#book hangover


Got my Pfizer booster shot yesterday, so between the fever and the body aches this has pretty much been my weekend.

This book has given me all the feels. I have a pile of “to be read” books but can’t start on them because of this novel.

I’ve been in a reading frenzy this past month, here’s what I’ve actually finished.

Piranesi is the most recent book I’ve read, and I’ve got the biggest book hangover now. Review coming soon, cannot recommended it enough. Drop you current reads and recommendations, cozy book season has officially begun.

I honestly can’t remember the last time I did a book review. I do know that there have been several books I have read between my last entry and now, but this…this is the book I just had to post about.

This last year had been a doozy, not just myself but for the entire world. As a health care professional, I’ve struggled mentally, emotionally, and physically with the stress of working during a pandemic. As such, I’ve been grappling with what I want out of life and what direction it’s taking. And in doing so, certain regrets have surfaced and forced me to confront them.

Haig’s writing is mesmerizing, combining amazing story telling with philosophy without becoming overly weighed down. In a world where there has been so much sadness, I am so grateful to have had the chance to read a book that exudes hope and the promise of life itself.

I finished this book in a day, partially because it’s only 288 pages, but mostly because it’s just that good. I can’t recommend it enough, and am so happy to give it a place on my favorites shelf.

As always, recommendations much appreciated!

Not to be dramatic or anything but I finished ALL FOR THE GAME trilogy and now I don’t know what to do or how to feel.

  • Do I wanna Cry
  • Re-read it
  • Or just lay down and question my existence and inability to savor a good book



I need a book hangover recovery manual for every time I finish a series

I can’t handle all this grief by myself

you know when you really want to read a new book but you also want it to be JUST LIKE this other book you finished but not exactly the same but similar but still different but with the same vibes but completely new? yeah.
