#bnha imagines


fighting with bakugou headcanons

»»———katsuki bakugou x reader

warnings: bickering

a/n: i LOVE this man ((requests are open!!!))


༅ so your first fight with bakugou was intense

༅ you both were screaming at the top of your lungs & then bakugou said something he didn’t mean

༅ it made you stop dead in your tracks

༅ you bawled & locked him out of your bedroom

༅ of course, you two made up (bakugou picked out a rom-com & all you’d favorite snacks later that night)

༅ so after that, bakugou has never raised his voice at you (not that loud, anyways) like that

༅ he realized how impactful his voice & words are

༅ so whenever he’s mad, he doesn’t speak but just leans on you or rips your hand away from whatever you’re doing to hold it

༅ because he’s superclingy

༅ but if you bring it up, he’ll kill you

༅ also, if you bring up the fact that he’s a hopeless romantic, he will murder you

༅ so those little big secrets are kept between the two of you

༅ if you’re upset for whatever reason, bakugou will pick out a romantic movie (he’s got an entire collection), make the living room super cozy with lights & pillows, & he will get you/make you your favorite snacks

༅ because he’s read so many romance mangas, his head is chalked full of ideas (so he can practically stop you from being mad at him at any point)

༅ bakugou — through your relationship — is not afraid to tell you he loves you anymore

༅ he’s better with any other love language, but he’s getting there

༅ so he’ll yell “I LOVE YOU” through a locked door or down a hallway if you two are fighting

༅ this boy will not give up

༅ sure, he might need a few minutes to calm down a bit, but he’s never letting you go

༅ “i thought you were leaving…”

༅ “are you dumb?????”


»»———katsuki bakugou x reader


warnings: none!

a/n: requests are open


bakugou holds your hand over his heart.

“umm… whatcha doin’, katsuki?”

“you don’t feel that? how dense are you?”

he lifts his hand slightly, taking pressure off of your knuckles. but you hold yours in place.

“feel… your heartbeat?”

you look up at bakugou. he’s avoiding your stare, but you can see the slightest look of fear in his eyes. his lip — which is pulled into a frown — quivers.

“i- i feel your heartbeat… & it- it’s very fast.”

suddenly, bakugou grabs your wrist. in reaction, your hand lifts off his chest. the warmth slowly fades; your palm gets colder.

“took you long enough to figure it out. i gave an absurd amount of hints.”

Prompt: They promise to marry you when you’re kids and you think they forgot.it was a joke.

Pairing: Pro Hero Todoroki x Fem!Hero Reader

Word Count: 3.4k

Please make sure you take the warnings seriously.

Warnings: mild spoilers if you haven’t watched the anime, fighting, panic

A/N: Hello friends, here is my addition to the Anilysium SFW collab for this month. Not beta read, this Captain goes down with her ship.

For the Anilysium Server Collab. Find the other works here!

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

I have always loved the rain. Splashing in puddles and watching the water ripple beneath my feet, the soft drips of cold and warmth as they splattered on my cheeks. My parents always knew where to find me on a stormy day- alone at the playground, soaked to the bone.

That day was different though. As I’d skipped through the empty lot in search of a nice, big puddle to jump in, I heard sniffling. At first glance the playground appeared empty, taking a closer look I found a boy a little younger than me hiding in one of the longer tunnels. Deep red hair covered most of his face, leaving only his tear stained jaw exposed. I could feel his pain, the sadness and anger and worst of all loneliness.

Cautiously I crept into the tunnel, stopping a few feet from where he sat, arms wrapped around his knees as he hugged them to his chest. I wondered briefly why he was so upset. Maybe he had gotten separated from his parents during the thunderstorm earlier.


The boy’s head snapped toward me, eyes wide and his body tense. It was only then that I had noticed his dual-toned hair, and even more startling were his brilliant blue and hazel eyes.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to startle you. I heard you crying when I was playing outside. Are you okay?”

He still looked nervous despite my attempt at sounding as soft and reassuring as my mother usually did in these situations. I wanted to help him, to ease his worries even temporarily, but my parents’ words rang through your mind: You can’t use your quirk on someone without their permission, YN.  I didn’t quite understand why I couldn’t use my power to help someone when they needed it, like right now, but I trusted your parents to guide me.

Okay, YN, you can do this. You just have to cheer him up without using your powers.’ Sliding a little closer in the tunnel I sat down across from him and pulled out the bag I carried beneath my raincoat. Digging through its contents I found two juice pouches and two small bags of my favorite snacks. Sitting one of each between my legs before sliding the other two closer to where the boy sat.

“Here, these might help make you feel better from whatever is making you sad.” Opening my own snacks I paused, realizing I had skipped the biggest part of comforting someone I just met. “I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself. LN YN, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The boy glanced back and forth between me and the offered treats for a moment, trying to decide what to do. Finally he reached out to grab what I had offered him, a very faint “Shoto” mumbled in the space between us. Deciding not to press him further I sat in silence, watching him from the corner of my eye as I hummed one of my favorite songs.

It wasn’t long before the silence began to bore me, so I did what I thought was best- talked. Questions asked went unanswered, but that didn’t bother me. I just kept talking. Telling the quiet boy about my family, friends, our favorite things to do, the dog I saw at the park the other day who was polite enough to let me pet him- anything that came to mind I voiced. The silence of the tunnel was filled with hushed giggles, earning the occasional slight upturn of Shoto’s lips as he listened.

When the rain had eased, the soft pitter patter dying out and allowing the sounds of the small town to return, I heard the angry, concerned commotion as it echoed noisily from the apartments across the way. At the sudden introduction of the voices the boy began to shake, his grip around his legs growing tighter as he tried to hug himself impossibly closer.

“Shoto-kun, are you hiding from your family?”

He glanced quickly at me before training his eyes back on the tunnel’s entrance, as if he expected someone to appear there and drag him away. “Yeah,” he muttered, the sound barely audible if not for the lack of distance between us.

“You can come home with me. My family won’t-”

“No. He’ll find me, he always finds me, and then he’ll take his anger out on you too. You don’t deserve that.”

Shoto’s sadness and fear were nearly overwhelming, bringing tears to my eyes as I struggled to find a solution to his problems. I just wanted to make them all go away, to chase away whatever demons were haunting him. But he was right, I couldn’t really do much. Not for the long term anyway.

“I can help you be brave,” I whispered tentatively, eyes trained on the floor of the tunnel. “If you want to sneak back home while they’re searching I can help you.”

Shoto turned his attention to me fully, jolting when he heard doors slamming and heavy footsteps echoing on the empty streets. His breathing quickened, the fear in his heart brimming to overfull. “How?”

“I-it’s my power. I can change what people feel. So I can take away your fear and help you be brave.” Glancing up, I met his intense gaze. “Will you let me help you?”

Shoto studied me for a moment, quickly agreeing as he heard the gate to the playground bang loudly as it was thrown open. “Okay, LN-san, please help me.”

Reaching out, I pressed a hand to his cheek, focusing on taking his fear and pulling it into my body. His shoulders relaxed, breaths returning to a normal pace. “Better?” I asked quietly, letting out a sigh of relief when he nodded in response. “Okay, go to that end of the tunnel,” pointing to the end I had originally entered, “and I’ll distract whoever is looking for you.”

Shoto’s eyebrows raised in alarm at my plan, but I quickly moved past him, throwing a confident smile over my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Shoto-kun, we’ll both be okay, I promise.”

When he was perched at the end of the tunnel, ready to sneak through the more hidden parts of the playground, I launched into action- shifting my emotions and letting the fear I had pulled from him bring me to soft sobs and heavy tears. The sound reverberated through the tunnel, catching the attention of the man searching outside.

My arms shook as I wrapped them around my torso, panic starting to set in as the angry footsteps grew closer to where I was hidden.

I couldn’t help but shriek as a loud thud landed on the roof of the tunnel, an intimidatingly terrifying man appearing before me. His deep red hair is similar to Shoto, as were those piercing blue eyes. But he lacked the softness I saw in my new friend. He was harsher, like a man made of stone instead of a man born of fire. His expression shifted from pure anger to annoyance when he found me, a frown gracing his lips.

“Are you lost?” he grunted after a moment that I imagined was spent debating what to do with me . Shaking my head I scooted further into the tunnel. If I had gotten the timing right my parents would be here soon anyway, they’d help me distract the scary man.

“Okay little one, where are you hiding today?” With perfect timing the melodic voice of my mother carried through the park gate, happy sobs wracked my chest as I grabbed my bag, scrambling to the other end of the tunnel. As soon as my feet had hit the ground I was running toward her, throwing myself into her arms as her face twisted with concern.

The man who had been searching for Shoto stalked past us, his aura overpowering with distaste. I buried my face further into my mothers neck, hoping that whatever would happen at their home Shoto would be okay.

I hadn’t seen or heard anything from Shoto again for several weeks. During my usual daily trip to the park I had searched for him. Excitedly popping my head into the tunnel where he’d been hiding, but I walked away with disappointment in my heart each time.

I was worried. After meeting who I assumed was his father, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad had happened after that day.

It was winter when I finally saw him again. Snow fell from the sky in heavy layers, obscuring the small playground as I trudged my way through the gate. No other kids would be venturing out in this weather, giving me the perfect opportunity to enjoy the space. I was falling backward into the snow, intent on making a snow angel, when the flash of deep red caught my attention.

Sitting up I glanced into the tunnel, shocked to meet the same piercing bi-colored eyes I had spent so long worrying about. My heart raced as I scrambled to climb in beside him, the harsh beating nearly stopping when we were finally face to face.

He was different, changed. Not just the bandage that covered his innocent face. It was deeper, something more heartbreaking that I couldn’t explain. His emotions were muted now, almost unreadable without the use of my quirk to push at them. I was right to worry- someone had broken him.

“Shoto-kun,” I breathed, my voice barely above a whisper and nearly drowned by the world around us. His eyes followed the movement of my hand as it reached out to him, stilling when my mind finally realized what I was doing. The limb dropped back to my side, fist clenched in an effort to not reach for him again. My emotions were too wild, too unrestrained for me to touch him. I didn’t want to accidentally pass the whirlwind of sensations to him. He’d clearly suffered enough already.

“I wasn’t sure if you would be here,” Shoto mumbled, glancing back out at the wintery scene outside.

“Shoto-kun, are you-“

“I’ll be okay.”

My lips pursed in an imitation of my mother when she was scolding my father for overworking himself. Briefly I wondered if this was what love felt like- worrying more for someone else than you did yourself. I didn’t even know what had happened, what lies beneath that bandage wrapped around his head and face.

Yet fire flowed in my veins. Instinct nearly drove me to stomp across the street to beat on his front door and tell his parents exactly what I thought of them.

It wouldn’t help if I did. It actually might just make things worse. I didn’t know how to help, how to rescue him. And it hurt to feel so helpless.

“YN.” His voice grounded me, pulling my attention back to the present. “One day, when we’re older, I want to take care of you the way you have cared for me.”

My lips split into a grin as I leaned back against the tunnel wall, already reaching to pull out my snack bag. “I guess you’ll just have to marry me then, Shoto-kun.”

We fell into the same pattern as before, with me talking and him listening. He offered the occasional response, always something short like he was afraid to let me see too much of him.

So lost in our own little bubble neither of us had heard the heavy footsteps crunching through the snow toward our hiding spot. Not noticing a third person until Shoto’s father’s face appeared in the tunnel end. A rigidly sharp call of Shoto’s name had him paling even more than his usually fair skin. He hesitated, appearing unsure of whether he wanted to comply or to risk the wrath of his father if he tried to escape.

“Now, Shoto.” The second call from his father shook him from his uncertainty, forcing him to rise to his knees and crawl toward the future he couldn’t seem to escape. Reaching out I placed my hand on his briefly, squeezing gently- a reminder that he’s never alone.

Several moments after they had left, silence yet again filling the area, I ventured out of the tunnel. The winter wonderland that eclipsed the lay ground seemed a little less mystical now. I could only cling to the hope that Shoto meant to keep his promise, that one day I would see him again.

Emergency request for aid- [location]

Quickly replying, Shoto headed through the streets of his district. It wouldn’t take him long to cover the distance between the call and his usual patrol. Not at this hour anyway.

His movements were cautious as he approached. The lack of additional details in the call urging a more wary entrance to the scene. Voices and the scuffle of a fight could be heard from several blocks away.


Rounding the corner, Shoto’s instinctive reaction deflected the barely visible threads that were flying toward the masked heroine. Your head snapped toward him. Recognition, relief, and something he couldn’t place passed through your (e/c) eyes before being replaced with a fierce determination.

An odd familiarity flickered at the edges of his mind, before he could dwell on the feeling his attention was drawn back to the ongoing battle.

Glancing around, he quickly took stock of the situation. Three heroes on site: one of the sidekicks to the bordering district, you, and himself. Five villains: three who looked eerily similar- triplets maybe, the older woman controlled the strings, and a third kid who seems to be grabbing toward the back.

Ice flows rapidly across the empty streets, wrapping around the triplets calf’s and immobilizing them along with the older woman. As the ice reaches the final villain a blinding flash of light fills the area. It only lasts a few seconds. When the dim light of the street returns Shoto swears under his breath. Captured in the ice is the hero who has been standing furthest from him. The villain has used his quirk to swap their places.

“Sorry, I should have warned you about him!” You chirp frustratedly as you jump out onto the ice, sliding toward the triplets and slamming heavily into the chest of the first.

Upon impact the villain shatters, crumbling to clay pieces like toppled pottery. Oh, Shoto thinks as he realizes there are actually only three villains present. He’s cautious as he steps away from the woman, ice capturing her hands as well. He isn’t sure whether she can still use her quirk, but for now his priority lies in capturing the boy.

The battle begins to blur. The constant swapping of places throwing him off. He can’t use his flames for fear of injuring an ally. He isn’t quite sure how he can succeed here. All of his plans are quickly dismantled. He needs an opening, he needs-

Movement from the corner of his eyes distracts him. You somehow managed to move behind the teleporter, arms extended as you reach out. He hasn’t noticed you yet, jumping when your arms wrap around him. For a second Shoto worries that he’ll just teleport away, escaping your hold, but the pained expression that crosses his face says otherwise.

He doesn’t know what you’re doing, but the boy writhes in your arms. Your focus is outstanding, only shifting when the villain’s eyes roll back, his body collapsing. Triumph fills your eyes as you finally glance up, mouth falling open as panic quickly replaces it.

His back stings with the impact of whatever hits him. It only lasts a few seconds, the after effect so much worse. His mind feels blank. Like he’s floating in a pool of memory. He sees his body moving, the sharp spikes of ice that narrowly miss you. Your mouth is moving, words- you’re trying to talk to him- but he can’t hear you. He can’t do anything but watch as his right arm raises, flames already burning along his palm.

He fights against the hold on him. Struggling to get control back, but the grip is strong. He isn’t giving up. If he could just budge his arm a little he could make sure the shot misses.


Your voice pierced through the veil surrounding him, giving him enough momentum to jerk his arm to the side, flames melting the ice along that side and freeing the older woman. An image flashed in his mind. A young girl whose eyes look eerily similar to yours sitting across from him in what appears to be a children’s play tunnel. It had to be fake, he’s never had friends before. Never gotten to hide out on a playground. His father never let him. But it feels so real, so tangible. Like he’s forgotten something important.

He blinks, long and slow, and when his eyes open again you’re standing before him. Arms outstretched as you place your palms on his cheeks. Tears bring your eyes as you make contact with him, regret for your actions clearly visible.

It hurts. Like nothing he’s ever experienced before. The strongest, most overwhelming emotions rush through his nervous system at light speed. He can’t make sense of it. Can’t tell if up is up or if up is down. It’s debilitating. He understands more why the boy looked like he was in so much pain. This is your true power.

Don’t worry, Shoto-kun, we’ll both be okay, I promise.”

Another fragment of memory rushes to the surface. The same little girl is speaking, a grin on her face as she crouches in the end of the tunnel. But it’s your voice. His mind is breaking, he’s sure of it. How else would this make sense?

The pain grows stronger, your focus more intent as his palms grip your forearms. Ice and flame scarring you. His will to fight the hold on him grows. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He should be saving you. He’s supposed to be taking care of you.

He isn’t sure where this sense of possession and debt suddenly appears from, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that it’s true. He has to rescue you like you have rescued him.

The breaking of the bond is sudden. His consciousness rising back to the surface as he jerks his arms away from you. Your own grip eases before fading completely. He turns quickly, watching the old woman fall unconscious. The only one left standing is the clone guy, his feet still cemented in ice. They’ve won.

You get to work, quickly binding the villains for transport. A brilliant smile stretches across your pretty face. He has the sudden urge to kiss you then. It’s confusing. This entire evening has wrecked him. Nothing makes sense anymore.

“I’m glad it was you who answered the call Shoto-kun, otherwise I might not have been able to break the Marionette’s hold.”

You wince as you lift the teleporter, drawing Shoto’s attention to the injuries that adorn your wrists.

“I hurt you.”

“Ah, no need to worry about that! These are superficial at best! They barely sting!”

He can tell you aren’t being honest. That you’re trying to protect him from the guilt that is already threatening to eat away at him. He just doesn’t understand why.

You watch him for a moment, something similar to hope and longing swirling in your gaze, before turning away. “See you around, Shoto-kun! Thanks again for the assist!”

He can’t let you leave. Not until he knows why he feels this pull to you. Until the pieces of his fragmented memory are restored.


You pause, turning back to him with that same look in your eyes. His head swims, everything rushing back at once. You were there when he was little. You helped him be brave- to face his father when he just wanted to run and hide. He ran away to see you again, he-

“One day, when we’re older, I want to take care of you the way you have cared for me.”


It’s not some profound declaration of his memory, yet the shine in your eyes makes it feel as if he’s just given you the world. His heart is racing, even more so than it did during the fight. He definitely wants to kiss you. And now he knows why.

“Would you like to get dinner with me tomorrow evening?”

He’s very late, but if you’ll still let him, he’s going to make good on his promise to you.

fall with me

pairing:sero hanta x reader

synopsis: a little sleep deprived and susceptible to spilling secrets as a result, y/n lets it slip to hanta that they want to fall in love. want to know what it feels like for your heart to hurt when you’re not around someone, what it feels like to slow dance in the rain with someone, to stay up for hours just to spend time with them. what it feels like to get heartbroken, to hurt so badly because the love runs so deeply. hanta wants to be the one to do all of those things with y/n—so he creates a plan to accomplish everything they listed off when they were truthful in their sleepy state.

content: college au, friends to lovers, sweet boy hanta, just a whole lot of fluff

word count: 4.2k


1. Romantically plot in secret 

It had started as most chaotic things to: at a sleepover. 

To begin with, the sleepover had not started out as an actual sleepover. Y/N had invited Sero over because they were both busy cramming for upcoming finals, and Sero’s apartment was not the best place to cram. He loved his roommates—truly, he did. Just not as much during finals season. Y/N always offered him refuge in their apartment, because somehow they had gotten lucky enough to snag the studio apartments before everyone else and had the pleasure of having relatively nice, quiet neighbors. Sero hid from the noise that was his apartment complex here more often than he should, but Y/N never seemed to mind too much. 

They sat at Y/N’s kitchen table in comfortable silence, their laptops and various notes spread out around them. They had not moved from their spot in a while, and finally Sero felt his eyes start to tear up from staring at his laptop screen for too long, so he decided he had had enough for the night. He closed down all of his tabs and failed to hold back a strangled noise of surprise when he noticed the time. 

“It’s one in the morning.”

Y/N’s reaction was delayed, only eliciting a small noise of acknowledgement that Sero had spoken at first. Then they snapped their head up from their work, eyes wide. “One?”

Normally, staying up this late was a normal occurrence—especially when it was the two of them together, and they were hyper-focused on studying. But it was the last day of dead week, meaning that they had to be ready to take their first exams in roughly ten hours. 

“Shit,” Sero cursed, quickly putting away his notes. “Sleep. Now.” 

Y/N laughed a little as they also hurried to put away their notes and shut down their laptop. They both scurried around the apartment; Y/N to their room to file things away, and Sero into the living room area to find his backpack. His apartment should have quieted down by now, since it was quite literally the day of finals. 

“You can stay here!” Y/N called from their room. “I already pulled out your futon.”

Sero wilted with relief, nearly dropping his backpack at the door. He set it back against the couch and walked over to Y/N’s room, yawning with sleep he had not been aware of ten minutes ago. 

Y/N was already snuggled under the warm comfort of their covers, and right beside their bed was the spare futon that was basically Sero’s at this point. He had arrived to the study session in his pajamas and had done his nightly routine a few hours ago (shamelessly borrowing Y/N’s face wash) so he quickly snuggled under his own covers and turned to face Y/N, like he always did when he slept over. 

They were already drifting off, but were also facing him and smiled when he turned to stare. “Your exam is at 10, right?”

Sero nodded. “Yours at 11?”

Y/N nodded and yawned again. “Good luck.”

“Good luck,” he echoed, moving the covers up to hide his smile of endearment. Y/N was always cute, but sleepy Y/N was on a different level. 

Yes, Sero had a massive crush on his friend. He had come to terms with it a few months ago, when they both started hanging out more and getting closer. Sero did not mind the unrequited feelings too much, and was currently in the process of dealing with it. Sleeping over was not a big help, but he did not want to ruin the friendship they had, so he decided it was a worthy sacrifice to his efforts. 

“Can I tell you something?” Y/N asked, blinking at him. Sero stifled a small laugh. He knew Y/N always had the tendency to get honest moments before they drifted off to sleep. The first time it had happened, they had shared that they had been the ones to accidentally drop Bakugo’s bamboo toothbrush onto the floor and then quickly wash it with soap (which Bakugo tasted later that day and was very mad about). Kaminari had taken the blame, and Y/N had never come clean as a form of revenge for all of the times Kaminari had eaten the last of the cookie stash and never replacing it. 

“Of course you can,” Sero replied, adjusting so his head was propped up in his chin and he could see Y/N better. 

“Have you ever been in love?”

Sero almost dropped back down onto his pillow. “You said you were going to tell me something, not ask me something,” Sero said, successfully recovering. Stay cool, Hanta

Y/N blinked at him again, apparently now more awake and willing to engage in a conversation. 

“I’ve never been in love,” they said. “What’s it like?”

Sero gave up on trying to maintain eye level and snuggled back under his covers, leaving his eyes uncovered to hide his blushing cheeks. This really was not helping him with ending his crush. 

“Dunno. I don’t think I’ve ever been in love, either.”

“Really?” Y/N seemed surprised. “Haven’t you dated anyone, like before I met you?”

They had only met last year, in their second year of university. Y/N had never asked him about these things. Sleep deprivation must have made them more curious, and maybe a tad bit more blunt and daring. 

“No,” Sero answered, still hiding under his blanket.

“You were supposed to be, like, the wise one in this,” Y/N said, rolling around in their bed as they said it. Sero laughed at their reaction. 

“Sorry to disappoint.”

“No! Never apologize,” Y/N whirled around to face him again, eyes considerably more drowsy than before. Sleep was overtaking them. Sero wondered how long they would keep talking before Y/N passed out. 

“It’s just,” Y/N sighed, now turning to face the ceiling. “I want to fall in love. I want to know what it feels like for your heart to hurt when you’re not around someone, what it feels like to slow dance in the rain with someone, to stay up for hours just to spend time with them. You know?” They turned to face Sero again.

He did not know what to say to that. This must have been the most honest Y/N had ever been with him, about this topic, anyway. They had never really spoken about this before. 

“Yeah,” he said quietly. “I do.”

“Even heartbreak sounds just so full of love, because that just means the love was so deep and real that it hurts when the person causing it isn’t there anymore,” Y/N’s blinks were slowing down now, signaling they were very close to sleep. “Dunno, it just seems…nice.” 

And with that, they were asleep. 

Leaving Sero wide awake, staring up at them. Peacefully sleeping and blissfully unaware of what they had just done to him, of the plan he was now making.

He spent the next hour making a list on his phone. Specifics would come later, when the sun was up and he was not driven by nerves and adrenaline like was now. 

One point done, more to go. 

2. Spend lots of quality time together (basically done?)

Finals disrupted much of Sero’s next point that he had written down, but not as much as he would have previously thought. Now that he had decided to let his crush take hold of him and do his best to woo Y/N, he was realizing how much their friendship had evolved, and how much he had neglected to notice the things that made it more special. He had ignored this in favor of trying to squash his crush, but after embracing it, he now understood why it had formed in the first place.

He and Y/N just fit. They understood each other, probably better than anyone else. And Sero had been downplaying their relationship for weeks—Y/N was easily his best friend (something Kaminari would be devastated to learn, seeing as he was the one who always proclaimed himself as Sero’s BFF). 

His second point on his list was spending lots of time together, which was relatively easy, because they already did it so much in the first place. Their friends overlapped, which was the reason they even met in the first place, and the reason they grew to be so close and spend so much time together. Even final exams didn’t keep them apart for very long. 

Y/N often realized they had sleepily confessed something, and confronted Sero about it the next morning. This had not been the case this time, because Y/N had gone off to their exam before Sero had even woken up. He had been nervous about how they would react, but he hoped for the best, trying to stay optimistic. 

He had not expected Y/N to be there after his exam, with his current obsession (an iced matcha latte) and a hesitant smile on their face as they waved at him from the bench just outside the building. 

It was impossible to keep the smile off his face. “Hey, didn’t expect to see you here.”

“My exam ended a little while ago, so I decided to stick around and wait for you,” Y/N replied, handing him his drink. “How’d it go?”

They both walked idly through campus in the general direction back to Y/N’s apartment, probably a bit subconsciously. This was their routine every Thursday, when they had a class that ended at the same time in the same vicinity of one another. Still, Sero knew why Y/N had come to find him. But the addition of the matcha latte was a very nice touch that left him jittery with happiness and butterflies. 

“So,” Y/N started as they left campus and began the walk through the residential areas, back to Y/N’s apartment. “The latte is an apology drink, since I remember I overshared last night.” 

“No need to apologize,” Sero quickly replied, nudging them with his shoulder as they walked. “I basically overshared too. Anyway, what are besties for?”

Y/N nudged him back. “Have I replaced Kaminari?” They were smiling at him, and it made Sero’s own grin widen. 

“Don’t tell him I said that. Anyway, I’ll take you up on that.” He took a sip from his drink, nervous of where this would leave him. Had he planned this? Absolutely not. But he decided to be a little daring. Maybe it was the matcha giving him bravery. 

“On what?” Y/N asked, turning to look at him. 

“Fall in love. With me, I mean.”

Y/N stopped walking, and Sero turned to face them. 

His plan would never work if Y/N wasn’t aware of it. It would have been a bit odd if he started doing all of these romantic things with no explanation, and it would have ultimately led to a failed plan. Sero had decided last night he did not want to try and hide his feelings anymore—and he had, for once, decided to listen to the constant teasing of his friends. They had been saying he and Y/N were practically an old married couple for weeks now, but he’d waved them off because he thought they were poking fun at his crush. 

Seeing Y/N after his exam had made him decide maybe they were right, and had convinced him that the plan he’d made last night was worth a shot. 

“What? Are you messing with me?” Y/N asked, an accusatory tone surfacing. “Not funny, Sero.”

“I’m not!” Sero quickly replied. “I promise.”

They stared him down, narrowing their eyes in thought. 

Despite knowing each other for only a year, they knew each other. Sero wasn’t lying, and he knew Y/N could tell. And some realization came into their eyes, followed by embarrassment as they hid their face in their hands. 

“Oh my fuck,” Y/N practially shouted, laughing up at the sky. “How did you know before I did?”

Sero smiled again, cheerily linking his arm through Y/N’s when they continued to walk. “I did say we were besties, didn’t I?”

3. Go on some dates 

“Why are you here?”

Sero pouted before walking past Y/N into their apartment. “Rude, much?

Y/N closed their door and followed Sero, sitting beside him on the couch. “It’s summer now. Weren’t you heading back for a week?”

Most of his friends stayed on campus for the summer, either to work or to take classes. Sero was no exception, though he usually went back home for a week.

“I’ll be going back home in a few months,” Sero explained. “My family has a long list of weddings and events to attend, and you know I’d much rather avoid nosy relatives asking when I’ll start dating and instead actively get you to start dating me.”

Y/N threw a pillow at his face at that, which Sero easily dodged as he laughed. His mom had freed him of the obligation of attending the family events since he wasn’t very close to any of the relatives hosting them, and his room was currently occupied by visiting cousins. That said, he was expected to call her twice as much (she knew he had more free time now) and to visit before the fall semester started. 

Sero planned to take advantage of this summer as much as he could. It was shaping up to be much better than the last one. This time he wasn’t buried in classwork—his schedule was much more manageable, and he had a part time job he liked. The best part was Y/N, though. 

Since the acknowledgement of the feelings they both had for each other, their relationship had taken a small, almost unnoticeable turn. They noticed, of course. The thin layer of caution they had acted with earlier was gone. Now Sero unabashedly stared at Y/N when they were doing simple tasks, replying to their questioning stares with “You’re just so pretty.” And Y/N was no better—constantly sneaking glances at Sero when he changed into his pajamas in their apartment and telling him he had very nice hands whenever they laid down to fall asleep (holding hands).

Slow, tiny steps. Toward his next thing on the list: dates. 

“I thought we could spend the day together,” Sero said, turning to look at Y/N on the couch. They were already looking at him and smiled when their eyes met. 

“Okay. What should we do?”

“I’m so glad you asked,” he replied, still not looking away from them. “The first activity of the day is of course watching a movie.”

After some discussion, Y/N quickly got dressed to head out for the movie theater downtown. It was a sequel to another action movie that they had seen years ago, and Sero had been waiting for finals to be over before watching it. He slipped his hand into theirs on the walk over and smiled when they glanced over at him. They’d held hands before—just last night they had, right before falling asleep. But they both knew this time was different. Y/N lightly squeezed his hand and swung their arms back and forth as they walked, laughing quietly enough for only the two of them to hear. 

The movie was very action filled, which kept them so energized they decided to head to a nearby arcade afterwards. Sero was excellent at arcade games, Y/N quickly realized. He won them both a lot of prizes, and they left the arcade with two bags full of miscellaneous items and matching plushies. 

From there, they wandered around the shops downtown, stopping to get ice cream and then finally sitting down at a bench. Only then did Sero realize how tired he was. He turned his head to ask Y/N if they were also tired, only to find them already facing him. 

“Yeah, let’s go back,” Sero laughed, intertwining their fingers and pulling Y/N off of the bench. 

When they reached Y/N’s apartment, they moved to walk in and pull Sero inside along with them. But he gently slid his out of theirs. The reaction was immediate—Y/N turned to glance behind them, a questioning look in his eyes and the slightest frown on their lips. 

“I can’t sleep here every night,” he teased. “I still pay rent for my real apartment, you know.” 

Y/N narrowed his eyes at him in mock hurt. “Yeah, yeah.” They mumbled something else before waving and moving to close the door.

“What was that?” Sero asked, a smile growing on his face as he stuck his foot out just before the door closed. He was having too much fun, but he couldn’t help it.

Y/N avoided his gaze. “Hmm? Nothing.”

“No, I heard you say something,” he said, unable to keep the teasing tone out of his voice. 

“I said I’ll miss you,” Y/N snapped, before successfully slamming the door shut to avoid looking at him.

“See you tomorrow!” Sero cheerfully called, laughing at Y/N’s embarrassed knocks to let him know they had heard him. 

4. Dance in the rain 

Sero patiently waited for summer rain, knowing it would come. 

His patience was wearing pretty thin until it finally started to rain while he was walking back from his shift. Letting out a small yell of excitement, he changed course and ran back to campus, where he knew Y/N was currently in class. 

They had not had the chance to see each other all week, resorting to texting instead. Classes had started, so things got a bit more hectic and they had not found out the best way to balance everything just yet. After this week it would even out, he was sure of this. Still, he had missed Y/N more than he realized. The rain reminded him of that. 

He waited outside of Y/N’s classroom, watching the rain steadily get heavier. Soon students started filing out, a few actually pulling out umbrellas. Y/N was the last to leave, and Sero didn’t miss the soft look in their eyes when they saw the rain, and how the look seemed to only grow fonder when they realized he was outside, waiting for them. 

“Hi,” they said, taking his outstretched hand. “What’re you doing here?”

“It’s raining,” Sero said, as though that would make everything clear. Y/N smiled at him. 


Sero tugged their hand in protest of their teasing, earning a laugh. “Your backpack is waterproof, right?” It wasn’t pouring, thankfully, which made Sero’s plan much easier. 

“Yes,” Y/N said again, realizing what he was saying. “Hanta, wait—”

He was already pulling them along, out from underneath the protection of the overhead roof and into the rain. Y/N laughed and didn’t pull away, instead pulling him further out until they were running hand in hand in the direction of Y/N’s apartment. 

Not exactly dancing, but not exactly not dancing. They leapt over bigger puddles and stopped sometimes to catch their breath before tugging each other along, clothes and skin damp from the sprinkling rain and laughing the entire way. 

Sero had always loved the rain, but this made him love it even more. 

When they made it to Y/N’s apartment the rain had stopped and the sun had started to peak out from behind the clouds. They both quickly changed out of their wet clothes and collapsed onto Y/N’s couch, leaning onto each other and still laughing a little. 

“That was on your list?” Y/N asked, leaning their head against his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around them and pulled them in closer, hoping they did not notice the way his heart was pouding. 

“Of course,” he said. “You mentioned it, remember?”

Y/N slipped their hand into his. “Yeah. I also mentioned staying up late, didn’t I? Are you crossing that one off today, too?”

“Anything for you,” Sero replied, kissing the top of their head. “Except, not the heartbreak part. I physically cannot do that to you.”

Y/N made a noise of surprise before burying their face in his neck, moving so they were practically sitting in his lap. “You’re so sappy.” 

Sero laughed, wrapping both his arms around their waist and sitting them fully in his lap. “I know.”

5. Stay up together and cuddle 

Sero did end up sleeping over that day. He also decided to share the rest of his list with Y/N.

He got ready for bed in their bathroom, smiling to himself as he looked around and saw how present he was in Y/N’s life. They had a toothbrush for him there, the hair ties he used sometimes, and his damp clothes had been hung to dry. 

He walked back to Y/N’s room, ready to get comfortable on his futon. Only to realize it was not there, and Y/N was already in bed. 

They patted the spot next to them, and Sero needed no further instruction. He snuggled up beside them, reaching out to wrap his arms around them and press his cold feet against their warm legs. Y/N laughed and playfully shoved him away.

He’d always been a very touchy person, but he knew boundaries. When he realized he had a crush on Y/N all those months ago, he had been even more careful about physical contact with them, mainly for his own sake. Now, holding hands was so common for them Sero reached for Y/N’s the second he saw them, and whenever they sat near each other they were always pressed against one another. They were always touching in some way.

Cuddling was his last straw—he could not stop blushing and trying to hide his face in the crook of Y/N’s face, which they noticed immediately. 

“You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed,” Y/N gushed in a teasing tone, knowing this only made Sero more flustered. 

“Shut up,” he mumbled, poking their side to make them ticklish. Y/N just laughed more and ran their fingers through his hair, tugging in the way they knew he liked. He sighed against them, melting further into their embrace and feeling sleep already creeping into him. 

“Want to hear the rest of my list?” Sero asked. He moved a bit so he was on his side and facing Y/N, and they turned on their side to face him. 

“Of course,” they replied. “I want to know what your steps are to completely woo me.”

Sero breathed out a short laugh. 

“Well, obviously I won’t share all of it, because that ruins some things, but we are currently on point five.”

“Five?” Y/N asked. “I thought we were basically done.”

“Howdare you,” Sero gasped in mock offense. “We haven’t even said the L-word yet.”

“What, love?” Y/N asked incredulously. “I have to have said it by now.”

That shut Sero up. Said it by now? As in they were in love with him? As in his love was being reciprocated?

He realized he was in love with them when they had sleepily told him they had never been in love. Sero was sure he had actually been in love for months, but in that moment he had finally realized it. He realized that he did not want Y/N to experience any of the things they listed with anyone else but him, and that now he needed to tell them how he felt, otherwise he would never forgive himself. He realized he missed them whenever they were not together, that he wanted to go on cheesy dates with them, dance in the rain with them, stay up late just to spend time with them. 

“You—what? What?” Sero practically squeaked in shock. 

Y/N smiled at him. “I thought I’d said it already! I feel bad now. I love you.”

Sero turned to bury his face in the pillow they were sharing, Y/N laughing at him and running their fingers through his hair. “I love you,” they repeated, earning another strangled groan from him. 

“I love you, too,” he replied. He turned to face them again. “I think I have for a while, but I only realized it when you told me you’d never been in love.”

It was Y/N’s turn to hide in the pillow. “God, I’m embarrassing.”

“When did you know?” Sero asked, unable to help himself. Y/N quickly turned back to face him. 

“When I brought you matcha after your final,” Y/N said immediately, still playing with his hair idly as they talked. “You just… looked so happy to see me. No one’s ever looked at me like that before. And I realized that’s probably how I looked at you every day.”

Sero reached up to take Y/N’s hand in his and intertwine their fingers together. 

“Who’s the sappy one now,” he said triumphantly, not letting go when Y/N tried to pull their fingers away and laughing at their embarrassed expression. 

“The list is long, by the way,” Sero said. “Hope you’re up for it.”

“I am,” Y/N replied instantly. “Pinky promise.”

They both fell asleep after that, pinkies intertwined and symbolizing a promise they both knew the other would never break. 



Mirio: I confessed to you first

(Y/n): I kissed you first

Mirio: I told you “I love you first”

(Y/n), getting on knee: I married you first

Mirio: Well I- WAIT WHAT?!


dragging you away from a heated argument

hey im back from the dead 2 years later . comeback post? idk i want to get into writing again so this shld be fun ! reqs are open for the fandoms im writing for heh

bakugou katsuki

  • now usually, it should be the other way around
  • it’s YOU who should be dragging bakugou away from an argument based from his nature
  • but if there was one thing bakugou learned from dating you for a while, it’s that you will never back down from an argument no matter what
  • that’s why as of right now, he’s quite literally using all his strength to pull you away from this person who bumped heads with you
  • “y/n, just fucking drop it already! for fucks sakes” bakugou exasperates, arms circled around your body, trying to pull you away from what seems to be like seconds away from a cat fight
  • “no! i just have to put this into that bitch’s thick skull before i fucking leave” you bark, pushing his hands away so you could get your hands on the person you were arguing with
  • bakugou has never been this terrified of u.. like ever
  • he makes a mental note not to anger you this much in the future
  • as desperate times need desperate measures, bakugou has no other choice but to drag you out of there with brute force
  • before you could land your hit on said person, bakugou uses this chance to make a blast and throws you over his shoulder before blasting away from the vicinity
  • “you were attracting a crowd, dumbass! and that’s not very hero like of you” he snickers, mocking the tone you used to tell him when he was acting the same way towards others

todoroki shoto

  • surprise was an understatement for todoroki
  • at first he tried to quietly tell you that you should just ignore the person you were arguing it
  • until your argument with said person gradually grew louder and louder, to the point a crowd was starting to form
  • todoroki grew anxious? if you’d say because he knows what you’re like when you’re ANGRY angry
  • since he literally witnessed it first hand.. his ice wasn’t enough to cool your head off
  • “y/n..” todoroki warns, his eyes flicking between you and the person you were arguing with
  • “don’t butt in our conversation, todoroki” you say fiercely, barely even giving him a glance
  • now that caught todoroki off guard . and he comes to a conclusion that the other person is now fucked
  • you were too angry to even process what he meant when he called your name
  • todoroki then sees your hand twitching, an indication that you were about to use your quirk
  • thinking fast, he scoops you into his arms bridal style and walks away from the person you were arguing with
  • “TODOROKI PUT ME DOWN” you whined, glaring holes at your now self proclaimed arch-nemesis behind todoroki
  • “no, i won’t” he says dully, his pace speeding up
  • todoroki finally put you down on your feet when you two arrived at a soba place wherein he claims he’d treat you out for lunch to cool that hot head of yours

summer is for falling in love. — katsuki bakugo


pairing: (katsuki bakugo x fem! reader)

ೃ genre and warnings: fluff. tooth-rotting fluff. told in bakugo’s point of view. bakugo shows off his poetic side 

ೃ  my nav  →  gen. masterlist  →   sign up for my taglist

ೃ 387 words

ೃ gaaah i missed writing for (1) explosive boy so here’s a little something i whipped up to make up for my inactivity here on tumblr! hope you enjoy! <3 (reblogs + cute tags help a lot and make me smile!)

ೃ dedicated to rai  ♡ thank you for being chaotic w me (+ je-anne) since day 1


She takes one step.

Then another. 

Her heels clicking on the floor as if she paints the floor gold with every step.

(Y/N) reminds me of the sun.

As if a halo floats above her pretty locks and whenever she catches me staring at her, I feel horns grow on my temples, as if  I’m the devil damned by the angel herself. 

When I kiss her, it feels like the earth is moving and I am moving with it. 

She smiles like she knows what you are thinking (And she always does)

Ya know, I’m not one for this cheesy poetic shit. 

I know I’m smart (that’s for sure) and I know how to woo girls with my looks. Not to mention, I have the coolest fucking quirk of em’ all. (Deku could never compare) None of that has ever been a problem. 

But… do you ever just get that stupid feeling when you’re with that person? When you see that person?

When your eyes meet, all of time ceases to exist? The dying seconds frozen like the cascading red leaves kissed by autumn frost.

I have never believed in love at first sight. 

After all, Love is for fools. Shit’s cliche. Overrated. Tiring. 

Until now. 

The more days I spend with her wrapped in my arms, providing her with that sense of comfort; the feeling of home… I become even more vulnerable.

I’m not supposed to be weak. 

I’m not supposed to let my walls down.

But she makes me feel as if it’s okay to bring my guard down. She makes me feel safe. I don’t have to be the explosive brat that everyone loves and hates.

I don’t have to be Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight who’s loud, powerful and always speaks his mind.

She makes me feel as if I’m just Katsuki Bakugo. 

I can just be myself around her.

There was no fanfare or fireworks show. Just a quiet knowing somewhere deep within my heart. 

What I feel for her is love…

And she completes me.


“What'chu thinking about?” (Y/N) purses her lips, approaching me with a spring in her step, her hands resting on her hips. The simple beauty she radiates glowing so effervescently. “Better not be thinking about yelling at Kaminari again is it?”

“Tch it’s… nothing.”


ೃ taglist: @chibishae34​​  @lovelytarou​​@ramunegoddess​​ , @serossimpy​​@laudthingcat​​ @f0leysgurl @crapimahuman​​@hu-tao-main​​@moonless-abyss @aelatus​​@w0rm-babie​​ @sxmmio-o @mhasimp666​​@call-me-moonfloweer​​  @eissaaaa​​@yummyyumi​​@nachotrash​​@izusimp​​@thesatanofpizza

Shuichi Iguchi - Chest Headcanons

Request: So if you think Spinner would have nips…does this mean we could get nsfw headcanons about his s/o messing with his chest? ;P

A/N: I did the ol’ half-and-half because I can only write about chests so much without resorting to short headcanons


  • Shuichi isn’t too insecure about his own body. He struggles a bit with self-conscious issues given how isolated he was as he grew, but he hardly feels uncomfortable in his own body. However, his body- at least in his eyes- feels a bit too uncomfortable to hold. There are times when he’s a bit too touch starved, but he still doesn’t ask for touch, feeling a bit too awkward to actually voice his needs. However, he is a bit rough- scales and muscle adding a particular touch to him.
  • Because of his body-slash-quirk type, his body is rougher than most. His scales prick against your own skin. However, on his underside- stomach, chest, palms, and soles- he is softer. There’s a lighter tint to him, an almost soft green that blends into his rougher exterior. He isn’t one to show his soft bits to anyone, and often tries to hide it with layers of clothing, and deep into the relationship, he finally removes his layers, and shows you his body. It’s incredibly soft- much softer than you could ever expect. It has a certain squish to it when you press on his stomach, and it’s reminiscent of your own body. Your hands move over his chest, pressed softly where his heart would be and you can feel the heavy thumping of it beat against your palm. He refuses to look at you during this moment, already holding his shirt in such a tight grip that you fear he’s worn the elasticity on the fabric.
  • With his chest being soft, it’s one of the few places where you can actively rest on him without feeling the ridges of his scales bump under the cotton of his shirt. It’s a heavy weight on him, something that chokes him and proves to be comforting the moment that you roll off of him, or even simply move. You’re much warmer than anything else he’s ever touched, and he likes that feeling. If you aren’t laying on his chest, he finds himself subconsciously rubbing his hand over his chest, cupping over the swell of his breast where you would rest your hand. With you, he can fall asleep easily- you make him feel warm, the type where you’ve gotten clothes out of the dryer and you rest under a pile of blankets, cocooned and safe for just a brief moment where your body lays heavy from the world.
  • Due to him having scales and not being one to generally practice self-care on himself, he often- albeit reluctantly- allows you to rub cream over his body. You get particularly touchy when he grows close to molting- running your hands over him in slow, circular motions and stopping inches before you can curve your hands over his torso. It feels as if he’s being edged in the worst way possible- his breath held, and eyes focused too closely on the cracks in the wall, and acutely aware of how your hands feel. He can feel every touch from you- the way that you run a finger down a peculiarly deep scar that is smooth under your touch. Or even the way that when you finally do get his chest, how you press your palms to his chest, and he wonders if you’ve noticed that he’s stopped breathing.
  • Unsurprisingly, he loves the attention that you give to him. While he’d never say it out loud, he never wants you to leave him without your touch. He’s much more of an action type of person, holding onto your wrists and looking down when you try to peel your hands away from him. Shuichi isn’t sure if it’s the years of solitude or the fact that he’s so helpless around you, that makes him so needful to your touch. The first time you touched his bare chest he let out a soundful gasp, and wouldn’t speak for the remainder of the time. And still, he remains speechless to your touch. He still feels his body grow tense and heart beat against his ribcage. He can feel your hand- every soft brush of it, the soft tapping of your pinky tapping alongside his pectoral, the way that your nails scratch lightly under his chest. It’s all so bare to him, and he holds your hand to him, not wanting you to move away until he’s had his fill.


  • You always seem to focus on his chest when things are growing feverish between the two of you. Your hands cup at his face, threading to his hair and tugging near the scalp as you push yourself closer to him. Slowly, your hands will come down, curving over his chest, running your thumbs in arches where his nipples pebble under your touch. Shuichi isn’t sure if he’s sensitive due to being so new at these types of experiences- even pleasuring himself, he was never one to touch his chest so he’s incredibly new to all these touches. He pants and whines under you, breaking the kiss and hiding his face in the crook of your neck. It’s low pitched, his snout running along your neck, humping against your body as his hands claw into your sides as your pinch at his nipples.
  • When you go down on him, there’s a hand that holds on his thigh or cups over his package, nuzzling your face into his crotch, drunk on him and his scent. With his head tilted back, he fails to feel your other hand ghost upwards his chest, reaching past his abdomen tickling the soft, supple skin that squishes under your touch. His breathing is ragged, wheezing almost, as he feels his high approaching. When your hands pinch at his nipple, twisting the hardening bud, he sucks in a sharp breath, letting out a lewd moan. A hand cups your own hand, keeping it there even when you try to move onto the other neglected nipple. He’s whining, humping into your wet mouth and begging under his breath, as you continue to play with his abused nipple.
  • He absolutely loves when you kiss him, taking the initiative to touch him and come close to him, pressing your self flushed against him where he can only gasp and lay under you. As your lips are busy, his mind foggy and thick with arousal, he can hardly notice when you break the kiss, pecking down his body, your tongue soft and scratched by his scales. You know better by now than to try to leave any type of bites or marks on him- the most that it’ll ever do is leave the softer side of him puffed. He’s panting, feeling how you whine and buck into him, and then your lips are on his chest.
  • It’s in this moment that he looks down at you, and you look up at him with wide, doe eyes, your mouth giving an open kiss to his nipples. He’s over the moon, whining and bucking, trying to murmur any sort of sentence for you to be gentle only to interrupt himself with a moan when you let your teeth nip at the mound, immediately feeling the swell of the abuse and giving a light kiss at it in order to soothe him. He forces himself to look at you, to keep his eyes trained as you mouth at his chest, kissing and squeezing him. It’s attention that he never got and he’s wrecked with your touch, with how you give him such careful attention, how you let one of his breasts be played with a hand, and the other to be kissed and lightly suckled by your mouth. It’s enough for him to stain his pants, shaking and chirping under his breath.
  • Even though he enjoys the attention to his chest, it can still be too much for him to ask you to do such a thing. He really should be giving you pleasure, but he adores your attention, adores how you kiss at him and knows how to make him squirm. You know just how to take care of him, and he hates to ask you, but he wants you to focus on his chest. He always feels awkward about it, insecure in a way to ask you to do something so specific that isn’t the usual thing, that this new thing feels almost taboo on his tongue when he asks. He gestures to his gesture, grabs at your hand and looks at you with a pout. He can’t bring himself to ask you to do something like that to him. Shuichi loves your attention, getting drunk off of it until his mind is a swirl of incoherent thoughts. Getting overstimulated just by chest play always feels so foreign that it makes him cream himself as you grind against him.

Confessions - J.B. & S.I

Request: I’m not sure if I ever sent this one in so forgive me if it’s a repeat! Can I request comfort with Jin or Shuichi where the reader finally confesses their feelings and kisses them, only to misunderstand their stunned silence as rejection? They start apologizing and crying because they’re embarrassed and think they were rejected based on their looks

A/N: I think I remember getting one but maybe I’m confusing it with another thing. I’m like super forgetful, sorry!!


Jin Bubaigawara:

  • Jin has never been one to expect for others to fall for him. He’s always been told he’s had a mean look- a strong brow bone, a sharp jaw, and eyes that were half-lidded and a scar that stitched him together. And that’s only mentioning his appearance, and not taking into account of his personality, something that he can’t control, that he can never get a hang of no matter all the years and supposed self-healing that he’s tried to put himself through. It’s not taking into account just how clingy and emotional he is- how quickly he falls for another person that it causes fear and discomfort to squirm inside the other. He was fine having a simple crush on another, twisting the feelings into something perverse so he wouldn’t grow attached, so he could not care.
  • But then, you kiss him. A peck through his mask, on the corner of his lips, and he’s silent; and it must look terrifying to you. A silent man, with eyes shrouded by a mask, expression unreadable, as he stares at you. He can’t breathe. It’s never been so difficult except for the first few times where he had to calm him, where he had to reassure that no one could see him and that the mask was keeping him together far better than anything else could. But he’s quiet. Uncomfortably so, and time should be passing just as it always does- tick, tock- and yet, he isn’t sure if it’s still even continuing, perpetually stuck on the tick, as he focuses on the pressure where you kissed him, how he can feel the chapstick that clings to the fabric, how he can smell the mint.
  • It’s been a long time since he’s kissed someone. It’s been longer since anyone has kissed him in a way that wasn’t clouded by lust. It takes a moment for him to hear your voice. An echo in the distance, until he hears the soft sob- the hiccup that tears through your words and the scared look in your eyes. Your face is flushed- heavily so- the tip of your nose a dark color, and your eyes shine. They meet his for a second, for less than a second, even, because you look down, away from him and take a step back. You’re apologizing, your hands curling in and around your body, desperate to keep yourself together and he still can’t bring himself to say something. He can’t reassure you except to just stand there, mint on his mask, and sweat slick on his forehead.
  • You’re telling him that you hadn’t meant to make him uncomfortable. You simply want to kiss him- to just confess to him and you did, and you’re so sorry that you ever did. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. You’re crying, tears spilling over and staining your cheeks, and your bottom lip trembles, and it’s getting difficult to say a cohesive sentence. And he blurts out a sentence quickly, his hands lifting in front of him, and wraps his hands around your wrists, slowly and harshly sliding them up to wrap around your hands.
  • Silence falls between the two of you, and it’s only ruined by your desperate attempt to quiet your cries into whimpers. He hadn’t meant to make you cry. He was shocked. Stunned into silence where his brain had to reboot to understand that you kissed him. He lowers his hands along with yours, his calloused hand sliding against your palm, and dragging to the tips of your fingers, until he holds lightly onto you. He likes you too- much more than you could ever expect. Much more than he could fathom. You’re nice to him, letting him ramble to you, letting him rest his head on your shoulder despite him being much bigger than you, and he didn’t mean to make you sad. He just didn’t expect that you would make the first move. Jin can’t kiss you without the mask, still needing it to hold him together, but when he lowers himself, his breath and making his face hot, your hands curve against his face, and he can feel the pressure of your lips against the place where you kissed and he lets out a shuddering, long exhale, tilting his face to feel the weight of you for just a little bit longer.

Shuichi Iguchi:

  • Despite being a recluse as he grew, he’s had people he’s liked before. It was always a crush, a strong admiration where he talked to another person or heard about what they were doing and his heart would skip a beat. And he’d entertained himself that perhaps, they could like him too, that they enjoyed talking to him too. As much as he did with them. But it was never the case, and that hurt Shuichi in a way that made him bitter and desperate for admiration. You hold his hand, wrapping your much softer one around his hardened scales that are beginning to peel, and you kiss the tip of his snout, close to his lips but not quite there. It’s a warmth he’s unfamiliar with, something that’s too hot and uncomfortable for him, something that makes his body run cold and teeth nip at the soft insides of his cheeks.
  • He should say something. He knows he should. The silence between the two of you shouldn’t be like this. It shouldn’t last this long. Especially not after you’ve kissed him. Not after you told him that you liked him in a way that he could only dream of. The silence shouldn’t last this long. He needs to say something. Now. Anything. Something. Something that would be nice to hear. Something that he knows he would’ve loved to hear if the roles were reversed. You’ve only just kissed the tip of his snout, and it was a fleeting kiss. A peck. One where he can still your lips tickle his scales, where he can feel the soft press and feel your hand around his. His mouth is parted, eyes wide and doe-like, and he’s frozen into place. He can fight, hold his own and thrash and bleed, and yet, the simple act of a peck is what has reduced him to nothing more than a breathing statue.
  • You say his name and there’s fear in your voice and that is what gets him to respond, to jerk back into life. There are tears in your eyes, spilling over your flushed cheeks. Your name is breathed into life. You’re crying because of him. Or because of the situation, but he’s the one who’s put into this awkward spot. You hold yourself together, and you’re apologizing to him, looking down in shame and he wonders what you think of him at this moment. He wonders if you’re selfish enough to think about yourself right now- to berate and comfort yourself all at once, all while you cry in front of someone who’ve you confessed to and all that they can do is stand there, watching you and being unable to say anything, and yet, that silence must be deafening and horrid to hear. His tongue wets the front of his teeth, and takes a short breath. Your name is soft on his tongue, filling his mouth with honey. It’s something whispered under his breath that starts with a shuddering breath and ends without breath. And finally, you stop talking, you stop apologizing and look up at him with fear and embarrassment in your eyes, with rejection and sadness that spills over and wets your face.
  • Reality rushes to him, leaving him cold and empty, and you’re in front of him, trying to wipe your tears with the back of your hand and sniffling as you do so. Maybe if he had a better upbringing, maybe if he didn’t hate himself so much, maybe if he thought that he had a chance with you, then he wouldn’t have made you cry. Maybe he could have offered something to you. Maybe he could have told you that you were pretty. He could’ve been the one to make the first move. To hold your hands like you did with his, pulling you close to him and kissing the tip of your nose as you stood in front of him with a smile beaming across your face, holding him close to you. That’s what he wants- what he wanted. And because he couldn’t push himself, you took that step, and now he’s made you cry and made you believe that he doesn’t like you in the same way that you like him.
  • Reaching towards you, his hands wrap around yours, and the apple in his throat bobs. His head dips and it’s a tense motion, one that has his heart beating against his ribs and stomach twisting into knots even if he knows the outcome. The tip of his snout brushes along your nose, and your eyes are shining, wide and teary eyed, and he can feel your breath against his. He stops himself before he can go any further and hides his face in the crook of your neck, nuzzling into the soft space, feeling how your heart quickens and rushes. The hold on your hand is tight, enough to fear that he’ll break it, but he’s shaking, apologizing close to your ear and telling you that he likes you too. Shuichi pulls away, and he has the intertwined hands close to him, as if to pull you close to him, and he’s too new to kissing, too new to all of this to properly kiss you, and he wants to kiss you with his eyes closed and hands on you, but for now, he kisses your temple, and gives you an apology for making you cry while he holds your hand.

Left Behind Pt. 4

Left Behind Pt. 1Left Behind Pt. 2Left Behind Pt.3MHA Masterlist

  • 3225 Words
  • Warnings: Some language, very fluffy, and partial breakdown
  • I think this is the last part but we will see, LOL!

+Y/N is safe and sound. They got her out and back to the school before anything worse happened. Y/N wakes up to multiple voices and her Dad at her side. It wasn’t long before Recovery Girl clears her to leave. A surprise is waiting for her in the classroom, the entire class. After a small meet and greet, Y/N and her dad go home, and Bakugo goes with. Not only are thingsokay between All Might and her but things between her and Bakugo are better than okay.

The first thing that I could feel when I came to was the crisp material under my finger tips. The next thing was the stiffness of my arm and neck. The third thing I noticed was the multiple voices that were muffled to my ears. They become clearer after a few minutes.

“She will be fine All Might. She has a few wounds that are treatable and are already healing. She is strong just like her father. She pulled through.” I heard Recovery Girl say. I tried to open my eyes but it was too hard at the moment.

“I know she is. It’s just hard seeing her banged up like this.” I felt him grab my hand and rub a thumb over the top of him. I still couldn’t open my eyes yet.

“She held out against two major villains who beat her and she found out a way to alert us of her location when the opportunity presented itself. She received two decay wounds that could easily have been fatal and held out until she was safe with Eraser.” I heard the principal speak.

“She truly is the daughter of All Might. Through and through.” Aizawa sensei commented. Loud yelling came from somewhere in the distance. “Dammit, Bakugo.”

“Let’s go calm them down, Eraser.” Nezu said.

“All Might?”

“Yes, Recovery Girl?”

“Now you know how she feels.”

“What do you mean?”

“You said it is hard seeing her like this, all banged up?” She paused. “Now you know how she feels when you come back all banged up. Especially in your condition and ever before. It’s hard for her to watch you come home beat up from you over doing it.”

“Damn. I’m starting to think I’ve been missing too much about my own daughter.” I heard the pain in his voice. I was finally able to gather enough strength to open my eyes and move. “Y/N!” The grip on my hand tightened. I groaned as the lights glared at my eyes. I looked around the room, spotting Recovery Girl at the end of my bed with my dad sitting next to me. “Sweet heart, you’re finally awake. How do you feel?” He spitfired the questions at me.

“All Might, Let the girl breathe.” The woman chuckled and dad smiled sheepishly.


“It’s okay.” My voice came out hoarse and cracked at the end. I coughed hard and tried to sit up. Dad helped and it took a minute to calm down. By the time I did, the decay wound on my neck was throbbing.

“Here, drink this.” Recovery Girl handed me a glass of water.

“Thank you.” I whispered before taking a drink. The movement reminded me of the decay wounds. I hissed at the pain that pulse from my arm. I whimpered a bit, looking down at the extensive bandage that covers my entire forearm.

“It’s not often you make a trip to my office.” I looked at Recovery Girl. “You gave everyone quite a scare. Your father most of all.”

“I’m sorry…”

“ No, no, no.” Dad said while sitting next me on the bed. He gently laid his arm across the mid part of my back. “This was no way your doing. I’m just glad, relieved, and overjoyed that you are alright… Alive.”

“A little worse for wear but I’m alive.” I’m a hand over the bandages and over the ares on the back of my neck. It was silent as Recovery Girl checked me over, making sure I was doing alright.

“Well your breathing is a little rugged and your blood pressure is a little high but otherwise you are alright.” She set aside her BP cuff.

“So when am I allowed to get up… to go home?” I asked as she handed me some pain medicine.

“Just like your father.” She smirked looking between the two of us. “You are fine to go now. Just take it easy please.” She said with pointed eyes. I gulped, but nodded.

“Yes ma'am.” I laughed as she left the room. I looked up at my dad. I could see unshed tears in his eyes. He got up and walked over to a bag. He pulled out a set of clean clothes. He handed them to me before closing the curtain.

“Y/N?” He called softly.

“Hmm?” I slowly got up and started changing.

“I’m going to make it up to you. I should have seen what I was doing and what was happening. From now on, I am going to do better, I promise. I am going to be supportive, I am going to be there… here when you need me, and I am going to be the dad…”

“You’ve always been.” I pushed the curtain aside. He looked down at me in shock. “You’ve always been an amazing dad, dad. Your abilities as a dad match that of your hero ones. Everyone is bound to slip up every now and again. If you weren’t the amazing dad you are… you wouldn’t have remembered Shilla’s Palace from when I was a kid.”

“How could I forget Shilla’s? You would always ask to go even before we got off the plane. Some of our funnest memories happened there. I remember this one time…” He went off on a story before trailing off when he noticed my smile. I shot forward and hugged him tight. He hugged me back gently but firmly.

“Everything’s okay now dad.”

“Everything?” He asked tentatively.

“Mm hm. Everything.” I nuzzled into his chest, feeling safe for the first time in days. He nudged me and motioned to the door.

“Come on. There are a few people waiting to see you.” I nodded and leant on him as we walked. He guided me towards the class 1-A room and stopped outside the door. I could hear the murmur of chatter beyond the barrier.

“Do they know? That you’re my dad?”

“No, only Midoriya and Bakugo. And young Bakugo only knows of the other me.”

“Alright.” I stumbled a little bit as I took a Step towards the door but caught myself on the door frame before I could fall. I pushed the door open and the talking stopped. I could see Aizawa was sitting at his desk and looked at me as I stepped in. I loomed over and saw the entire class.

“L/N! You’re alright!” Mina yelled in glee. The rest cheered in delight and triumph. Saying things along the lines that the villains never stood a chance, that I was too strong for the wannabes, and many more things. My eyes traveled to the far side of the room to see Bakugo at attention in his seat. His eyes were trained on me.

“Thank you guys.” I said with a smile after a couple of Minutes visiting. My eyes moved back to Bakugo. I stilled as he got up. He walked around the desks and closer to me but stopped a few feet from me.

“Bakugo?” I heard someone in the room call to him but neither of us looked away from each other. I saw Bakugo’s lips tremble.

“L/N!” Bakugo shot forward and I gasped as he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. I wrapped mine around his shoulders as he pulled me in enough he was lifting me off the ground a little bit.

“Bakugo.” I stuttered as he buried his nose in the crook of my neck. I felt his muscles flexing against my back as he kept me against him. I could feel his rugged breathing against my neck and under my finger tips.

“God dammit, L/N. You scared the shit out of me.” He whispered. I bit my lip before looking at the rest of the class. Shocked faces looked back at us but a few were smirking in knowing.

“Alright, enough gawking.” Aizawa said. Bakugo jumped in shock before pulling back a little. He looked around, seeming like he forgot there were others in the room. “You’ve seen her now go home. She’ll be back to class soon enough.”

“Yes sensei.”

“Of course.”

“Goodbye L/N!” I wazed as everyone left except Sensei, Bakugo, and Deku by the door.

“I am glad you’re alright. It would be terrible to lose you, L/N-san.” He said smiling before leaving. After he left, Dad in his All Might form Stepped in.

“Let’s go home. You need the rest.” He said. I stalled looking at Bakugo for a second. “Young Bakugo is able to come with us as well if he wants too. I have already spoken to his parents.” I felt his grip tighter on me.

“Then I’m coming with you.” He said loudly. I smiled as he looked down at me. We walked out and I heard Aizawa mutter under his breath.

“Great. Not only do we have to deal with an angry Bakugo but now a Protective, angry Bakugo.” I giggled before coughing. I coughed hard enough to go light-headed and stumble. Bakugo caught me before setting me on my knees to catch my breath.

“Y/N!” Dad called.

“Y/N are you alright?” Bakugo asked softly. I nodded and tried to get up but my Knees gave way.

“Dammit.” I groaned, annoyed. “I hate being this weak… Kat…”

“Shh.” Bakugo placed his hands on both sides of my head before kissing the top slowly. “You’re not weak, just exhausted.” He swiped a thumb across my cheek. I looked into his eyes and saw the soft look in his eyes. I set my forehead against his. “Let’s get you home.”

“Okay.” He helped me stand before sweeping me off my feet into his arms gently. “Ah! Hey! I can walk.”

“Whatever.” He shrugged. Before meeting Dad at the end of the hall.

“There is a car waiting at the front gates for you two.” Dad said.

“Wait, Dad you’re not coming?” I maneuvered out of Bakugo’s arms with great effort.

“Dumbass, careful.” He steadied me. I flinched a bit but focused on dad. He looked at Bakugo.

“Can you give us a moment?”

“Sure.” He stuck his hands in his pockets and walked out of ear shot.

“I will be home, I promise. I am just going to drop by and get some food for the three of us. That’s all.” He said. “Plus, I believe you and young Bakugo have some things you need to Work out.” We looked at said boy leaning against the wall.

“ Yeah, you’re right. Be careful.” I kissed his check before taking a step back. “Don’t do something stupid in between here and home.” I gave him an ‘I’m serious’ look.

“I won’t. I promise.” I nodded before walking to Bakugo. “Take care of her, Bakugo.”

“With my life.” He said without missing a beat and without taking his eyes off me. We walked through the school to the gates. I groaned when I settled into the seat, laying my head back. I watched Bakugo get in and settle.

“How did you manage to get your parents to let you stay at my house?”

“Ha! When they heard it was helping All Might they were all for it.” He huffed.

“Even if it’s helping his daughter who is your age and in your class?” I smirked. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. He turned toward me and set his arm above my head.

“I don’t think it’s their business but yes. They know that this is for you and …” He trailed off, looking off to the side.

“Katsuki?” I reached up and touched his face.

“They realized how important this was to me.” He looked down at me. I smiled before setting my hand on his chest. I felt his fingers begin to play with my hair. A yawn escaped my throat. “Haha. Guessing you’re tired.”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Here, lay on my chest.” He pulled me closer by my good arm. I moved in closer before where my shoulder was tucked under his shoulder and my head on his chest. He moved his arm to set it across my shoulder but paused and put it back on the back of the seat. “Sorry. I forgot about your neck.”

“It’s okay. Thank you.” I whispered before I started dozing off. I could vaguely hear Bakugo talking and him moving around. I fell under for a bit before waking up a little.

“Hey there, little powerhouse.” I opened my eyes to see the window wall of my room. I was laying on my front and pushed up and turned around. Dad in small form was sitting there.

“Hey dad.”

“Here you go. I got you something that would be easy on your stomach.” He handed me a food container.

“Thank you.” I looked around. “Where’s Kat?”

“He’s having a bath. He should be done shortly.” He said. I nodded and ate slowly. “You really like and care for this boy, don’t you?” He asked.

“Yes.” I said without hesitation. I went still in shock at myself. I chuckled when I realized my feelings. “I’ve always been fond of him but I’ve never realized how much until now. Maybe even…when I thought he was just comforting me because Aizawa told him too.”

“He truly cares for you Y/N. I don’t think you have to worry about that.” He took the empty food container. He stood up and kissed my head. He turned into All Might while walking to the door. He coughed a bit. “Oh and Young Bakugo will be staying in your room tonight so be good.” He smirked.

“Dad!” He laughed as he walked out. I laid back down on my stomach while huffing. A few minutes later I heard someone walk in. I pushed up onto the elbow of my good arm and turned to see Bakugo in sleep clothes and wet hair. He smiled at me.

“Hi.” He said. I waved. “I brought you some pain meds.” He held out his hand.

“Thank you.” I took them and took a gulp of the water he brought. He sat on the bed and I stared at him.

“What?” He said, narrowing his eyes.

“Nothing.” I giggled, cocking my head to the side. “I’ve just never seen your hair not spikey and Poofy.” He blanched. “It’s cute.”

“Yeah, well your hair is cute too. I guess.” I giggled as I took his hand. I traced the lines of the source of his powers, faintly smelling the sweet croma that came with it. “I was so pissed when I heard that you had been taken. Pissed off and scared. I wanted to blow Shigaraki to the fucking moon when your dad told me. I still do.” He grumbled the last bit. “After what I said… you walked out of sight and into their hands because of me…”

“Katsuki…” He was tracing the bandage on my arm. He let out a small laugh.

“I like it when you say my name.” He said softly.

“Katsuki.” He closed his eyes and smiled. “This is not your fault. None of us could have known this was going to happen. So don’t blame yourself.”

“I know. I won’t. Especially since you’re safe here with me.” He scooted in close where we were nose to nose. I felt a small sprinkle of water across my cheeks.

“You’re hairs still wet Mr. Katsuki.” I reached up and ran a hand through his hair before settling it on his cheek. One of his hands set on my waist while the other caressed my cheek.

“Y/N would it be alright if…” he trailed off. I could see the nervousness in his eyes. I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. He immediately responded, holding onto me tighter. The kiss was sweet and soft but no less passionate as his lips moved against mine. We gasped as we both pulled away. Something was strange.

“Kat?” He hummed, looking at me longingly and with hooded eyes. “Was that your first kiss?” His face went red as his eyes widened in embarrassment. I giggled before kissing him again.

“You little…” He groaned in annoyance before sighing. “Alright, yes it was. Don’t make fun of me.”

“I’m not. I promise.” I took the towel he had set aside and began to dry his hair. He bent his head down so it would be easier for me. I was almost done when my hand slipped and hit my forearm. I yelped and dropped the towel as I pulled my arm in.

“Shit, are you alright?” He threw the towel somewhere in the room while gently reaching for me.

“Yes, I just hit my arm.” He looked over my arm. He gently touched the bandages before looking up at me.

“It doesn’t have any signs of further damage. I think you’ll be alright.” He glanced off to the side. “It’s getting late, we should get some sleep.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” He got up and went to turn off the lights. A thought came to mind. “You’re not leaving, right?” He turned to me and smiled.

“Of course not. I’m not leaving as long as you need me.” He came over and laid down next to me. “Even if my dad calls me home again.”

“Alright.” I chucked. I went to lay down but as soon as my neck hit the pillow, I reeled up in pain. “Crap. How do I keep forgetting about these?” I felt him shift and then his fingertip grazed my shoulder.

“How do they feel?”

“To be honest, numb. Most of the time it’s just numb. Until I hit it anyway. Then it is shooting pain. Like being burned without the fire or being pricked with a thousand needles dipped in liquid nitrogen all at once.” He hummed.

“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine What you went through or how this feels.” He rubbed the back of my shoulder. “I laid you on your stomach earlier. That would probably be best now too. Here, lay on my chest. So you don’t lay back on your neck.”

“Okay.” I laid down, setting my head down. He reached up and turned off the lamp. In an instant, the room was slightly illuminated by starlight. I looked out at the stars. “You there was a moment I thought I wouldn’t make it out.”


“Mm hm. All they wanted to know was my connection to All Might. They were willing to do whatever. I got the bumps, burns, bruises, cuts, and… decay wounds to prove it.”

“You came through though. You’re strong. What was that your dad called you, Little Powerhouse?” He teased. I hit his chest. I shook my head before closing my eyes.

“Yes. That’s what he calls me. What of it?” He did not answer but started rubbing circles in my back. I hugged him as I started to doze.

“Y/N? there was a tall, skinny man here just before your dad came home. He had blonde hair with basically black eyes. Who was that?” I tried not to stiffen.

“Oh that’s Mr. Yagi. He’s my dad’s personal assistant.” I said as I adjusted. “He must have been here to meet with my dad.”

“Oh, okay.” He kissed my head. “Goodnight, Y/N.”

“Goodnight, Katsuki. Thanks for not letting me get left behind.”

“Not on my life.”

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi@aestheticanimegirl15@trash-clown01@sad-cinnamon-roll

What About Tomorrow? - KiriBaku x Reader

Main MasterlistMHA Masterlist

  • KiriBaku x Reader (meaning Poly Relationship. Don’t like? Don’t Read.)
  • Angst/Fluff
  • Warnings: Unwanted advances and touches, uncomfortable situation, and major heart strings at the end.
  • 2659 words
  • Authors Note: Requests are still open!!!

+At a party, someone gets a little too handsy with Y/N. They want her to dance with them but she refuses. They don’t take no for an answer and grab her roughly. She struggles to get away and does. She goes to walk away but they follow her. They grabbed her again. This time, she falls when she pulls away. But when she falls, she falls into Kirishima and Bakugo.

Class 3-A was hosting a party for graduation. Everyone from the Hero course to the general studies was invited. Even a few of the younger class students came to celebrate and wish the graduates good luck in the real world. I for one was having a lot of fun even with all the imbeciles that our class entailed.

“So have you told them?” Uraraka yelled over the music. I looked at her confused.

“Told who what?” She gave me a bitch face.

“Told Bakugo and Kirishima that you’re in love with them.” She said in a sing song voice. I gaped at her before looking around stuttering, trying to figure out what to say. She laughed throwing her head back.

“I don’t…I’m not…Oh shut up!” I hit her in her shoulder. “It’s not that easy! This is Kirishima and Bakugo were talking about. Kiri is a big smoking hot, macho man that could have anyone he wanted while Bakugo is the bachelor that everyone wants but no one is good enough for. Remember what happened with that beautiful girl only a month ago that confessed to him?”

“Yeah, unfortunately.” She shivered at them memory.

“Exactly. How could I stand a chance if she didn’t?” I sighed. Uraraka gave me a sad look. “Look, it is fine. I’ll survive and I’ll get over it.”

“Y/N…you shouldn’t settle for that. You deserve to be happy. This could be your last chance…considering who knows how often we’ll see anyone from class once we graduate.” I looked down, knowing she was right. Someone called her. “Just think about it okay?” I nodded.

“I will.” She smiled and walked off. I wandered for a while before resting by the counter in the kitchen. Someone I recognized from a lower class came up to me after a few minutes.

“Hey there.” The guy greeted and leant against the counter next to me. I looked at them.

“Hi.” I greeted back before looking back out into the crowd. I could feel his eyes on me. I glance back over and saw him staring at me. “Can I help you?“

“Ah, sorry for staring. You’re just so damn attractive.” I gaped at him and his straight forwardness. “I just wanted a chance to talk with you before you went off to the big hero world.” He moved in close. I choked on my breath.

“Well, that’s…sweet I think.” I gave him a forced grin. He smirked and a wide, unnerving smile.

“I have looked up to you and your classmates…somewhat, ever since you started at UA. The sports festival was especially inspiring. Not to mention you looked smoking hot.” He leaning in and was only a breaths away from my face. I saw his eye glance down my shirt before back up to my face.

“Uh, that’s great. Um I think I see Mina over there. I need to talk to her about something.” I slipped back and away from him. I went to walk out of the kitchen but a hand on my arm stopped me.

“Wait. Come on. We just got to talking. I’m sure whatever you need to tell your friend can wait.” He smiled. I bit my lip in unnerve. “Come on, have a dance with me.”

“Ah, no. I’m not really into dancing much. Not especially with strangers.” I pulled against his grip.

“Nonsense.” He pulled me into the edge of the room that the music was in. “We can talk and get to know each other while we dance.” I sighed and decided to humor him, hopefully to get him off my back quicker. We dance and talked. I gave him as vague answers to all his questions because I wanted this guy to know as little as possible.

“I can’t believe I have such a hot girl in my arms right now.” I grimaced and then gasped as he grabbed my ass and pulled me in flush against him. I pushed against his chest as he moved his face in close to mine again.

“Um, yeah. I think I need to go.” I put little force and pushed him off. I quickly walked away.

“Hey wait!” He grabbed me roughly. “Dance with me please.”

“No, I’ve had enough. Let me go.” I ripped my arm out of his hand. I stormed off but heard him follow. I walked through a couple rooms with him still pursuing me.

“Hey, L/N. You know you love dancing with me. Come back with me.” He grabbed me, forcibly turning me. I ripped my arm away mid-turn and lost my balance. I stumbled and fell backwards.

“Ah!” I yelped. An arm wrapped around my shoulder and another hand was swiftly placed on the small of my back. I looked up to see Kiri and Bakugo.


“Hey there, L/N…” Kiri straightened Y/N up and trailed off when he noticed their distressed state. Fear and discomfort taking hold of their entire being. His face turned to one of concern while Bakugo’s turned into a glare. He was already looking beyond Y/N and hit Kiri in the shoulder, pointing in the guy’s direction.

Both of the gazes met the guy and both hardened. Any normal person wouldn’t mess with these two on a normal day, especially not Bakugo but when someone messes with someone they care about, be prepared. Kiri pulled Y/N into his chest, arms around their waist, and Bakugo stepped up to be close behind Y/N.

“Oh shit…” The guy froze at the sight in front of them. Kiri and Baku didn’t even say a word but the threat hung in the air like fog. He stumbled back before basically running off. Y/N sighed in relief before leaning their head into Kiri’s chest.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I said as I finally cold breathe easy. “That guy couldn’t take a hint.” I felt Kiri rub my arms while I felt Bakugo’s hand on my hip.

“I could see that. Glad you found us.” Kiri said.

“I wasn’t really trying to actually. I was just trying to get away from him. But he kept grabbing me and pulling me back to him.” I rubbed the place he kept grabbing.

“Where?” Bakugo gruffed turning me to face him. I lifted my sleeve and he inspected it before massaging the sore muscle. I kept the moan in as he did so.

“Thank you again guys. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there. Thank you…” A kiss to my lips shut me up. A head of red hair pulled back and I saw a smirking Kiri.

“It’s our pleasure baby.” He said smoothly before stepping back. I just stood there in shock. Bakugo laughed before grabbing my chin and pulling me into a kiss as well. They walked away as soon as Bakugo pulled back.

“You’re welcome to join is for the night if you want.” Baku yelled over his shoulder. I heard him but didn’t process until they were completely out of sight. I shook my head and realized what just happened.

“They kissed me. Me!” I spoke out loud. I felt giddy before froze when I remembered what Bakugo said. I hurriedly followed the path they took. I got to the foyer of the place and turned in circles looking around, looking for the familiar red or blonde spikes.

“Who are you looking for L/N?” I turned to see Uraraka and Deku walking up. I glanced down and saw them holding hands. I grinned but didn’t comment.

“Kiri and Bakugo.” I said. She smirked before pointing towards the back of the building.

“They just went out on the balcony.” Deku said.

“Thank you! Bye!” I took off in a run. I weaved through the crowd before I got to the outside doors and looked around. I finally saw them in a far corner of the balcony. I ran out and ran over to them. I saw them react to my footsteps but I was faster. I jumped on Bakugo’s back and latched on.

“What the!” I felt him grip my wrist and he forcefully pulled me around the front and went to slam me into the railing. He must have noticed who I was halfway through because his arm was jammed between me and the railing before I hit it.

“Y/N! Are you okay?”

“What was that, dumbass?” Both of them yelled at the same time. I chuckled at their over the top reaction.

“Hi.” I said once they calmed down. They looked at me in disbelief.

“Hi? That’s all you got to say. I could have thrown you over the railing for ambushing me like that and all you have to say is hi?” Bakugo exclaimed. I noticed his grip tighten when he mentioned throwing me over the railing. I shrugged. He narrowed his eyes at me.

“I know both of you wouldn’t let that happen.” I said. “I trust you.” I saw Baku visibly relax at the words. He growled softly and looked away.

“She got you Kat.” Kiri clapped a hand on the others shoulder. I saw a blush creep up on Bakugo’s face.

“Us you idiot. She got us.” He muttered. Kiri laughed before looking at me.

“Yeah, us.” He smiled while just staring at me. His stare was welcoming unlike that creeps. He moved in and wrapped his arm around me over the top of Bakugo’s. “But please, be careful on sneaking up on us. That was too close there, baby.”

“Alright.” I agreed.

“So you decided to take us up on our offer, huh?” Bakugo smirked and looked back at me. I bit my lip and nodded. “Just wanting to avoid more creeps or did you genuinely want to spend time with little old us?” He gave me a mock pout.

“There is nothing little about the two of you.” The words left my mouth before I could even think about it. Both of their eyebrows shot up in surprise and delight. I gaped before looking down, blushing.

“Oh tell us how you really feel there, baby.” Kiri smirked. He went to say something else when catcalls were heard across the balcony. All three of our heads whipped in that direction. Uraraka, Mina, Deku, and Kami were all standing at the doors. Everyone but the greenette was cheering, he was just standing there smiling.

“Shit.” I laughed, hanging my head back. I let it rest there while Baku yelled and Kiri laughed. I was only brought back up when a soft kiss was placed on my throat. They kissed up and down the middle of my throat before I lifted my head. Bakugo moved to kiss the side of my throat. “Someone is being lovey.”

“Shut up.” He growled with a smile. He lifted his head.

“Don’t mind him.” Kiri chuckled before kissing Bakugo neck. Said blonde blushed, rolling his eyes with a small smile. He turned to nuzzle Kiri’s chin. It was a sweet moment.

“Should I leave you two alone with your moment?” I said gently nudging their arms. They both tightened their grip on me.

“No way.”

“Not a chance.” I chuckled at their antics. I held up my hands in surrender. They realized I was only joking. The sound of loud booms turned all of our attentions. Over the main building of the school, fireworks were going off. I turned to watch, settling back into Kiri’s chest. He wrapped his arms around me while Bakugo leant on the railing. Kiri set his head on my shoulder.

“It’s a beautiful night.” I said softly. “A beautiful night to mark the rest of our lives.”

“Yeah. But what are we going to do with the rest of our lives?” Baku said. I looked at him while Kiri lifted his head. “Where were going to go…what we’re going to see…who were going to spend this life with?” He turned to look at us.

“I know what I want but…some of those are just wild dreams and after tonight…” I said, looking down with a sad smile. “One of those dreams are even more out of reach.” Kiri began rubbing circles in my hips while I felt Bakugo’s hand lifts my chin.

“What is that dream?” He asked. Kiri moved around to look at me as well. They both looked at me with intrigue and wonder. I chuckled softly looking off into the night sky for a moment. I turned back to look at them.

“To be with you. Both of you.” Their eyes widen for a moment before they shared a look. A nervous feeling crept up my spin as they remained silent. I took a step back and looked down. I bit my lip, kicking myself for even saying anything. I went to walk away when a gentle grip on my arm stopped me.

“Don’t go.” The softest voice I had ever heard Bakugo use hit my ears. I turned to look at him. A genuine smile was on his face. I looked over to Kiri and saw he was barely containing himself. “We want that too.”

“Yeah. We’ve both had feelings for you a long time. We just didn’t know how to approach you.” Kiri said truthfully.

“But you two are together. How could you…” I looked between the both them. “How could I…” I gestured towards myself.

“Be everything we’ve ever wanted.” Bakugo cut in. His hand slipped down my arm to my hand, pulling me in slowly. He moved in so close that I could the gentle breaths leaving his lips. “Just because we are together, doesn’t mean we can’t love you too.” He caressed my face before leaning in the rest of the way, pressing his lips to mine. I was overwhelmed by the emotion that he portrayed through the kiss.

“Katsuki…” I whispered as he pulled away. He ran his fingers across my cheek before pushing them back through my hair gently. A hand was placed on his shoulder. We both looked Kiri. Kat stepped aside and Kiri took his place.

“We love you so much, Y/N. We were afraid that after tonight…” He looked at Kat. “We would lose our chance to tell you. Who knows where any of us would end up? Especially if we got placed in different districts.” He set his forehead on mine after kissing it.

“Eijiro.” I went to my tip toes and kissed him. I gripped his biceps when the same emotion that came from Katsuki. I pulled back, gasping. I felt hands placed on my shoulders as someone’s chest pressed against my back. I looked back as Kat as he nosed the crook of my neck. I reached back and brushed my fingers through his hair.

“Please don’t make us wait any longer.” He pleaded roughly. I looked at Eijiro in the eyes. There was love, want, and pleading in them but also understanding.

“Oh, I couldn’t do that to my favorite boys. It would not only be a crime against you but a crime against my own heart.” I heard them both suck in a breath.

“Really?” Eijiro asked. I nodded.

“Really.” I said. “I love you guys too.” Eijiro cheered while Katsuki wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up in a hug and spun me around. I laughed and gripped onto his arms. He set me down just before Eijiro picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Damn.” Eijiro set me down and we looked at Katsuki. He has his head in his hair and an expression I’ve never seen on his face. One of pure joy and delight. I beckoned him over and the three of us shared a hug. I looked up at them.

“So, what are we doing tomorrow?” I asked. Their smiles only got wider. I raised an eyebrow in question. They looked at each other before looking back at me. They both smirked. What did I get myself into?

TAG LIST: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

First Time Forgetting - Kirishima

  • 2470 words
  • Pro Hero AU
  • Warnings: A Pouty Kirishima, suggestive comments

+ Things were very busy as of late and the two of you hadn’t had much time together. They plan to have lunch together on his first day off in a long while. When he didn’t show up, Y/N is hurt and upset enough that when they called him to see where he was that Y/N snaps at him. He is upset and doesn’t know what to do to make it up to them.

Being a Pro-Hero has its ups and downs. Being the partner of a Pro-Hero can be just as fluctuating. Not sure when he will be free to do anything, the constant being called away from everything, and most of all, being worried if he will be safe and come back alive. So when he gets time off, You and Kiri try to make the most of it.

“So Thursday right?” I asked, phone balanced between my ear and shoulder.

“Yep! Definitely!” I could almost see his toothy smile now. “I have the whole day off.”

“Yay. You need a break.”

“You’re telling me.” He laughed. I heard crunching, letting me know he was eating.

“So how’s the day been so far? I haven’t heard anything huge on the news yet today.”

“Not really much today. Just a few thieves here and there and some other things.” He went through his day with me. All of a sudden he cut off when screaming and yelling came through the phone.

“Come on Shitty Hair!” Bakugo yelled in the background.

“I gotta go babe. Somethings come up.”

“Okay! Be safe!”

“Of course. Talk to you later.” He hung up. I sighed, looking at the phone. It always makes me nervous when I know or hear about him in a fight. I know he’s beyond capable but still. Thursday was in two days and I figured I wouldn’t see him before then.

The days passed quickly, especially when I haven’t got to see him in forever for more than a few moments. He let me know he was going to sleep in for a bit before doing his normal work out. After he showered, he was going to meet me for lunch. Around 11:30 am, I got ready and left.

“Table for two, please.” The waiter nodded and led me to a table. I ordered us drinks before waiting. I wasn’t worried when it passed noon, knowing my boyfriend. If he got caught by a for or someone, he was too nice to rush off on then.

“Still going to wait?” The waiter asked. I nodded and he walked off. When it got to be over a half hour, I grew a bit worried but not too much. He probably got caught by an old friend. I had texted him a couple of times since I left and he hasn’t responded. When an hour passed with no word, I was worried and on the edge of irritability.

“Pick up, Ei.” I whispered into the phone. Just before it went to voicemail, he picked up.

“Oh hey babe! What’s up?” He asked cheery. I stayed silent at the calm greeting. “Babe? You there?” Confusion laced into his voice. “Did I lose you?”

“No, I’m here.”

“Oh good. So what’s up?” He asked, nonchalantly.

“Where are you?”

“I’m at Denks. We’re playing some video games.” He said with Denki yelling at the game in the background. I laughed in disbelief.

“Seriously?” I nearly snapped. I heard him pause and heard him shift the phone.

“Um, yeah. Is something wrong babe?” He asked tentatively.

“I can’t believe…” I set my forehead in my hand, fighting back tears.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked. I could hear Denki talking concerned in the back.

“Did you ever remember today?” I asked softly.

“What do you mean? It’s my day off but nothing else was planned for today…”

“So you don’t remember lunch today?”

“Lunch? I mean it is lunch time but… Oh Shit!” He yelled. I heard crashes. “Lunch with you today! Crap!”

“Yeah.” I whispered, wiping away a stray tear.

“Crap, crap, crap. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be…”

“Don’t bother.” I interrupted. I took a big breath. “It’s already been an hour so I’m going home.”

“Wait babe, please.” He begged. “I’ll be there. Just give me a few minutes.”

“No. It’s fine.” I pulled out some money from my wallet and put it on the table. “I’ll talk to you later, Eijiro.”

“Wait Y/N!” I hung up on him and left the restaurant. I pulled my sleeves down as the cold breeze hit me. I crossed my arms over my chest and walked to the station to go home, tears falling freely.

3rd POV

Kiri stood shocked, staring at his phone in horror and pain, gripping his hair tight enough that he pulled strands out of his ponytail. Denki sat on the couch behind him stunned and a little confused. Kiri sank down on the couch, dropping his phone to the ground. He buried his face in his hands.

“I am an idiot.” He muttered. “I forgot I promised to have lunch and spend time with Y/N today.”

“Shit, dude. I’m sorry.” Denki apologized.

“It’s not your fault man. I…” The ding of his phone caught his attention. He picked it up quickly and saw the multiple texts from Y/N. They were old though and his heart sank more. The one that just came from Bakugo. (How was your date lover boy?) “Ever Kat remembered my date and I didn’t!” He slouched back heavily. “Dammit.”

“Hey. Calm down, Ei.” Denki rubbed his shoulder. “You’ll figure out something. She didn’t sound too mad.”

“She wasn’t mad. She was upset.” Kiri sat up and looked at his friend in desperation. “I could hear the tears in their voice.” They sat in silence for a few minutes. “I’m sorry Denks but I have to go.”

“No, no. You’re fine. Go.” He followed him to the door. Kiri was muttering as he threw on his hoodie. He put on his shoes and turned towards the other.

“I knew I forgot something this morning but I didn’t think it was that important.” His eyes were growing watery.

“ Hey, Sharky. It’s okay. Everyone makes mistakes. You’ll figure something out, bro.” Kiri nodded.

“See ya later.” He ran out the door and down stairs before bolting down the street.


The evening was quiet as I did some small housework. I was trying to keep my mind occupied but that was proving impossible. I signed heavily, letting my arms drop from their position for dusting.

“You overreacted babe.” I told myself. I sat down in a chair and looked out the window. I knew I over reacted with Eijiro and the date. He had never done that before so it wasn’t a reoccurring thing. I was just hurt, surprised, and a little embarrassed.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a set of knocks on the door. I looked behind me in confusion before looking at the clock.

“Who could that be at this time?” I walked over and opened the door just a crack. When Ei was here I am more confident and less worried about answering the door this late. When he isn’t I get more shy and more timid. “Yes?”

“Food delivery.” The man held up a bag from my favorite take out place.

“Umm… I didn’t order anything.” He smiled, nodding.

“This was ordered by E. Kirishima and was ordered to this address.” My eyes widened.

“Oh, okay.” I opened the door wider. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He handed me the bag and stepped back. “Have a good evening.”

“You too.” I closed my door and walked to the kitchen. I opened the bag and saw my favorite food, dessert, and sides. There was also a note.

Hey, babe. I know this is a surprise

and I know you’re upset. I know how you get

when you’re upset. You forget to eat

so please enjoy. I am so so

freaking sorry for today.

I knew I was forgetting something

this morning. I should have

remembered. Funny enough, Bakubro

did. I’ll do anything to make it

up to you. Have a goodnight baby.

I Love You. ♡


I smiled and leant against the counter. That man was the sweetest person. The note was in Ei’s handwriting. I set the note on my forehead before pinning it to the cork board just outside the kitchen. It was a memory board thing Ei had started. It was full of pictures, notes, and cutesy things that were reminders or items of good times.

“Ei, you sappy romantic.” I whispered. Guilt crept into my stomach. I looked at the food before at the time. It was late and I knew he would be going to bed. I ate the food before heading to bed myself.

*Next day ~ 3rd POV*

Kirishima sat off to the edge of the crime scene rubbing his sore neck. Him and Bakugo had just had a rough run in with a criminal with a super strength quirk who decided to use the cars as projectiles.

“Heard from them yet?” Bakugo asked, walking up and pulling his mask down around his neck. Kiri shook his head.

“No and it’s almost 1 o'clock. Either they’re really mad at me or it’s one of their ‘sleep all day’ days. Both are very possible.” He said, chuckling to himself. Bakugo sat down next to his friend.

“You’re right there.”

“I plan to call them after work. I need to at least try something and…” Kiri’s phone started ringing. They both looked down at the pocket it was in. He pulled it out to see Y/N’s contact. “Hello?”

“Hey.” Y/N softly answered.

“Hey.” Kiri smiled at the sound of their voice. Bakugo got up shaking his head with a smile. “Glad you called. Did you get the food?”

“Yeah. I did. It was good. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” They both were silent for a minute.

“Hey, I know you work this weekend but do you think you could come over tonight? After work?” Y/N asked, chewing on their lip nervously. Kiri sat silent in surprise for a second. “Eijiro?”

“Oh! Um, Yeah! Yeah, of course!” He quickly answered, stumbling over his words. Damn, he felt like a love struck teenager again.

“Oh! Great!” YN said relieved, relaxing their shoulders. “Then I’ll see you this afternoon.”

“Yeah, see ya in a bit.” He smiled. They hung up and Kiri silently cheered. He went through the rest of his shift with a smile on his face. He showered at the agency before quickly running towards Y/N’s place. He grew nervous when he walked down the hall towards her door. He knocked.

“Coming!” He heard them yell. He waited, heart racing. He felt like he was a teenager going on his first date again. He straightened up when the door opened. “Hey, Ei.”

“Hey babe.” He said while looking them over. “You look nice tonight.”

“Thank you. Come in.” They stepped aside and he quickly stepped in. He shed his jacket and kicked off his shoes before following Y/N. Kiri walked behind Y/N but stopped when he noticed something.

“You put my note on the memory board.” He said in disbelief.

“Oh, yeah.” YIN said leaning on their front against the kitchen door frame. “It was sweet and I wanted to keep it. No better place to put it.” Kiri just looked at Y/N in awe. He dropped his bag and walked over, taking Y/N’s face in his hands. “Eiji…” He cut them off by kissing them passionately.


I gasped in shock as he kissed me. I grabbed onto his wrists while kissing him back earnestly. He pulled away and looked into my eyes before moving one hand down to my waist and pulled me into another kiss. This one was slow and sweet with a gentle tug, Eijiro pulled me forward. He backed up until we came to the table.

“Just a second baby.” He said against my lips. He pulled away to sit down in a chair before grabbing the back of my knees. “Sit.” I sat on his lap and he placed his hands on my thighs.

“Ei.” I wrapped my arms around his neck before kissing him again. Our out of the blue make out session only lasted a short bit before we both pulled away. I nuzzled my face into his neck while he rubbed my back gently.

“I’m sorry.” He said softly after a few minutes of silent hugging and cuddling. “I should have kept better track of my plans. What day it was.”

“It’s alright and I could have reacted a lot better. I mean it was only one date this happened. I should have been calmer, more understanding.” I sat up straight. I ran my fingers through his long hair, scratching his scalp slightly. He nearly moaned, closing his eyes and pressing into my hand. I laughed and he glared at me through slitted eyes.

“Shut up. Feels good.” He said before burying his face in my chest. I just shook my head and laid my head on top of his. “We hadn’t got to spend any time together recently, so you were justified in being upset with me for flaking. It wasn’t manly of me.”

“ Yeah, but it wasn’t 'manly’ of me to jump up like that. If you hadn’t been able to spend some time with me, then you wouldn’t have had time for your friends either.” I leant back and he looked at me. “ You have a right to see them too.”

“You are the perfect lover, you know that right.” He reached up and pushed hair behind my ear.

“So are you.” I gave him an Eskimo kiss before getting up. He gave me a puppy dog pout, eyes wide and pursing his lips. I booped his nose. “You hungry?”

“Yeah. For more than just food.” I turned back to see his eyes trailing down my body with a look in his eyes.

“Down boy.” I smirked. “There’s time for that later.”

“Okay, okay.” He put his hands up in surrender. He stood up and followed me towards the kitchen. “So what are we making?”

“You want to help?” I asked, amused. He nodded enthusiastically. “Okay then. What sounds good?”

“How about chicken Alfredo? That’s been sounding good.” He pushed up the sleeves of his hoodies. I smiled, grabbing the collar of his hoodie. I pulled him down into a kiss. I pulled away slowly.

“Sounds good to me. Get the stuff for the sauce and we’ll get started.” He whined as I pulled out of his arms.

“You’re a tease.” He said.

“I know.” I smirked. “I may have forgiven you but I still have a right to be upset. So, I choose to be a tease.” He groaned. “Come on, Red Riot. You said you would help, now get the stuff for the alfredo sauce.”

“Diabolical.” He laughed before pulling the stuff out. He walked by me, I smacked his ass.

“Of course.” He gave me a side eye. Tonight was going to be interesting.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

Left Behind -Pt.3

Left Behind Pt. 1Left Behind Pt. 2MHA Masterlist

  • 3675 words
  • Warnings: slight Torture, Angst, slight language
  • Not sure how many more parts to come lol.

+ Y/N has been Kidnapped and everyone is freaking out. All Might is on the verse of a rampage,Bakugo is on the verge of a breakdown,all while Y/N is trying to keep herself alive. Shigaraki and Dabi try everything to get her to talk but she never does. Fed up with her silence, Shigaraki tries something else. That ends up being a mistake on his part. She finds a way to let the heroes where she is and they come to her rescued but not before Shigaraki has his hand in it.

I groaned as I came to. My head hurt, my mouth was dry, and my arms felt numb. I tried moving but my arms remained behind my back. I tugged again and finally felt the bonds on my wrists. I opened my eyes but couldn’t see much due to bad lighting.

“What the hell…” I whispered. I squirmed and wiggled around until I was able to sit up without my arms. I took a breath and licked my lips to get at least a little moisture back.

The room was small and dank. There was a small window by the ceiling, letting me know I was in a basement. The only piece of furniture in the room was a metal chair in the corner and the dirty mattress I was on. I pushed up to my feet and stumbled until I got my balance back. I walked around the room, trying to find any clue of where I was, who took me, and if there was any way out.

“Crap!” I groaned as a sharp pain went through my side. I went to a knee and hissed, fighting back tears. A clicking noise pulled my attention to the door. I looked up and saw a tall, black-headed male with scars covering his body.

“Good to see you awake, Sweetness.” I recognized the voice and nickname. He was the one who grabbed me and drugged me.

“You are the one who did this…” I trailed off when I remembered the second, familiar voice. “ With… Shigaraki!” I took a few steps back. He smiled maliciously.

“So you remember the crusty man. He was wondering if you would.”

“Kind of hard to forget the man who attacked your class and nearly Killed your teacher.” I hissed, trying to get out of my binds again.

“You got a point.” He said, watching me. . “Let me introduce myself. I’m Dabi. And if you continue to try to get out of those binds…” He lit up his hands in blue flames. “I’ll burn you alive.” I froze and he smirked.

“Now, now Dabi.” The owner of the raspy voice crept into the room. “We need them alive, if we want this to work at least.”

“What do you want with me? Do you realize how stupid it was to take me from SCHOOL GROUNDS!? Are you idiots?” I exclaimed. “You have to be since you attacked the USJ with the ASSUMPTION that All Might would be there. For the most Elite villain group you’re quite the fail…”

“ENOUGH!” A hand wrapped around my throat. I was slammed back into the wall. In that moment was when I tried to activate my quirk but nothing happened. I panicked a bit. “What? Just now realize you can’t use your quirk?” He laughed crazily.

“What did you do to me?” I asked. He let go of my throat and turned me around. He grabbed my binds and pulled my arms up. I gasped in pain.

“Quirk cancelling cuffs.” He hissed, dropping my arms. He pushed me hard against the wall. “And I know your extensive fight training history. So if you try anything, I will dust one piece of you at a time.” He held his hand in front of my face. “Or… he’ll burn you. So I suggest you behave.”

“Go screw yourselves!” I yelled, pushing him back hard. He grunted and stumbled back. I whipped around and tried to run but was grabbed by the end of my hair. I was yanked back and onto the floor. I landed awkwardly. Something felt off. I looked up just in time to see my hair finish disintegrating in Shigaraki’s hand.

“That was a warning.” I looked down and saw that my hair was now up to my shoulders. “ Next time I will do something that hurts.” Dabi was chuckling behind him. “Now, from the files I stole from the school, you have some affiliation with All Might himself.”

“So we want to know what that is.” Dabi walked closer and knelt down. “Are you going to tell us or do we have to pry it out of you, sweetness ?” I clamped my mouth shut and glared. They chuckled.

“The hard way it is then.” I looked up at Shigaraki. He was scratching at his neck with a wicked grin. Shivers ran up my spine as dread filled my mind.

3rd POV

The class was going crazy in worry, confusion, and downright fear for their classmate. She had already been in a bad way when they saw her last and now she was kidnapped. How had the villains gotten onto Campus? Who were the villains? Why did they take Y/N? What were they going to do to her? The teachers were not much better. They were trying to figure out how Shigaraki and Dabi had gotten past the gates even though they didn’t know it was them. But no one was worse than All Might.

“All Might-san, please sit down. You’re going to work yourself into a fit.”

“Don’t you think I know that? Damn! Don’t you also think I kind of have a right? My own daughter was kidnapped right under my nose! From one of the safest places in the country! I think I have a right to be a bit emotionally unstable.” He yelled. “Not to mention, I am unable to ever go after her at the moment because I am OUT OF POWER!”

“All Might! Sit down!” Aizawa yelled. All Might reluctantly did, dropping his head into his hands. Tears streamed down his face.

“I can’t lose her.” He said meekly. “She is all I have in the world that I would give everything up for and would die without.”

“Ever being a Hero?” Aizawa asked. All Might looked up.

“In a heartbeat.” He said with such strength that if made everyone nearly have to take a step back.

Meanwhile, the students were in their classroom. Some were quiet with fear, some were loud with panic. Bakugo was sitting at his desk, silent as a mouse. He was beating himself up on the inside. If he hadn’t said anything, she wouldn’t have walked off out of sight and got kidnapped. He growled and spooked Midoriya.


“What you damn Deku?” He growled looking over at him. Midoriya flinched but continued.

“Are you alright? You are quiet.”

“Why wouldn’t I be alright?” He got up and advanced on the green-haired boy. “I’m just peachy.”

“Ahh!” Midoriya yelped before speaking. “I was just wondering because you and L/N are so close and you’ve been spending time with her a lot lately, so I figured you would be at least a bit worried about her. But being you I could be wrong. And I could be reading the situation wrong and… Well, she is my friend too, so I’m very worried about her even though I know she can handle herself.”

“SHUT UP! Damn, you’re so annoying when you ramble.” Bakugo shook his head. “ Of course I am worried. I have been hanging out with her. Especially after the fiasco a couple of days ago…That reminds me. Why were you involved in that little confrontation the other day? Huh? That had nothing to do with you bu yet you were there.”

“Umm.” Midoriya avoided Bakugo’s eyes. Bakugo leant on the others desk and got in his face.

“Uh, Bakubro? What ya doing there?” Kiri called from the otherside the room.

“Spill. It.” Bakugo said lowly.

“Ummm…” Paric settled in Midoriya’s eyes.

“Young Bakugo. A word please.” A loud voice cut the tension in the room. Everyone turned and saw All Might at the door. Bakingo growled and shoved off the desk and into Deku before stomping out the door.

“What do you want?” He growled.

“I know I’m not your favorite person at the moment and I don’t blame you but you’re the closest person to my daughter right now.” Bakugo looked down, shoved his hands in his pockets, and kicked the ground.

“No I’m not.” All Might looked at him confused. “I said something stupid and now she thinks I don’t like her at all. Which is… Which is as far from the truth as you can get.” He admitted.

“Young Bakugo…” All Might traised off. They both stood in silence until Bakugo finally looked up at the hero.

“All Might, what are you going to do? Do you know who took her?” All Might was taken back when he saw tears in the corner of the young boy’s eyes.

“Yes we do.” Bakugo looked at him expectantly. “It was Shigaraki and a new member of the League known as Dabi. He has a blue fire quirk. And as for what we are going to do, I am not sure. First, we have to find out how they got in and then…”

“Find her! You have to find her!” Bakugo interrupted.

“Don’t you think I want to? Do you not think that I don’t just want to go out and search every inch of this city until I find her? I want to but I can’t. It not only is a dangerous idea but illogical. I could in the long run bring more harm than help to the situation. It could inevitably get Y/N seriously injured or even Killed. So as much as I want to go out, I can’t. You see?” Bakugo’s eyes widened before his gaze fell again. All Might watched as the tears streamed down Bakugo’s face.

“I’m sorry. It’s just…” A hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“I understand. We’ll get her back. I promise. Then we both can make up for what we’ve done.”


I coughed and hacked as I crawled across the floor. The swift kick to the ribs Dadi had given me did a number. At some point they had unhooked the cuffs from each other. I don’t remember, just eventually realized. I dropped my body against the wall. I winced in pain.

“Who is All Might to you?! Tell me!” Shigaraki yelled. He was sitting against the wall next to the door. He had let Dabi take over the physical part of the interrogation a little while ago.

“Screw you!” I yelled. Dabi went to advance on me again but Shigaraki stopped him.

“Ah, that’s enough for now.” He got to his feet and walked over to me. I pressed myself into the wall and glared. “We’ll come back later when the pain and … the weight of the situation sets in.” They walked out and I heard the lock set in place.

“Shit.” I whimpered.

My body gave out in the next second, crumpling to the floor. I gasped heavily and gripped my side. I choked on my own breath. I never realized how much my quirk helped me take a hit. Tears were trying to force their way up.

“Don’t cry. Don’t cry. You’re going to be okay. Just hold out a little while longer. Wait for…” A loud bang of the wall made me jump. I signed and closed my eyes. “Wait for the right moment and then fight back.” I passed out after that.

I don’t know how long I had been here but it had to be day Wherever we are, it was hidden from the heroes rather well. The beatings, the questions; they kept coming but I never said a word to answer. Shigaraki grew more and more irritated. Sometimes they just questioned me, sometimes they tortured me. I was covered in bruises, cuts, and burns.

“This is getting nowhere, Crusty. No matter what we’ve done, she has resisted. Not said one word towards what you want from her.” Dabi growled. I was sitting against the wall in front of them, unmoving. I was totally exhausted.

“Don’t call me Crusty! And don’t you think I know that.” He snapped. He groaned, kneeling in front of me. He grabbed my chin and lifted my head. “You little bitch. You’re resilient, I’ll give you that.”

“It’s time to cut our losses, Shigaraki. She’s a dead end.” Dabi crossed his arms.

“There has to be something else to break you.” He whispered, tightening his grip on my chin. I managed a glare before hitting his hand off.

“Never.” My voice came out cracked and saff but still strong. He bared his teeth and snarled. He grabbed my wrists and slammed them against the wall. I whined a bit but nothing else. He got up in my face.

“ You either have a death wish or Whatever it is you are not telling me…” He trailed off. He stared at me. “Must be very, very interesting and important. Something that would be very bad if you let it slip through your lips.”

“Damn it.” I heard Dabi groan. I wriggled against Shigaraki’s grip. Something lit up in his face.

“I wonder if we should ask All Might himself” He grinned evilly.

“What?” I gasped. He let go and pushed up. He went over and talked to Dabi quietly. Dabi’s expression went from annoyed to anused. Shigaraki walked out of the room while Dabi stalked up to me. He grabbed me by the throat and yanked me up from the floor.

“Come on Sweetness.” He chuckled. “We got a little show to do.” He drug me from the room. I looked at everything I could as he drug me through the halls. Trying to take in every detail that could tell me where I was at. The building was obviously abandoned or at least very run down. I nearly fell down the stairs as he tugged me along. My body was screaming in pain but I couldn’t stop him. I tripped hard enough on a landing that I got out of his grip.

“Hmph.” I groaned as I hit the ground. I huffed and huffed before I looked up. There was a hole in the wall in front me. A spark of hope shot through me. A familiar sigh of a place me and Dad used to go to when I was a kid and we were visiting the city. I smiled as Dabi yanked me up.

“Clumsy bitch.” He murmured. We walked into a large area and Shigaraki was waiting there. Dabi pushed me towards the man. He grabbed me and reconnected the cuffs before he attached a chain to the cuffs. He pulled the chain, lifting the chain above my head. I hissed at the strain on my arm and shoulders.

“Behave.” He warned. I saw Dabi pull out a phone and start filming. Shigaraki started talking and threatening. I didn’t pay attention to what he said but focused on my actions. I had wanted to learn sign language as a kid and I am sure as hell glad Dad indulged me. I couldn’t sign out words but I could sign out letters. I began spelling out the name of the place while keeping my head forward.

“Ah!” I yelped as Shigarani hit me in the stomach. I doubled over the best I could.

“Now if you want to see her alive again I suggest you figure something out, All Might.” I quickly sighed ‘AC St’ and hoped they would notice. Before I could do anything else, I was knocked out cold.

3rd POV ~ Back @ UA

Somehow, Shiggy had gotten the video sent to the school. Nezu had seen only enough to realize what it was. He called Yagi and Aizawa immediately. As soon as they got there he told them about the video.

“Play it, play it now.” Yagi nearly yelled. Nezu nodded and played the video on his TV in his office. All three of them were quiet as the video played. Yagi was ned in the face by the time the video ended. Aizawa and Nezu watched him closely.

“She’s alive…” He whispered. He ran a hand down his face. He took in a shaky breath. “Play it again. I want to see if there is anything we can use to find her.” They all watched the video over and over again. The two could tell Yagi was trying to keep it together watching his daughter over and over again in her injured state. The tears were ever present in his eyes.

“Nothing. There is nothing to go by. All this video is, is a threat to us against her. Mostly to get to you.” Nezu said while thinking about Shigaraki’s words.

“There has to be something!” Yagi yelled, nearly pulling his hair out. His eyes were locked on the TV. He couldn’t give up. The two conversed behind while he watched the video again. He watched Y/N closely. This time he caught the movement of her hands and fingers. They were measured and proposed. “Wait, I think I got something.”


“Zoom in on her hands and restart the video.” He said. They did just that and watched carefully. “Sign language! She’s spelling something out. She insisted on knowing it and I’m glad I let her.” Aizawa grabbed a pad and started writing out her message.

“Shilla’s Palace. AC St.” Aizawa said out loud. “What does that mean?” Yagi paused.

“Shilla’s Palace. It was a place I always took Y/N as a kid to when we visited the city. It was her favorite place. AC St. That I’m not sure what…” He trailed off as Nezu pulled up the place on a map. They all looked at the surrounding area. The building across the street looked dilapidated. Suddenly, a thought popped up in Yagi’s head. “Y/N’s Short hand! 'AC St’ means across the street! She’s across the street!”

“They have her in the abandoned department store across the street.”

“Gather the teachers and call the police. Let them know what’s going on.” Nezu said. Aizawa nodded and left the roone. Yagi went to follow but Nezu stopped him. “Not you, Yagi.”


“It’s your daughter, I know. But you need to stay behind. You are too biased when it comes to this. It would be better for you to be there when they bring her back to comfort her then out there fighting When she needs you.” Yagi couldn’t argue with that.

“Just as long as we can have the rest of Class there when she comes back.” Nezu smiled.

“Then you better get to calling people.” Yagi smiled and nodded. He pulled out his phone starting with a certain blonde.


I woke up with a major headache. I groaned, turning over onto my back. I stared at the ceiling with contempt.

“God I hope that worked.” I whispered as I rub the knot on my head. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sighed. I looked at the tiny window in the top corner of the room to see it was nearly dark. “I’ve been out for how long?”

“Shit, crap, dammit!” I heard yelling come from the hall. I tensed, setting my hands on the floor, readying myself for anything. The door slammed open, leaving a major dent in the wall behind. “What did you do?!”

“What?!” I looked at Shigaraki confused and defensive.

“There are heroes in the warehouse. What! Did! You! Do!” He yelled. Relief washed over me. I smirked and it only pissed him off more. “Ah!”

“Keep yelling and you’ll lead them right to us.” I said cheekily.

“Damn girl.” He shot forward and grabbed me by the neck tight. He glared into my eyes.

“Get out of here Dabi. Back to the hideout. I won’t be far behind.” Dabi didn’t think twice before he was gone. Shigaraki yanked me forward and drug me through the building. With the little energy I could muster, I threw my fist at his face. I knocked that stupid hand off his face stumble back, letting me go. He turned to look at me and blood was running from his nose.

“It’s an improvement.” I teased before going to hit him again. I got a few hits in before he grabbed my forearm. With all five fingers. I screamed and tried to pull away. I saw my Skin start to crack and looked away. He dropped my arm before connecting my cuffs and grabbing me by the back of my neck.

“You little brat.” the drug me to a railing and yanked me to stand up right. “This who you’re looking for?” He said loudly. I looked down and saw Aizawa and a few of the other teachers. They all looked up at us.

“L/N!” Aizawa yelled. “Let her go?”

“Let her go, huh?” He snickered. “Sure, but first…” I felt him place his finger down on my neck before a searing pain toon over.


“Ah!” I screamed, nearly blacking out from pain. Next thing I knew, I was falling over the railing. I felt someone grab me before falling again.

“After him!” The person holding me yelled. I whimpered and squirmed from the two decay wounds. I opened my eyes the slightest bit to see Aizawa.

“Sensei…” He looked down at me.

“Hey you’re okay, kid. You’re safe.” He assured me. He moved me gently before looking at my neck and forearm.

“Where’s my dad?” I said in a small voice. He stopped before looking at me.

“He’s back at the school waiting for You.” I burst into tears. He pulled me into his chest and soothed me. He petted my head as I could faintly hear muffled voices. I peeked out to see a few paramedics and Midnight. A black rim was growing around the edge of my vision.

“ Aizawa-Sensei, is the room getting darker?” He looked down at me confused.

“No the room’s not getting darker, why…Hey, hey Stay with me L/N!” I felt him shake me gently. “We need to get these cuffs off her. Her quirk accelerates her healing process.” Everything started to go blurry before I felt the need to shut my eyes.

“Night, night Aizawa-sensei.” I barely heard his protest before passing out.

Funny Way of Showing It - Shinsou x Sister! Reader Pt. 2

My class got off a couple of days off after the attack. I spent it either in my room or with Dad. He was doing pretty good for being nearly beaten to a pulp. The class was going to be surprised when he walks in tomorrow. During this time off, Hitoshi had been trying to talk to me a lot. Everytime he comes home from school, he comes to check on me. It was my turn to be silent towards him.

“Hey, do you want to walk to school with me?” He asked while we did dishes after dinner. I shrugged.

“Don’t we normally?” I asked. He stalled for a moment, trying to find something to say. I turned towards dad and papa at the table. “Do you want some tea?”

“No thank you, honey. Shota?” Papa looked towards the bandage covered man. Dad shook his head.

“Okay then.” I wiped my hands off. “Well, I’m going to take a bath and goto bed.” I started taking my hair down from my braid.

“Okay, honey.” Papa smiled. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Papa” I kissed his head before doing the same to dad carefully. “Goodnight, dad.”

“Goodnight baby.” He said softly. He reached up and hugged me tight as he could. 

When I went to see him in the hospital after the attack, he was beside himself. Apologizing multiple times about not being able to protect everyone and letting the villains ever get close. It took all three of us to calm him down. I hugged back before letting go. I glanced up at Hitoshi who was watching us.

“Night, Hitoshi.” I said as I walked out of the room.

“Night.” I heard him reply. As I walked through the hall to the bathroom, I could hear the three males talking. Hitoshi sounded distraught and heard a mention of my name.

“I don’t know what to do to make it up to Y/N. She won’t ever talk to me. I know I deserve it since that’s what I did to her but I was doing it so I wouldn’t take out my frustration on her. I’m still upset about my placement and didn’t want to take it out on her.”

“But ignoring her didn’t help either Hitoshi.” Dad chided.

“I know.” I heard Hitoshi huff and groan. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Give her time Tosh. She’s upset and needs time to work through it. Just like you did.” Papa comforted him.

“I just want to tell her how sorry I am.” He paused. “She thinks I don’t believe in her. That I’m not proud of her and what she’s accomplished. But I do and I am!”

“I know you are Toshi.” I Whispered before going to take my bath.

I had formulated a plan in my head while I was in the bath. A way that could make it easier on Toshi to speak his mind with me. I made it back into my room after making sure Toshi was still up. Like he would be asleep.

“Hey Hitoshi! Can you come here?” I called from my doorway. I went and sat on my bed as I heard his door open. He tentatively stuck his head in.

“What’s up, sis?” He asked. I was messing with my hair while I looked at him.

“Can you help me with my hair? I got a terrible knot and I can’t get it out.” I asked. He stepped into the doorway slowly.

“Are you sure you want my help? Why not ask Papa or Dad?” He scratched the back of his head.

“No. You know Papa is too rough since he has a head and roots of steel.” We both chuckled. “And I don’t want to ask Dad since he needs to rest for tomorrow and you know still bandaged up. Plus you’re the best at it, even though you have the shortest hair. I don’t know how that works. So please Hitoshi?” He sighed before nodding.

“Alright, Alright.” He cracked the door and walked over. “Let me see.”

“Right here.” I turned around on the bed and pointed to the spot.

“Dang. How did you do this?” He gently prodded at the knot.

“Mm. I don’t know.” I said while thinking back to the twisting, rubbing, and whatever else to purposely make a knot. We were quiet as he slowly and softly pulling the knot out. He left one time to get some detangler and a comb. When he came back he hit my back.

“Scooch over.” I moved forward on the bed so he could sit comfortably. After another few minutes of silence, he finally spoke up. “Hey sis.”

“Hmm?” I hummed in response.

“I just want to…” He sighed. “I want to apologize. I shouldn’t have shut you out. I shouldn’t have been cross with you and I should have been better about how proud I am of you. I just, I just was so mad about how unfair it was and the disappointment that there’s no chance for me to be in the hero course.”


“Wait, please Y/N. I need to say this.” He said while setting down the comb, finally done with the knot. He then grabbed the towel from around my neck and started to dry my hair. “I can’t express just how damn proud I am of you. You didn’t even think you would get a chance yet here you are a part of a hero class that’s already making history.”

“Oh I don’t know about that.” I whispered.

“I do.” He said as he let the towel drop. “I’ve been a terrible brother but I want to make up for it.” We sat in silence as he fiddled with my hair.

“You want to know how you can do that?” I felt him come to attention behind me.

“Yes.” I hopped around. I held up two fingers.

“Two things. Okay, three things.” I put up one more finger.

“Okay, what are they?” He raised an eyebrow.

“1. Don’t ignore me, please. I know you were… are upset but I want to help, be there for you. Just like I know you do for me. Okay?” He nodded. “Okay, 2. Don’t give up.”

“What?” He looked up at me confused. I smiled softly.

“Don’t give up on the hero course. You can get in.” He sighed looking down.

“But how? My quirk was basically useless in the entrance exam.” He looked up at me through his eyelashes.

“Yeeesss. You’re right."I said getting up. I skipped over to my desk and started digging around.

"Wow thanks, be more honest, why don’t you.” He deadpanned.

“Oh shush and let me finish.” I finally found the papers I was looking for. I skipped back and flopped down. “But the entrance exam isn’t the only way to get into the hero course.”

“It isn’t?” He asked, peeking at the papers.

“Unh uh.” I scooched up close and showed him the papers. “I’ve been doing some research. There are other chances to get into the hero course. Like the sports festival.”

“The sports festival?” He was even more curious now.

“Mmhm. You can prove yourself and your quirk at the sports festival. All the teachers are there and will be watching and so will a lot of Pros. The homeroom teachers have the power to pull a student from the other class if they think they’re worthy just like Dad has the power to expel an entire class.” His eyes got wider and wider with every word.

“ You’re joking!” He snatched the papers from my hands.

“Nope. Dad and Vlad King-sensei can transfer you out of General Studies. Though they have to transfer someone out to compensate. You could either be in Class 1-A or 1-B! But you have to know Dad is not going to be easy on you just because you’re his son.” I let the information hang in the air. I saw his eyes scan the paper furiously.

“There really is a way.” He looked up at me with a renewed sparkle in his eye. “Yes, yes, yes!” He got up and paced the room excited but stopped suddenly. “But there are so many people with better quirks than me that could get in and from what I heard, all of Class 1-A are impressive. There’s no way…”

“Hitoshi!” I got up and stopped him by the shoulders. “I can personally vouch that there are a couple that most of us would be happy if you replaced.” I shivered at the thought of the one. “Especially the grape.”


“Nevermind. Not important. What is important is that this isn’t like you. Where’s the Toshi I know? You can do it, I know you can.” I pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me.

“How do you know?” He asked. I pulled back.

“Because I… believe in you.” I poked his chest. He laughed but looked at me in thanks.

“Thanks sis. I needed that.” He sniffled a bit before shaking himself out. When he looked back up, I saw my brother back to normal.

“ You’re welcome. It’s what I’m here for.” I said before plopping back on my bed. He followed suit. He read over the papers again. I could tell he was deep in thought so I didn’t interrupt. Suddenly though, he lifted his head and spoke.

“Oh, what was the third thing?”

“Third thing?”

“Yeah. You said there were 3 things I could do to make it up to you. What was the third?” .

“Oh! Right.” I sat up and sat indian style. “Never and I repeat, NEVER change yourself for someone else.” I said earnestly. “Be who you are and nobody else. You are not a villain in the making, you are Hitoshi Shinsou. The soon to be hero in training. A total badass and the best brother in the world." 

"I, I… huh. I don’t know about that but…” He chuckled softly. He looked up at me before taking my hands. “I promise to not ignore you, to never give up, and to NEVER change myself and to always be who I am.”

“Good.” I said while squeezing his hands. “Now, you realize you’re going to need to start training to get ready for the sports festival.”

“Uhhh!” He groaned and threw himself back. “ You’re an asshole for bringing that up now. A straight up asshole.”

“Sorry.” I said unapologetically. He peeked at me with one eye and glared. I shrugged. He sighed and sat up slouched.

“You know your class has been the talk of the school the past couple days.” He told me. “It’s like you’re all celebrities. ‘The first year class that survived a villian attack.’ It’s annoying yet cool because I can say my sister is one of those students.”

“Shut up.” I hit him with my shoulder. “It’ll be old news soon.”

“I don’t know. It’s been a pretty big deal.” He insisted. I just laughed before a yawn forced its way out of my mouth. “Well I better let you get some sleep. Since your break ends tomorrow.”

“Yeah. I’m beat.” I stretched and went to grab my towel.

“I’ll take it back to the bathroom.” He said beating me to grabbing my towel. “Get some rest.”

“Okay.” I got under my covers. “Please try to sleep, Toshi.”

“I’ll try.” He said. He flipped my light off as he went out the door.

“Love you, Toshi.”

“Love you too, Sis.”

“Love you kids!!” We both jumped at Papa’s voice.

“Hizashi!” We heard Dad chide. We both laughed.

“Love you Dad. Love you too Papa.” We answered.

“Love you too. Now go to bed.”

*The Next Day*

Hitoshi and I walked together that morning, talking about what to do in prep for the sports festival until we had to part ways. The day went smoothly after the shock of Dad walking into the room. It was smooth until the end of the day and half of the first year class was outside our door.

“I heard Class 1-A was impressive but you just sound like an ass.” I covered my mouth trying not to laugh at my brother’s sass. He looked at me over Bakugou’s shoulder and gave me a ghost of a smirk. He mentioned the things I told him the night before and Bakuyou stormed off. The rest of the class was shook.

“Really?” I asked him as I met him outside. He cocked his head to the side. “Bakugou is already unbearable and you went and poked the Lion.”

“Sorry, not sorry.” He laughed as we walked home. “I meant what I said.”

“I know.” I said. “But not me right?” The question came out more meek than I meant for it too. I looked at me in worry and confusion for a second. It must have clicked in his head. He grabbed my arm to stop me.

“Of course not.” He assured me. “If they tried to replace you with me, I would say hell no. I wouldn’t do that to you.” He hugged me. “Plus, I don’t think Dad would let that happen. Since it’s his decision.”

“You have a very valid point there my dear brother.” I said jokingly. We laughed before a gasp caught our attention.

“He’s your brother?” A whiney voice made me groan. I turned to see Mineta standing behind us. “The asshole that threatened to take one of our spots?”

“Yes Mineta, this asshole is my brother.” I smirked. “Just wait till you find out who our Dad is.” We laughed as he paled. “Plus if he’s going to take anyone’s spot, it is going to be yours, grape.” I said the last word under my breath to where only Toshi could hear.

“You can’t do that!” He ran off crying.

“Watch me.” Toshi smirked.

“You know, you have a funny way of showing it.”

“Showing what?” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“That you’re not a total badass and the best brother in the world.” I grabbed his shoulders before jumping onto his back, He laughed, grabbing onto my legs as he walked us home.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

Why Did You Hide This? Pt. 1 - Hawks x Platonic!Reader

+You are the only child of a prominent business woman. You may be a young adult but your mother still has a tight grip on your life. There is an attack on your mothers business building while you are there. You and your mother both get hurt but you hide your injury when Hawks comes to help due to being a inconvenience to her. No matter how hard you try though, Hawks seems to notice something is off.

Chaos had consumed the building. Someone had set off either their quirk or a bomb in the building, causing bad damage. Parts of the building collapsed in. Thank god there was only 4 stories. Mom and I had been out on the balcony when it happened.

“Mom?” I called out as I pushed up and brushed rubble off of me. A stitch in my side made me pause a bit.

“Over here.” She yelled back. I went over and saw there was a piece of rubble pinning her down by her back. I ran over and somehow got the rubble off and turned her over. “Ow.”

“Crap. I need to go and find some…”

“No, do not leave me alone.” She grabbed my arm. Pain shot up and I gasped.

“Okay, Okay. I won’t go anywhere so just let me go.” She let go and I held the arm to my chest. I sighed in relief as the heroes showed up. I was kneeling and watching from my spot next to my Mother. She was groaning in pain from the wound that was on her side and expanded across her stomach.

“Please make sure they see you so they can come get me to the paramedics.” I looked down at her. I nodded. “ You’re alright, aren’t you? can’t have two of us hurt.” You would think it was sweet but I knew my mother. The underlying tone of annoyance in her voice told me otherwise.

“Yes mother.” I glanced down at the nasty cut on my arms and the one I knew was under my shirt. “I’m fine.” A shadow went over us and I looked up to see Hawks flying over. “Hawks! Hawks! Over here!” He paused in the air before diving towards us.

“Are you two alright?” He asked as he landed. I was about to answer but Mother get there first.

“No not really. I got hit in my side and stomach badly.” I stood back as Hawks knelt down to see.

“How about you?” He glanced back at me.

“They’re fine. They assured me. Please.” Again speaking for me again. I nodded and pulled down my sleeve as he looked over my mom.

“You know you are as handsome as they say.”

“Well thank you ma'am. I like to think I am.”

“Oh you definitely are.” I rolled my eyes.

“Alright, I’ll be right back. It’s not safe for me to fly you out with your injuries. I need to go get someone who is more suited. I can take you out though since…”

“No! I need them to stay with me.” Mom exclaimed. He paused but nodded.

“I’ll be back.” He stood up and told me. “I’ll be quick, I promise.” I nodded with a tight smile.

“Thank you.” I said before he took off.

“He’s dreamy.” Mom said.

“Mom.” I groaned. She waved me off. We waited and true to his word, Hawks came back quickly with help. They all got us out and to the safety beyond the fire trucks and ambulances. The paramedics immediately got to Work on my mom.

“Don’t get in the way, YIN. Let them do their jobs.” She told me while I was already standing out of the way. I nodded none-the-less and winced as my side throbbed. I turned to walk out of the way more. I sat down on some steps.

“Ow.” I whined and pulled down my sleeve. I flinched when the fabric stuck to the wound. My stomach turned when I saw marred flesh and blood slowly seeping from it.

“Hey kid.” I jumped, yanking the sleeve down. I turned to see Hawks walking towards me. He had a smile on but a questioning look in his eyes. “What was that?”

“Oh it was nothing.” I smiled. He raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. He stopped just in front of me. He held out his hand and made a motion with his fingers to give it to him. I hesitated.

“Now Kid. I just want to help.”

“My mom needs…”

“Your mom is being taken care of. Now I need to take care of you.” He held out his hand. I relented and set my wrist in his grasp. He sat down next to me and grabbed a hold of the fabric.

“Ah!” I flinched and tried to pull my arm away at the tug on the wound. He kept a tight grip on me.

“I’m sorry.” He went gentler this time and revealed the wound. “Shit, kid. Why were you hiding this?” He pulled the rest of the sleeve away and inspected it. He looked off towards where everyone was at. Suddenly a clean rag was floating in front of us and I saw a small flash of red. “This is going to hurt.” He pressed to the wound. I flinched but stayed put.

“You were right.” I bit my lip and he chuckled.

“Again why did you hide this? You said you were fine.” he chided. I looked down in shame. He sighed. “Are you going to tell me?” He asked firmly. I shrunk into myself. “Look Kid, I just went to help you. I’m going to go get some supplies and then fix this up. Okay?”


“Stay.” I watched him walk away before I looked at my mother. She was giving me an unhappy, questioning look. I just looked down. “Okay, here we go.” Hawks sat down again. He had with him some rubbing alcohol, ointments, and bandages. He got to work fixing my arm. A few whimpers, loud exclamations, and quite a few flinches later, he finished wrapping it.

“Thank you.” I said softly. He nodded but eyed me. “What?”

“Where’s the rest?” I was about to say there wasn’t anymore but he knew I would be lying. I slowly lifted my Shirt to show the wound I hadn’t even looked at. His gasp sent panic up my spine.


“Kid… you have talent to hide wounds like this.” He said. He gently reached up and ran his hand over the skin. I hissed and grabbed his wrist. “I’m sorry.” I looked away from him and saw my mother with a pissed off look. Hawks went to touch it again.

“I’m fine.” I said quickly. He wanted to talk but I didn’t let him. “Really, I am. Thank you for helping with my own but I’ll take care of the rest at home.” I hopped up and backed away. “I better go see my mom. See if she needs anything.”

“Kid. No, wait!” He tried to stop me.

“Bye!” I ran off.

To say my mom was upset was understatement. She yelled at me for distracting and taking up a pro’s time. I also got yelled at for lying and leaving her alone. When we got home, she told me to pick up the house so there was no chance of her getting tripped up and hurting herself more.

“I need to get this cleaned up.” I brushed my hand over my throbbing side. I nearly doubled over in pain when I did.

“YIN, I am going out.” Mom walked out of her room. I looked up at her in shock.

“What? The doctor said you need to take it easy and relax.” She looked at me like I had two heads.

“ Yes. Exactly. So I am going out with Lee to relax. So don’t wait up.” She looked through her bag for her keys.

“That’s not what he meant … Mom.” I went to walk up to her.

“I expect this to be done by the time I get back. Got it? Oh, and be careful with your arm, I Guess.” She waved her hand before walking out the door. I just stood there in shock. I looked around and sighed.

“I can’t believe…” I shook my head and went back to work. My side got worse and worse until I couldn’t even move without it hurting. I was dizzy by the time a knock on the door spooked me. “Coming!” I yelled and went that way. Just into the entrance hall, a wave of intense dizziness hit me. I fell into the wall with a thud.

“Kid?” I heard a muffled voice through the door. I went to walk forward but my legs wouldn’t work. I fell to the floor and black surrounded my vision. “Hey, kid? You alright?”

“Hawks?” I whispered.

“Hey what was that thud?” I turned over with great effort onto my back.

“Hawks!” I tried to yell. I took a big breath. “Hawks! Help!” I croaked.

“Shit!” I heard him mutter. I blanked out after that. I vaguely remember him breaking in the door and appearing above me. I also vaguely recall him asking when my mom was and me answering. After that, I completely blacked out.

It was Cute - Tamaki

+Everyone knows that Tamaki is a shy one. So when he got into the relationship with you, it didn’t change all that much. He was more open with you and wasn’t afraid to be more boisterous. You knew in the back of your mind, you would have to be the one to make the first move. When you do, that result you got was not what you expected.

The day was a easy-going one. No training, no classes, and no other people to be around. That was a good thing because Tamaki could finally fully relax and not have to be shy. Or at least as say is he is when he’s out in the world. He had invited me over to his dorm so we could spend time together. So, now I was lounging, my tail swishing around behind me, on a bean bag chair he had gotten me.

“He had doubled down on me after that. That kid is going to be a great hero someday.” Tama said from his bed. He was laying with head hanging over the edge.

“That’s amazing. Midoriya is definitely something else.” I agreed. I watched as he messed with a small little toy.

“Almost all of the first years are going to be great.” He flipped over and let his arms over the edge. I nodded but then made a face of disgust. “What is it, Honey?”

“Oh, nothing but a bad image in my head.”

“What? Of a few questionable members of the first years?” He said with a small laugh. I nodded with a grimace. I shook the thoughts from my head and focused on him.

“So what do we want to do today? I’m surprised I haven’t seen Mirio already.”

“He had plans today. He’ll be back later. I don’t know. Is there anything you want to do?” He got up and went to his desk. He pulled his jacket off the chair and on. “You said you wanted to go to that Aquarium that opened recently. You want to go now?” He asked softly. I nodded and got up.

“Sure, sounds fun.”

“Just one request.” I hummed in response. “ No eating the fish, honey. They are not food.” My mouth dropped open in disbelief.

“Hey! Just because I have a Cat Quirk doesn’t mean I want to eat fish all the time! I can’t believe… Tamaki!!” He laughed as he retreated out the door. I chased him all the way down to the common room before I jumped over him and cornered him.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry but it was cute!”

“Whatever… You can’t say anything either with your quirk and all… ” I blushed and turned to go get my shoes. We left quickly, both excited. The aquarium was very nice and Tamaki was doing very well too.

“Hey look there!” Tamaki called me over. I walked over and he reached out for me but retracted his hard quickly. He pointed into the tank. “It’s Kirishima!”

“What? Oh!” A shark swan by the glass. I laughed at his joke and he giggled quietly. He watched the sealife tank and I watched him. He was beautiful. I looked down at his hand. The same one that reached for me earlier. I sighed inwardly. We have yet to hold hands and I am getting antsy. I wanted to show this boy how much I care for him in every way possible but he was so shy I didn’t want to overstep.

“Honey? Is everything alright?” I looked up in surprise.

“Yes of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked.

“You signed. I just thought maybe…you were bored.” He looked down, hands in his pockets. He was closing in on himself. Oh No.

“No, no, no! I’m not bored. I promise!” I said hurriedly. I bit my lip. “I was just thinking about something.” He perked up a bit.

“About what?” He asked with a bit of resistance.

“Oh just about where we should go next. There are so many options. So many different exhibits to see.” I looked at the map in his hand.

“ O-oh! You’re right!” He said loudly. He looked around for a moment. “How about the underwater tunnel? The one that goes under the big sealife tank?” He said with excitement.

“Yes, that sounds perfect!” I agreed. He smiled big before ushering me in. I giggled and sighed in relief at the dodge of a bad moment. I hate seeing him upset. I glanced down at his hand again. I was tempted to just reach out and grab it but I thought it would be too much of a shock for him in the moment.

“Hey are you getting hungry?” He asked suddenly. I looked at him. He was kind of fidgety. He was getting very hungry. I chuckled.

“No, I’m not but I can tell you are. Let’s go.” I said. He blushed before leading the way. We found something he would find enjoyable. We were standing off to one side of the room and he nearly gobbled it down. “Is that good?”

“Um…” He blushed majorly. “Yes it is. Really good.” He admitted. A sound made my ear twitch and I turned to see a kid barreling towards us.

“Watch out Tama!” I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me. He stumbled but caught himself. The kid ran past and I noticed how close we were. I looked down at my hand and where it was on his arm. I slid my fingers down a fraction of an inch before taking my hand away completely. I groaned out loud in annoyance. I realized what I did and looked at Tamaki quick. He looked uncomfortable and unsure.

“Is everything okay?” He took a step back.

“Um…” I looked around and then back at him. His eyes were filling with worry. “Come with me, please.”

“Okay” He followed me out to a little courtyard. I took a few steps away from him. I gathered my barings. “Did I do something?”

“No! No, you didn’t.” I looked at him. “It was me. I just am a bit impatient I guess. To put it simply.”

“Impatient? For What?” He asked, coming closer. I tried to think of a way to tell him. I came up with nothing.

“Tama, you trust me right?” I asked. His eyes went wide.

“Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I? Is there something wrong? Did I do something to make you think I don’t? Did you do something that I shouldn’t trust you? Did…”

“No, no, no! Tama!” I quickly shushed him. “Nothing like that. I promise.”

“Oh, right. Sorry. Then of course I trust you.”

“Okay. Then please close your eyes.” He looked shocked for a moment before nodding. He did what I said. I let my tense shoulders relax before taking a big breath. I reach forward and grab his hand before either of us could back out.

“Wha…” We both froze. Surprisingly, Tama made the first move and lifted our joined hands to his eye level. “We’re, we’re, we’re… Hold..” He stopped talking completely.

“Holding hands?” I finished his thought. He nodded slowly.

“Yeah. That.” He whispered before I saw his eyes roll back into his head.

“Tamaki!” His grip locked around my hand and wouldn’t let go as he inevitably fainted. I swiftly grabbed onto him and lowered him to the ground. “ Oh no. Oh no. Oh nooo…” I tried to get him to wake up but nothing worked. I also couldn’t get my hand free. His grip didn’t hurt but I was really worried. I could feel the panicked mewls trying to build up in my chest. In the end, I called Mirio to help.

“There you are.” I looked over at the ball of sunshine that was Mirio.

“Thank god you’re here.” I said. He smiled. “I know you had plans today and I’m sorry for interrupting.” He warned me off.

“You didn’t. Don’t worry. I had just finished when you called.” He looked down at his best friend. “What happened?”

“I held his hand for the first time.” He laughed out loud.

“Our cute little shy cupcake Suneater!” He grinned wide. “Only Tama would faint over holding hands.”

“And he has a vice grip on my hand.” I lifted my hand to show him. He chuckled.

“So he does.” He reached over and was able to pry my hand free before throwing the um conscience men over his shoulder. “How about we get him back to the dorms?”

“Yes please."I insisted. We made the trip quick so we could get Tama to bed. It was over an hour later when he woke up. I sat up with a groan and looked around the room.

"What happened?” He asked.

“You fainted.” He blushed when he seemed to remember what happened. He flopped back on the bed groaning.

“I can’t believe I did that!” He exclaimed. “Who helped you get me back?”


“Oh thank god. Thank you for getting him and not someone else.”

“ Of course. I know you would have preferred him over everyone.” He nodded. I got up and sat next to him on his bed. He wouldn’t look at me. “Tama?”

“I’m sorry. That was so embarrassing. I can’t believe I fainted over holding hands with you. I have been waiting for that forever!”

“Really? You have?” He looked up at me quickly and sighed.

“ Yes, yes I have. Why wouldn’t I? I have the most amazing person in my life and I want to do all those couply stuff and I blow it on the first try! Damn! All because I an to timid.” He buried his head in his knees.

“You didn’t blow it Tama. It was cute because it was you.” He peaked at me. “I will admit I was surprised when it happened but wasn’t surprised that it did. It was you.”

“So you’re not disappointed?” I shook my head. He smiled and unburied himself completely. We sat there together in a comfortable silence. He tentatively reached out and took my hand. I squeezed it and placed my other hand over his. He sighed in contentment.

“We can move at your pace Tama but know I’m ready for anything with you.” I cupped his cheek. He nuzzled into my palm.

“Thank you honey.” He whispered, nuzzling in deeper.

Tag List: @spicy-therapist-mom@dxnaii-rxse@sxturn-stars@iris-shihabi

Safe, No Matter What.- Toga Himiko

Anonymous Request

Y/N is quirkless. After something happens, you finally reveal that your Junior High experience to Toga and that it was somewhat like hers except worse because you were quirkless so you got picked on for that as well, leading to you experiencing severe trauma. She comforts you and reminds you that you’re safe with her and she’ll do anything to keep you safe.

The day had been particularly hard on my shoulders. Hell, the week had, the past months had. I groaned while nearly slamming my head down on the counter of the bar. The sound of slight wisps came close. I peeked up to look at Kurogiri. I sighed and waved him off before setting my chin on my crossed arms.

“Okay.” He moved off. I looked around the room. There wasn’t many people here but enough here to fill the room with soft chatter. The door swung open to reveal a skipping Toga. I rolled my eyes and readjusted to place one arm under my head and the other tracing lines in the wood.

“You good for nothing hot-head.” I heard Shiggy yell as he and Dabi came in after Toga. I flinched slightly but mostly ignored it. They argued all the time so this was nothing new. It wasn’t until a glass was thrown and shattered against the counter next to me.

“Shit.” I yelped as I was hit with a few shards. I flinched when felt them cut and the blood start to run. I grasped onto the worse one on my arm, trying to hold myself together at the spark of memory. The two stormed off. Shiggy to his room while Dabi back out the door.

“Well that was eventful.” I heard Toga say in a chipper voice. “What?” I heard Kurogiri pull her aside. Everything felt like it was fighting its way to the surface as the pain increased in my arm. The anxiety, the pain, the emotional distress. The tears tried to push through. “Y/N!”

“What?” I snapped, pushing everything down. She came over cartwheeling before standing straight in front of me. She clasped her hands behind her back before swaying in place.

“What wrong?” The simple question sent a pang through my chest. I took a big breath before looking away.

“Nothing everything’s okay.” I said.

“No it’s not. Kurogiri said you were acting down and have been for the past couple of days. So I know somethings wrong. What is it?” She stared at me. I glared at Kurogiri before scoffing and getting up to leave the room. I speed walk to my room before slamming my door. I leant against it for a moment.

“Shit!” I yelled wiping the tears away. The blood on my arm caught my attention again. I groaned looking around for something to patch it up with. A knock on my door made me stop. I closed my eyes to gather myself before opening the door. Toga stood there holding up bandages, antiseptic, tools, and rags.

“I saw the blood on bar and the ground. I figured you need a little cleaning up.” She said in a soft voice. I nodded after a minute, relenting. She came in and sat on the floor next to the bed. I closed the door and sat in front of her. “Letting me see.” She made grabby hands.

“Fine.” I chuckled at her nature. I held out my arm and went bug eyed at the gash that was nearly the length of my forearm. I hadn’t looked at the actual wound itself. “Projectile glass.”

“Looks like it.” She said. She got the tweezers and started to take the glass out of my arm. My mind wandered to the past while she did that, bring my knees up to my chest.

I sniveled and gasped as I tried to get the glass out of my leg. I flinched every time I got close to the pieces. I threw my head back against the wall. I could still hear the other kids laughing, their words ringing in my ears.


“Good for nothing but being the teacher’s pet.”

“Too bad their good student and person nature is overshadowed by the unfortunate reality of being quirkless. They would get so far in life if they just had a quirk.”

“Go away, we don’t want to be associated with a quirkless nobody.” I dug my fingernails into my palms, trying to shake their words from my head.

“How about we help you leave? Huh?” Rough hands shoved my shoulders hard. I stumbled back and hit the glass window. It gave way under the force of the hit. Luckily, we were only on the first floor. I cried as I tried to get up from the ground. I could hear the teachers yelling at my classmates and for me to stay put. I didn’t listen and got up and ran off with them yelling after me.

“Y/N?” I looked at Toga startled. She had a worried look on her face, something I don’t see very often. She reached up and went to cup my face but I flinched back. She paused but didn’t bring her hand down. ”What’s going on, baby?”

“It’s noth…” The glare she gave me made me stop and sigh. “Just a lot of flashbacks. Painful ones.”

“Flashbacks about what?” She asked. She moved all of the supplies since she seemed to finish while I was spaced out and moved up next to me.

“Middle school.” I said. I resituated and leant back against the bed. “Didn’t have a too good time back then.”

“What happened?” She asked, eyes focused on me.

“Well I was made fun of,…a lot, for being quirkless. Obviously, but…my classmates took it very far. It didn’t matter how much of a good student I was, a good person I was. They were terrible to me. I was nothing but kind to them and they threw it back at me just because I am quirkless.” I said while I felt her snuggle up to my side, placing her head on my shoulder. I glanced over at her and saw her lick a little of my blood off her fingers. “Really?”

“Feel honored.” She shoot back with an amused smile.

“Whatever. But they are the reason I turned out the way I have. One day at school, they were being harder they usual. Yelling at me that it would be best if I just disappeared, never came to school, those types of things. Well, one of my ‘classmates’ decided he would take a stab at helping me.” I took a big breath, setting my head back on the bed. A tear slipped out. “He pushed me so hard the window I hit broke behind me and I fell out.”


“We were on the first floor but it still hurt. It still caused scars. All kinds.” I said. Tears were running freely now. “My parents never did anything about the bullying. So that day that happened I ran away. I didn’t go home, I didn’t go to the police, I just ran. Stowed away on a train and came here. Shigaraki and Kurogiri took me in for some reason, never knew why. I’m not much help with no quirk.”

“You’re plenty help. You are amazing at fighting. Like really good. You’re really, really smart. Do you realize how many of the strategies we use are one’s you came up with? Hell, the plan on the USJ back before I was a part of the League was a good portion you. Shiggy even said so. You do some much for the league!”

“I guess…”

“No guessing.” She hopped up and perched herself in front of me. “You are amazing. Those idiots don’t know what they were talking about.” She reached up and actually cupped my cheek this time. She pulled me forward to peck my nose. I gasped and froze. “Come on.” She pulled me up.

“Wha…” She shushed me before hopping on my bed. She got herself into a comfy spot before reaching for me. She grabbed my hand and yanked me onto the bed. She pulled me to kneel between her legs. A blush came over me.

“Oh, stop it.” She giggled and pulled me down on top of her. She set my head on her chest and set one hand on my head and wrapped the other arm around my shoulders. She started to trail her fingers through my hair and give me light head scratches. I relaxed on top of her when it finally hit me she was just giving my comfort.

“Mmm.” I cuddled into her, wrapping my arms around her as much as I could. She settled back into my pillows and hummed. Once relaxed, the first sob escaped my throat. I felt her hold grow tighter.

“You’ve also just been having a hard time lately haven’t you?” I nodded, burying my face in her neck. “Go ahead, cry it out.” And I did. It wasn’t a full, blown out ugly cry but I cried. I basically cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up some time later, I was cuddled into a sleeping Toga’s side. I sighed in contentment and nuzzled into her neck before sitting up to see it was the middle of the night. I sighed before gently pulling her head into my lap. I carefully undid her buns, pulling out the pins and hairbands. I ran my fingers through her hair.

“Hmm-mmm.” She groaned and flipped over in my lap, wrapping her arms around my middle. I chuckled and ran my fingers through her hair. She nuzzled my stomach. She then pushed up on her hands and looked up at me.

“What?” She just smiled before leaning up and pressing her lips against mine. I gasped but fell into the kiss. I tentatively set my fingers on her cheek as her lips moved against mine. As she pulled back, she nipped my lip. My eyes fluttered as they opened. I looked at her in awe.

“You are enough, Y/N.” She reached up and cupped my cheek, running her thumb across the cheek bone. “You inspire me every day. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Don’t be afraid to come to me if you need too. I’ll cuddle you, patch you up, or whatever else you need.”

“Thank you.” I whispered. She smiled and kissed me again. I hummed in delight. She couldn’t help but giggle and pull away. She wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me.

“I understand what you’re going through. I really do. In middle school is where everything went downhill for me too.” She pulled back. “Being put down for my quirk and how I acted with it for as long as I can remember, it hurts. When it came to middle school, I stopped letting them get to me.”

“And I am glad. I wouldn’t have you any other way, you crazy little vampire.” She laughed but calmed down when I yawned. She wiped the area under my eyes with her thumb.

“Come on, let’s go back to sleep.” I nodded in agreement. We laid down and she wrapped her arms around me. We got comfortable with the blankets pulled up to our chins. “Oh and if Shiggy or Dabi throws another glass in your direction, I will cut them. I promise I will keep you safe no matter what.”

“Works for me.” I laughed. She smiled wickedly before pecking my lips. It wasn’t hard to fall back asleep in her arms.

Honey? Too Tight. - Iida

First time trying to hold their hand. Does it go right or wrong?

Main MasterlistMHA Masterlist

+Everyone knows how Iida can be. No nonsense, by the book, and high morals. That has bled into your relationship. So in other words, you have never done anything, not even holding hands. You have been wanting to for a while and everyone knows it. With a little encouragement (ordering) from the others, it finally happens and it’s almost too much.

I groaned and flopped back on the floor. I let my arms fall open wide on the floor and closed my eyes. A soft chuckle made me open one eye to look at the culprit. My eye met the gaze of a pair of soft, dark blue eyes. Iida was sitting across from me with his head propped up on his hand. He looked back down at what he was writing.

“Come on. We need to be productive with studying.” He urged.

“But it can also be productive to take a break so you don’t overwork yourself.” I said right back. He laughs at my statement. I propped up on my elbows and looked at him.

“Fine, fine.” He put his hands up in surrender. “You are right.” He leant back on his hands and rolled his neck. I sat up before getting to my feet.

“Do you want something to drink or snack on?” I asked while popping my back. “I’m going to run down to the kitchen.”

“Water please and some granola too.” He chirped. I nodded and nearly skipped out of the room. I nearly knocked into Sato on the way out of the elevator.

“Opps. Sorry Sato!” I side stepped and walked through the common room before ducking into the kitchen. I stopped short when I saw Bakugo had Kami backed up against the wall. They looked at me frozen. I looked between them and just put my hands up. “I don’t want to know.”

“What?! We’re not doing anything!” Bakugo yelled at me. I just held my hands while walking to the pantry.

“It’s not…We weren’t…” Kami stuttered.

“This isn’t what it looks like.” Bakugo snapped.

“What you guys do in your own time is none of my business.” I said grabbing a couple of bottles of water with the granola box still in hand. I walked out with Bakugo yelling and Kami on the verge of short circuiting.

“Oh L/N!” I looked over and saw Uraraka waving me over. I went over and sat next to her. Her and Midoriya seemed to want to ask me something. “Soooo…have you broken the skinship wall yet with the hyperactive class rep?” I chuckled at the girl’s question. They were almost squirming while waiting for my answer.

“Well…” I started before shaking my head. They groaned and deflated. Midoriya threw himself back on the couch. I laughed at them. I went to saw something but was interrupted.

“What did you expect? They’re dating the ‘oh-so high morality standard loving’ member of our rinky-dink band of idiots. It’s going to be like moving a mountain to cross that border.” We looked at Sero as he talked. He punctuated his statement by chopping in his apple. I looked down a bit dejected.

“A bit blunt don’t you think, Sero?” Uraraka whispered.

“Sorry, L/N…” He mumbled. I nodded, looking back up sighing.

“You’re not wrong. He acts more relaxed with me than everyone else but still holds his firm morals.” I shrugged my shoulders. We all fell silent for a minute.

“Okay, I’ve had enough.” Mina screamed, scaring poor Kami who walked out of the kitchen, still blushing. He grabbed his chest in fear as Bakugo came up behind him unamused. “You!” She pointed at me.

“What?” She stalked up to me and got in my face. I backed up a bit.

“You are going to have to take the leader on this one, babe.” She smirked. “We all know how Iida is, as you two just kindly mentioned. He isn’t going make the first move to do anything remotely intimate. You got to take charge and do it. Got it?”

“Got it.” I smiled at her. “Thanks.” She smiled and gave me one curt nod.

“Now go. You’ve been down here for a bit and he’s probably wondering where you’re at.” She pulled me up and gave a light tap on my ass. I rolled my eyes and walked to the elevator.

“You know L/N…” I internally groaned when I heard the wheezy voice. I turned to look at the short male. “I would hold your hand or anything else whenever you wanted.” I winced before glaring at him. Scoffing, I gave a small concussive blast in his direction as I walked into the elevator. I heard him yell and hit the ground somewhere behind me.

“Crash and burn, Mineta. Crash and burn.” Sero laughed with others joining. I chuckled on the way up and shook off the disgust. I got off on the 3rd floor and quickly walked to Iida’s open door.

“Sorry! Uraraka, Midoriya, Sero, and Mina got a hold of me.” I said while handing him his granola and water. He chuckled. “And then I sent Mineta flying across the room.”

“L/N…” He sighed in warning and annoyance but his paused and looked up at me. I could see amusement, pride, and acceptance in his eyes. “Okay.” I smiled and happily plopped down in my previous spot.

We went back study a couple of minutes later, the only sound in the room being the sound of writing, crunching of Iida’s granola, and the AC kicking on. I stretched and my back popped. Movement caught my eye and I saw Iida hand set his hand down on the table. I rest my arms on the table and watched him. He was so focused and was none the wiser.

My eyes moved back down to where his hand was. I bit my lip think about what Mina said. I took a big, silent breath and lifted my hand. Iida looked up in that moment at me and I switched gears to scratch my chin. He looked back down and I tried again. Silently, I set my hand on top of his. I saw and felt him stiffen. I held my breath.

“I um…” He stumbled with his words before clamping his mouth shut. A soft grin grew on his face and so did a blush. He looked down but didn’t move away from my touch. I giggled and just started rubbing soft circles at the juncture of his hand and wrist.

“Iida?” He hummed before finally looking up at me. I cocked my head to the side and smiled. I saw the blush deepen and he quickly went back to his studying. I huffed at his choice. I looked back down at our hands again. I took my hand away and swore I heard a small noise of protest from Iida. I didn’t react but instead grabbed his hand.

“OhHhh damn…” He gasped and stalled. He dropped his pencil and cover his mouth. I was about to tell him to calm down and that it was okay but he beat me to it. He squeezed my hand back. It was my turn to blush. After a bit of us calming down and going back to studying. Unfortunately, he never let up on his tight grip.

“Honey?” He looked up at me in question. “Too tight.” He looked confused for a moment but his eyes widened. He ripped his hand back and started apologizing profusely.

“I am so sorry. I didn’t not mean to hurt you, L/N my dear. I…” He rambled on as I rubbed my fingers. I chuckled at him, amused.

“Iida, stop.” He froze. I reached across and grabbed his hand again. I grasped it again and folded his fingers to hold mine back. “You’re fine. I know this is new to you. A firm grip is not bad you just have to realize when your grip is too tight. There are also many different ways of holding hands.”

“Oh, that is good to know.” He said earnestly. He then gripped my hand firmer but not too much. “I am eager to learn them with you, my dear.” He gave me loving smile.

“I’ll be glad to teach you, Iida Honey.” I licked my lips and noticed his gaze immediately catch my movement. I looked away blushing before he went back to his books. I just laid my head down on my arm and rubbed circles with my thumb.

“I am curious though.”

“About what?” I looked up at him.

“How hard did you hit Mineta?” He looked at me through his eyelashes. I giggled furiously.

“I have no clue actually. I had thrown the blast behind me at him. I heard him scream as he flew before Sero said something like ‘Crash and Burn’. Everyone was breaking down in laughter as the elevator closed.” I explained.

“Well, good. He needs a little discipline if I do say so myself.” He smirked with his statement. My giggles bubbled up again and he joined me.


From My Past Life - Shigaraki Tomura

Help and Hide Series. Shigaraki Edition

Bakugo Ed.Kirishima Ed.Denki Ed.Todoroki Ed.Deku Ed.Shinso Ed.Iida Ed.Aizawa Ed.Tamaki Ed.Hawks Ed.Dabi Ed.

+ You are a villain with a tattoo quirk. You can touch someone and infuse “tattoo ink” into the body and control them until the ink wears away or they are rid of the ink by you. The more ink you infuse, the more time the person is under your control. After doing a small little job and walking away with no one the wiser, you attract the attention of an old classmate. Ignoring them, you hurry away. You spot a familiar black hoodie in the crowd and get help from them.

Glass and plastic shattered on the pavement. Yells and curses joined the rest of the noise. People were standing back and off to the sides, curious of what was going on. I swung my hand from side to side, directing the ‘crazy man’ on where and what to destroy next. Sirens blared as they got closer. Cop cars skidded to a stop on the street.

“Freeze and put your hands up!” They screamed. I chuckled and made him stop. The cops advanced on the man. I held him steady just until the cops were a few feet from him. I snapped my fingers to release him. He blinked awake.

“Wha-what’s going on?” He asked right before he was grabbed. I laughed as I watched from my spot against the building. I saw the man I had infected grow confused when the cops and heroes surrounded him and it was majorly amusing. I had made him trash a small hero office across the street just in time for said hero to return from lunch.

“Just too easy.” I said out loud. I grew bored as he was pushed into the cop car. I pushed off the wall lazily and walked down the street. I popped the gum in my mouth and stuck my hands in my pocket. I pick pocketed along the way and counted the cash as I came to a crosswalk.

“L/N?” I froze as someone called my name. Maybe someone else has my name here, yeah there definitely calling to someone… “Y/N L/N?” Well there goes that idea. I peeked off to my right where I heard the voice. I saw someone waving and I glance at them before turning away.

“Who…” The blue hair was familiar. I did another glance when they called again. “Oh shit.” I finally recognized them. It was a girl from my past life. She was a part of the friend group I used to have in high school. As soon as we graduated, I dropped off the radar. I was tired of the world I was living in. It wasn’t long after that I found the LOV. Well they found me. I had been assaulted and they found me in the alley where it happened. Ink slowly disappearing from the unconscious bodies in front of me.

“Is that really you?” They were close now. As soon as the cross walk opened, I moved quickly. I weaved through people and sped walk onto the sidewalk. “Hey, why are running?”

“Because I don’t want to talk to you dipshit.” I mumbled. I looked over my shoulder discreetly every now and again. They were still following me. I shook my head in annoyance and yanked my hood up. I tapped a person and they jerked and gasped as my quirk took control. “Distract the girl with blue hair.”

“Yes ma’am.” They stepped in between us. I popped around a corner and watched. She did everything she could to get away but the person counteracted everything. I darted to leave and snapped to release when I thought I was home free.

I sighed and relaxed as I walked again. I ran my fingers through my hair and flinched when a baby next to me screamed. I rolled my eyes and walked on. I couldn’t stand the sound of babies, among many things. I pulled out my phone and saw missed calls from Toga and Shiggy. I was about to call them back when I heard my name again.

“For fucks sake.” I looked behind me to see them again. They saw I was looking and waved eagerly. “Damn, relentless little bitch.” I groaned turned, nearly bolting down the sidewalk. I bumped into a few people. I was trying to think of a way to get away. I suddenly saw a familiar black hoodie out of the corner of my eye. “Yes!” I banked to the left and ran straight for him. I latched onto the arm of his hoodie.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?!” His raspy voice came out angrily.

“Relax Shiggy, it’s me.” I sassed while dragging him into an alley. He stopped fighting my pull and followed me. I stopped, my back facing the wall. I ripped off my hoodie and threw it off to the side leaving me in a flowy crop top.

“What are you doing?” I waved him off and shook my hair out. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into me. I wrapped my leg around his waist and pulled his face really close to mine. His hands landed on the wall next to my shoulders, finger on each hand held out.

“Just bear with me, okay?” I whispered. He didn’t say anything but his breathing was wavering and hard.

I wrapped my arms loosely around his shoulders and look out of the alley. I saw her turning and looking around frantically. She even looked in the alley at us but looked on. She finally walked away, slumped.

“Okay, they’re gone. You can…” As soon as I turned completely towards him, his lips pressed against mine hard. I made a sound of surprise. He pulled back within a few seconds. I stared at him in shook.

“You can’t just pull me in like that and expect me not to kiss you.” He smirked before leaning forward again. I met him this time, wrapping my arms tighter around his neck. I felt his hands move as the kiss became more heated. One ended up on my thigh as the other landed on the bare skin of my waist.

“Ep, you’re hands are cold.” I giggled against his lips. He smiled and pulled away a bit.

“Then you better warm them up.” He said before diving in again. We stood there and made out until his phone rang out annoyingly. He pulled away and groaned. He took a step back and let my leg fall. I shook the daze out of my head and pushed my hair back. I paused as soon as it hit me what I just did.

“Shit.” I said under my breath. I just made out with my boss. I looked at him as he talked on the phone. I smiled after a minute, touching my fingertips to my lips. He hung up and looked at me. I pulled my hand away and looked anywhere but him before smiling innocently.

“What? Can’t handle it?”

“Nope. That’s not it.” I said sheepishly. He smirked before reaching out and wrapping a hand loosely around my neck.

“Care to share? Huh, little miss Ink.” I shook my head teasingly. His red eyes glared for a second before he let go. “Fine have it your way. I will get it out of you one way or another.”

“You can try.” I said before pecking his lips quickly. I walked over to grab my hoodie and threw it on. I turned back towards him. He crooked a finger for me to come to him. I walked over and he grabbed my chin. “Sooo, why did you call me earlier?”

“You went to long without checking in. Was starting to think you got caught.” He said while looking over my face. “Apparently not.” He let go of my chin. “Don’t let it happen again.”

“Yes sir.” He gave me a glare.

“Don’t call me that.” He scratched his neck. “Come on let’s get back to the bar.” We walked in silence back to the hideout. I was about to walk in when he pulled me back. “Why did you pull me into the alley?”

“Oh, a person I knew in high school was trying to follow me and talk to me. I had been trying to lose her for blocks but she was determined. So I pulled you in to help me hide.” I confessed. He nodded while looking down the street.

“Alright. Now come ‘hide’ in my room later. There are a few things we need to talk about.” He said simply before walking into the bar without me. I just stood in shock until I was hit in the back of the head. I glared at Dabi.

“Why are you just standing there?”

“None of your business, burnt bacon bits.” I sneered before walking inside, on pins and needles.



Happy Halloween!

Scenario: You encounter a strange but friendly werewolf named Keigo Takami.

Art Work Belong to Kadeart! Check Out Her Halloween Shop and Art! Links down below!


Tumblr: https://kadeart.tumblr.com/

Your week was an absolute nightmare. Nothing seemed to go the way you wanted it to. From your parents forcing you to take a different major in university, to your boss making you stay overtime while not paying you for that extra time and finally you dumped your now ex-boyfriend for always trying to control what you wear. He wanted you to be presentable in front of his friends. No sweatshirts, no sweatpants, no slides and most certainly no graphic t-shirts with your favorite band on them. Even your supposed friends thought you looked ugly in regular clothes.

Everything in your life lately was so….controlling. Like you couldn’t breathe without asking someone for permission or you had to walk on eggshells with what you said or else you will be harassed for the next few weeks about the thing you said. You just needed a break and that’s exactly what you did.

You packed a weekend’s worth of supplies for a camping trip. You used to take these kinds of trips with your grandfather before he passed away. It had been ages since you went camping and with all the stress threatening to give you a heart attack, it was for the best. Your cellphone would remain on silent mode, you would be all alone and you would just be surrounded by nature. It was going to be perfect.

The tent was all fixed up as you finished setting camp up. You were about eighty feet from the cliff where you could get a good view of both the sky and the trees below. Everything up here was so beautiful and lovely. You should just live up here forever. No nosey parents, no overbearing boss, no judgemental friends and no scummy ex-boyfriend who couldn’t even take no for an answer. From here, everything seemed perfect as the sun began to set. 

You began to grill the skewers for your Pineapple Habanero BBQ Chicken Kebabs when you heard a very distant howl. You could tell that it was a wolf but the howl could be ten miles away for all you know. Thankfully you had your knives, pepper spray and bear spray in case something like this were to happen. However, you weren’t going to let a lone wolf ruin your trip.

Eventually, night time came by as looked up at the stars. Mapping out the constellations in the sky and recounting their stories from what your grandfather used to tell you. It was times like this where you missed him deeply and wanted him right here. With a huff, you crawled into your tent to try to get some shut sleep. Snuggling against the soft wool blanket as you closed your eyes to sleep. 

About ten minutes later, you heard another howl but this one sounded much closer. It also sounded much more deeper than a normal wolf howl. You carefully grabbed a switchblade and pepper spray in your hands as you listened closely for any sounds. Then, a snort was heard from right beside your tent. You could feel yourself become petrified with fear. Something was right outside your tent and you could hear the crunching noise as it walked around your camp area. 

You then heard someone speak. “Damn it, I thought there was chicken nearby! Was I too late?”

That voice made you falter for a second. That was a person? Well what about the wolf howl you heard earlier? Were you hearing things? 

Carefully, you slowly zipped up the tent to get a peek at the stranger. He has feathery ash blond hair swept messily backwards with some of the front tufts sticking up in arcs above his head, notably thick eyelashes, and some faint stubble on his chin. His eyes are golden brown and rather triangular in shape, with two little black triangles just below his tear ducts, making his eyes somewhat resemble those of an animal. What really stood out however were the two fluffy ears on his head that matched his hair. And the big sweeping tail that resembled a wolf’s tail.

Suddenly, the man’s eyes darted to you and you quickly zipped the tent back up. Getting your pepper spray and switchblade up for defense. You could hear him coming closer and closer to the tent. Then, he was right in front of it. Then you heard a light tapping noise on the tent as if he was knocking on a door.

“Hellllloooooo? Anyone in here?” he mocked.

What did this strange man want with you? Why did he have animal like features on his body? 

“Look! Just go away! I don’t have anything!” you shouted.

“Sure you do. I can smell it clear as day. I want some chicken.” he responded casually.

You probably had the most dumbfounded expression on you right now. This….wolfman wanted the chicken you saved from earlier when you ate? Was he messing with you?

“I’m hungry. It’s not often I can eat some chicken. So how ‘bout it? I won’t bite.” he smirked mischievously.

You groaned at the lame joke but contemplated about what he said. Maybe if you gave him the chicken, he’ll leave you alone.But he could be doing this as a way to distract you before he eats you. Then again, if he wanted to eat you, wouldn’t he just do it now?

“Well?” he prodded.

“Hold on! I’ll get your chicken!” you sighed in aggravation.

“Thanks! You’re a real swell gal! By the way, I’m Keigo Takami! Friends call me Hawks sometimes! How ‘bout you?” he inquired.

Keigo was awfully chatty for someone who just showed up and demanded for chicken. You went through your cooler and brought out the tin foil chicken. Then opened the tent and shoved the chicken into his chest before zipping the tent back up. There was silence for a moment before he spoke again.

“It’s cold. Can you cook it up for me?” Keigo requested.

“You asked me for the chicken and I gave it to you!” you snapped.

“But cold chicken is gross! I want it to be hot and toasty! Please make some for me!” he whined.

You gritted your teeth. Now you weren’t scared of this man, you were annoyed that he was pestering you to make him some chicken. Whatever God existed, they were testing your patience. Unzipping the tent you poked your head out through it and grumbled.

“If I make you the chicken, will you leave me alone?” you questioned hotly.

“Sure! I haven’t had a home cooked meal in ages!” Keigo smiled.

Keigo’s eyes lit up at the prospect of you cooking him a meal and his tail wagged back and forth like an excited puppy. You cursed at yourself internally for thinking that he looked cute. All you wanted to do was sleep and here you were with his guy. 

You began to arrange the logs and wood shavings onto your fireplace to start with the cooking. Grabbing the kindling, you began gently pouring it on the wood as the man behind you watched carefully. Then with a fire stick, the camp fire began to spread as you grabbed some skewers for the chicken to start cooking up.

“Wow! You’re really handy! Say, I never did get your name!” Keigo reminded.

“It’s (Y/N).” you answered while putting the chicken on skewers.

“That’s a pretty name for beautiful girl like you!” he purred.

You blamed your red cheeks on the fire and not the compliment he just gave you.

“So whatcha doin’ out here? Not many humans come out here!” Keigo wondered.

You glanced at him as you saw his tail and ears once again. 

“And what exactly are you?” 

The question finally slipped.

“Oh! I’m a werewolf! I just couldn’t sleep! So I went for a walk and found you way out here by yourself.” Keigo explained.

Wait, he just admitted to you that he was a werewolf. He didn’t seem to be upset by this fact, he actually seemed quite happy.

“So you live out here by yourself?” you asked.

“Yup! I live about twenty miles away on the private property! Below the cliff is all my territory!” he beamed.

A part of you couldn’t believe what was happening. You were talking to a werewolf. A very talkative but handsome werewolf who didn’t seem to mind your presence at all. He looked quite delighted to actually have someone to talk to.

“So why are you out here?” he redirected the conversation back to his earlier question.

You looked at the fire and chicken while thinking about everything that’s happened so far. You didn’t know why you felt compelled to tell Keigo everything but venting your frustrations out wasn’t such a bad idea to you.

“Life sucks. People suck. I just want to escape from everyone. Even if it is for only two days.” you shrugged.

“Ah, people. Guessing they’ve all been a bunch of assholes to you?” he inquired.

“You have no idea! And it’s not just my parents, everyone’s been driving me crazy! My so called friends picking on me because of what I decide to wear!  Saying that I look like a slob who’s never going to get laid! My ex-boyfriend kept pressuring me to have sex with him but I kept turning him down! He couldn’t even kiss well! I can’t imagine how bad having sex with him would have been! He probably would have ended up putting it in the wrong hole! My boss would rather scold me for hours about what I did wrong, rather than try to give me hints on how to approve! And my parents keep wanting my life to work in favor of their life! I’m not even going to university for what I want to do! I’m doing what they want me to do! It’s just…so frustrating!” you ranted.

There was a moment of silence behind you before you heard chuckling. Keigo was trying to hold in his laughs as you glared at him. He waved his hands to try and appease you.

“N-N-No! I-It’s not you! I-It’s just…hahaha! You roasted them better than that fire on my chicken! You’re hilarious! Especially, that ex boyfriend of yours! When you said he would put it in the wrong hole! Hahahaha!” he laughed wildly.

You couldn’t help it, you laughed as well. His laugh was contagious and it’s been awhile since you had a real good genuine laugh. Eventually, though the meat was all cooked and you handed him the skewers to eat off of. His hands were pretty warm and they felt nice when you gave him the chicken. He began feasting on the chicken and his tail began wagging once more.

“This is really good! Like really damn good! I’m used to microwave meals! You really know your stuff (Y/N)!” he praised.

“Oh stop it!” you nudged him with your shoulder.

“Seriously! Wish I could do half as good as you! Where did you learn to cook like this?” Kego wondered.

“My…my grandfather. He passed away a few years ago and we used to go camping all the time. He loved it.” you admitted sadly.

Hawks ears dropped. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. I just miss those days when I had fun and was being restricted by everything and everyone.” you shake your head.

Keigo’s gaze then turned into a contemplative one. Like he was searching your eyes for a hidden answer you didn’t have. Then he spoke up.

“Okay….this might sound super crazy. But….would you like to stay with me?” he asked.

You stared at him in bewilderment and confusion. He offered for you stay with him? This had to be a prank. He was pulling your leg. 

“I know it’s crazy! But hey, I’m kind of lonely living out here in the forest by myself and you seem like you could use some better company! I know I’m a werewolf but I swear I’m not aggressive! I still have my human mind when I transform! It’s just I look different! I…I sound really insane! I get it! I really do! But…But if you want to get away from everything…there’s no where better to do it than here! I won’t charge you for rent or anything either! You’ll have an entire woodland area all to yourself!” Keigo offered.

You mulled over his words for a moment. You were planning on moving out from your “friends” apartment on Monday. Even though the last place you wanted to go was, back to your parents’ house. Besides, university hasn’t started yet for you and you could quit your job as well. Plus, you highly doubt your ex-boyfriend would try to keep begging for you to come back to him if you lived all the way out here. 

You knew you had just met Keigo. You knew it sounded crazy. But at this point you were tired of being chained in everyone’s restraints and trying to meet all their expectations. You wanted freedom. 

“Alright, Takami. You convinced me to be your roommate.” you nodded.

His tail wagged excitedly and he jumped up on you like a happy dog whose owner just came home. However, Keigo realized what he did and backed off.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean to!” he apologized.

This was going to be interesting.


So about a month goes by and you can safely say that living with Keigo was the right call. Your parents threw a tantrum that you wouldn’t go to university so you can study for something they wanted you to study. Your boss flew into a rage over your resignation. You even got rid of your old phone so your ex-boyfriend couldn’t contact you anymore. It was great.

Keigo was a charming man who always knew how to make you laugh and in return, you made him laugh as well. He showed you around the forest. Spots that you should watch out for like some slippery slopes by the waterfall but also beautiful sights like a meadow full of flowers. Keigo enjoyed nature as much as you did, so the two of you quickly bonded over your little adventures together. You tried setting up a garden to grow strawberries and peppers as well. Something you always wanted to do but were never allowed to do so.

Keigo went hunting a lot and brought back some meat for you cook. His fridge used to be microwave dinners but now he’s eating like he’s visiting a free restaurant. There’s also times he likes to mess with you. Like tickle your nose with his soft fluffy tail and you would sneeze all over your dinner. There were times when he was sweet though, like that time you scraped your knee by the river and he bandaged it up right away.  

Safe to say, you were falling for the werewolf.

The two of you were outside viewing the stars. You kept explaining to him the story about the Greek Gods that the stars were based off of. 

“Andromeda was chained to a sea-cliff to be devoured by the sea monster. promised to rescue Andromeda if her parents would allow him to marry her. Cassiopeia and Cepheus accepted. Perseus killed the monster and freed Andromeda. Then they-.” you stopped when you noticed something.

Keigo was looking at you deeply. His eyes bore into you like he was hypnotised and he had a dreamy smile on his face. You lost your train of thought as you gazed at him. Your face was starting to flush red as he began stroking your cheek softly. A growl erupted from his body when he felt how soft your skin was.

“You’re so beautiful. I don’t know what I did to meet someone like you but I’m glad I did.” he whispered.

It was then that he rolled over on top of you. He began inhaling your scent, it smelt so lovely like you. He loved looking in your eyes and seeing your face. He couldn’t hold himself back.

“(Y/N), I’m crazy for you. I….I love you. I know I might sound kind of pathetic but I don’t care. I love you and I want you to be mine.” Keigo informed.

Your heart began to soar as you gazed into those beautiful eyes. The ones that made the world a better place by just looking into them. You could feel his tail wagging back and forth as you placed your hands on his chiseled jaw. Then you leaned in to softly place a kiss on them. He kissed you back as the two of you, interlocked your lips with one another. 

Everything was finally falling into place.

You two began passionately kissing each other. Your tongues dancing together as you lost yourself to Keigo. You two eventually pulled away with a trail of saliva dripping from your mouth. You sighed when Keigo all of a sudden grunted his nose down onto your shorts, making you squirm. You weren’t even certain what he was endeavoring to do, nor might you be able to force yourself to mind how great it was.

Everything appeared to go wild, one thing rapidly prompting another, your shirt was torn into shreds and gone some time in the past, your shorts tore and ate down, your knickers awry elsewhere, your heart throbbing a lot than the heat between your thighs. 

You feel everything except for dread, just need to feel the fill of a beast inside you.

Keigo began taking off his clothes until he was naked. He looked gorgeous. Absolutely stunning from his muscles to his dick. With both of his strong hands at either side of your head, his extended long nails almost connecting more than six inches, his sharp teeth having a huge number of columns before settling down to four on the rooftop and ground within its mouth.

They’re long, sharp and prepared to eat up you at any minute. He looked so feral and untamed. He was so handsome like this. His eyes never fall off your face as you let out a cry, neck extended out impeccably for him to jump down in, and head hurled out with exertion as your yell transmitted into the empty shadows of the night.

Keigo the werewolf was not quite the same as some other experience, not from his absence of being human, however his titanic size erect rooster, being frightfully profound and figuring out how to give you a climax that went past the normal.

Each push and snap of his teeth demonstrated it’s predominance, as though staying alert that you had the hankering to be constrained into accommodation, as though he knew your naughtiest musings that made you trickle. Your hips were lifted off of the ground, being completely upheld and held by Keigo’s pleasurable pole.

“Yes!” Your breathing was out of sync, the surge, the twist of feet, the warmth and peril of knowing how close it’s teeth were to really cutting your jugular, the exceptional happiness, your very own groans and the smell of excitement extending into the air and faltering you up into a casing. Abruptly, his thrusting turned into pounding, crashing into you for additional pleasure. Resolved to obey and stay silent, you angled your head back and drove your hips back, attempting to gather however much joy from it as could reasonably be expected. The man above you was growling deeply as his hips continued to bury into yours. 

“Damn it,” he snarled generally, his pushes getting more diligently, more profound, and progressively capricious. “You feel so…so fucking good! Fuck!”

“Cum for me,” he murmured, generally gnawing my neck. Ending our lovemaking, you let out a loud groan of joy and of fixing, feeling yourself come around him, your body giving up. The majority of my pressure was discharged in a solitary, orgasmic development. Your juices splashed his length, the outdoors smelling thickly of musk and desire. Delight emanating all through your body, he rode you through the consequential convulsions that pursued, the little climaxes and knocks of positive sentiments that he would hit until I turned out to be agonizingly oversensitive.

It felt so good, you could have sworn you had been split into two at that exact second, how quick and improvise had all of a sudden quit, leaving you both in quietness. The hot semen that stroked at your thighs, came into the split of your butt and even sputtered out the ground was put away for such a long time, you could feel the littlest consume.

“Nnngh…” You snarled, snapping your head to the side as you felt your nails become numb, a sensitive close to feeling beginning to shape out from your hands as you delved them into your palms, feeling your heart almost stop when you understood paws were scratching into your skin. 

Keigo was in his full werewolf form. He looked so feral yet beautiful like this. His fur shined like the moon and his eyes were like the glittering stars above you. 

Your ears consumed, going close to hard of hearing for a moment until your entire body started to shake, hearing your very own battered breathing as you clung to the beast above you, covering your hurting face into it’s chest as you completely changed.

The wolf above you limited its long neck down, appearing as though to accept you into its hold onto as you let out an amazing cry, an entire weight over coming you as tears gasped the canvas of your cheeks. You took a stab at battling back yet all endeavors wound up fruitless.

And afterwards, it was finished.

You didn’t fully understand that you were keeping down a full breath, however when you fell back and enabled your long tongue to gasp out of the sharp columns of teeth in your mouth, your delightful changed eyes shut, the gargle of your own tail and the natural fragrance of a soothing smell.

At the point when you moaned when the inclination washed over as help until you understood.

The sound of a doggish cry originating from your throat, you set out to squeak a dark looked at edge open, your vision more clear in obscurity and feeling increasingly alert.

You were now a werewolf just like Keigo. You were his mate.

Glaring at Keigo you snarled at him. Not necessarily angry but you weren’t over the moon about discovering this. However, your noises stopped when you noticed Keigo with his head down and his drooping tail. He probably didn’t know this was going to happen and was now worried you would despise him for it. A small whimper escaped him and you urged yourself to comfort the one you love.

You wanted to hug and console him but your instincts made you console your mate differently. Rubbing your long furry neck against his own and you nuzzled against him. You began noticing his tail slowly wag back and forth as he felt your comfort. You could smell him so much more now. He always smelled nice before but now his scent was that of heaven itself to you. 

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
