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Wendy Fairclough, Figs and Apples, cast lead crystal

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As reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, buAs reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, buAs reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, buAs reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, buAs reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, buAs reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, buAs reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, buAs reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, buAs reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, bu

As reward for your amazing following abilities, I give you the Matt Saracen (ok ok, Zach Gilford, but shout out to all the Friday Night Lights fans who fell in love with this sweet guy) wedding! I’m not going to begin to describe all the perfect things, but its got them all–most of which are beverages, a VERY well dressed groom, and some acoustic tunes by his fellow FNL actor Jesse Plemons (Landry, or Todd in Breaking Bad). TWO MORE POSTS TO COME! 

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We at Friday Bear hope your Friday is as amazing as a pile of apples and a pile of pals.

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Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay kind. Stay rad.
Let’s make this world a better place for everyone.
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Photo from the Kilham Bear Center

Just two bros chilling under a magic apple tree.

I wanted this one to be less busy than the others, and my professor loved how peaceful it is. I love how all the details came out, and that simple blue sky helps them stand out!

So I wanted to draw little ram Schlatt and tiny slime Charlie. I’ve recently gotten into Slimecicle Cinematic Universe and Chuckle Sandwich, so I wanted to involve them in the Cryptid AU. Plus, look how cute they are!!! Tiny Rammie JSchlatt is just so funny to me. He’s just a little guy who swears and causes problems.

This came out of nowhere while making the Apple Tarts the other night. I had made so many in the cupcake forms that I wanted to try something different. Same ingredients different shape. Took me all of about 10 seconds to look at the sushi mat and ask the question “Why cant that thing be used to roll up a dessert?”. I rolled out my dough a bit and flipped it on the mat a few times to get it flat and even.

Once I saw that I could roll a nice tube I filled it with the apples that I mandolin using the fry setting and the banana cream. Covered it with fresh sliced peaches and sprinkled a little of the crust on top. Popped it in the freezer and let it chill for a few hours.

I pulled it out and it sliced perfectly into about 8 sushi like pieces.

These didn’t last long. They are one of the best frozen treats I have ever had and so so good for you. It’s all fruit!

Our tree just keeps giving apples. I found USE #47. Tarts with a fig date crust and banana cream fil

Our tree just keeps giving apples. I found USE #47. Tarts with a fig date crust and banana cream filling. Frozen deliciousness.

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The apple tree in the front yard is booming and we have to use these little beauties anyway we can. Tonights use. Tarts! We washed a bunch of the best apples we could find in the bag. Mandalined them nice and then. Perfect for stacking.

The crust was made up of a lot of the same ingredients as the energy bombs. Nice and simple but very delicious.

1 bag of calamiyra figs
1 cup pumpkin seeds
½ cup flax seed
½ cup chia seed
¼ cup Nude food original
1 tbsp of coconut oil

Blended up in the food processor till it’s a sticky consistency.

apple slices
date sauce (soaked dates blended with water and cinnamon until creamy and very thick)

After we made the crust and got it pressed into place we basically layered the apples and the date sauce until we reached a respectable level. Coated the top with a little of the crust like a crumble and threw them in the fridge to setup. We tested one and it is so so good! Can’t wait until tomorrow to try another one.

Mabon 2019

This is one of my older altars and was part of a ritual to say goodbye to three family members who had passed (including my mother in law and my own father).

**All words and images are my own, please make sure that credit is in place if you reblog or share it**
