#book tag


I was tagged by greatmindreadalike:)


1.Always post the rules

2.Answer the questions the person who tagged you wrote and write your 11 new questions.

3.Tag 11 new people. 

4.Tell them you’ve tagged them.

5.@ me so I can see your answer.


1. The last book you read and what you thought of it?
I can’t remember the last book I’ve finished. :( I hardly ever finish a book lately.  Been busy with school stuff :/

2. Future-set or history-set?
I haven’t read history-set books much so I’ll go for future-set. But I’m willing to read future-set books soon.

3. Do you read the book or watch the movie first?
Either. Either way, I’ll get disappointed when there are too much differences between the book and movie.

4. All time favourite?
Love Story by Erich Segal :)

5. Favourite book mum?
Mrs. Weasley of Harry Potter :)

6. Best female protagonist and best female 
I think I like almost all of them in the same level, so I can’t think of any.

7. Best male protagonist and best male antagonist
Protagonist: Percy Jackson
Antagonist: none

8. Which character do you relate to the most?
I hardly relate my self to any character. I tend to veer away from my true identity whenever I’m reading, so I can’t think that the characters are like myself.

9. Can you read multiple books at once?
I tried but the results were not that great.

10. What time of day do you read most?
At night, when my mind is more active.

11. Recommend one book and why.

Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. It is fantasy, adventure, and love story all rolled into one :)

I can’t think of any more questions to ask. I’ve already did this a lot of times. I just can’t help but to answer the questions given to me though. :))) anyone can answer the questions I have answered here :>

book tag

Guilty Reader Book Tag

I’ve tracked this tag across a few different blogs before I finally found the original video and creator. It’s from ReadLikeWildfire. I really like these kinds of tags, because you get to know the blogger behind the posts. I like talking about myself and my book habits, there’s a free guilty reader confession for you! Let’s dive right in and if you like this tag, consider yourself invited to join…

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layaart:Wyatt and Briar from The Witch King! ✨


Wyatt and Briar from The Witch King! ✨

Post link

Guilty Reader | Book Tag

Hi, beautiful people of the bookish community! It’s me again, an unorganized and unmotivated adult with a mountainous pile of TBR and books to review. So here I be with another book tag! I’ve been tagged by the lovely Aly of Alys in Bookland.

The rules of this book tag is easy: I’ll just have to answer 10 bookish questions that will be answered by the level/feelings of guilt you have…

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Took a break from reviews for the Get To Know Ya #booktag! Thank you for the tag, @Hamad9626! Tagging: @alysinbookland, @pagesandcc, and @starryskyxandra

Heya! It’s my first time doing a bookish post that aren’t reviews and it’s going to be a book tag. I was tagged by Hamad of The Book Prescription and will tag my new mutuals as well!

I’ve been in the blogosphere for years, but have only decided to be SERIOUSLY active and interact with fellow book nerds like me for the past few weeks. To my new mutuals, hi there! Get to know me with the help…

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The Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag: 2021 Edition

The Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag: 2021 Edition

It’s Book Tag time.
It’s that time of year; I’ve spotted this tag around quite often recently so yes, the Mid-Year period is here again.
I’ve enjoyed many of my recent reads, so here’s to remembering a few of them in the Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag.
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2021:
I’ve read some great books so far this year so I don’t think I can pick just one for this. I must…

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The Finally Fall Book Tag: 2021 Edition

The Finally Fall Book Tag: 2021 Edition

Its Book Tag time. What better way to enjoy my favourite season than with an autumn themed tag? It’s Finally Fall! This tag was created by Alina on her booktube channel Tall Tales.
It’s become something of a tradition on the blog to complete this tag each year; I’ve done it at least a couple of times before, but I always think there’s still room for another autumn-themed post, so here it is, same…

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The Finally Fall Book Tag: 2021 Edition

The Finally Fall Book Tag: 2021 Edition

Its Book Tag time. What better way to enjoy my favourite season than with an autumn themed tag? It’s Finally Fall! This tag was created by Alina on her booktube channel Tall Tales.
It’s become something of a tradition on the blog to complete this tag each year; I’ve done it at least a couple of times before, but I always think there’s still room for another autumn-themed post, so here it is, same…

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Heyoo, it’s my very first authortube video!

I started with the iWriterly Authortube Newbie Tag to introduce myself

(Today I’ll also be working on my Preptober vlogs! So keep an eye out for that, too! I’ve got great things planed for my NaNoWriMo vlogs!) 

I hope you all enjoy!

#writing    #writer    #writerblr    #author    #authorblr    #authortube    #writertube    #writing vlog    #nanowrimo vlog    #nanowrimo    #youtube    #youtuber    #amwriting    #writing community    #writingcommunity    #creative writing    #kristen acres    #kristenacres    #masked    #writing tag    #iwriterly    #i writerly    #newbie    #book tag    

That’s right, it’s book tag time! I’ve got a question tag for Little Birds by Hannah Kidder. (Links at the bottom) 

For those of you who don’t know, I’m on the street team for this collection, so I’ve been able to read it over before its release date. You should definitely check it out!

What’s your favorite story?

I think my favorite is Dear Emma. It’s the first story in the collection and it’s so sad, but so good. It really hit me where I didn’t expect it to. 

What character did you relate the most to and why?

Laini from An Envelope. Probably because I, too, tend to read into things very deeply.

What’s your favorite line?

“Hard to tell if ashes have been opened or not.”

I would tell you which story it’s from, but unfortunately #spoilers, so you’ll just have to read it yourself ;)

Did you cry/how long did it take you to cry?

I actually didn’t cry, which is REALLY surprising, because I am a soft, squishy person when it comes to sad things, and this collection had some really sad stories in it. Hannah Kidder has a way of making you care about a person in less than a page and making their emotions and circumstances feel important and real.

I think the reason I didn’t cry is because for the most part, they always had a thread of hope to them. They always had an element of someone moving on or trying to make things work.

What’s your favorite title?

What Remains. I think it really encompasses the story well, but I also like the play on words with “Remains”. I think the dual definitions of “what is left behind when something is gone” and “corpse/dead thing” really tie neatly into the story.

Describe Little Birds in 3 words.

  1. Bittersweet
  2. Melancholy
  3. Nostalgic

If you could give it a subtitle, what would it be?

Little Birds - Sad stories for every occasion

What image stuck with you the most?

I feel like it changes depending on my mood. Right now I’d say it’s probably the scene in Cane Sprouts where the grandkids are messing around with a old busy games. The grandfather is asleep in his chair and the grandmother is in the kitchen making lunch, and the cousins are just sitting around, catching up, playing around with the puzzle games they used to play as kids. I don’t know, man, it’s just really nostalgic and I really resonate with it.

Who would you recommend this book to and why?

I would recommend Little Birds to anyone that loves contemporary fiction and angst. The book has a very melancholy feel overall, but it’s done in such a way that it always feels soft and poetic. I’d also recommend for fans of first-person stories, as the majority are written in that style.

Hannah Kidder’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/HannieHee

Little Birds on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41216866-little-birds

Little Birds on Amazon: [X]

Только сейчас появилось время выполнить данный тэг, за который благодарю @kamila-farkheeva&@linacarstairs

1. Как ты помнишь о книгах, которые ты хочешь прочитать?

Раньше я составляла список, сейчас же все книги, что я хочу прочитать отмечены на goodreads. 

2. В твоём списке на прочтение больше электронных книг или бумажных?

Электронных, ведь не все книги возможно приобрести в печатном издании. 

3. Как ты определяешь, какую книгу будешь читать следующей?

Зависит от моего настроения. Если у меня есть настроение на чтение какой-либо книги, я начинаю именно её.

4. Книга, которая находится в списке на прочтение дольше всего.

Согласно моему старому списку это “Дочь дыма и костей” Лэйни Тейлор.

5. Книга, которая попала в список на прочтение недавно.

“The Color Project” Sierra Abrams.

6. Книга, которая попала в список на прочтение только из-за красивой обложки. 

Таковых в моем списке нет, ибо как выбирать книгу, опираясь на одну обложку? Для того, чтобы решить хочу ли я прочесть её мне нужно прочитать аннотацию и, если аннотация заинтересовывает меня, добавлять в список. Иногда я еще читаю первую страницу, чтобы понять нравится ли мне слог автора. Могу добавить книгу в список после прочтения отзыва, который заставил меня заинтересоваться в прочтении книги.

7. Книга из списка на прочтение, которую ты на самом деле не собираешься читать.

И снова, заглядывая в свой старый список, могу сказать, что это “Проклятие тигра” автора Коллин Хоук. Давно я добавляла эту книгу, и уже не заинтересована в ней (не помешало бы как-нибудь удалить все неинтересные мне теперь книги из списка).

8. Книга из списка на прочтение, которая должна появиться в магазинах в ближайшее время.

Я совсем перестала интересоваться новинками в книжном мире, но в моем списке находится “Шестерка Воронов” Ли Бардуго, которая недавно появилась на книжных полках.

9. Книга из списка на прочтение, которую, как тебе кажется, прочитали все, кроме тебя.

“Леди Полночь” Кассандры Клэр. Больная тема. Никак не доберусь до неё из-за того, что сначала хочу прочесть “Адские Механизмы”, а с ними у меня беда. 

10. Книга из списка на прочтение, которую тебе постоянно рекомендуют.

Не то что бы рекомендуют, но все частенько говорят о серии “Зависимые” Кристы и Бекки Ритчи и о трилогии “Все ради игры” Норы Сакавик. 

11. Книга из списка на прочтение, которую тебе поскорее хочется начать читать.

Как человек с затянувшимся книжным застоем, могу сказать что читать я сейчас вообще ничего из книг не хочу.

12. Сколько всего книг в твоём списке на прочтение?

Их не перечислить, но больше 200 точно наберется.

За тэг спасибо @creating-my-galaxy!

1. Книжная концовка, из-за которой ты был в ярости, в отрицании происходящего или просто финал был плохим, скомканным.

Наверное, это будет “Пандемониум”авторстваЛорен Оливер, вторая часть трилогии “Делириум”. Сюда же в принципе можно причислить и третью часть, но там еще не все так плохо.

2. Главный герой, который тебя очень сильно раздражает. 

Сэм из “Прежде чем я упаду” опять же Лорен Оливер(не сложились у меня с этим автором хорошие отношения, определенно). Просто отвратная героиня, как и все в этой такой же отвратной книге.

3. Серия книг, которая оказалась сплошным разочарованием, или серия, которую ты забросил, потому что она этого больше не стоила.

“Пятая волна” Рик Янси. Вторая часть уже была слабовата, а после того как я прочитала спойлеры к третьей части, желание заканчивать трилогию совсем пропало. 

4. Популярная пара, которую ты не поддерживаешь.

Не знаю есть ли у меня подходящие пары. Такое, конечно, можно наблюдать в любовных треугольниках, но чаще всего именно моя пара остается в конце вместе. Да и я такой человек, что всегда старается увидеть потенциал в любой паре и персонаже, взглянуть глубже. По-этому обычно даже если я не согласна, яро свое несогласие я не выражаю.

5. Неожиданный сюжетный поворот, или тот, который тебе не понравился.

Что касается неожиданных сюжетных поворотов, тут обращаться к Нилу Шустерману и его “Беглецам”. Множество раз, читая эту книгу я была шокирована тем, что происходит.

6. Поступок, совершенный главным героем, который выбесил тебя.

Кэсси Салливан из “Пятой Волны” Рика Янси бывала той еще истеричкой и частенько делала что-то такое, что бесило меня. Сюда же Нору Грэй из серии “О чем молчат ангелы” Бекки Фитцпатрик. Я люблю их обеих, но все же. 

7. Жанр, который ты никогда не будешь читать.

Никогда не говори никогда.

8. Ненавистный формат книг. 

Не очень люблю книги издательства Эксмо, которые flipbook. Их довольно неудобно читать. Плюс книги в мягких обложках. Они быстро гнутся, и я боюсь испортить их.

9. Типичный сюжет, который уже надоел.

Самые главные:
1) Любовные треугольники. Кто вообще решил, что это хорошая идея?
2) Главная героиня переводится в новую школу и главный красавчик школы, которому плевать на всех остальных, по каким-то причинам замечает её.

10. Книги, которые настолько популярные, что ты просто отказываешься их читать. 

Нет таких. Предпочитаю давать шанс каждой книге и неважно как много людей её любят, это никак на мое мнение не повлияет. 

11. Клише, встречая которые ты постоянно закатываешь глаза.

Почитайте“Сделку” Эль Кеннеди, при её прочтении я почти каждую страницу закатывала глаза от количества клише. 

12. Персонаж, который не подходит главному герою. Недостойный любовный интерес. 

Лина из того же “Делириума” совершенно точно не заслуживает Алекса. Это единственная пара, которую я могу назвать с уверенностью, хотя гг здесь именно Лина.

13. Книга, которая просто не должна была существовать. 

Я: *глубоких вдох*
Все: Да, мы уже поняли, ты ненавидишь книгу “Прежде чем я упаду”. Мы поняли. Да, ты её ненавидишь. Мы поняли!

14. Злодей, с которым ты не хотел бы столкнуться.

Наверное, Левана из “Лунных Хроник” Мариссы Мейер. Довольно устрашающая женщина.

15. Смерть персонажа, которая до сих пор не дает тебе покоя. 


Джордан Кайл из “Орудий смерти” Кассандры Клэр. Я так сильно люблю его, вы не представляете. Я читала ОС два раза и каждый раз ревела, просто рыдала над его смертью. Он совершенно точно не заслужил этого.
Так же мне было безумно жаль Алекса из “Бесконечного Моря” Рика Янси.
Ну и хоть Ноа Жерни(”Вороновый круг” Мэгги Стивотер) умер с самого начала, он солнышко, который должен был прожить полную жизнь. И мне не дает покоя то, что такой яркий и солнечный персонаж был мертв с самого начала, и к тому же был убит собственным другом.
P. S. И я буду драться за Джордана кстати.

16. Автор, с чьими книгами у тебя был печальный опыт, поэтому ты решил больше к его работам не притрагиваться. 

Лорен Оливер. Неожиданно, правда?

Передаю тэг @linacarstairs@kamilafarkheeva@booky-nooky@alexakeybooks

У меня появился доступ к ноутбуку, и я, как и обещала, выкладываю тэг. За него спасибо @linacarstairs&@kamilafarkheeva

A: All the Bright Places (Jennifer Niven) - Все яркие места (Дженнифер Нивен)

B: Bully (Penelope Douglas) - Агрессор (Пенелопа Дуглас)

C: Cinder (Marissa Meyer) - Золушка (Марисса Мейер)

D: Dark Places (Gillian Flynn) - Тёмные тайны (Гиллиан Флинн)

E: Everlost (Neal Shusterman) - Междумир (Нил Шустерман)

F:Foxes (Suki Fleet) - Лисы (Суки Флит)


H: My Heart and Other Black Holes (Jasmine Warga) - Мое сердце и другие
черные дыры (Жасмин Варга)

I: I’ll Give You the Sun (Jandy Nelson) - Я подарю тебе солнце (Дженди Нельсон)


K: Kiss The Sky (Krista & Becca Ritchie) - Коснуться Небес (Криста & Бекка Ритчи)

L:Losing Logan (Sherry D. Ficklin) - Теряя Логана (Шерри Ди Фиклин)

M:Me Before You (Jojo Moyes) - До встречи с тобой (Джоджо Мойес)

N: Never Never (Colleen Hoover) - Без надежды (Колин Гувер)

O: The One (Kiera Cass) - Единственная (Кира Касс) 

P:Pushing the Limits (Katie  McGarry) - Отодвигая Границы (Кэти Макгэри)


R:The Raven Boys (Maggie Stiefvater) - Вороновый Круг (Мэгги Стивотер)

S: The Sea of Tranquility (Katja Millay) - Океан Безмолвия (Катя Миллэй)

T: These Broken Stars (Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner) - Разбитые звезды (Эми Кауфман, Меган Спунер)

U: Unwind (Neal Shusterman) - Обреченные на расплетение (Нил Шустерман)

V:Vampire Academy (Richelle Mead) - Академия вампиров (Ришель Мид)

W:We Were Liars (E. Lockhart) - Лжецы (Эмили Локхарт) 


Y: The Young Elites (Marie Lu) - Молодая Элита (Мари Лу)

Z: ??

Передаю этот тэг всем желающим. 

My friend Rosina has made a book tag for her love of Critical Role, over on Lace & Dagger Books and she tagged me today, so I will be doing my best to try and answer all her questions as much as I can!

With today’s tag, I’m going to be listing all the members so far of the chaotic Hells Bells and giving you prompts relating to them!

  • Ashton - A Non Binary Protagonist - Prince Sebastian from ‘The Princess & The Dressmaker by Jen Wang - I could literally talk about this book all day, as soon as I read it became one of my favourite books of all time. The story of a prince who keeps his secret life as a woman a secret, he is revealed and accepted by his family and it’s a wonderful story really meant for children but anyone can take from this book. I wish everyone got the chance to see this book.
  • Dorian - A book featuring complicated family dynamics - Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher -Imean, I read this book recently and it still stays with me. A mother who arranges her daughter’s wedding to an awful prince, a sister who wants to save her even though the last words they spoke were not kind. It’s an incredibly complicated dynamic but it makes this book one of my favourite books of this year. An incredible new fantasy.
  • Laudna – A spin-off book or one where characters from another book or series have popped in to say hi - The whole Love, Creekwood Series with Simon Vs The Homosapiens Agenda, Leah On The Offbeat and the novella Love Creekwood are the perfect example to me of how to explore a group of friends through a series of books. I loved Leah so much in 'Simon..’ and I’m so glad she got her own book and her own romance.
  • Imogen - A Book That’s related to sleep somehow - My Year of Rest And Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh - I didn’t like this book, and I know books can’t be for everyone but it did make me think about how much I needed some rest and this book is about sleeping a year away. The main character induces? herself into a medical slumber for a year and I don’t know what happens as I never made it that far but everyone tells me it’s worth it. So yeah, here’s a book recommendation I guess.
  • Orym - A book with moons on the cover - TheLittle Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - This story is heartbreaking and charming and a fairy tale for the modern day. I guess the moral of the story is no time you wasted in doing something you loved, is ever something that is ever wasted.
  • Fearne - A book featuring an animal companion-The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb - I could recommend the whole trilogy of books for this, but I will say the relationship between Fitz and NightEyes in this series is incredible and the bond they have between the two of them is incredible and he deserves to live forever. The wolf I mean. All pets deserve to live forever to be honest.
  • Chetney - A Book That Surprised You - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid - I’m not going to talk about this much because it’s a big one for many people’s TBR’s, but that damned twist and reveal at the end stupefied me. I didn’t see it coming at all. Deserved every star I gave it.
  • F.C.G - A book you have a complicated relationship with - Much like Rosina, I also enjoyed House of Earth & Blood but I am not going to read book two. After being spoiled for it, I would rather not put myself through that, no matter how spicy it gets. The first book is a really great read, and I highly recommend the audiobook but nope, big nope after hearing what happens in book two.
  • Bertrand - A book with a death that hit you hard - Familiar Things by Sok-Yong Hwang - Korean literature really likes to break your heart, well, in every book I’ve read from authors from South Korea, they hurt me like nothing else has, and the loss of one of the characters near the end of this book genuinely felt like someone had taken my heart and jumped on it. A really beautifully written book and poverty about existing in the only way you can, it’s one of the best books I’ve read this year.

And that’s it! Please let me know if you like Critical Role, I’d love to learn more!

And please let me know what you would choose for these prompts!

Vee xo.

For this Book Tag, we collaborated with Jessica who is a huge Game of Thrones fan too! (Miedjel is not old enough to watch this sooo…)

Here we go!


[Okay, we’re going a bit (maybe a lot) crazy so just pick a character who is very powerful]

Jessica: Celaena Sardothien (Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas)

I chose Celaena because I feel like she is the only one worthy enough to be compared to the amazing Daenerys Targeryen. Here are my reasons why: She is DROP DEAD FREAKING GORGEOUS (literally!!!!), The biggest badass in all the kingdoms (She could take anyone down without even blinking), Clever/witty/cunning, independent (She needs no one! Especially not a man!), and of course she is a Queen herself — no one can resist her charm, beauty, and the fire in her blood that just makes you want to bow down. Sound familiar? *wink wink* Honestly, I could go on and on about how awesome Celaena is but then I wouldn’t have room to write about the other characters so this will have to do…..for now

Erika:For Khaleesi, I chose Juliette (Iginte Me by Tahereh Mafi)

Ultimately, let’s look at the character development— from a weakling, a no one can touch me because they will die girl to a okay, I DARE you to touch me girl who rules the world. She is also very beautiful and powerful.

When Jessy said, “She needs no one.” I instantly remembered Arya, “I am no one.” (you really know GoT is ruining my life)

Side not: I love Khaleesi so very much that when I see her anywhere I will bow down to her, I will be on my knees. *serious face*


We tag cooksbooks78,wwwhiskas,thechrystalization,geekytrendspleasantsarcasm and all you other GoT lovers!!!!

 Our next book tag involves a certain throne… Pls like/reblog this if you’re a fan so w

Our next book tag involves a certain throne… Pls like/reblog this if you’re a fan so we can tag you! You’re gonna love it!  

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I’m finally getting around to doing this tag ( which was created by Ariel Bisset  click the link to check out the original video), before the new year comes around! 

Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?

Usually if I put down a book it’s because I’m not interested in continuing on with the story for four reasons; the characters aren’t capturing my emotions, the writing and dialogue is terrible, I’m not emotionally prepared to read it, or the story itself is boring. There have only been two instances where I have put down a book but have the intention to pick it back up. The first book is Girl in the Blue Coat.

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I read the first ten pages and loved what I read of the story. The writing was excellent and I have heard only good reviews about this book; but I just wasn’t in the mood to read a depressing book, especially on a rainy and cold winter day….and even though its been almost a year and a half since I put it down I really still want to read it.

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The second book I put down was Great Expectations. Another novel which I really liked and fully intended to read ( it’s also one of my mom’s favorite’s so obviously I’m going to finish it….eventually). I didn’t get very far into the book before I had to return it to the library ( i had already maxed out my allowed amount renewals   ). My goal is to finish reading Great Expectations before winter, all though the likelihood of that happening is very, very slim.

Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?

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I don’t have a *particular* book that I reread or a specific author whose work I like to revisit at the start of every autumn ( like the people *aka everyone* who participate in a Harry Potter or Jane Austen reread during this time of the year). However in my opinion, I don’t think that one book is sufficient enough of a transition into autumn and winter. So what I like to do is have three books that help me transition between summer reading to autumn/winter reading; one last contemporary/beach read and a fantasy novel. Last year I read The Fill in Boyfriend by Kasie West and Soundless by Richelle Mead. This year my transition books were 13 MinutesandInvictus.

Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?

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Obviously I’m always going to be waiting for a book to be released. duh.

However, the are two books in particular that I’m dying to read but haven’t been released yet.

A Thousand Beginnings and Endings is an anthology with fifteen authors reimagined the folklore and mythology of East and South Asia and literally every single story sounds incredible ( but it won’t be released until next June) The next book that I’m very excited for is Reaper at the Gates!!!!!

What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?

Honestly at this point I’m just hoping that I read 3 more books before the year ends.

Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favourite book of the year?

I like to think that all of the books that I plan on reading will become one of my all time favorites.

Have you already started making reading plans for 2018?

Yes, I plan on not being focused on a specific number and instead prioritize on expanding my reading horizons. Picking up some non-fiction, more classics, translated fiction, discovering new authors etc. Another personal goal that I have is to blog more frequently.

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Now we’re at the part of the book tag where I am supposed to nominate a few people to also participate in the tag. So the nominees are…….EVERYONE! 

It seems like almost everyone has already been nominated for this tag already so if you want to do the end of the year tag then do it but you’re going to have to wait until next December, if not then no pressure ;D

So..Let me know in the comments; What were some of your favorite books of the year? and What are your plans for the new year? xoxo Victoria

The End of the Year Book Tag I’m finally getting around to doing this tag ( which was created by Ariel Bisset  click the link to check out the original video), before the new year comes around! 

Tolkien Book Tag

How did your Middle-earth journey begin?

I had always known about The Lord of the Rings through my father, but it wasn’t until I was in my early teens that I started to show a real interest in Tolkien. I had seen all the films and soon decided that I wanted to give the books a try, starting with The Hobbit, of course. My initial concern was that perhaps I wouldn’t enjoy the books as much as I already knew the general sequence of events from seeing the films, but this wasn’t the case at all. I was quickly surprised by the amount of material which had been omitted by the filmmakers, particularly in regards to The Lord of the Rings. So from The HobbittoThe Lord of the RingstoThe Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien soon became one of my favourite authors and I’ve been reading his works ever since.

What is your favourite Middle-earth book?

As much as I love The Hobbit, I personally consider The Lord of the Rings to be Tolkien’s real magnum opus. It is storytelling at its finest.

What is your favourite movie?

The Fellowship of the Ring, though The Return of the King comes in at a close second. I love the exposition, and the prologue sequence is among my favourite scenes in the franchise.

Movies or books?

I like them both in their own right. I love the books for Tolkien’s beautiful prose and masterful storytelling, while at the same time the films will always have a special place in my heart for being my introduction to that world. As far as book-to-movie adaptions go, The Lord of the Rings films are definitely among the best out there. I love the amount of passion that was poured into them by the filmmakers.

Who are your favourite characters?

Frodo and Faramir. There is a kind of innocence to Frodo that draws me to him as a character. Even after all his torment, Frodo still holds on to the belief that Gollum may be cured. Faramir, on the other hand, is someone who inspires me. He’s not a warmonger nor does he seek glory in battle. He only strives to defend that which he loves.

What Middle-earth race would you be?

Can I say Half-elven like Elrond and his kin? Though I like the prospect of being an elf, the immortality aspect intimidates me. Being forced to walk the earth for as long as it remains … It would be a comfort to have a say in the matter.

Best actor/character casting match?

The Lord of the Rings film franchise is notorious for its top-notch casting, so it’s difficult to say … Ian McKellen as Gandalf is perhaps one that stands out to me, though Hugo Weaving as Elrond is pretty spot on as well.

What is your favourite place in Middle-earth?

Lothlórien, and not just in Middle-earth. It is probably among my favourite places in all of fantasy. When reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time, I was so captivated by Tolkien’s descriptions of this place. A calm and quiet sanctuary, full of light and beauty, where neither time nor toil exists.

What is your favourite quote from the books or movies?

“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”

This was actually my high school yearbook quote.
