#black poets society


If you’re into poetry that I’m sure many of you can connect with, check this out, it’s relatable and affordable.

Self published by me, my thoughts, my words. Displayed for you to read, feel, embrace.

Thank you ☺️


I got the Henny in my system.

My thoughts are all twisted.

Let me tell you about the other night and why I’ve been so distant.

You won’t believe none of the heartache I’ve been through.

I went from being a “one mans” girl to being push aside like one of them dry ass Popeyes biscuits.

A couple of months goes on and he pops up out of the blue.

Trying to gas me up like I’m a big body surban that runs on diesel fuel.

I wanna give him the benefit of the doubt but I can’t trust nothing that spews from his mouth .

I guess that’s what happens when you got that henny in your system and lonely thoughts entwine with your words of wisdom.

Pipe Dreams.

Oh so you wanna huff and puff with ya chest out.

Asking fifty million questions like we go out.

Keep that same energy you had when you slid up in it,

Hit it.

Bounced and went three months missing.

I don’t owe you an explanation on why I’m giving you the cold shoulder.

Nor do I expect for you to tell me why I found a blonde strand in my jet black hair after you told me to move over.

Young and naive must be labeled somewhere on my forehead.

I wanted something real.

You just wanted to do construction and lay wood.

Meanwhile here I am laying on my back thinking how the hell is this going to work out.

A Beautiful Mind

The mind is a beautiful thing.

Mentally and physically capable of doing just about anything.

Similar to the heart it can decipher when to let go of bonds that were once strong.

Not to point fingers at anyone but both parties were in the wrong.

He never gave what they had going on a title.

So she thrived off of assumptions and southern feed lies.

The day she started to put the pieces together that’s when tentions started to rise.

Her blood began to boil at the thought of fornicating with a guy who had someone else but only wanted her as a side

The moment she brought this to his attention,

what she figured out.

He denied it without a blink of an eye.

She continued playing his game.

Sneaking and geeking.

With a little soul seeking and hidden cryptic Social media post,

He pulled the plug afraid of being exposed.

The most beautiful thing about the mind is that it can recognize what the heart is blindly trying to deny.
