#bleach funny


Orihime: Technically Robocop is a transformer.


Orihime: His name should have been Stoptimus Crime.

Ichigo: It’s 4 AM

Kensei, emailing Hisagi: You have attachment issues. Fix it.

Kensei, emailing Hisagi: Sorry for the confusion. I meant your file has attachment issues. Fix it.

Orihime: Can we get a birthday cake?

Ichigo: It’s not your birthday.

Orihime: The cake won’t know.

Kensei : Why is the bathroom floor covered in water?

Mashiro: We used a bath bomb.

Kensei: Why would that splash water out of the tub?


Shinji, holding a pipe bomb above the bathtub: Everybody, get ready to run.

Isshin: I have done the best I could to raise you. Have I been perfect? No! Do I know anything about children? Not really! Should I have picked up a book on parenting? Probably! Wait, where was I going with this? I had a point.

Byakuya: What do you have planned for the future?


Byakuya: No, long term.

Renji:Oh,uhm… dinner?

Ichigo: Your right or my right?

Uryu: My right.

Ichigo: Why yours and not mine? We should do my right.

Uryu: Why would you even ask if you’re just gonna-


Rangiku: Drunk me is a completely different person. Do not tell me what she has done or said, that’s her business.

Renji: When you have been vice captain for as long as I have, you develop thick skin.

Ichigo: Red is not your color.

Renji: Red brings out my eyes, prick! *Chases after Ichigo*

Mashiro: Since we are going on this trip, Kensei wants us to go over a few safety procedures.

Kensei: Now, if I get shot, what do you do?

Hisagi: Avenge you.

Gin: My life isn’t as glamorous as the wanted poster makes it look like.

Jushiro: I’ll make some tea.

Toshiro: I don’t really want tea.

Jushiro: It’s not really optional.

Ichigo: Byakuya! Byakuya! It’s me!

Byakuya: *Stares at him and walks away*

Ichigo: He must have not heard me. He has bad hearing.

Yoruichi: Must be hard not being able to laugh.

Byakuya: I do have a sense of humour, you know.

Yoruichi: I’ve never heard you laugh before.

Byakuya: I’ve never heard you say anything funny.

Kensei: How is it that every time I show up, you idiots are in a worse situation?

Mashiro: To be fair, you DID leave us.

Renji: Y'all pray for Ichika. Nothing’s wrong with her but I ate her donut an hour ago and she said she’s never smiling again.

Yoruichi: I know you and Soi Fon have this unspoken rivalry.

Kisuke: It’s not rivalry, she’s always just mean to me. And it’s not unspoken, she talks about it all the time.

Keigo: I have one brain cell and it bounces around in my my skull lik a windows screen saver.

Keigo: When it hits a corner, I am allowed one good idea.

Hisagi: Your future self is hating the decisions you’re making right now.

Kira: Bold of you to assume my current self isn’t also hating the decisions I’m making right now.

Riruka: I was crying for three hours! And neither one of you offered me a hug!

Jackie: Alright, bring it in.


Yukio, under his breath: This is why nobody hugs you…

Szayel Aporro: What are everyone’s kinks?

Tousen: I do not think this is an appropriate topic.

Starrk: Love and affection, hehe.

Harribel: Hair-pulling and mirrors.

Grimmjow: Whips, chains, kitty lingerie, being called dadd-


Soi Fon: Met a dumbass today, it was awful.

Kisuke: You looked in a mirror?

Soi Fon: Someday you will have to pay for your actions and God may not be so merciful.

Rangiku, nervously:Hitsugaya?

Toshiro: Just out of the shower. Down in a few.

Rangiku: You take your time, you brilliant Shinigami. You hero and role model.

Toshiro: Whatever you broke, fix it or bury it in the yard.
