcription course. I was doing that for about 4 months when my migraine decided it was going to be bad again and not work with my medicine. And my right hand got non-functional again. Some more trial and error, found a new medicine that lessens my migraine. Right when I was supposed to start physical therapy on my hand Covid happened. Therapy never happened but my hand is mostly useful for everyday use, but fine-motor skill tasks are still challenging. Like typing.

My typing ability is why I haven’t gone back to my course, and why I’m not captioning anymore. My right hand is able to type on computer keyboard, it took time to get there, but I can. The problem is, is that my right hand is delayed at the typing speed my right hand is used to typing at. This causes words to be typed rearranged. For example: SPRING AWAKENING, typed on the computer comes out as Srping Awaekening.

Despite this typing issue, 8 months ago I did caption the dwsa reunion interview at Gallaudet. It took me a WHOLE lot longer than it used too, but I did get it done. But 6 months ago when when Sandra did an interview alone at Gallaudet I had been stressed from stuff in my family and my head briefly got bad again (no worse hand issues, just migraine) for about a month. But at this point I still haven’t captioned it. My right hand is still delayed.

For 2021, I’ve started new ventures. I’ve been focusing on my art. My art was something that I worked on in days I couldn’t leave my darkened bedroom. My art style changes depending on my my head or hand let’s me do, whether it’s: painting, drawing, or photography. At some point soon I want to sell some of it.

This is not self promotion follow me if you want (I know someone will ask): @/13mtm80_Designs on all the social media platforms that I already have (Facebook, Twitter Instagram, Tumblr).

Also in 2021, I did have Covid. But not when you asked (that was migraine sickness). I had Covid about a month ago. Caught it from someone in my house, all three of us had mild symptoms. It lasted the average mild length of 2 weeks. I’m fine now though.

So, yes I’m still apart of the dwsa fandom and I’m going to try and reacquaint myself back into my 13mtm80 accounts. All the apps are still on my phone. It’s just recently when I’ve been on them I was on my other account.

I’ll try to be more involved on social media, though I don’t know if I will be able to do any more captioning.

~ Mackenzie

These Asks have probably been there for a while I really haven’t used social media a whole lot over the last 2 years. I’ve started to get better, but I still haven’t spent a lot of time on my @/13mtm80 socials (which includes my personal Facebook and Instagram; and my public Twitter, Tumblr, and YouTube).

So, where have I been? Almost 3 years ago I suddenly stopped captioning dwsa/dwsa cast videos when I started to have a persistent migraine that refused to leave or lessen. The migraine then decided to make it difficult for my brain to send messages to my right side. Making it so I no longer had use of my dominate right hand (I couldn’t open/close my hand or hold anything, and I had no grip). Lot’s of examinations later: Atypical Chronic Migraine. Now I take medicine to lessen the migraine.

With the migraine lessened from a 10 on the 1-10 pain scale to an 8 with medication, my hand and the rest had almost returned to somewhat normal over several months.

When I can type again, I started a transcription course. I was doing that for about 4 months when my migraine decided it was going to be bad again and not work with my medicine. And my right hand got non-functional again. Some more trial and error, found a new medicine that lessens my migraine. Right when I was supposed to start physical therapy on my hand Covid happened. Therapy never happened but my hand is mostly useful for everyday use, but fine-motor skill tasks are still challenging. Like typing.

My typing ability is why I haven’t gone back to my course, and why I’m not captioning anymore. My right hand is able to type on computer keyboard, it took time to get there, but I can. The problem is, is that my right hand is delayed at the typing speed my right hand is used to typing at. This causes words to be typed rearranged. For example: SPRING AWAKENING, typed on the computer comes out as Srping Awaekening.

Despite this typing issue, 8 months ago I did caption the dwsa reunion interview at Gallaudet. It took me a WHOLE lot longer than it used too, but I did get it done. But 6 months ago when when Sandra did an interview alone at Gallaudet I had been stressed from stuff in my family and my head briefly got bad again (no worse hand issues, just migraine) for about a month. But at this point I still haven’t captioned it. My right hand is still delayed.

For 2021, I’ve started new ventures. I’ve been focusing on my art. My art was something that I worked on in days I couldn’t leave my darkened bedroom. My art style changes depending on my my head or hand let’s me do, whether it’s: painting, drawing, or photography. At some point soon I want to sell some of it.

This is not self promotion follow me if you want (I know someone will ask): @/13mtm80_Designs on all the social media platforms that I already have (Facebook, Twitter Instagram, Tumblr).

Also in 2021, I did have Covid. But not when you asked (that was migraine sickness). I had Covid about a month ago. Caught it from someone in my house, all three of us had mild symptoms. It lasted the average mild length of 2 weeks. I’m fine now though.

So, yes I’m still apart of the dwsa fandom and I’m going to try and reacquaint myself back into my 13mtm80 accounts. All the apps are still on my phone. It’s just recently when I’ve been on them I was on my other account.

I’ll try to be more involved on social media, though I don’t know if I will be able to do any more captioning.

~ Mackenzie

List of DWSA Playlists:

**some videos are listed as private, as requested by certain cast members**

Periscopes During DWSA Broadway: [X]

The Closing Week Periscopes: [X

DWSA Cast After Broadway: [X]

(9/18/20) DWSA Reunion at Gallaudet: [X]

DWSA Videos (not uploaded by me): [X

DWSA at the White House: [X

Broadway.com’s Vlog of Purple Summer: [X]

DWSA Broadway Opening Night: [X

Alex Boniello’s Cat Periscopes: [X]

All Alex Boniello’s: [X

All Daniel Durant’s: [X]

All Andy Mientus’: [X

All Kathryn Gallagher’s: [X

All Alex Wyse’s: [X

All Sean Grandillo’s: [X]

All Daniel Stewart’s: [X

All Katie Boeck’s: [X]

All Sandra Mae Frank’s: [X

All Josh Castille’s: [X

All Lauren Luiz’s: [X


(9/18/20) DWSA Cast Reunion @ Gallaudet University

Copyright goes to Gallaudet University & the DWSA Cast.

Cast member’s featured are: Miles Barbee, Joshua Castille, Daniel Durant, Treshelle Edmond, Sandra Mae Frank, Amelia Hensley, & Alexandria Wailes.

I’m currently captioning this video, and hopefully will be done soon.

(9/18/20) DWSA Cast Reunion @ Gallaudet University

Copyright goes to Gallaudet University & the DWSA Cast.

Cast member’s featured are: Miles Barbee, Joshua Castille, Daniel Durant, Treshelle Edmond, Sandra Mae Frank, Amelia Hensley, & Alexandria Wailes.

I’m currently captioning this video, and hopefully will be done soon.

Today, Noon EST!!! - Live Stream

@gallytheatre: Deaf Artists Backstage will return next Friday with an amazing group interview with most of the Deaf cast members (@barbeemiles18 @danielndurant @treshelleedmond @sandy21mae @amelia8hensley @castillejoshua @alexandriawailesofficial) of the acclaimed Broadway musical, Spring Awakening! Join us at Noon EST, Friday September 18th for this unique glimpse into the Broadway experience! Voice interpretation and auto-captions are provided for this incredibly rare group interview. #deafartistsbackstage #deafactor #deaftheatre #springawakening #broadway #purplesummer #notgone"

Link to Facebook page: [X]

YouTube videos can be captioned or translated into 193 languages.

Sign for:

  • Deaf or Hard of Hearing people
  • People with sensory processing disorders (& autism, ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, etc)
  • People who want to watch a video not in their native language.

Some people used YouTube’s Community Contributions as a way to add spam, memes, & other things no one said in the video.

So they decide to remove the option completely (rather than find a way to sort spam from actual captions).

Most the time a video is ONLY captioned because of Com. Captions. With the removal of this feature, billions of videos will not be accessible for ALL people. 

Sign the petition to tell YouTube not to remove Community Captions.

Link to petition: [X]



They used it as a way to add spam, memes, & other things no one said in the video.

Because of these people YouTube has decided to remove the option all together.

Over 130 fans of ‘Spring Awakening’ worked together using Community Captions to caption over 400 Deaf West’s Spring Awakening videos. 

List of captioned DWSA videos: [X]

People all around the world worked together to make the videos accessible for EVERYONE. Not just for Deaf & Hard of Hearing people, but also people with sensory processing disorders, and people who’s language is not the same as the video.

Most the time a video is ONLY captioned because of Community Captions.

With the removal of this feature, billions of videos will not be accessible for ALL people. 

Sign the petition to tell @YouTube not to remove Community Captions.

Link to petition: [X]

- If you are one of the 130+ Deaf Awakening fans who helped make DWSA videos accessible for ALL, please sign and share this.

- If you are someone who captions or translates videos of your favorite YouTuber, please sign and share this.

- If you are someone (or you know someone) who uses captions or subtitles for ANY reason, please sign and share this.

YouTube’s Community Contributions is the most common way videos are made accessible for ANYONE on YouTube.

Audiences use YouTube’s Community Contributions to caption/subtitle or translate ANY video into 193 languages.

Sign this for:

 - Deaf/Hard of Hearing people

- People with Sensory Processing Disorders, like Autism

- People who have learning disabilities, like ADHD, ADD, and Dyslexia

- People learning a language

- And people who enjoy videos that are not in their native language

Sign the petition to keep YouTube accessible for ALL people WORLDWIDE.


They used it as a way to add spam, memes, & other things no one said in the video.

Because of these people YouTube has decided to remove the option all together.

Over 130 fans of ‘Spring Awakening’ worked together using Community Captions to caption over 400 Deaf West’s Spring Awakening videos. 

List of captioned DWSA videos: [X]

People all around the world worked together to make the videos accessible for EVERYONE. Not just for Deaf & Hard of Hearing people, but also people with sensory processing disorders, and people who’s language is not the same as the video.

Most the time a video is ONLY captioned because of Community Captions.

With the removal of this feature, billions of videos will not be accessible for ALL people. 

Sign the petition to tell @YouTube not to remove Community Captions.

Link to petition: [X]

- If you are one of the 130+ Deaf Awakening fans who helped make DWSA videos accessible for ALL, please sign and share this.

- If you are someone who captions or translates videos of your favorite YouTuber, please sign and share this.

- If you are someone (or you know someone) who uses captions or subtitles for ANY reason, please sign and share this.

YouTube’s Community Contributions is the most common way videos are made accessible for ANYONE on YouTube.

Spring Awakening, winner of 8 Tony awards, is a Broadway musical focusing around the struggles of te

Spring Awakening, winner of 8 Tony awards, is a Broadway musical focusing around the struggles of teenagers in 1800s Germany. The themes in this rock opera are strong, ranging from things such as homosexuality, abuse, [rape], suicide, abortion and many more. The original Broadway cast starred Glee’s Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff, as well as The Newsroom’s John Gallagher Jr.

Bootleg Master List:

Broadway/Off Broadway

Original Cast - Off Broadway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgwWdz9U2OU

Original Broadway Cast - Broadway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FBmg9lRnEg

Original Broadway Cast - Gerard Canonico as Mortiz (u/s), Matt Doyle as Otto (u/s), Jennifer Damiano as Martha (u/s) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7EN8QceszA

Original Broadway Cast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ9rLrZP_AM

Matt Doyle as Melchior (u/s)


1NT - with replacements (Ben Fankhauser as Ernst, Taylor Trensch as Moritz, ect) - TRADE

1NT *Unknown Date* - TRADE

1NT - Kyle Riabko as Melchior, Matt Doyle as Hanschen - TRADE

1NT -  Lucas Wells as Melchior (u/s), Justin Scott Brown as Georg (u/s) - TRADE

1NT - Opening Night - TRADE

Will keep updated; If you have any others you’d be interested in gifting or trading please let me know!

If you have nothing to trade, that’s okay, I will always gift if you talk to me about it! The only way I won’t is if the person I traded with was uptight about trading.

Trade |Submit |Ask about casting, dates, ect|More Bootlegs|Wants

Post link

leamichele: My reaction seeing @darrencriss absolutely blow me away last night on Broadway. So proud of you D❤️

*Bottom photo via her ig story

**original post was deleted

I had been looking forward to seeing Andy Mientus at 54/Below in NY on August 2nd, unfortunately my grandmother passed away recently, and I have to travel to be with my mother when she returns from the Philippines.

54/Below does not believe in refunds, and have threatened to sell the seats knowing they’ll be empty without paying my friend and I back. This is why I have to sell them.

If you’re interested, please message me. The seats are Ringside (closest to the stage) and there are two available. I want to see them go to someones who’ll be just as excited as we were.

andymientus: Spring dump after a weekend so rich I took almost no photos. Was so happy to reunite wi

andymientus: Spring dump after a weekend so rich I took almost no photos. Was so happy to reunite with so many beautiful friends at @jennyandersonphoto’s smashing exhibition and the premiere of HBO’s @springbway documentary #ThoseYouveKnown on the arm of my muse @krysta_rod. Not gonna say New York is back, because New York was never gone, but I’m starting to feel like maybe I’m back.

Post link
gnomistphoto: Actor, singer, author Andy Mientus (@andymientus) giving very Calvin Klein circa 90s a

gnomistphoto: Actor, singer, author Andy Mientus (@andymientus) giving very Calvin Klein circa 90s ad campaign vibes.

Post link
andymientus: Beige Against the Dying of the Lightandymientus: Beige Against the Dying of the Light

andymientus: Beige Against the Dying of the Light

Post link
 andymientus: “Taking this opportunity to come out as blonde. 35 and feelin fine. Toast courtesy of

andymientus: “Taking this opportunity to come out as blonde. 35 and feelin fine. Toast courtesy of Patricia Highsmith ”

Post link
andymientus: A quick Keith for andymientus: A quick Keith for andymientus: A quick Keith for

andymientus: A quick Keith for

Post link


I just adore him…

andymientus: I’m proud of you #pride

andymientus: I’m proud of you #pride

Post link
andymientus: Def V sober in these. : @gallagherwalkskrysta_rod: Summer feelz with the real ones ✨andymientus: Def V sober in these. : @gallagherwalkskrysta_rod: Summer feelz with the real ones ✨andymientus: Def V sober in these. : @gallagherwalkskrysta_rod: Summer feelz with the real ones ✨andymientus: Def V sober in these. : @gallagherwalkskrysta_rod: Summer feelz with the real ones ✨andymientus: Def V sober in these. : @gallagherwalkskrysta_rod: Summer feelz with the real ones ✨

andymientus: Def V sober in these. : @gallagherwalks
krysta_rod: Summer feelz with the real ones ✨

Post link


“The deeply problematic Andy Mientus and Hudson”

From Alex Wyse’s Instagram story 20/04/21

andymientus: One year with this guy. I have always wanted a dog and I can’t believe my luck in getti

andymientus: One year with this guy. I have always wanted a dog and I can’t believe my luck in getting a literal perfect dog on the first try. I love you so much, Huds.

Post link