

Made a video talking about some books I’ve read in the last month.
Am posting another art related video Sunday.
Check it out if you wanna. :)

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Wtf are booktubers what is 30 books in 30 weeks why are we applying sigma grindset to reading books

Literally go sit on the porch for an hour with a glass of lemonade. Fucking animals.

“I read 50 books a year it’s not hard because I love reading” man I love reading too, maybe I just do it slower. Why are you treating this like some sort of grindpilled bookmaxxing reading race. Log off and log on to the porch.

“Soy culpable de creer lo que quiera, querer a quien me dé la gana y confiar en quien me apetezca.”

— Javier Ruescas, Prohibido creer en historias de amor

check out my BOOKS THAT GAVE ME NIGHTMARES video, up now on my booktube channel! this may just be my favorite video, ive ever made…

its finally fall book tag | watch my sister be mean to me!

just uploaded the finally fall tag to my booktube channel! u get to watch my sister be mean to me!! haha, content! link in bio
