

step-dad - beau-père  (pour les enfants d’un premier mariage, le second mari de leur mère) (beau-père can be translated as father-in-law or stepfather)

threat- une menace

whim- un caprice

the prodigal son- le fils prodigue (qqn qui était partie avec une ambition démesurée)

heinous- odieux, haineux

copasetic- exellent, super, genial

Guatemalan- guatémaltèque

in the throws of- en pleine, en train de, sous le coup de

loud and clear- haut et fort, fort et clair, très clairement

tie the knot-  être marier, ‘faire le noeud‘

flip the bird- faire un doigt d’honneur ‘renverse l’oiseau’

to flip- se retourner, basculer (argot, devenir fou)

to jump- sauter

to die- mourir

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on- ‘Allez vous faire foutre, toi et ton cheval’ C’est ‘fuck you’ avec un intensifieur qui indique que l’autre personne est trop arrogant.

get screwed- se faire baiser,  être fichu

got screwed by the horse that he rode in on- un jeux de mots avec le phrase ‘Fuck you and the horse you rode in on’. Ici le cheval représente les plans qui a mal tourné.



He put his arms at each side of her head so she was tackled on the lockers. She couldn’t look at him in the eyes, feeling too much pressure in this position.

“How can you pretend I broke you when you’re the one who did shit?

-Because if we count the shit I did, let’s count the 7 monthes we had when I was the greatest girlfriend you’ll ever had, when I was doing everything I could just to see you happy, when I was giving you everything to be better for you. It’s so easy to remember the bad things and forget all the good.

-How can you… I…

-Sht, don’t say anything.”

She finally let her eyes swim inside his, but this time she had a look different, it wasn’t broken, it was empty. So he removed his hands as she was literally crushing him and said.

“You want me? Okay then, come and find me.”

And gave him a piece of paper.

-6708 rue Saint Laurent-



-Welcome to my world-

“I can’t.

-Then stay away from me.”

She smiled and left again, leaving him one more time with nothing else to add.

need to practice my english
