
Going to DragonCon this weekend? Don’t miss What We Talk About When We Talk About Clone Club a

Going to DragonCon this weekend? Don’t miss What We Talk About When We Talk About Clone Club author Gregory Pence, @orphanblackbioethics! He’ll be on two different panels talking about the science behind Orphan Black (and he’ll also be giving away some fun freebies).

Get further details here: http://science.dragoncon.org/schedule/

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You may purchase the book here. The book is about 150 pages written to persuade readers to stop debating and talking passed one another, and instead, take action together. I think I indentify common ground that makes this possible. I synthesize the pro-life and pro-choice positions not by taking the better parts of each and fusing them into a new one, but by dissolving both perspectives and inviting everyone to adopt a fresh perspective that, while accounting for the insights of both, goes further in paying much needed attention to the issues surrounding the decision to have an abortion. It’s a short, insightful, and hopefully persuasive read. Thank you in advance to all who purchase a copy!

Jaunt 2 - Studland / Chesil Beach

Jaunt 2 – Studland / Chesil Beach

Aka ‘Don’t Go Camping In October!’ – Studland/Chesil Beach edition.

I knew it would be cold, but not THAT cold – 7 degrees doesn’t sound that bad, but when you are in a tiny ultralight tent wearing almost every layer you have and you’re still freezing in your sleeping bag, then it’s less like a good working trip and more like endurance. This trip went wrong in many ways – from the lack of layers…

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Could there be a future where it’s as easy as ordering genetic modifications off a menu?

Vanessa from @braincraft brings us MUTANT MENU, a documentary on genetic engineering, CRISPR, and the social implications of it all. Coming for free on YouTube on May 10th. 

This is a film whose time has come. Watch and learn!

#crispr    #braincraft    #biology    #bioethics    #genetics    #youtube    

Tuskegee Syphilis Study participants, NARA IDs 824600,824604,824601,956126.

“BAD BLOOD” Study Begins #OTD 1932

‘Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male’
By Miriam Kleiman, Public Affairs

Interview notes, 11/1/1972, NARA ID 650715.

Certificate for Tuskegee Study Participants 1958, NARA ID 649413.

Memo ending the Tuskegee Study, 11/16/1972, NARA ID 650716

It was a time when our nation failed to live up to its ideals, when our nation broke the trust…that is the very foundation of our democracy. The United States government did something that was wrong, deeply, profoundly, morally wrong…

What was done cannot be undone. But we can end the silence. We can stop turning our heads away. We can look at you in the eye and finally say on behalf of the American people, what the United States government did was shameful, and I am sorry.
President Clinton’s apology, 5/16/1997, NARA ID 5956342.

More online:
If Not for the Public Outcry: The Tuskegee Syphilis Project/ Study, Rediscovering Black History

See the records:
Tuskegee Syphilis Study Administrative Records, 1929 - 1972
Tuskegee Patient Medical Records, 1933 - 1972
