#andy serkis


My overall feeling is that I’m eager to see it again.

Love how Gotham looks. It’s creaky and creepy. Love the gothic interiors of Wayne Manor and the church.

It’s really beautifully lit. You can still track what’s going on because it’s lit so well or makes use of silhouette.

This movie takes its time … with … everything … it’s really deliberate. In one sense it makes it really easy to follow along, like this isn’t so fast-paced and jam packed that it’s just overstimulating you. 

Love the cast. To a person, everyone delivers. I was an optiminist about these casting choices from jump street and I think they aquit themselves really well. Up until I saw this movie  

This is so heavily focued on Batman. Lest that seem obvious there is very little Bruce Wayne TM in this movie. Like the best iterations of Batman before it, this movie gets that Bruce Wayne is the mask. It also makes the choice not to use the advantages Brucy Wayne has to try to change the city. By the end he realizes he has to be more than just vengance and presumably that includes useing the billionaire-playboy Bruce Wayne cover to do recon etc.

The beginning of this movie is so strong. The intrigue and working the case with Batman and Gordon then Batman and Alfred are probably my favorite scenes.

The action is filmed in long takes. We see bodies fully in the frame. It compares favorably to Nolan’s take in this regard. This Batman can move and the fights go to ground. When people criticized Nolan’s presentation of fighting I’d usually think, wait what? Then on rewatch it became more clear what the criticisms were about. But it didn’t matter as much because I was so affecteed by the story in those cases I remembered the fighting being more like what’s presented here. The violence isn’t impressionistic or overly stylized. The Batman’s suit is obviously bullet-proof because he knows people are going to shoot at him. 

Penguin walking like a penguin, lol.

The music is amazing. Like deceptivly simple but so powerful. Love the percussion, too. 

Was Selina running a long con and it happened that her friend got murdered? If she was just using Ana to get to Falcone why’d she get the passport back? Also why was there not a mention of the murder weapon used on Mitchell before the third act? We get tthe lingering shot of the odd edge on the floor? Chalk it up to Gotham curruption in the ME’s office, maybe. Why isn’t there mention of like, more security for the other mayoral candidate? 

The ending is beatutifyl and hopeful. I really craved one more Alfred scene. Like a moment between Batman and Alfred where he explicitely plans to use the Bruce Wayne persona more. This is a case where the run-time works against this movie. If it’s 3 hours long, why miss a beat?

The story is in a bit of bind because Gordon is a “good cop.” We don’t get the kind of noir that really indicts cops as part of systemic corruption to be overcome to get true justice. The Batman goes as far as allowed in a big budget movie. 

The length of this movie makes it necessary to rewatch it. Right now so many of my nit-picks could possibly be eliminated with a closer look. Like why didn’t Batman get closer to detecting the sea wall was at risk? Was the reporter with dirt on the Wayne’s the Riddler’s father? And wasn’t that reporter already dirty, as in he was a reporter on Maroni’s payroll? 

My overall feeling is that I’m eager to see it again.

Diego with Andy Serkis ✨

(Picture isn’t mine)


I, ma się rozumieć, zespołu utalentowanych aktorów na czele z Andym Serkisem we własnej osobie.

Swoją drogą… Czy wiedzieliście, że Andy Serkis pełnił funkcję konsultanta w czasie produkcji najnowszej, hollywoodzkiej inkarnacji “Godzilli” i osobiście - poprzez technologię montiom capture - wcielił się w króla potworów w kilku kluczowych scenach?




W nowym filmie wystąpią John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson i Max von Sydow, a obok nich aktorzy z oryginalnej trylogii: Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew i Kenny Baker.

Trudno mi, doprawdy, powiedzieć Wam, ileż to razy rozpoczynałem na nowo tworzenie tego wpisu. Po części wynika to prawdopodobnie z delikatnego zmęczenia, po części z będącej jego konsekwencją braku weny, przede wszystkim chyba jednak z potężnego ładunku emocjonalnego, towarzyszącego pierwszemu zapoznaniu się z treścią oficjalnego oświadczenia LucasFilm oraz The Walt Disney Company.

Poza tym - informacji na temat obsady spodziewałem się dopiero w niedzielę, 4 maja! Nie zmienia to jednak faktu, że tego dnia prawdopodobnie również trudno będzie nam narzekać na brak emocji oraz wrażeń.

Z dłuższymi wywodami oraz wyrażeniem swojej wielkiej, doprawdy trudnej do opisania słowami, radości, wstrzymam się do długiego weekendu. Tymczasem zaś ograniczę się do prostego przytoczenia faktów. Te są zaś następujące: “Gwiezdne Wojny” wracają dokładnie w takiej postaci, w jakiej sobie wymarzyłem.

Niech Moc będzie z Wami!

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A CHRISTMAS CAROL Trailer (2019)

Remember that part in the LOTR Extended Editions where Andy Serkis talks about how, as Gollum, he haRemember that part in the LOTR Extended Editions where Andy Serkis talks about how, as Gollum, he haRemember that part in the LOTR Extended Editions where Andy Serkis talks about how, as Gollum, he ha

Remember that part in the LOTR Extended Editions where Andy Serkis talks about how, as Gollum, he had to slide down a creek to catch a fish? Apparently, it had snowed the night before, so crews where out melting snow off the creek edge in order for the scene to be filmed. Well….

The top photo is that creek. In his full mo-cap suit, Andy got on his belly and began sliding along, pretending to catch a fish.

The second photo is where he hit ice and couldn’t stop himself from sliding.

The third photo is where he would have ended up, sliding off the edge and down that waterfall, if one of the film crew hadn’t caught him at the last moment.

Just a bit of perspective on what Andy has gone through to portray Gollum…

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Colbert’s “Lord of the Rings” Rap Celebrates 20 Years Of The Greatest Tr…

Thorin Oakenshield, Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins and Smeagol posing at the Tokyo premier of The Hobb

Thorin Oakenshield, Frodo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins and Smeagol posing at the Tokyo premier of The Hobbit. 

For more view Stuff I Made 

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directedbybjenkins:Timothée Chalamet, Brooklynn Prince, Daniel Kaluuya, Nicole Kidman, Andy Serkis adirectedbybjenkins:Timothée Chalamet, Brooklynn Prince, Daniel Kaluuya, Nicole Kidman, Andy Serkis adirectedbybjenkins:Timothée Chalamet, Brooklynn Prince, Daniel Kaluuya, Nicole Kidman, Andy Serkis adirectedbybjenkins:Timothée Chalamet, Brooklynn Prince, Daniel Kaluuya, Nicole Kidman, Andy Serkis adirectedbybjenkins:Timothée Chalamet, Brooklynn Prince, Daniel Kaluuya, Nicole Kidman, Andy Serkis adirectedbybjenkins:Timothée Chalamet, Brooklynn Prince, Daniel Kaluuya, Nicole Kidman, Andy Serkis a


Timothée Chalamet, Brooklynn Prince, Daniel Kaluuya, Nicole Kidman, Andy Serkis and Jake Gyllenhaal for The New York Times Magazine, The great performers issues, 2017

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A Black Panther poster illustration I did. I really enjoyed working on this one, I had an initial id

A Black Panther poster illustration I did. I really enjoyed working on this one, I had an initial idea of using traditional patterns and prints from different countries in Africa and using them to build up the Black Panthers head (Like in the back ground) but then I really wanted to draw some of the characters. I thought Danai Gurira looked amazing as Okoye and decided to add her, and I couldn’t pass up the chance to draw a Panther! :D
Hope you guys like it!

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I love these The Hobbit cast and Lord of the Rings cast photos.

My hearts.

{Left to Right}

Bernard Hill, Viggo Mortensen, John Noble, Liv Tyler, Andy Serkis, David Wenham

{L-2-R} Hugo Weaving, Miranda Otto, Cate Blanchett, Ian McKellen

Martin Freeman and Elijah Wood

{L-2-R} Dominic Monaghan, Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd

{L-2-R} Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Dominic Monaghan, Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd

{L-2-R} Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Dominic Monaghan, Ian McKellen, Billy Boyd, Sean Astin, Peter Jackson, Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom

{L-2-R} Dominic Monaghan, Sean Astin, Andy Serkis, Orlando Bloom, Bernard Hill, Viggo Mortensen, Miranda Otto, Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd

Hugo Weaving and Ian McKellen

Dean O'Gorman and Aiden Turner

Lee Pace and Orlando Bloom

I am a huge fan of the original Planet Of The Apes series from the 70′s. The remake they did with Mark Wahlberg wasn’t half bad. It wasn’t until the recent Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes that the kid in me got excited again for the franchise. It was so well done and quite frankly a great take on the story of genetically altered apes that end up taking over the planet after a virus wipes out humanity.

It would seem that director Matt Reeves is taking it to the next level with Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes. Everything we have seen has been fantastic and with the latest trailer that has just dropped, I am really buying into the fact that the film is going to be pretty damn great.

A little too foretelling if you ask me, the trailer perfectly captures how I figured the Planet Of The Apes would have been created. And as a long time fan of the series, seeing it happen on the big screen makes me so happy.

20th Century Foxhas Dawn of the Planet of the Apes scheduled for a 3D release on July11th this summer.

I will be there. What about you?

About The Film
A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth’s dominant species.

Original Article http://bit.ly/1uFZbMe
