#batfam headcanon



My family: u have so many followers, you could use that to make a difference. Use your audience to change the world!

Me, typing frantically: Batman has a choking kink. Proof number one- he’s a sexually active furry in Gotham. Clearly a thrill seeker. Proof two- he’s way too into Catwoman’s whip and Clark’s large farm-boy super-hands. Tell me he isn’t thinking about those calloused hands around his neck. Proof three- he wears nothing but turtle neck sweaters. Why? To cover the bruises. In this essay, I will

Batboys: Valentines Day Headcanons

A/N: I couldn’t think of any for Duke or the Batgirls and I don’t know their characters that well so my apologies that I couldn’t give them an individual one.

Happy Valentines Day, I hope you have a wonderful day doing what you do.

All my love, Jessica ♥️


Bruce Wayne:

• Cancels all meetings for the day so he can spend it with you, however Batman is still on call and he does genuinely apologise for this. You don’t mind, you’d expect some mad love scheme from Gothams villains at some point tonight.

• Has probably bought you a few gifts, the classic flowers and chocolates are a must and you can bet they’re top quality.

• Alfred makes breakfast for the two of you as you chatter and enjoy the family’s company in the kitchen.

• Of the assortment of gifts you offhandly mentioned you wanted throughout the year, there is a truly meaningful one that he would give you in private. Whether it be jewellery, a gadget or book which reminded you of a time you spent together. You cry. It’s too sentimental.

• Has plans to take you out for a fancy meal later that evening, we’re talking 5* restaurant and you give him his gift there which of course he loves.

• You take a peaceful walk through the city afterward, which is cut short by the revelation of Joker kidnapping couples. You give each other a knowing look and in minutes the Batmobile is pulled up in the closest alley.

• Bruce - Batman is apologising but you smile and wave him off, but before he leaves you quickly give him a new gadget you got Barbara to work on.

“I have two Valentines I suppose, so my gift to Batman is this.”

“You’re truly amazing (Y/n), I love you.”

“Go save the city love.”

Dick Grayson:

• Not subtle about the fact Valentines Day is around the corner, you know he’s planning something and are on edge.

• Jokes on him though because the competition is ON this year. You woke him with breakfast in bed and he was salty about how his patrol the night before had prevented him from waking up before you. Still assured you that you didn’t have to do this.

• The romantic gestures get more extravagant throughout the day from each of you, in reality you both do this for fun as you show how much you love each other through everyday gestures. But this was go big or go home.

• You arrived from your shopping trip to a trail of rose petals leading to the lounge where too many flower bouquets were waiting - each equipped with a cheesy pick up line. You’d probably give some flowers to the elder residents of the building in the end.

• Dick stood proudly in the middle of them, also nervous as to whether you’d like them. You smiled, pulling him into a loving embrace when he whispered “I’m winning.”

• That evening you took him out see Haly’s circus and he was a mess, it was cute to see him catch up with old family members as well as watch the show. You wanted to give them some privacy but Dick pulled you along introducing you as the love of his life, adamant that you meet Haly. The older man approved, covertly telling dick he’d be an imbecile to let you go.

• In return Dick treated you to a meal at any restaurant of your choice and was glowing for the rest of the evening. Honestly he’s so pleased that your his it’s ridiculous, expect showers of adoration and you just can’t shut him up.

• When you get home and are well relaxed, he presents you with a velvet box.

“This is - no it was too much. I can’t accept this you beautiful dork.”

“I saw the way you looked at it all those months ago so I saved and got you something special, with everything you put up with, you deserve this and much more (Y/n).”

It’s a price of jewellery that you fell in love with whilst shopping for Wallys birthday present and of course your boyfriend remembered.

• You’re cuddling on the couch at this point, pure bliss for the both of you as it’s not often Dick takes a full night off but for you, he would.

“I really tried to get you the best gift in the world this year so I could win our game but I just couldn’t part with it.”

“What do you mean?” He’s confused are your unexpected confession but intrigued.

“How am I supposed to gift you to yourself? Besides I wouldn’t give the best thing in the world up, how could I ever lose you Dick Grayson?” Your words have him blushing, he’s flustered and so full of sheer joy that he just pulls you into his arms with a soft kiss to your lips.

“I - that was - god you win. I don’t deserve you.”

Jason Todd:

• On this day, it is common knowledge to everyone who knows you both that you can ask him anything and he’ll do it. Only If it’s reasonable and for you. Breakfast in bed? Hell yeah. You want a romantic bath? It’s done.

• Will get you a lovely meaningful gift that reminds him of you and you love it so much, and thank him profusely.

“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” Jason obviously brushes it off with a brilliant blush adorning his skin.

• Never admits to the fact he loves baths with you, but on Valentine’s Day you got out the rose petals, bubble bath and candles. Didn’t take much convincing to get him in there with you and you presented a new book you’d gotten him. Jason melted. If you want him to read aloud in the bath whilst you relax, he will. It’s so peaceful for him.

• Jason isn’t into fancy wine and dining and would rather a casual setting, so brings up going to Big Belly Burger for dinner. As a joke. No he seriously would.

“Oh yeah, sounds great. I’ll get ready.” And you do, willingly.

“Wait but - um, don’t you want? I dunno, a nice restaurant?”

“As long as I get to spend time with you I don’t mind, I would eat on the roof for all I care. Actually no, it’s quite cold - but in summer I would.”

• It’s all registering in Jason’s mind how amazing you are, and he’s just gazing at you with pure adoration before skidding over and clasping you’re wrist as you went for his keys.

“Ah - no, we’re not doing that. I’m making you dinner, no objections. It’ll be incredible I promise.”

“I’ll help then.”

• And boy can he cook, the food is gorgeous and he put so much effort into it too. He appreciates your help as his sous chef, the many kisses in between demonstrated that.

• Essentially from then it stems to a normal evening for the two of you, a comfortable night of playful teasing either reading or watching a show. Jason believes these are the best kind, Valentines isn’t for special treatment when he aims to make you feel loved everyday - even if he’s not the best at it sometimes.

Tim Drake:

• Less invested than his eldest brother who is a hopeless romantic but is still determined to ensure you feel special. You’ve said you didn’t want anything but he refuses to let this be a completely normal day unless you really want it to be.

• Starts by making you breakfast in bed and it’s actually to die for, you share the blissful morning in one another’s comfortable company and it really invigorates you for the upcoming day. He had a gift for that.

• “How about we skip the cliche stuff and do something for us?”

“What did you have in mind my lovely nerd.”

• You played some video games before venturing to Titans tower where you spent the day with your friends - you cared about them too. Honestly it became a low-key house party with everyone conversation going and messing around.

• Afterwards you head back to Gotham and hit a nearby food stand and your boyfriend insists on zipping you through the skyline to perfect place to eat which is exactly what you do.

• Takes you up to the ‘best rooftop’ in Gotham, you didn’t believe one existed until you see the view. Tim offers his scarf as you sit on the ledge watching the sun set behind the city, the sky a breathtaking ombré.

“Y’know, this is very clićhe Tim.” You laughed, nudging your boyfriend who offered you a playful grin in response.

“Well you’re still here so I must be doing something right.”

You are the something right.”

“I was going to say the same about you, thank you for everything (Y/n). I truly love you, y’know that?”

• After arriving home, you spend the evening cuddled up in bed with Netflix playing and an array of snacks out. You doubt you’ll get through a season by the time you fall asleep but you’re both willing to try.

• You couldn’t determine who went to dreamland first, but you awoke in each other’s arms after a gunshot echoed on screen. At this point you agreed to turn it off and once more curl into one another with occasional random whispers of conversation before falling asleep for the night.

Damian Wayne:

• Does not care for the holiday and has told you this before, whether you do or not he feels he should at least make some form of effort. Just to lowkey display his love for you.

• Brought you multiple bouquets of flowers, also invested in chocolates and you can tell he’s really trying.

• Titus happily brings you a rose, which had you swooning the dog regardless of how smug your boyfriend was. Definitely up for a romantic walk through the park with Titus and buys coffee/lunch whilst you’re there.

• The day is completely at your disposal, but after the walk and shopping trip he took you on (despite your unwillingness to tell him what you liked knowing he’d get it for you), you relaxed in one another’s company in the Manor.

• Damian put on your favourite movie and in return you set his film up next so you both had something of interest. Thus began the playful bickering and fights over blankets which you ultimately end up sharing anyway.

• Alfred brings in cookies, you had to do a double take because they are heart shaped and you give the Butler a curious look.

“At Master Damian’s request, apparently more ‘romantic’.” You can hear the disinterested sarcasm in Alfreds voice, his witty remarks are treasured.

Alfred!” It’s a hiss from your boyfriend and you can’t help but laugh, thanking both of them.

• You’re both sitting comfortably wrapped up in each other, simply enjoying the movie playing in the background amongst idle conversation.

“I appreciate you’re trying, but this clearly isn’t your thing.” You smiled knowingly, Damian both offended and impressed that you could read him so eloquently.

“I -“

“Hear me out, how about next year we go away for a weekend? Maybe Africa or somewhere with a wildlife sanctuary y’know.”

• Immediately his eyes lit up, he’d moved for his phone and began listing the most exotic locations and soon you were joining him. So much so that within 30 minutes he’d adamantly decided to pay for everything.

• Now has a renewed excitement for Valentines Day, literally is counting down the days for a national holiday he still has no care for but loves spending quality with you. It becomes a tradition to spend Valentines away.

Bonus: Older Batsis

Imagine being the older sister of the Batfam and having to spend Valentines on your own.

• You didn’t hate Valentine’s Day but this year you were single and had a lot on your mind lately whether it be stress, work or any other life dilemma.

• As a result you opted to stay at the Manor rather than your own apartment, besides both neighbours were madly in love with their current partners and you didn’t want to be around that right now. The family knew of these developments and since it was Valentines…

• A bouquet of flowers adorned the table that morning with Alfred cheerfully cooking your favourite breakfast, the smell alone was enough to die for.

“You didn’t have to Alfred.”

“Ah Miss (Y/n), you should take your own advice.”

• Damian simply tuts at the doorframe before entering the area and sitting beside you. The young man didn’t believe in the holiday one bit and at this point you agreed with him.

• Okay so maybe you brought Cass, Barbara and Stephanie a bouquet of flowers each. Then proceeded to purchase the favourite snacks of Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke and Damian. Dick being in an annoying mood decided to question your behaviour.

Youbroughtus gifts? We’re not your valentine so, whyexactly?”

“Because, I believe Valentines is about celebrating the people you care for, not just for couples to express their affection. And I do care about you all a lot, so this is me showing that.”

• Regardless, you enjoyed a chilled day in the Manor. After a luxurious bath, you enjoyed your own company really. Something you hadn’t managed in a while.

• Your family wanted to cheer you up though, thus ensued a strange day. Cassandra brought you a katana wrapped carefully ribbon warapped which left you speechless, Dick and Barbara got you that jacket you were telling her about last month and Tim had set up a slew of your favourite movies to relax to along with snacks.

• You cried. It meant so much despite them having their own plans, they took at least 10 minutes to see you.

• Steph made you waffles for lunch, which you enjoyed together after concocting masterpieces from the array of toppings on offer in the kitchen.

• Duke and Jason were next, each rocking up with bunches of flowers.

“We couldn’t remember your favourites, I thought they were (fave flower), but Duke disagreed.”

“Duh, they’re (second fave flower), anyway (Y/n) happy valentines. You don’t need no man - or woman. Either.” Duke grinned, Jason following on with his usual degrading humour.

“Exactly, you got us. Not that it helps haha.”

• You had dinner in the Batcave, it was only take out considering you were managing comms whilst the others were on mission that night. Oracle 2.0 if you will.

• It was then that Damian joined you, a box in hand that he slid in front of you and upon opening it, revealed a pearl white kitten/puppy adorned with an oversized red bow.

“His name is Valentine, or Val, or Vee - he’s for you, so you won’t be feel alone once you get home. I guarantee animals build more loyal relationships than humans.”

“Dami, I thought you hated Valentines Day. You didn’t have to get me anything.”

• The youngest gives you a frustrated look, embarrassed that he was caught being so kind in the first place.

“If it helps I wanted to adopt him but father wouldn’t let me, so I had to find him the next best person. Which out of all these Neanderthals, is of course, you.”

“I see, and what spurred you to even look into such a thing in there first place?” Damn you’d caught him out, the only reason he went was to find a companion for you.

"As you said (L/n), it’s about celebrating people you care about and my gift will last the longest therefore you know I love you the most.”

“And I love you too little bro, thank you Damian.”

• Best Valentine’s Day ever.



the city draws in a collective breath, dripping with the sweet, stark smell of rot and week-old blood. the sun slips down the sky, painting streaks of sweat on bitter tasting cement. glass crackles underfoot, barbed wire snaking over your feet. as the sun slides farther and farther down, dipping below the harbor, tendrils of oil creep up, painting the skyline with dark bruises. you could reach up towards those dark heavens, your fingertips brushing against smog and ash hanging in the air, your hand coming back coated in black. when the shadows have truly fallen over the entirety of the city, a dull ache comes back, running under the cracked streets, twisting underfoot and beneath curbs and empty warehouses, dull office buildings, chipped paint apartments. the ache spins through the city, tripping over bent lampposts and bodies, filling every pothole and splinter with red rimmed pain. the spine of gotham heaves under the weight, trying desperately to keep the rust and steel and concrete welded together. to keep the charcoal stained buildings upright, scraping at the sky. the great city releases its breath, coated in frothing molten grey and soft whispers of the weak.

is it too much to ask for a short comic run or even just a one shot but it’s just like,, batfam members living life?? like I want to see characters in rlly human situations and have VERY FEW fights (maybe even none at all). I wanna see bruce mentally preparing for the Brucie Persona and using concealer to cover a bruise in a dressing room before going on stage to a talk show. I wanna see dick dealing with being a cop or first responder on cases that don’t require guns (he helps out a homeless kid, he talks someone down from a ledge, etc). dc writers need to show us the batfam can be heroes and good people without their masks, and they need to show us the mundane sometimes. idk just what I think

hi it’s been a while so take a few batboy headcanons:

  • jason adopting a stray cat, realizing he has NO idea how to care for one, and has to begrudgingly ask damien for advice (ofc he only pretends to be annoyed, in reality he hangs on to every word) *bonus: jason using a baby voice to talk to the cat*
  • tim, who’s susceptible to literally every sickness bc his immune system is shit, running a high fever and weakly pushing bruce away, insistingto go on patrol tonight, and bruce just waits, counts to ten, then catches tim right as he collapses and carries him back to bed
  • dick working in oregon to help fight the fires (no I’m not explaining the logistics of that) and wearily pulling off his helmet at the end of the day, covered in ash and sweat, but smiling to himself, knowing he’s doing what he’s meant to be doing-helping whenever he can
  • damien with his hand pressed against his arm, blood soaking through nonetheless. he’s alone, outnumbered, and injured. he grits his teeth and just before he can spit the most vulgar word he’s learned, he hears a voice. “you probably don’t need backup, but we thought we could help.”he looks up to see dick hanging from the ceiling. a noise comes from his left and right and there’s tim and jason, flanking his sides. dick drops from the ceiling and throws damien a grin. the four boys turn their attention on the enemy, and all at once, unleash hell

I think it’s funny how whenever we picture teen superheroes, they’re always so hot and perfect when they’re not in disguise. like, come on. they’re teenagers sweating under a mask for hours and hours at a time. they’re gonna have acne. and if they wear any type of helmet, you bet ur ass they have hat-hair most of the time. they’re missing some teeth, some never get them fixed, some get crowns. most of the time their noses are slightly crooked from having it broken. they have chronic eye bags and tangled hair and probably don’t find much time to shave. they’re always sore, and they’re always tired. nothing pretty or glamorous about it. nothing to show for their sacrifices apart from week old bruises and vertigo when they stand up too fast.



if I was dick grayson I would simply not lose my memories

like rip to ric but I’m different

- Timothy Drake (a.k.a Red Robin)


I got a cat and here’s things I’ve said to her as batfam quotes:

dick: why won’t you love me. I deserve it.

jason: listen here, bastard

damian: I care about you more than I care about myself

tim: oh,, my god. you-you ATE that piece of paper???

cass: *watches anime while the cat sits on her shoulder*

steph: I cannot believe you just scratched me. like honestly wow. I’m astonished. I thought we had something going on here.

dc rlly expects us to believe bruce would get away with being an ab*sive dad and NOT be killed by harley or ivy or hmmm pretty much any villian in gotham??

like, they don’t give two shits he’s a billionaire, or if he’s batman or not, I KNOW that at least harley and ivy would hear one (1) jason todd talking about his dad hurting him and they’d show up ready for blood.

can dc please get something right? if ur gonna portray bruce as an ab*sive asshole then live with the consequences of that bc he would not last long !!!

(also like,,, he’s not ab*sive anyway. at all. he’s a good dad, dc just takes “angst” too far)


  • dick leaning sloppily against an alleyway wall, wiping at his nose in a vain attempt to stifle the flow of blood. a man is on the concrete ground, a crumpled heap of limbs, breathing shallowly. dick glances down at the man, a look of disgust on his face. he crouches down, leaning close to the man. it takes everything in him to resist hitting him again. “go to hell.” he breathes, before jumping up to catch the fire escape ladder and nimbly scaling it to the roof of the building. god, he sometimes wishes he could do more than just apprehend scumbags like that man.
  • tim in a blood splattered suit, his hair in his eyes, his jaw working as he swings the metal pipe again, hitting the masked attacker in the ribs as hard as he can. the attacker stumbles and collapses to the ground. tim drops the pipe, letting it clang to the floor. he breathes heavily, taking in the carnage around him. he limps to the attacker and lifts the mask off revealing a young woman, barely conscious. he then straightens, adjusts his suit and pushes back his hair, stepping over the weezing woman and heading towards the door.
  • jason, on his back, staring up at the sliver of night sky he can see through the cracks in the warehouse roof. he’s bleeding from somewhere. from multiple somewheres. he wants to just stay on floor. he wants more than a few seconds to catch his breath, but he can already hear the armed men clamoring towards him. he pushes out a breath of air and forces himself up, staring into the face of many assault weapons. in ten minutes, when the men are all sprawled on the floor around him, he briefly hopes that he can just go home and get sleep now, but in the distance a police siren starts up. he sighs.


the thing about art is that nobody cares. tim’s got a trigger finger from capturing whatever shots he could, as soon as they happened. he’s got chemical burns on his hands from when he was still learning how to develop film. he’s got boxes of photos, not just of batman and robin, but of gotham. gotham late at night, messy pictures of a smog-filled sunset, grimy alleys, cruel eyed people. gotham in the evening, the chandelier of a gala, the crowds of blurry-faced people, diamonds sparkling on necks and fingers. gotham in the morning, faraway shots of wayne manor gardens, of the forest behind the drakes’ house, of leaves and flowers and trees. and nobody notices them. jack and janet knew about his hobby, of course they did. it certainly cost them enough money. but no one asked to see his pictures. no one asked him why he liked photography. the teachers at school brushed him off when he talked about his hobby, the maid asked him to stop leaving his camera around, and bruce saw him as nothing but a threat with those photos the first few months. so tim stopped asking. stopped telling people about his little hobby, stopped vesting so much time and interest in it, only ever got out his camera when he was feeling sentimental. but he couldn’t always help himself, snapping a quick shot with his phone when he saw something particularly beautiful. pictures littered his phone, and as long as tim had anything to say about it, they’d stay unkown forever. because nobody cared.

the thing about art is that everybody cares. damian’s got fingertips permanently blackened from charcoal pencils, skin rubbed raw from scrubbing paint off his arms. nothing went unnoticed under his grandfather’s watchful eye, however. damian, innocent as he could be, told ra’s it’s just art. ra’s had laughed, then with a tight grip on the back of damian’s neck, led him around the main base of the league. this is art, ra’s had told him. the arc of a blade, the cry of a warrior. the bulge of muscles, the blood of the victorious dripping on the body of the defeated. there is no need to look for beauty beyond that. the next time ra’s caught him with a pencil and paper, he was not so forgiving. damian trembled in the aftermath, fighting to stay quiet as talia harshly set all ten of his broken fingers back in place. she hissed at him to be careful, then threw his paper in the trash. damian learned a lesson that day. his careful depictions of the league base, ink spills of animals, quick drafts of his mother were rushed, hidden, disappear as soon as they’d been set on paper. because his hobby was foolish for someone of his status, unimportant for his eventual role in life. his grandfather’s entire league cares so much about exactly what he does, how he traisn, what he spends his time on. and he cannot afford anything less than his usual hypervigilance to cause misstep, one that would end with a punishment far more brutal than broken fingers.

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i love the idea of the entire batfam being hypercompetent. just like. good at stuff.

because yea, they’ve all been trained extensively by a variety of teachers and mentors and various learning experiences. they all have their skills that they’ve honed to perfection for years. but there are just some things that they’re a natural at, things that make the unique, things that give them an edge just enough to rise to the top in a world full of gods and monsters.

yes, damian’s a trained assassin, and has been since birth. yes, damian works hard to keep his skills up. but the weapons training? it comes to him almost naturally. maybe it was something passed down from both bruce and talia, both deadly fighters in their own right. maybe it has something to do with the al ghul bloodline. either way, damian is absolutely deadly with a weapon in his hand. a blade can arc through the air faster than the human eye can see when it’s in his hand. he can work horrible wonders with an unbalanced sword, and turn combat into an art with a balanced one. tiny fingers wrap around the rough handle of a whip with surety, and he can slip batarangs into his palms and up his sleeves without them ever being seen.

tim’s got one of the most analytical minds of any vigilante alive. he’s not a supergenius or anything, and he leaves the higher-order computer skills and tech to barbara. but to him, the world is a puzzle after a puzzle, and tim never fails to solve them. figuring out dick and bruce’s identities. taking apart a grapple gun and fitting the parts together to make a beartrap. knowing exactly what to say and what to do to get bruce to break and bend and let him in. catching patterns in the chemical formulas of crane’s various toxins. reading through the lies that fell from his family’s lips like raindrops from the sky. everything and everyone tim knows are made of jagged pieces, but tim figured out early on how to put them together, step back, and take a look at the bigger picture.

people say cass doesn’t have any people skills, due to the years spent in isolation, spent alone. but the reality is, she has too many. reading people has always come easy, body language is an open book to her. but what many didn’t know was that there was a big difference between reading a book and analyzing it. it’s easy to see the insecurities of each of her brothers. it’s much harder to know exactly what to do or say to let them bring down their walls for just a moment, show their affection and prove their love in the smallest but most important of ways. it’s easy to see the poison of a smirk on a reporter’s lips, to catch the probing gleam of their eyes. it’s much harder to turn the reporter around, chasing their own tail until the story they were searching for in the first place was lost. it’s easy to pinpoint teammates and other heroes’ strengths and weaknesses, to see them play out in the field and plan for them the way every bat did. it’s much harder to make the others aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, and to convince them to put aside their ego and work on bettering themselves. but cass seemed to have a knack for it.

jason may like playing up the role of the blustering, bull-headed wild card of the family.  mafia-don-from-movies meets muscled brawn. but he’s got a literary mind at the heart of it all. he’s real good at codes and decryptions, because he’s read about them before. he’s lightning fast a nygma’s riddles, because he’s poured through the books from which riddler gets his inspiration a hundred times over. life and art turn into one in his mind, and overlaying his family’s stubbornness and trust issues with novel style analyzations and character assessments that help him understand their interactions a little better. words float off the page and wind their way inside his head, and some may call him dramatic when he can’t force himself to speak so he uses quotes instead, but never say echolalia wasn’t useful.

each member of their worn out and sewn together family had their niche, their own particular area in which they excelled. but dick was brought up in a world where there was only two protecting gotham, two partners working together to keep an entire city from falling apart. jack of all trades, master of none, but better of master than one, dick always said, eyes twinkling with mischief. because sure, his acrobatic prowess was unchallenged. but he grew up on the road visiting city after city, country after country, and it gave him a head for languages. not even dick is sure how many languages and regional dialects he actually knows. his darling little smile was honed to perfection, and interrogations with him never lasted that long. you could drop him in the middle of nowhere and he’d always find his way to civilization, or you could toss him in the middle of a bustling but unfamiliar city, and he’d always make his way back.

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“jason todd is the angry robin” nope incorrect dick “snuck out of his new foster home in the middle of the night to track down and hopefully murder his parents’ killer” grayson is the angry robin who worked very very hard to turn himself into the symbol of hope and good that robin became and saying it’s jason is a disservice to both jason “robin gives me magic!! :D” todd and dick “i want to save the soul of gotham” grayson

“damian wayne is the scary robin” wrong again! tim “figured out batman and robin’s identity at 9 years old outstubborned batman to become robin beat ras al ghul and the league of assassins and is canonically the smartest member of effectively the smartest family on earth” drake is a terror with a mean streak that most of the robins don’t have and that is much much scarier for being calm and calculating and damian wayne deserves to have his enormous fucking heart recognized
