

Brahms Heelsire x Reader

Summary:Starting a new life as a nanny was not easy. Moving to another country, running from your past, you certainly wasn’t expecting to look after a doll. But how challenging could it truly be?

You were happily chopping up some vegetables for the soup you were making when Malcolm entered the kitchen.

“Good morning, Y/N…Brahms.” He said with his usual cheery voice. You smiled.

“Good morning Malcolm.”

“I brought everything and the things you asked for. It’s your birthday?”

“Thank you.” You whipped your hands dry and turned to look at him. “Not today, but yes, it will be so I plan on baking a cake for us.”

“Oh great I love cakes!” you smiled but inside you didn’t.

“Do you want to go somewhere? For your birthday? We could go dancing or something.” He offered as he put all the groceries away.

“I don’t know.” You said as you looked at Brahms before looking back at him.

Malcolm was able to read the room, so he decided not to ask again.

Soon, Malcolm left and you were about to finish your soup, feed yourself and Brahms before you headed to the living room to let Brahms listen to music while you read a book.

You soon looked up at the clock. It was time for bed.

You grabbed Brahms and turned the music down.

“Let’s go to bed, I have a special story for you today.”

After telling a story your mother used to tell you, you kissed him before standing up and turning a couple lights off.

You then turned to him, looking at his porcelain face and empty glass eyes.

“I’ll never leave you, Brahms, I will not go with Malcolm or anyone else, they will have to drag me out of here and I’d still crawl back. I love you. Good night.” You said before leaving to take a nice warm bath and you headed off to bed.

You ignored yet another call from your friend before falling asleep. You just thought about how special Brahms truly was. A very special boy.

Every day went by the same usual way. You did your daily routine, getting Brahms breakfast, checking the mouse traps, you headed to the garden to have some tea with Brahms.

You baked your birthday cake, making sure to leave some for Brahms as well. You happily blew out your handles.

Then, a very bad storm arrived later that night. Wind and thunder scared even you a little.

So, after pulling Brahms to bed, you went to your room, but you couldn’t sleep.

The thunder kept you awake, so you decided to head back to Brahms’ room.

“I can’t sleep. Can we sleep together?” you asked as you got into the bed next to him and pulled him to your chest.

You fell asleep instantly.

The next day started as every single usual one, you started off with breakfast then you moved onto the garden you had to clean up the leaves from last night.

Later that evening as you entered the living room, you stopped in your tracks immediately as you saw none other than your abusive ex standing there.

“Jake what are you doing here? How did you find me?” the only thing that kept you calm was Brahms in your arms.

“Your little friend.”


“Yes, she told me. So, I’m here to bring you back.”

Malcolm entered the room. They started to fight and all you could do was stand there and watch.

You didn’t want to intervene in their fight and from previous experiences you know better than two do anything.

Jake started to yell and throw things around, finally, he got so angry he got close to you and snatched Brahms out of your hands. your ears were ringing so you didn’t know what happened exactly but the one thing you did remember is when he smashed the dolls head against a table smashing it into millions of tiny pieces.

You watched with wide eyes, looking at Jake before the walls began to shriek. 

The mirror shattered and you could make a figure out in the darkness. 

“Brahms?” you softly asked as the man in the wall stepped out. He immediately attacked Jake, and you just stood there. Not moving an inch as you watched Jake getting his neck sliced. 

When he was done, he stood up looking at you.

Now it all made sense.

The cold feeling of someone watching you, the feeling of someone standing right behind you or beside your bed as you were sleeping. 

Now it all made sense. The rules, the loud music, the traps, the disappearance of your dress. 

You looked at Jake then back up at the tall man in front of you.

“Y/N?” a child-like voice said and it took you some time to realize it was the giant of a man in front of you talking. He stepped closer to you.

He was supposed to smell gross, it would have made it easier for you to hate him for all this creepy stuff.

But he smelled like wood. It was comforting in a way.

He did what no one else could. Not the police or your friends, he killed the man who caused you so much pain.

“It-It’s time for bed Brahms.” you ended up saying. Your mind blank. “We will clean this up tomorrow.” you said pointing at Jake before you grabbed his hand and guided him up to his bedroom. Your mind was completely blank. 

This man lived in the walls. watching you everything you did. Who knows what else he was doing.

And there you were, reading him a night story, kissing his porcelain mask before trying to leave.

But he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the bed with him, making you lay down as he cuddled to your chest.

You wanted to scream, cry or just do something.

But you didn’t.

You just laid there, looking at the ceiling as you listened to Brahms’ breathing. 

You figured you’d sleep a little. Maybe tomorrow you will figure it out.

Yes, tomorrow, new day, new you with lots of ideas.

Well, that didn’t happen. 

You woke up early, Brahms still holding onto you tight. Then, you woke him and made breakfast. It was weird to actually see him sit at the table and not the doll. He didn’t eat though. You figured he didn’t want to remove his mask and you didn’t push it.

Instead, you just ate your half.

Now, a lot of things made sense.

“They were never going to come back were they? Your parents I mean. They went crazy in here. And so, they left you. With me.” you said, although you didn’t expect an answer. He did give you a nod. 

So, he realized it too. 

“Why did you choose me? Your mother said you had quite a few nannies here.”

“Pretty.” is what he said with a child-like voice.

“Thank you. You don’t have to live in the walls. I’d prefer if you showered a bit more often and changed clothes. But this is your house Brahms, so do as you please. Malcolm will come tomorrow, so you better clean up the mess you made last night, I’ll help don’t worry." 

You washed the dishes and as you did you looked out the window, at the backyard. You let out a long sigh. You made a mental note to call up Emma and thank her for giving you out to Jake like that. If it wasn’t for Brahms…

How could you be so calm? You lived in a house with a man in the walls watching you. His parents killed themselves to get away from him, but why? He was only a boy. Well, a full-blown man now, but still.

Your mind was racing with ideas, your head hurt as it screamed at you to run, get away, but you couldn’t Every time you looked at Brahms it just didn’t feel right to leave him.

So, you stayed, this was your life now. And instead of a doll, at least you had an actual person, so it felt less lonely, and creepy.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​



the-thot-clown:(hog calling.mp3) COME HERE AND GET YOUR FOOD/seen earlier on Patreon/ His quiet moan


(hog calling.mp3) COME HERE AND GET YOUR FOOD

/seen earlier on Patreon/

His quiet moans were filling the room as his hand was working fast on his length, his body was covered in sweat, the shirt and cardigan long time ago discarded on the floor below, his pants and groans were filling the quiet room as he was imagining you doing it, he felt a shudder “Y-Y/N!, please I’ll be good I will…I need you…RIGHT NOW!” his deep male voice demanded, he needed to feel you see you writhing beyond him, as his pumps became faster and faster the room was filled with the musky smell of his sex. He needed to find you, he needed to claim you but first, he needed to finish what he started after all he was a good boy, right?!

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Weekend music: music that changed me

Given the recent torrent of hate here on Tumblr (including a literal death threat)… and clear affirmation that Tumblr is anything but a safe space lol, I’m more than a bit reluctant to to share anything personal. But I said I would try to continue to publish the weekend music.

In the past, I’ve shared music that I thought beautiful or interesting, but I thought I would maybe tilt in a different direction and share some music that has changed me–music that is deeply meaningful, significant, and personal to me.

Sadly, I won’t be revealing too many of the specifics of why this music is meaningful. If you know me through another channel, feel free to ask me there.

This weekend, let me share a cello and piano sonata by Brahms. Some of my long-time readers remember a post about a girl playing the cello for me (which I just reblogged). Most of you will be able to put two and two together and maybe have an idea why this piece of music has always been special to me.

Learning this piece as of yesterday! Definitely one of my favorite piano sonatas.

Learning this piece as of yesterday! Definitely one of my favorite piano sonatas.

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I love this excerpt from Brahms’ violin concerto, it’s so clean and sounds deceptively simple

I’ve also gained a new obsession. Uh- don’t come for me lol but it’s fucking adult Brahms from The Boy…

Why he gotta be so fine. I also don’t know the artists because I just googled fan art, so sorry that I can’t give the correct credit but these DONOT belong to me.


Brahms-Symphony no. 3 in F Major(1884)

Despite how often people say Brahms was a conservative (which is true to a point), I think a lot of people underestimate his intensity of expression. The volume, bombast, and sometimes theatrical or operatic drama, are all underscored by the more traditional minded attitude toward structure and making sure the musical components are “functioning” in a logical way. Take the old form, and make something new out of it. Brahms had preferred that view to the newer Romantic school of thought favoring free-form and new forms created by the musical ideas themselves. Because of that, Brahms will always be the old scruffy severe German looking down at you from his wizened beard. Tangential, but I’ve talked with people who don’t like Brahms and they seem to come from this popular image: “Old fashioned”, dull, too theoretical, no good melodies, and (one extreme opinion) not truly “artistic”. But if we ignore the baggage of academicism and the symphony as a serious genre for developing complex musical thoughts, we should be thrown at the edge of our seats from the sound of the orchestra, and the long emotional melodies that people say aren’t there. I’ll take a moment to be more personal: I was surprised to find out that I’d made blog posts about the other three Brahms symphonies, but not this one. It was the first one that I fell in love with way back in high school. I remember listening to it and imagining knights in armor and large gothic castles. Brahms would turn in his grave. I got the idea from the bold and majestic opening movement. It begins with a statement of F-Ab-F, standing for Brahms motto “Frie aber froh”, Free but Happy. Somewhat leaning toward the 19th century trend of cyclical works, this symphony’s opening idea comes back in later movements as well. The motto of free but happy seems to radiate strongest in this opening movement. My favorite moment here is when the music quiets down a bit and teh flutes and bassoons play a an arabesque-like wavy melody over the strings fragmenting the same material, growing into a loud and stormy proclamation with chromatic lines (a very “Romantic” sound from a ‘Classicist”). The andante builds out of a chorale theme introduced in the winds. This more pastoral sound reminds us that this was a “vacation” work written while he was staying by the Rheine in Wiesbaden. The next movement, despite the unassuming title ‘poco allegretto’, has one of the more gorgeous melodies Brahms had written. It sings out of the cello and is punctuated by longing harmonies. Typical of Brahms, these harmonies are written out through counterpoint of fragments based off the contour of the melody. The last movement brings back the heaviness of the opening through a modified sonata. In the minor, it opens with a long and somewhat bouncy melody that could be like a Bach fugue subject. The music builds up energy into more drama, before shifting right into the “happy” counter melody. You could imagine this theme coming back with golden brass chorales. Instead, despite the dizzying effects done with the themes, and the noisy development that doesn’t let up in tension, the piece starts to sizzle up in agitated strings. A soft chorale brings back the opening motif, and then the symphony sighs away into a soft F major chord.


  1. Allegro con brio
  2. Andante
  3. Poco allegretto
  4. Allegro - Un poco sostenuto

Brahms-Symphony no. 3 in F Major(1884)

Despite how often people say Brahms was a conservative (which is true to a point), I think a lot of people underestimate his intensity of expression. The volume, bombast, and sometimes theatrical or operatic drama, are all underscored by the more traditional minded attitude toward structure and making sure the musical components are “functioning” in a logical way. Take the old form, and make something new out of it. Brahms had preferred that view to the newer Romantic school of thought favoring free-form and new forms created by the musical ideas themselves. Because of that, Brahms will always be the old scruffy severe German looking down at you from his wizened beard. Tangential, but I’ve talked with people who don’t like Brahms and they seem to come from this popular image: “Old fashioned”, dull, too theoretical, no good melodies, and (one extreme opinion) not truly “artistic”. But if we ignore the baggage of academicism and the symphony as a serious genre for developing complex musical thoughts, we should be thrown at the edge of our seats from the sound of the orchestra, and the long emotional melodies that people say aren’t there. I’ll take a moment to be more personal: I was surprised to find out that I’d made blog posts about the other three Brahms symphonies, but not this one. It was the first one that I fell in love with way back in high school. I remember listening to it and imagining knights in armor and large gothic castles. Brahms would turn in his grave. I got the idea from the bold and majestic opening movement. It begins with a statement of F-Ab-F, standing for Brahms motto “Frie aber froh”, Free but Happy. Somewhat leaning toward the 19th century trend of cyclical works, this symphony’s opening idea comes back in later movements as well. The motto of free but happy seems to radiate strongest in this opening movement. My favorite moment here is when the music quiets down a bit and teh flutes and bassoons play a an arabesque-like wavy melody over the strings fragmenting the same material, growing into a loud and stormy proclamation with chromatic lines (a very “Romantic” sound from a ‘Classicist”). The andante builds out of a chorale theme introduced in the winds. This more pastoral sound reminds us that this was a “vacation” work written while he was staying by the Rheine in Wiesbaden. The next movement, despite the unassuming title ‘poco allegretto’, has one of the more gorgeous melodies Brahms had written. It sings out of the cello and is punctuated by longing harmonies. Typical of Brahms, these harmonies are written out through counterpoint of fragments based off the contour of the melody. The last movement brings back the heaviness of the opening through a modified sonata. In the minor, it opens with a long and somewhat bouncy melody that could be like a Bach fugue subject. The music builds up energy into more drama, before shifting right into the “happy” counter melody. You could imagine this theme coming back with golden brass chorales. Instead, despite the dizzying effects done with the themes, and the noisy development that doesn’t let up in tension, the piece starts to sizzle up in agitated strings. A soft chorale brings back the opening motif, and then the symphony sighs away into a soft F major chord.


  1. Allegro con brio
  2. Andante
  3. Poco allegretto
  4. Allegro - Un poco sostenuto



Brahms-Piano Concerto no. 2 in Bb Major

Written nearly two decades after his first concerto, this piece is slightly more adventurous in structure. For example, instead of an orchestral prelude of the main themes, we get a solo horn introduction, with the piano lightly commenting with ascending chords, back and forth with a soft orchestral utterance, before a cadenza [at the begining of a movement? wow]. The other major difference is its inclusion of a scherzo movement, as if this were a symphonic concerto. As opposed to the first concerto, here Brahms is more confident in his own mastery, and the daunting scowl of Beethoven from up high feels less an intimidation, more of an invitation. This work was also written some time during Brahms’ typical compositional retreats to Austrian and Swiss villages. Maybe the mountainside inspired the awakening feel that the horn’s introduction provides. The entire work is in an energetic and passionate mood, and requires a Herculean level of strength from the pianist.


1. Allegro non troppo

2. Allegro appassionato

3. Andante

4. Allegretto grazioso 

I love this concerto a lot…I don’t know why but it’s always sounded autumnal to me and is perfect for late October

#repost    #brahms    #happy birthday    

“The eyes in the walls.”

A new brahms piece this time more serious lololololol I wander what’s he’s seeing that gives him such bewilderment in his gaze?

“The eyes in the walls.”

A Brahms new piece this time more serious lolololol


First brahms fanart11!!1

This is related to that brahms foaming at the mouth to diddle you on his knees while you are on the bed and you kinda only let him touch your legs and he goes straight for the foot hole while you wanna run from there fic thing

Uncensored under the cut


Feeling cute , might delete laterz

Musicians, Quotes and coffeesMusicians, Quotes and coffeesMusicians, Quotes and coffeesMusicians, Quotes and coffeesMusicians, Quotes and coffeesMusicians, Quotes and coffeesMusicians, Quotes and coffeesMusicians, Quotes and coffeesMusicians, Quotes and coffees

Musicians, Quotes and coffees

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Beethoven’s B-day Party

Beethoven’s B-day Party

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More stinky wall man ❤️

I’m back and I bare a boy!
