#black relationships


If you’re into poetry that I’m sure many of you can connect with, check this out, it’s relatable and affordable.

Self published by me, my thoughts, my words. Displayed for you to read, feel, embrace.

Thank you ☺️

Considering we weren’t sober at all lmao, these pics>>

I guess the light I see in you, is what you see in me ❤️

-the red pill that he found in the matrix


my most recent post about dating well is all over the place, but what I’m trying to say is that I have no issue with young black women advising others to date well off men ( I advocate for it) but the bashing of other women as well as the anti blackness they spew in regards to BM needs to stop.

I go in on BM all the time but there’s a line between calling them out and projecting self hate/anti blackness. The tweet I was referring on Twitter was

Most of these women giving advice literally have nothing to show for it, and most of the time the advice is trash. Don’t let these women make you feel like you can’t date a regular dude and that can’t be “leveling up”. If he does right by you what does it matter? I think standards like the guy having his own shit (car, crib etc) and obviously having job is basic. But expecting every nigga to fly you out, take you shopping and so forth is very unrealistic for most women. But I’m gonna save rest of my thoughts on this for podcast Chile

I can go live about this topic on twitter, if I get atleast 10-20 followers.

Models: Adrian Norwood (IG: @/ Fuegomas) & Maddisen Tellis (IG: @/ MaddisenXO)

Photographer: Devante Thompson (IG: @/ Itvricvn)


To the and back…

IG: @kadeemmaliek | @st_elgin


my love ❤ @al_ce_tres @aliyahlashayy


Me and My King at My High School Reunion follow us @glorimusic and @brad_skit.p_tate

Me and My King at My High School Reunion follow us @glorimusic and @brad_skit.p_tate

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