#boko no hero academia


Shinso: from now on, dad, if anyone laughs at you, they’ve gotta go through me.

Present Mic: really? anyone? what about the Hulk riding a rhinoceros? would you stop him from laughing?

Shinso: wait, is the Hulk laughing, or the rhinoceros?

Present Mic: both, but the rhinoceros doesn’t know why. he just tries to fit in.

Kaminari: *mad bc Aizawa told him to stop playing guitar at 3 am* it’s a good thing you weren’t John Lennon’s teacher.

Aizawa: if I were John Lennon’s teacher, he’d still be alive.

Tetsutetsu: I think it’s pretty sexist of you to say a dad can’t stay home with his children.

Kendo: you know what else is sexist, the phrase “suck it,” yet here we are.

Aoyama: if not your kids, who’s gonna be friends with mine?

Deku: they will find other friends.

Aoyama: oh, sure, because Iida’s DNA plus my DNA equals a kid who knows how to make friends. grow up!

Bakugou: hey, you look good today.

Kirishima: what happened? what’s wrong? just tell me. I can take it.

Bakugou: nothing, I just felt bad about being mean to you, so I’m being nice.

Kirishima: oh, okay. sorry, I wasn’t ready for it. try again.

Bakugou: you look handsome.

Kirishima: nope, still freaking me out.

Aoyama: I had to stop at Midoriya’s and help him solve string theory.


Aoyama: yeah, it turns out the answer is knots.

Iida: that’s cute, but you can’t have knots in more than four dimensions.

Aoyama: ummm, you can if you consider them sheets *walks away*

Iida and Todoroki:?!?!?!

A Christmas Iida for a friend!

A Christmas Iida for a friend!

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