#black bonnet



Me, sobbing: and they were co-captains

OMG, they were co-captains

sator-the-wanderer:That Good Omens scene but it’s Bonnet and Blackbeard (and a very angy Lucius afte


That Good Omens scene but it’s Bonnet and Blackbeard (and a very angy Lucius after being thrown in the ocean by Ed)

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Stede delicately folding the red silk square and putting it in Ed’s pocket.

“You wear fine things well.”

Just two very dangerous, vicious (flirty) pirates wanted for their crimes!

The biggest criminal tho? HBOmax for not giving us a s2 announcement yet

Love them lots ‍☠️

i’ve made the lighthouse last year and now figured i can add some tentacles and make myself cry

i’ve made the lighthouse last year and now figured i can add some tentacles and make myself cry

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Just pirates bein bros romantically in the moonlight~


Just two very dangerous, vicious (flirty) pirates wanted for their crimes!

The biggest criminal tho? HBOmax for not giving us a s2 announcement yet

Just pirates bein bros romantically in the moonlight~


potc kiss ‍☠️

i saw this tweet and became a man possessed as i drew it as fast as i could

#awesome art    #animatic    #black bonnet    #ahhhhh    

Maybe we can just… get away. Start over. Reset.
