#bucky x pocreader



Word Count:

Pairing: Chris Hemsworth x BlackFem!OC

Warning: Swearing, Teasing, Fluff.

Summary: Chris spots Loni (Lon-E) in the club, completely fucked up. He spends the night protecting her and making sure she has the most fun.

A/N: Thanks @kajjaka&@brandleb for putting a name!! Enjoy plsss! I JUST SPENT 30 MINUTES TRYING FIND A OUTFIT. YALL BETTER LIKE THIS POST

Loni knew the alcohol was kicking in when the music start to zoned out. “Kylaa?” She called for her best friend but Kyla was gone. ‘Just my luck’ She thought but a song quickly caught her attention.

“What’s this song? Oh I know! Oh, how many ways can I say that I need you? Baby, it’s true I think I might die without you.” Loni went up the bar getting two more drinks. The first one went down with ease which completely fucked her up.

Sitting her second cup down, she turned around from the bar bumping into a hard chest. “Oof I am so sorry ma'am -” Completely out of it, Loni cut him off by running her hands up his shirt, singing the lyrics.

Feeling all over my body. You know how I like it, ain’t gotta tell you what to do.

Chris enjoyed every bit of it,“I’m Chris and you are?”

Loni’s bright smile, drew him in. “Loni!”

“Are you drunk?”

“Yes! And you sir are one fine piece of meat.”

Chris looked behind her seeing someone spiking her drink so he pulled her closer then decided to say something. “Oi! What do you think you’re doing mate?”

The guy turned around with a smirk . “I know her 'mate’. ” He mocked,“I’m just watching out her drink. You know how ladies is.”

That pissed Chris off,“No I don’t know how ladies are. You need to go find you something safe to do.” He leaned down to Loni’s height. “Do you know him?”

She took her face off his chest, looking at the random man with a frown. “No.”

Chris nodded knowing exactly what to. He leaned forward grabbing the drink, splashing it the mans face. “Next time I catch you spiking a women’s drink, I won’t hesitate to beat your ass.” Being completely protective of Loni, Chris grabbed her waist.

“Let’s go Loni.”

“Okay baby!”

She giggled, putting her weight on him. Chris shook his head at how cute she was acting. “Loni, you’re not going to be able to remember none of this in the morning. You’re fucked up and it’s just 11:52 p.m.”

“What did you say- oohhh my godd I know this song!” She yelled when Need to Know came through the speakers. Her attention span is really short, which made him laugh.

“Sing it to me then!” He encouraged her and sung her heart out.

Wanna know what it’s like. Baby, show me what it’s like. I don’t really got no type, I just wanna fuck all night.” She winked at him, vibing with the music. Chris being from Australia, he really didn’t know these songs. He was only there with the cast just to have a good night out.

He bent down to her height,“Let me bring you to my mates!” Still dancing to the music, Loni nodded her head excitedly.

Chris took her hand bringing her to the private lounge that the cast rented. The lounge was nice and had the 6 in there.

“Aye mates this is Loni. Loni this is RDJ, Evans, Scarlett, Ruffalo, and Renner.”

Loni gave her best drunk smile .“Heeyyyy guys!”

RDJ face gave amusement,“Oh shit Hemsworth, she’s drunk already?”

“She’s a pretty one too.” Renner being his usual flirty self. Chris narrowed his eyes at him.

“Watch it Renner and RDJ I didn’t get her drunk, actually she ran into me like this.”

“Calm down tiger, we know you have dibs on her.” Scarlett laughed passing Loni a shot. “Welcome to the group Loni!”

“Thank you!”

“Chris I’m surprised you were able to get her with you know with the ugly face and all.” Evans joked making Chris flip him off playfully.

The guys were in random conversations keeping close eyes on the girls. Chris let Loni drink as much as she wanted since she was in close proximity. After a couple of songs played, she got bored. Wobbling over to Chris.

“I’m bored..” She whine sitting in his lap placing her face on his chest. Chris wrapped his arm around her waist. “You ready to go home my love?”

Real hot girl shit

That gave Loni energy, completely ignoring Chris. “This my shit!” She got up, squatting on top of his lap and started shaking her ass.

Uh, his friends and his dad hate me(yeah)

I broke his lil’ heart, he a crybaby (wah-wah-wah)

If I ain’t let him hit the pussy by now’

The cast and more hyped Loni on while she twerked. Some people even recorded her. Chris felt like the man, smacking her ass and gripping it when he could. He loved the fact that it all belongs to him. Well he think it do.

Soon they were back on the dance floor.

Take me for a ride, boy

Show me your wild side, boy

Know it’s been a while, boy’

Chris hands never left Loni’s waist as she grinded against him. Loni could feel his friend get hard under her.

“When I get my chance, I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.” Chris growled in Loni ear. That shit turned her on all the way.

“Yes daddy.” She teased as his lips attached against neck. Chris wasn’t going to take advantage of her,obviously she’s drunk still. (Consent people!) Everyone need to know that she belongs to him.

Loni placed her lips onto his. “You are so beautiful.” She mumbled between every kiss.

Chris let his hands guide down to her ass, squeezing it. “I should be saying that ma'am.” He kept pecking her lips because he wanted to feel her soft lips against his every second.

They just swayed in the crowd, enjoying each other company. The night was coming to a end and the dj was starting to play Love Songs to end the night.

“I love this song!” Loni spoke loud enough for Chris to hear. He grabbed her waist pulling Loni backwards into his arms.

“Is that so darling?”

Must be love on the brain that’s got me feeling this way.It beats me black and blue but it fucks me so good.” Loni made hand gestures like the song was hitting the right mood. She intertwined her hands with his, Chris watched her every move.

The way she sung the lyrics, told him that it was really hitting home. “And I can’t get enough. Must be love on the brain and it keeps cursing my name. No matter what I do, I’m no good without you.

Tears fell down her cheeks. “Are you okay my love?” Chris asked, wiping away her tears. She shook her head, and he pulled her into his chest. “I’m so sorry for whatever happened to you. I will make it up to you and whatever pain you have, I promise I will take it away.”

Chris just held her,“Are you ready to go my love?” Loni nodded, sleep now taking over. He picked her up and she took a quick nap on the way to his car.

As Chris placed Loni in the front seat, he saw her chest start to light up. It was her phone and someone was calling.


“Hello? Loni???”

“Yeah but technically no, I have her with me. She’s in safe hands, I promise.”

“Who is this?”


“Chris who? Omg are you Chris Woods?”


“Oh anyway please take good care of my best friend. I’ll come get her if you need me too. I’ll will come her in the morning.”

“That’s fine, I’ll drop her off.”

“Okay keep in touch with me please.”


Loni got a burst of energy from just sitting in the car. “Take me for a ride boooyyyy. Show me what’s outside boyyyy.”

“That’s not the how the lyrics go Loni.” Chris laughed, cranking up the car. She laid on his shoulder, still repeating the lyrics.

“We can’t just keep talkin’ about it. Show me what’s outside boyyyy.”

And went on for the next five minutes.


“Loniiii?” Chris imitated back, pulling in the driveway.

“I’m sleepy.”

“I know darling let’s get you to bed.”

Tonight was a roller coaster for him.


Loni wakes up in the bed slowly gaining aware of where she was.

“shit! shit! ah! ” She yelled frantically looking around after falling out the bed. She looked on the night stand for her phone but it wasn’t there . what the fuck?

Loni got up from the floor to fast, giving her a headache. She sart back down in the bed, holding her head then proceeds slowly getting back up again. Loni looking around the room for her phone and clothes .

“Omg, Kyla is going to kill me!” Loni muttered when it was no luck to finding her things. She froze hearing footsteps coming to the room. The door open to see Chris holding a glass of water and pills.

“Loni, are you okay?”

Her eyes widened. “Where is Kyla? Where the fuck am I ? Did w-we? What the hell going on?” She asked a holding a hanger that was on the floor towards him.

“Kyla is with her boyfriend, you’re at my house, No we didn’t do anything and you got completely drunk last night."He explained holding a cup to her. She shook her head not taking it, moving slowly to the nearest door.

Chris starts laughing at Loni because she has a plastic hanger as her defense weapon, with nothing on but his shirt that stops at her thighs.  She raises her eyebrow at him ” What’s funny blue eyes?“.

” You , if you was in grave danger out of all things you pick as a weapon was a hanger “ He snickers before fully laughing. Loni tries to hold a straight face but ends up laughing with him.

"Oh my gosh that’s not funny blue eyes.” She laughs putting down the hanger placing her hand on her face. Chris gives her the aspirin that she happily takes now knowing that he wasn’t going to kill her.

“So um..” She trailed off trying to remember his name. She could remember most things they did together. “Chris.” He finished the sentence.

“You stayed by my side the whole night?”

“Yes I did, especially when I saw that man spiking your drink. So I splashed it in his face.”

“Are you serious?” Loni was shocked but very thankful that he did that. “Thank you so much for everything. I was drinking then next thing I know I was drunk and Kyla disappeared. Something could’ve happened to me if you didn’t stay around.”

“It’s no problem Loni, I really enjoyed you last night. You are entertaining when you’re drunk.”

Loni giggled, messing with the hem of his shirt. He made her so nervous.“That’s embarrassing. How can I pay you back from the horribe events of last night?”

“It wasn’t horrible but maybe you can pay me back with tea and breakfast this morning.” He smiled, coming closer to Loni. “And a date this afternoon.”

Loni filled in the gap between them. “ I would love too.” The memory of them kissing played in her mind as she placed her lips onto his.

And that’s what started a beautiful relationship.


Y'all I didn’t know where tf I was going with this. But I semi love it!

The songs I used to make the club scenes.

Cry Baby- Meghan thee stallion ft Dababy.

Wild Side- Normani, Cardi B.

Love on the brain- Rihanna.

Need to know- Doja Cat.

Boo’d up- Ella Mai.

Stay slutty my friends!!!

i have the urgeee to write but i want to write something where the oc or reader get drunk and run into one of the guys. he can tell she’s fucked up so he keep watch of her the whole night.(a lot of teasing going on) whooo should it be?

Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, or Sebastian Stan?

if u want me to write something else, don’t hesitate to send a request!

1. Year Later

Word Count:

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!OC

Warning: Swearing, Fluff and angst.

Summary: It’s a year after Charmaine is fully Eternal Flame along with Cyan. The team is fully accepting that she isn’t coming back anymore.

A/N: I know people don’t like time skips but oh well. Thank you @theantisoci-alone for liking my chapters. If you want the full story til the last chapter i have edited! I’ll post em just for ya.

Masterlist:Charmaine (if this the first chapter you come across and haven’t read the other chapters)

Charm creates a small flame in her hand, boredly playing with it. Cyan was in the bathroom finishing getting dressed, leaving her by herself in the pilot seat.

They were on the way to take down this science division that had the injection for water powers. Mazikeen already had a hold on the earth injections but didn’t have a girl yet to use it on. They’re in Tokyo, to be exact.

“Cyan, hurry up; we’re almost there!”

“I’m coming; I’m coming, don’t rush me. This catsuit, Mazikeen insists us on wearing, is too damn small to put on. It won’t come over my ass.”

“You better squeeze those ass cheeks; the army ships already landed,” Eternal said, looking at the GPS screen for the other ships. Cyan walks out of the bathroom out of breath.

“Ugh! We do missions every other day and turn out with nothing. I’m tired of using my powers for no reason.”

“At least we get to go to the city on the weekend. I heard there was a festival going on tomorrow night; we should go.”

“Most definitely, I want to see the cuties there.”

“I thought you were with that boy named Carlos?”

“Girl, he wouldn’t talk to me at dinner yesterday so I’m moving on. I can’t wait on no man; I got a life to live.”

“Sure. Whatever you say, Cyan.”

Both women have been fairies for the last year since they’ve been captured. They were the two best fighting soldiers Mazikeen had, which comes with many privileges—for example, their own jet. After landing, Cyan and Charmaine stood in front of the formation, ready to give out commands.

“Second unit goes with Cyan while first goes with me. Don’t stop until you find that injection.” The Eternal Flame said as her eyes ignited purple. Cyan hair turned white, and her hands sparkled with electricity. She motions her platoon for them to follow her.


Both Cyan and Eternal Flame hid behind a pillar from some guards.

“E what about that guy that sits with the spies at dinner even though he is an assassin. What’s his name?” Cyan whispered, peaking around the corner a little.

Eternal Flame rolled her eyes, whispering.“ You mean Jay.”

“Yeah him. What about him for your date to the festival.” Cyan asked, and simultaneously they took out the guards with their powers.

“ Focus on the mission, then find me a date.” Eternal Flame said earnestly, bending down grabbing the guard key card from his shirt pocket. “Who said even anything about me having a date?”

“I did.” Cyan winked then walked in a different direction, going down a hallway. “ I think it would be fun to have one!”

Eternal Flame sigh giving her focus back on the mission going into an elevator.


Both Cyan and Eternal Flame stood on the roof edge; as Cyan held on to the director’s shirt, so he wouldn’t fall over the ledge. Eternal was ready to go because it was another failed mission.

“ I don’t have the i-injections.” He stammers nervously, looking between the two girls.

“What did you do with them??” Cyan growled, grabbing more of his shirt.

“I sold them to a God and Captain America.”

“Mazikeen isn’t going to like this, fuck!” Eternal huff crossing her arms over her chest.

“Who the fuck is Captain America?!"Cyan asked, getting angry.

"He’s an Avenger.”

Cyan lets go of his shirt; stepping back, she nods her head over to Eternal. The fire fairy steps forwards, kicking him backward off the roof. They both stood there straight-faced, watching him fall to his death.

“So, do you think Jay is cute?” Cyan asked, still looking down.

“For a guy with long hair, he is cute.” Eternal Flame agreed, placing her hands in her pockets. Cyan squealed like an excited school girl wrapping her arm around the fire fairy’s shoulder.

“I’m definitely going to ask him at dinner.”


They giggled walking down the halls in the base, going to their shared room. One of Mazikeen’s messengers stops them in their tracks.

“Mazikeen wants to see you in her office.”

Cyan huffs while Eternal rolled her eyes, already knowing what was going to happen. Soon they were standing in front of Mazikeen’s desk. The demon held a solemn look between the two fairies.

“So where is the injection?”

Cyan spoke first,“ The man had sold it to some guy named Captain America.”

Mazikeen leaned forward in her seat, listening intensely, “Who??”

“Who what? Who is the man?”

“Yes, Cyan, who is the man that it was sold too.”

“I don’t fucking know Mazikeen. I asked him, he said exactly what I just said, and Eternal kicked him off the roof.”

“Watch it. Eternal, why would you kick him off the damn roof if you knew he was a liability. I have been letting you two slack on missions, but this is the last fucking straw; I need that water injection!” Mazikeen said, standing up; hair ignited in flames. “ You two are the best in this base, but obviously these missions don’t mean shit to you. That means you’re fucking worthless.”

Eternal grew angry, tired of the disrespect,“ No, these missions don’t mean shit to us because it doesn’t benefit neither one of us. I am the Eternal Flame; I only became a part of your organization because of Cyan. We are the two most deadly elements; without that you would be nothing.”

Mazikeen knew she was right but didn’t want to admit it, angrily she pointed to the torture chamber door, “To the room. Don’t stop until I say so. You the know the drill guards.”

When the guard places his hand on Eternal’s shoulder, she snatches away knowing exactly what to do. The mind wiping would cause them so much pain.

Not even 5 minutes later they’re screams is heard. Mazikeen sat down with a satisfied smirk on her face.


“Hey Steve, Hey Sharon,” Bucky said, walking through the front doors of the Avengers Tower. Steve stood next to Sharon as if they were in a conversation.

“Hey Bucky.” They both greet, stopping their conversation. 6 months ago, Bucky accepted that Charmaine wasn’t coming back, so he got himself together, getting into the world and dating. Sharon had put him on the receptionist from downstairs. They had gone on a date last night, and safe to say; he enjoyed himself.

“How was the date?” Steve asked, placing his hands in his pockets.

“ It was good; Rebecca is really funny.” Bucky smiled, thinking about the good conversation they had last night. “She’s a fun person to be around.”

“That’s good to hear; I’m surprised that you didn’t take her home."Sharon joked, making Steve let out a small laugh, but Bucky didn’t laugh; instead, he bit his lip. They stopped when they noticed Bucky’s face.

"Buck, you took her home??” Steve asked, shocked. “ Are you serious?”

“ We were drunk! I didn’t know until I woke this morning.” Bucky said in defense, trying to keep himself from laughing, but it didn’t work.

“Wow, that’s really shocking."Sharon grabbed Steve’s hand. Steve pressed the up button."Let’s go see what Lori is making for lunch.”

Sharon and Steve have been talking for a while now, but he hasn’t asked her to be his girlfriend yet. He felt that she wasn’t the one for him right now, and maybe that would change in the future. But he couldn’t tell her that was the real reason why he hasn’t asked her to be his girlfriend.

Lori’s tongue stuck out as she focused on the big meal that she was preparing. It was one of those months where all the avengers either stayed or came to the visit. Her 8-month belly poked out in front of her, preventing the mother from grabbing certain things. Natasha walked behind her, placing a kiss on her cheek.

“Hey, mama, you need some help?”

“Yes, please, grab some seasoning from the cabinet.”

Natasha does as so, grabbing multiple seasonings. Lori turned on the blacktop, preparing to cook the burgers. Peter walks into the kitchen, holding a box of legos. “Mom, can you help me build these legos when we’re done eating?”

This year has been hard on them, mostly Peter. He had lost Aunt May to a mugging a couple of months after the situation with Charmaine. His family helped him back to his feet, Tony adopted him, and when Lori and Tony officially got together, she took him in as a son.

Lori and Tony’s relationship has blossomed beautifully. Who knew being his assistant would soon make her his wife. They were engaged and soon plan to elope instead of having a wedding. She was pregnant with a baby girl at the moment but nobody knew but her since she went to the doctors this morning to find out the gender.

“Yes, Peter, I’ll come help,” Lori said, picking up some meat, rolling it in her hand into some balls.“What kind are they?”

“Star Wars, duh!"Peter said happily, sitting down in the chair that was in front of the island.  "We’re building a ship. I found it at Target when Happy and I went.”

“Peter, you didn’t ask if I wanted to join,” Natasha pout taking out the burger buns. “I like lego creations.”

“You can help too Nat!”

The two Supersoldiers and Agent walk into the kitchen after taking their shoes off, except Sharon,  smelling the good cooking food.  Both men placed a kiss on Lori’s and Natasha’s cheeks. “It smells good in here. What are we eating?” Steve asked, poking his head over Natasha’s shoulder.  She swats him away.

“Steve, move!”

Sharon stood there not knowing what to do but was getting jealous after seeing how close he and Nat were. Bucky sat down beside Peter, and the two engage in a conversation about legos. Lori raised an eyebrow seeing the Agent’s mood change. She raised her finger towards Sharon.

“And who are you?”

The Agent places a piece of hair behind her ear, “Oh, I’m Sharon. I’m an Agent so I work downstairs.”

“That’s why I’ve never seen you before; you’re one of those first-level agents.”

“Lori."Steve scolded, shaking his head. Bucky was amused by how overprotective Lori got over Steve; he’s like her baby. Lori shrugged her placing more meat on the blacktop.

"What? I’m just saying, and Sharon, we don’t wear shoes in the kitchen. Charmaine wanted everyone to be comfortable when they were in here. Even if they were getting a bottle of water.”

“I’m sorry."Sharon apologizes, going back near the elevator so she could take off her shoes. Lori turned towards Steve placing her hands on her hip.

"That’s Sharon?” Lori points towards where Sharon just stood, whispering. “Why are you still leading her on, Steve? Tell her the truth.”

“I don’t know, Lori. She’s a sweet girl."Steve whispered back. "Let’s get off me and get on the fact that Bucky slept with the receptionist that works here.”

Bucky looks up in shock; feeling betrayed, holding his hands up in disbelief, “Dude!”

Natasha, Lori, and Peter turned to Bucky, shocked,“ You slept with the receptionist?!”

“We were drunk!” Bucky said in defense. “I don’t know what happened; I woke up hungover and naked.”

Sharon walked back over, holding her phone to her ear,“ I have to go; I wish I could stay. Steve, can you walk me out?”

Lori side-eye him and Steve gave a look that said, ‘Don’t say anything stupid.’ “Sure, I’ll walk you out, Sharon.” The pair walks towards the elevator.

Lori finished cooking the rest of the burger meat, rubbing her stomach,“ I’ll get Steve when he gets back now back to you, Bucky. What’s her name?”

“Is that blonde blue-eyed from downstairs? What her name? Ruby? No. Rachel?” Natasha wondered, using the tongs to place the already cooked meat on the buns. So all the family had to do when they get their plates, just grab some condiments.

“It’s Rebecca. We went on a date and accidentally got drunk."Bucky shrugged his shoulders, grabbing a piece of bacon that was for condiments. "She’s a good girl.”

“How was she in bed?” Natasha asked, raising her eyebrows. Lori cleared her throat towards Peter who was engaged in their conversation intently. Natasha didn’t care.

“What? He’s going to be in the same position one day.”

“Peter, honey, go set the table.” Lori sigh passing him the plate with tomatoes. Peter pout not wanting to get up from his spot.

“Mom, the conversation was getting good. I know Rebecca, she has really big boo-”

“Peter!” Lori warned, crossing her arms.

“Yes, ma'am."Peter grabs the tomatoes scurrying away from the table.


lmaoo peter knows his women.

Thank you for reading

We one chapter away from the first big chapter.


stay slutty my friend.


Word Count:

Pairing: Steve Rogers x BlackFem!OC

Warning: Swearing, Fluff, Angst.

Summary: Armoni (Are- Money) is the newly adopted daughter of Steve Rogers. She doesn’t know what she is getting into but eventually she will know they love her dearly.

A/N: enjoy!! and I wrote this during my psychology lecture

“This is your room.” Steve opened the door to Armoni’s new room. She was very quiet but looked around the room in aw. “Do you like it?” Steve scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Armoni held a thumbs up which gave him relief. “Okay well I’ll be in the living room with Stark. Call me if you need anything.” Steve by the door and she nodded so he took that que to leave.

“Cap you really went and adopted a kid?” Stark licked the spoon that he used to make his smoothie. Steve sat down at the island still nervous about having a actual daughter.

“Yeah man, she’s really quiet but I think when she get comfortable with us everything will be better.”

“What’s her name? How old is she?”

“Armoni and she is 16.”

The team walked in from training. “Stark what kind of smoothie you make? I want some.” Sam picked up the blender smelling it. Stark rolled his eyes taking it away from him.

“Make your own.”

Natasha walked downstairs using her thumb to point in the direction of where the living quarters are. “Why is there a door with a glitter A on it. It’s the first guest room door.”

Tony snickered at how the team didn’t know,“Why won’t you tell them Cap.” Stark pat his back while Steve narrowed his eyes at him.

“Thank you Stark for putting me on the spot.”

“We’re waiting.” Natasha crossed her arms impatiently.

“I adopted a teenager.” Steve cleared his throat as the room got silent. Bucky face palmed.

“A teenager? Really Steve?”

Soon it was a big commotion between everyone.

“What made you even do this?” Sam stressed sitting down.

“Cap this is a big responsibility!” Natasha scolded him for this last minute decision.

“Why you didn’t say anything to us?! Is she in there now?” Bucky pointed up the stairs.

“I told you they weren’t going to take it well Cap!” Tony laughed making the situation worse.

Steve stood up tired of everyone jumping on him. “Alright, Alright! This is something that I wanted to do and I know this a big responsibility and I’m wiling to do everything for her. She needed a family so that’s what I’m going to provide for her. Now you guys can be family or you can be someone looking from the outside in. But I won’t tolerate talking down on her.”

Armoni listened from the top of the stairs as a smile grew on her face. She’s never had anyone to stick up for her. From that day on , she knew Steve always had her back.


6 months later

“Loki where is my bookbag!? Peter where did you put my jacket? I’m going to be late!” Armoni finished lacing up her shoes. It was the week where everyone stayed in the tower for meetings and things. Today she was late and everything was not going to plan.

“Armoni you’re going to be late!” Steve yelled up the stairs. She prayed that the bookbag covered up her skirt so no one wouldn’t say anything.

“I know Steve, I’m coming!”

Loki walked out of his personal library, he looked at her outfit.“Rogers is going to kill you.” Armoni grabbed the bookbag out his hands.

“Hush Loki. Please tell me you put that literature book back in my bag?”

“I did little one.”


The pair walked down for breakfast.

“Pass me a waffle.” Loki held out a napkin towards Bucky. James side eyed him,“Now why would I do that. Get up and get one.”

Loki rolled his eyes, mocking him “NoW wHy WoUlD i Do ThAt. You’re so irritating man.” He got up getting himself a waffle.

Armoni rushed downstairs completely forgetting about the jacket. She kissed everyone cheek that was around the table. “Bye guys!”

“Wait a minute.” Bucky voiced spoke up making Armoni freeze in her steps. That caught Steve’s attention. Steve saw his daughter outfit which was a big no no. “Armoni Amour Rogers, go change now.”

“Steve it’s too late to changeee! I’m going to be late!"Armoni whined trying to ease towards the door. She gave him the puppy eyes which didn’t phase Steve.

"There’s nothing wrong with the outfit Cap, she looks fine.” Wanda smiled supporting her niece. In Steve eyes he saw his little girl and nothing was changing his mind.

“Wanda I don’t want any boys looking at her!”

“They’re going to look regardless Mr. Rogers. Armoni is beautiful.” Peter muttered thinking no one was listening. Bucky went into overprotective mode.


“Sorry!” He blushed as well as Armoni cause she heard him.

“See!” Steve gestured towards Peter,“That proved my point.”

“Cap let her go to school, we can deal with this later.” Natasha ate on some strawberries and Armoni gave her a huge smile. Steve sigh pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Fine, have a good day sweetheart.”

Armoni kissed his cheek,“Okay Steve, see you later!” Her not calling him dad kinda hurt him a bit but Steve doesn’t want to pressure her into saying it. But to say it when she’s is ready.

Both Peter and Armoni headed towards the elevators in a heated conversation. The doors opened revealing her birth parents and a lawyer.

“Ms.Armoni?” The lawyer questioned to see if she was the right person. Both teenagers froze in their tracks. The team got quiet seeing the unknown guest stepping on the floor. Armoni looked at her dad for help.

“Who’s asking?” Steve walked over to his daughter protectively. “You don’t have clearance to be on this floor.”

“We’re here to get our daughter.” Tilly, Armoni’s birth mother crossed her arms. Her father just stood there with a mug on his face.

“You don’t have a clearance to be on this floor.” Natasha spoke slowly so they can comprehend. Which obviously they ignored.

“Give us Armoni and we will leave.” The lawyer cleared her throat. “ No weren’t not letting her go with neither of you.” Peter defended her.

“Armoni let’s go.” Tilly sneered towards the teenager, holding out her hand. She grabbed on to Steve shaking her head. Armoni was living her best life being Steve’s daughter. She knew it was going to be hell, if she left with them.


“What the hell is going on here?” Tony took off his work gloves coming into the living room. The caught everyone’s attention.

“We’re here to pick up Armoni Hill Mr. Stark.” The lawyer flipped through papers she had on a clipboard. “Her birth parents have the right to get her since you, Mr. Rogers seem to be unfit.”

“Unfit? Unfit? I give Armoni the best life she could ever ask for.” Steve blew up, holding his daughter close to him. “Why all of a sudden you want her now? when you were the ones to put her in there! Yeah I’m Captain America but I would never do anything to hurt Armoni!”

“This is bullshit! Armoni isn’t going anywhere.” Bucky stood by his best friend. They weren’t going down with a fight.

“Yes she is, Armoni will be leaving now.” The lawyer spoke with agitation. Tilly walked towards Armoni but both Wanda and Natasha stood in the way.

“You’re not touching her.”

“Stark do something about this!"Loki looked at Tony for help but he shook his head. "Stark?” This was out of his hand, especially since the government had a part in this.

“There’s nothing I can do for right now Loki . I’m sorry.”

“Let’s go!” Tilly yelled to Armoni. The team was in defeat from their lost. Steve looked at his daughter heartbroken as she clutched to his waist. “Princess I’m so sorry I let you down. I promise I will get you back but for now you have to go.”

“No…No… I’m not going.Please don’t make me go.” She begged not wanting to let go.

“fit my ass, he’s letting her go to school dressed like a whore.” Tilly muttered but Wanda heard her and got closer.

“What did you just say?”


“Mr. Rogers we don’t have time. Give her to us now.” The lawyer took her glasses off but Steve just glared at her. It soften when he look at how broken his daughter was.

“Princess, I’m going to get you back. I promise.”

“P-Please. I can’t go back with them, I want to stay with you.”

“Princess stop crying, you’re hurting my heart.”

Commotion was still around them as Steve pulled her back from his chest, a couple tears was running down his face. Armoni sobbed, staring at her dad who wiped her tears.

“I love you so much Princess.”

“I love you so much Dad.”

Getting the que from Tilly, Armoni’s birth father grabbed her, not letting go. Tilly waved , going over to the elevator. “Bye now!”

“DAD!!!!” Armoni screamed reaching out to her dad. Steve made a move to save her but Bucky stood in the way. “We will get her back Steve.”

“Don’t touch me!” Armoni cried thrashing around in the man arms. “Dad! I want my Dad. Please!”

“You’re hurting her!” Tears fell as Steve pulled at his hair. Armoni was his world, he was going to do everything to get her back. He completely broke down when he heard the elevator doors close.

She called him dad.

“Steve…"Tony tries but Steve shook his head. The blonde shook his head not wanting to be bothered. He walked to his room with his head down trying to process everything,

He really just lost his daughter.

Steve let’s out a frustrated cry, punching a huge hole in the wall.

They took away his only happiness.


I feel like this one-shot don’t make sense

oh well.

stay slutty my friends .

Eternal Flame.

Word Count:1,719

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!OC , Tony Stark x BlackFem!OC.

Warning: Swearing. Angst and Fluff.

Summary: Mazikeen has finally got a hold of two of her deadliest weapon.

A/N: This is what Mazikeen looks like and I love who I chose for her.

Mazikeen watched her workers bring in her new weapon. It was all coming into order like how she wanted it to be. She wanted her girls to possess the powers of fire, water, earth, and air.

In her opinion, Maze wanted fire and air to be the strongest two out of all. Hydra was giving her all the details on where she could find the serums for water and earth, but since they haven’t responded, she was on her own.

“I’ll do anything, but please don’t hurt my family.” The girl cried from behind Maze. She shuddered at the thought of sadness; these families are making them weak. The demon was tired of it.

“What makes you think you’ll be able to remember them after I’m done with you, hmm?"Maze smirked then pointed at the scientist that controlled the dial. "Mindwipe her. Don’t stop until I say so.”

With that incident from two weeks ago, the demon didn’t want to hear any more disrespect from the girls she captured. Being number one in every country will prove to Lucifer that she handles herself without his help. She would destroy everyone that stood in her way.

Charmaine’s lips trembled as her thoughts were driving her insane. She cried out in pain, clutching her head. The room felt like it was closing in on her.

‘Who are you?’

I am your conscious.

'My conscious? My… My… Where is?’

Where is who? Charmaine, it’s just me and you. I’m all you need. I’m going to be your guidance.

Guidance?I don’t need you. Get out of my brain.’

You have my breath flowing through your veins, my mind in your brain, my strength courses through your body. You will do as I say.

'St-stop please you’re hurting my brain.“

'Good because I’m taking over.’

'No! I won’t let you take over. I want to remember someone, but it keeps coming up blank. Let me retain it, please. It feels like someone I can’t live without.”

'Oh, I went through all your memories; you’re talking about your lover. Bucky.“


“Yes, and when we get the chance. I’ll make sure you kill him slowly.”

Charmaine screamed as her body felt as if it was on fire. The room was engulfed in flames that spewed from her body. She felt herself being lifted in the air, the clothes she was wearing started to disintegrate. Charm screams in agony as it felt like she was being branded on her back.

She fell to the ground very weak with wings sprouting from her back. Charmie looked around, scared, seeing the damage she had done. The room looked like an after scene of a house fire. She gasps, covering up her naked body with the wings still pointing out.

Mazikeen watched outside of the glass with a devious smile.

“You’ve finished the main course. Who am I speaking to?”

Charm sobbed, still feeling pain from the wings,“ Take this out of me.”

The demon shook her head, smirking, “No, No, No. I need the other person.” She slid the glass door open, getting a whiff of the burning smell. She threw the scared girl some clothes, “The guards are coming to get you in 5 minutes. Get dressed.”

Mazikeen walked into the main room, standing beside the head scientist,“ So if I say these words, I’ll have complete control of the eternal flame and will be able to speak to it.”

The scientist handed her a book that was with a purple cover on the front, “Yes, but we will have to say the words every day because the flame isn’t going to be easy to tame.”

“Well, I’ll make it be tamed."Mazikeen said, flipping through some pages until the guards rolled in a chair that Charmaine. The dark skin girl sat back with hair sticking to her face from the tears—the demon strut over, placing a finger under Charm’s chin.

"I need you to remember these words.” She lifted her head so their eyes could meet. “Never, ever forget these words.” Charm snatched her face away from her finger, making Maze smirk.

The Queen opened the book going to the page she needs. Strolling her finger across the page, she finds the paragraph to read.

“Eterna.” (Eternal)


“Ardente.” (Burning)

“Duratura.” (Enduring)

“Infiammare.” (Ignited)

“Continuamente.” (Continuously) Mazikeen stopped in the middle, looking up from the page. Charmaine’s chest heaved up and down as her eyes turned fully purple. Her veins glowed brightly that you could see it within her skin.

It’sworking’ Mazikeen smiled proudly to herself; she continues reading.

“Gli aumento.” (Gain)

“Carburante.” (Fuel)


“Fiamma.” (Flame)

Charmaine lifts both arms, easily breaking the straps, getting up walking over to Mazikeen. Her bright purple wings stretched from her back with every step she took.

This wasn’t the normal Charmaine you think it was; the Eternal Flame had taken over her body. Those words connect them as one.

“Who summons me?”

“I did. Glad of you too finally join us.” Maze waved with the book in hand.

Eternal Flame looks her up and down, “Mazikeen, the used to be ruler of hell. Who do I owe the pleasure of meeting you?”

“I need you and Cyan to help find the injection for earth and water, plus I want to be number one in every country.”

“Lucifer kicked you out of hell? Why?”

“Lucifer didn’t kick me out of hell. I left because he didn’t believe that I had full potential.”

“Where is the air fairy? Show me how far you’ve gotten with her, then I’ll see if I will help.”

“Bring her in!"Mazikeen said aloud, pouring herself a well-deserved drink. The scientist scrambled to bring the girl in. "I just got her today, but I have injected phase 1 to her powers, so it should be a sign that it works. Drink?”

Eternal Flame just stared.

The air fairy was wheeled in strapped down to a table. Her veins were a white blue-ish like a glowstick. The girl groaned, trying to adjust her eyes to the bright light that was hovering above her. Eternal Flame crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for something to happen.

The scientist turns the dial to 10 for electrocution, and the girl screamed in agony as her eyes and hair turned white. The lights in the room start to flicker.

Eternal Flame was impressed, “Okay, I’m in.”

“That’s just the start.” Mazikeen smirked then pats the scientist’s shoulder to cut the electrocuting off. “Ritorno.” (Return)

Charmaine’s body drops to the floor unconscious, hair turning back to its original color with the wings disappearing.


Tony worked around in his workshop, tinkering on his MK-43. He’s barely got any sleep in the last 3 days; his mind rambled about his daughter.

“Boss, you’re new assistant has just arrived, sir,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. voice said, scaring the shit out of Tony. He rubbed his face from being fatigued, drowsy, and developing a headache.

“I didn’t ask for a new assistant; who did that?”

“Maria did, sir. She’s coming down now.”

Lori Harvey used her thumbprint to open the door; she looked around at the beautiful inventions that Tony has made in the past.

He sat there on a stool with his face in his hands; as much as he wanted to go to sleep in the past, the nightmares were intolerable. His mind kept imagining what Charm looked like when she fell. That would cause him to wake up from his sleep.

“Hi, I’m Lori Harvey, your new personal assistant. Is there anything that needs to be done?"Lori asked, putting out her hand for him to shake. Tony lifted his head, shaking it.

” How did you even get in here? You know what it doesn’t matter, I don’t need an assistant; I’m fine, so you can go back to Maria and tell her to find you a new job.“

"Maria set me up with a thumbprint for your door. With all due respect Mr.Stark, you look a mess. I know you lost your daughter, but you don’t need to throw yourself away too. She wouldn’t want this for you.”

“You don’t know shit about my daughter, so I would advise you to stop talking.”

“You’re right, I don’t know your daughter, but I’m not letting you go out like this."Lori sat her purse down, grabbing some trash off his work table."I’m going to go prepare you some food because I know you haven’t eaten.”

Tony waved her off, not in the mood to argue anymore. Lori sighs, walking out of the room, passing a quiet Bucky. He walked in holding a letter seeing Tony in the same position that Lori saw him in.


Iron Man looks up, surprised to see the Winter Soldier in his workshop,“ Bucky.”

Bucky holds up the letter with the NYU symbol on the front, “They’re resigning her from the school.” He slides it over to Tony, who picks it up, opening it. “What do we do? She wanted to be a company owner; we can’t just let her dream die, Tony.”

Tony rubbed his mouth, sighing, “Bucky, I don’t know what to do.”

“I know, but I-I wish she were here, you know? we wouldn’t have to worry about this.” Bucky sigh running his hand through his hair which was past his shoulder, from not trimming it. He looked a mess, just like Tony. His eyes were red, he barely ate, didn’t get enough sleep, and he would shed a tear thinking about his best girl.

“I miss her a lot too. How are Peter and everyone else?” Tony asked, sitting down the letter, not wanting to read it anymore. “I haven’t been upstairs in a couple of days.”

“I haven’t really seen Peter since that day. He’s either home with aunt May or in his room that he has here. Thor went to Asgard to help Loki with something; Natasha is always training, Scott had to go back home to spend time with cassie, and Steve, Sam, and I watch movies all day.”

“That’s good. How are you?”

Bucky sighs not wanting to answers the question. Tony nodding completely understanding. He picked up the letter, placing it in the pile for urgent stuff to do.

“Keep going, Barnes.  I can’t lose you too.”

“I’ll try Stark.”


Awww the little moment in the end .

I’m posting more chapters of this Charmaine series because I want to finish this! So for the next couple of days, it might be just chapters for this series.

Next Chapter: 1 year later

Series Masterlist: Charmaine

Stay slutty my friendsss


Charmaine is an intern for Tony Stark, soon she meets the team and they become her family. One mission was all it took.

1.Meeting Where Charmaine meets the team for the first time after having a panic attack.

2.Shit Bucky Charmaine cooks for the team and gets to know them more.

3.Charm BraceletCharm gets to know Bucky more and feelings starts to grow.

4.Alright, that’s enough A little bit jealous of bucky but finally confesses his feelings to the guys as well as charm do.

5.Don’t do this to me Charmaine’s first mission with the team but doesn’t end well and the team loses a member.

6.Eternal Flame ➞ Mazikeen has finally got a hold of two of her deadliest weapon.

7.1 year later ➞ It’s a year after Charmaine is fully Eternal Flame along with Cyan. The team is fully accepting that she isn’t coming back anymore.

8.I’m not naming my child Thorina. ➞ Lori does a big gender reveal for the whole team but by the end of the night, Thor and Steve are able to reveal something.

9.Stay ➞ Two weeks have passed and Charmaine tries to get used to being in the house but Mazikeen still has that effect on her.

more to come!

I really want to finish this series and maybe post it on Wattpad. This will give me a reason to finish so you guys can enjoy.


word count:

pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader.

warning: angst, nightmares.

Summary: Bucky nightmares are too much.

A/N: Y'all it’s been weird and longgg week and I can’t stay on one thing soo the overprotective series will have to wait a second .

ik it’s in first person point of view because i just didn’t feel like putting it in third person. either take it or leave it!‍♀️

“No! Stop! Please."  I heard Bucky say from behind me. I looked at the clock and it said 2:45 a.m.

Bucky was tossing and turning which made me sit up. He had sweats running down his face. I rubbed his face softly so I could wake him.


His eyes were tightly closed and his hands gripped the pillow. I placed my other his shoulder.


“Ahh!” He yelled thrashing around, Bucky was still asleep. “P-please! I’ll take her spot. No! Don’t say those got damn words.”

I was scared myself, his nightmares never gotten worse like this.

“Bucky! Wake up!”

“Ahh!” He yelled again and I grabbed Bucky pulling him into my chest. I held a tight grip so he wouldn’t move around in my arms. Bucky’s metal hand grabbed onto my forearm so he could hold on to me. His screams turned into sobs.

“Baby open your eyes. I’m here Bucky.  You’re okay.” I comfort rubbing my hand through his hair. Bucky was completely woke as his head stayed on my chest and his cries turn into sniffles.

“I d-didn’t mean to wake you up to this, I’m sorry. It just felt so real.”

“I’m sorry,” Bucky muttered quietly. I kissed his forehead rocking us back and forth.

“It’s fine. I know it’s not your fault.”

“I’m sorry.”

I placed my chin on top of his head,  “Baby stop apologizing, it’s okay. I want to try something, is that alright?”

He pulled back from my chest, “Yeah, what is it?”

“You have to trust me, baby,” I said as we stared each other in the eyes.

“I trust you.”


“Honey, you got the words ready?” Tony asked tapping away on a tablet. His suit powered on, going into auto-pilot mode

“Yes honey, just waiting on Y/N or Bucky to give us the cue.” Lori yawned sitting on top of the table.

We were sitting in Tony’s workshop and it was still late at night. The plan was to try to use the words that were in Bucky’s brain against him. It was like the nightmares were getting worse every night.

“I will be here the whole time okay? You got this. I’ll hold your hand if you want me to baby.” I said leaning down so we could have eye contact. Bucky was sitting in a chair across from Lori. He was so nervous that it might all come back.

“You don’t have to. I know this is maybe one of the best ways to get rid of the nightmares so I should be okay.”

“Okay,” I said placing a peck on his lips. We gave each other a small smile then I stepped back leaning again the table. He looked a Lori nervously.

“I’m ready.”

“Just close your eyes Bucky. We aren’t going to let anything happen.” Lori reassured softly. “We will be here for you.”

“I will stop her if you need me to.” Tony said standing beside her with his arms crossed over his chest.

Bucky nodded then hesitantly closed his eyes. I never took my eyes off him, I was hoping this went well. Lori slowly opened the red book beginning to read the words.

“Желание. Ржавый. Семнадцать. Рассвет. Печь. Девять.” Lori said slowly, saying every word fully. Bucky’s lip trembled as tears rolled down this face. I couldn’t bear seeing him like this. I try to hold my tears back.

(Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign.)

“Добросердечный. Возвращение на родину. Один.”

(Homecoming. One. Freight car.)

Lori finished closing the book. Bucky opened his glassy eyes giving us the answer we all needed. He was free.

I go over to him placing my forehead on his, “You’re free baby. You’re free.

Bucky wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a big hug.


We thanked Lori and Tony for helping us out with all of this.

It was around 3:50 a.m. and we were back in bed. I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t know why so I was up reading a book. Bucky rolled over placing his head on my chest and his metal arm around my waist.

This was the best sleep he’s gotten in years.


Ehhh I know it’s short but it’s a little something.

Here my lovee @golden-child04, thank you for commenting.

@kenny-2318,@calimoi , @someone-looking-weird

thought you guys might want to read it when it was done!

stay slutty my friends!

for this one shot im going to write about bucky having nightmares. should it be soft or violet where he chokes her without warning if you get what im saying.

im confused on which one to write.

little girl in a box.

word count:

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, mention of killing.

Summary: Bucky and Y/N comes home from their date to find a sweetheart in a box.

A/N: this haven’t been my week so im using fanfiction to be a distraction.

Y/N and Bucky walked up the stairs to their apartment in Bucharest. They were holding hands, engaged in a conversation.

“I was thinking, what if I made shrimp alfredo?” Y/N asked as their hands sway back and forth. Bucky looked at her confused.

“What’s alfredo?”

“Oh my god, you never had it before?”

“I mean in the army they boiled everything. It wasn’t really lavish.”

“Everything boiled sound so nasty.”

“I know right but I managed. What’s going to be in it?”

“Shrimp and pasta with Alfredo sauce. I think you’re going to love it!”

“That’s fine with me babe, as long as it isn’t soup.”

“Same.” Y/N laughed letting go of his hand so she could unlock the door. Normally they would go through the window. But just for one night, they didn’t want to be paranoid. Just to have one normal night.

Bucky stopped in his tracks staring at a medium size box that had big holes poked in it. “Y/N were you expecting something?”

“No.” Y/N with hesitation getting worried that this might a setup. Bucky pulled her behind him protectively then proceeded to nudge open the box. The box top fell off and a pair of brown doe eyes stared back at them. Bucky hardened face expression soften as he saw a beautiful little girl in the box.

Whoever left this beautiful child in the box was a horrible person in general. The little girl sat up looking at the couple nervously. Bucky squat down so they could be eye level.

“Hi princess… I’m Bucky and that’s my girlfriend Y/N. Would you like to tell me your name?” Bucky said softly then pointed at Y/N who waved giving a toothless smile. It was like Bucky’s dad instincts kicked in as he felt the need to protect the little girl any way he could.

She shook her head as a way of saying she didn’t want to talk. Her body was skinny seeming that she haven’t ate in a couple of days. She looked no older then 4. Y/N squat down to help ease her nerves.

“How about we go in and get you something to eat?”

The little girl looked at Y/N scaredly and instantly held her arms out for Bucky. Y/N sigh knowing that whatever happened in this girl past, she was scared of women she didn’t trust. Bucky picked her up gently not wanted to hurt her with his arm.

They walked into the apartment and Y/N quickly started to prepare dinner. Bucky sat on the bed while the little girl sat on the side of them. He tries to start conversation again with her.

“Can you tell me your name now?”

The little girl looked around before speaking softly,“Melanie..”

The pair looked at each otherin shock, he got her to talk. There wasn’t any technology in the room so they best way to stay entertained was to have conversation.

“Well Melanie how old are you?” Bucky questioned.

“Five.” She said but held up three fingers making Bucky smile in amusement. He helped her by raising up another finger.

“How old are you?”

Y/N giggled while fixing their bowls. Nobody have ever asked him that. Bucky laughed since its been a long time since someone asked him that.

“Well doll, I’m 106.”

Melanie made a funny face turning her head to the side. Y/N came over with three bowls in her hands. Bucky grabbed the bowls passing one to Melanie, while holding the other ones as Y/N sat down so she wouldn’t spill it.

“Can I eat all of it? I’ve been good all week.” Melanie moved some of her hair from her face with a a sadden expression. Y/N felt so bad for her, this wasn’t right.

“Baby you can eat all it. I can make more if you want some okay?”

“Okay.” Melanie smiled digging in her food. Bucky and Y/N shared a look. He was angry that she went through horrible things at a young age.

After dinner, Bucky washed and put the dishes away while Y/N laid down on the mattress. Melanie kept picking her head up to see if Bucky was coming.

“He’s coming honey, he’s washing dishes."Y/N laughed softly realizing what she was doing. "You tired?”

Melanie shook her head, rubbing her eyes,“No.”

“Yes you are. Come here?” Y/N asked nicely but Melanie poked out her lip. She was sitting in the middle of the mattress near Y/N’s knees.

“Noo, I’m waiting on Bucky.”

“Here I am princess.” Bucky grunt getting on his knees behind her. Melanie looked happy as he picked her up, walking on his knees to get to this spot on the mattress. Y/N laid on her side, watching them in admiration. 

Melanie was very brave and didn’t take long getting used to the couple. Food was a way to her heart so the trust came quickly. She was snuggled between Bucky and Y/N while they cuddled her enjoying their sleep.


2:48 a.m.

People smashing through the apartment windows starled them awoke. Before Bucky could reach for his gun, a man punched him in the face. Y/N quickly grabbed Melanie holding her into her chest then gets up grabbing the emergency bookbag.

The couple agreed that if this was to happen then find the best way out possible. They would find each other no matter how far away they was. Bucky did one on one combat with the man that broke in.

“GO Y/N!”

She nodded rushing to the door making sure to keep a good grip on Melanie. When she opened the door a man stood their with a gun pointed directly at her head. Melanie start to cry with all the commotion going on. Tears start to fall out of Y/N’s eyes, thinking this was it.

“Go back in now or I won’t hesitate putting one between your eyes.” The man sneered putting the cold gun on her forehead. Y/N turned around going back into the apartment. Bucky closed his eyes trying not to lose it as he saw his family being held at gun point.  He was being held at gun point as well but he was hoping that his girls was able to get away.

“So Winter Soldier, you really thought you could get away.” A man laughed turning on a light revealing his face. It was Rumlow holding Bucky at gun point and the man that held Y/N at gun point was Pierce. Bucky chest heaved up and down as he was getting angrier.

Melanie little face was turning red from how hard she was crying. Pierce rapidly pointed another gun in his other hand at Melanie’s little forehead.

“NO!"Bucky jumped forward but Rumlow put the gun on his forehead making him stop. Pierce took the gun off safety pressing it harder on Melanie’s forehead which makes Y/N sob harder.

"Shut the little brat up!”

“Melanie baby, stop… stop crying we’re okay. Bucky’s okay.” Y/N lied hoping she was to stop crying. Melanie cries turns into sniffles looking at Y/N hopefully.

Y/N nod her head crying,“We’re okay baby.”

Bucky felt like he let his girls down. He was so angry that he wanted to kill both of them but he couldn’t move. “I’ll go back and do whatever. Just p-please leave my family out of this.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear! Cuff him!” Pierce exclaimed letting the guns drop from Y/N and Melanie. Y/N shook her head not wanting Bucky to leave and endure all the things they worked so hard for him to forget.

“Bucky no!”

"Shut it bitch!” Pierce snapped at her holding the gun to her head again making her jump. It was killing Bucky for not being able to help.

“I’m sorry Y/N. I love you.” Bucky sigh putting his arms behind his back so Rumlow could cuff him. As Rumlow did, Redwing flew in dropping a disk on Pierce’s forehead electrocuting him. Sending him unconscious.

Bucky ducked as Rumlow shot the gun towards him making the girls scream. Sam flew in the window taking out the extra gaurd that stood by the refrigerator. Bucky stood up swiftly so he could take out Rumlow.

He smirked aiming the gun towards the girls,“ I guess nobody’s getting what they want.” Rumlow shot the gun at the girls. Y/N used her body to shield Melanie. Bucky stared in horror as he tried to get to them but Steve’s shield covered them from the bullets.

Bucky turned around angrily at Rumlow pulling out the secret gun that was in his  waist holster. With no hesitation, Bucky shoots him between the eyes. Rumlow body fell to the ground.

Y/N came from behind Steve’s large frame. She walked over to Bucky and pulled him into a hug without crushing Melanie’s little body. Bucky rubbed his hand through Y/N hair and kissed Melanie’s forehead. They didn’t have anything to say, they were just grateful to all be alive.

“I’m so sorry to ruin this moment guys but we need to go. Their supposed to be bringing in reinforcements any second.” Steve said placing his shield on his back.

“F.R.I.D.A.Y. bring the jet back around.” Sam pressed his finger on the com.


On the jet, it was quiet but peaceful time for them to rejuvenate. Bucky couldn’t sleep so he watched over his girls who were sleeping.

Melanie slept on his chest with his metal arm holding her up so her face could implant into his neck. Y/N was cuddled up with his arm wrapped around her. He kissed their foreheads every other second for his comfort.

“Thank you guys.” Bucky said to Sam and Steve who were sitting in the in the front seats of quinjet.

“Just gald you guys are safe.” Steve pat his hand on Bucky’s shoulder.

“Plus we were able to kill two birds with one stone. Bonus but glad we could help."Sam said making Bucky smiled. He looked at his girls, very content with life.


horrible writing.

I wrote this bout a year ago. I don’t like it, but i just needed it as a distraction.

stay slutty my friends

Happy Birthday!

Word Count:

Pairing: Steve Rogers x BlackFem!ReaderDaughter, Steve Rogers x BlackFem!OC

Warning: Swearing, Fluff, Happiness, Angst a little bit.

Summary: It’s Steve’s birthday and Y/N has something up her sleeve.

A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVEEE!! I love you so muchh

“Okay put that over there!” Y/N pointed at the table where the fruit tray was going to sit. The 17 year old had everything going the way she wanted. Using her mother’s credit card undercover, Y/N planned a birthday party for her dad.

Now Steve and Harmoni didn’t see eye to eye. The previous married couple broke up (even though the divorce isn’t finalized) because of him being absent to much and when he goes on missions he takes his rings off. Harmoni was too hot headed plus very friendly which he didn’t like. It was major differences between them but it made them love each other more.

“Oh shit!” Y/N muttered seeing her dad picture show across the screen. Him,Buck, Sam, Natasha and Clint were on a mission which gave Y/N enough time to plan the surprise party that no one knew about.

“Y/N?” Her father’s voice came through the phone when she answered. She walked away from the noise that was made from the workers.


“I’m just calling to check on you. Are you okay? We’re going to be there in the 3 hours or so.”

‘Yesss that’s plenty of time.’

“Yes Dad I’m alright, probably going to go hang out with Peter and Mj in a minute before mom come pick me up.”

He sigh,“She’s picking you up today? I was hoping you could stay longer. Stark wanted to take Peter and Morgan to Disney land sometime this week. Talk to your Mother on that for me.”

“Dad you talk to her!”


“Sorry Dad but I got to go. Uncle Tony is going to burn my grilled cheese if I don’t say something! Tell everyone I said hello!”

“Alright Y/N. Be careful with going out with Peter an Mj.”

“I will Dad.”

“I’m serious Y/N. I don’t want you to get hurt or anything. Your mother will kill me if that happens.”

“Alright Dad. This was supposed to be a short phone call.”

“Okay Y/N. Talk to you later.”

“Okay. Oh and Dad?”


Happy Birthday Dad, I love you so much.

She could feel him smiling against the phone.

Thank you so much princess. I love you too.


“Mom you’re over dressed."Y/N whined seeing her mother’s outfit when Harmoni walked onto the patio. Y/N did it big for her father because she feels like he deserves it. She had a big table of food, a mini photo booth, a bar for the adults, a dj, dance floor, fireworks for later. This was going to be the best party!

"Well you said Birthday Party honey."Harmoni picks up a piece of pineapple from the fruit tray. "All this for your daddy? You did your thing Y/N.”

That compliment made Y/N blush. “Thanks momma, Maybe I’d be able to do your birthday party.” Harmoni rolled her eyes playfully, grabbing another piece of fruit.

“I’ll think about it cause you expensive. Yeah I saw that you used my card.”

Y/N laughed as Harmoni wrapped her arm around her shoulders. “Sorry Ma, I wanted Popsicle to have the best party.”

Harmoni kissed her daughter’s forehead,“ It’s alright honey. Whatever you want to do, I’ll be there for support. Now let’s go check on these fireworks because I hope you got the ones that are really bright.”


The party is supposed to start at 6:30 and it’s 5 something now. When the team got back, Y/N had yet to seen her dad. She saw Bucky and told him what she had up her sleeve and hopefully he told everyone else. Now it was just time to wait and find her father.

“Momma I’m going to go find dad so I can tell him to get ready.” Y/N got off the couch in the living room. Harmoni sat down her glass getting up too.

“I’ll go too. I wanna be nosey.”

“Really ma.” Y/N laughed grabbing her mother’s hand. They walked down the hallway to his room but they ran into Sam. Y/N let go of Harmoni’s hand running to her uncle.

“Uncle Sam!”

“Y/N! I haven’t seen you in so longgg!” He hugged his niece. When they pulled apart, he caught glimpse of Steve’s lover. “Damn, Harmoni when did you get fine girl?”

Harmoni blushed laughing, hitting his chest.“Whatever Sam. Have you seen Steve?”

Sam pointed to the elevator,“ Last I saw Steve was downstairs on the first floor. He probably still down there.”

“Okay Uncle Sam. See you at his party?” Y/N asked grabbing Harmoni’s hand again. He nodded smiling.

“You know I’m there!”

The two got on the elevator, going down to the first floor. There stood Steve talking to Sharon, it looked like they were flirting from how close he was to her. Y/N heart broke seeing that, to herself she always prayed that one day her parents would get back together. Unbeknownst to her Harmoni heart broke as well, praying the same thing as Y/N.

Y/N tried to speak but she couldn’t. Harmoni put aside her feelings and became the strong mother Y/N needed. “Steve.”

He stepped back confused until he saw his family. Steve held a finger up for Sharon, walking over to his girls. “Harmoni…What are you doing here?”

“I’m only here for Y/N.”

“You leaving Y/N? I thought you were going to ask honey.”

“No dad, we’ll talk about that later. Right now, I want you to get dressed for something."Y/N fumbled with her fingers hoping he would go along with it. Steve doesn’t really like his birthday, everyone knew this.

Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. "Y/N whatever you have up your sleeve, cancel it.”

“Wh…What?” Y/N lip trembled, that really broke her.

“Steve this is different, this is your daughter not someone making a joke. Think about the hell you finna say next."Harmoni pulled her daughter close to her side. They made eye contact but hers was a hardened glare.

He didn’t want to so it but Steve didn’t want to be embarrassed. "Cancel it. You didn’t have to do whatever you did Y/N it’s not worth it. I have other plans.”

“Okay Steve.” Y/N muttered planting her face in Harmoni’s chest. That hurt him, she’s never called him by his first name. “Princess I’m sorry.”

“Don’t even worry about it Steve. We’re leaving and I’m getting full custody of her since you’ll rather do other shit then hang out with your own damn daughter. I can’t fucking believe you Steve!” Harmoni went off not caring about making a scene. That made him pissed off too.

“Take away my daughter?! Harmoni you can’t do that!”

“Watch me.” She snarled then walked to the elevator.


“Man what did you do??” Bucky asked once Steve made it on the living floor. He had saw how pissed off Harmoni was when they walked past him. When Bucky asked her what’s wrong all she said was Steve.

“All I told Y/N is that I had plans and that she had to cancel whatever she had for me. I’m sure it wasn’t big.”

“Steve you canceled on your daughter, your own daughter. It doesn’t make sense! I know you’re embarrassed about your birthday but we’re all grown, the only person that is going to make jokes is Tony because he’s Tony. Get over it man, your daughter had something special planned that no one had ever did! Get your priorities right Steve."Bucky scolded shaking his head, leaving Steve to think about what the hell he just did.

"Fuck! What did I just do??” Steve cursed rushing to Y/N’s room before they left for good. To his luck they were just done packing. He walked in the room, pleading,“Princess! Harmoni! I’m sorry.”

“Steve it’s too late! You just proved to me that you would put anyone before her.” Harmoni rolled the luggage towards the door but he moved it away. “Steve move!” She yelled getting frustrated him.

“I’m not moving! I’m not letting you two leave out of my life Harmoni. You girls mean the world to me and I’m sorry I fucked up! ” Steve yelled taking the bags of her hands. He looked at his daughter who eyes held tears while she sat on the bed. He walked over, kneeling down in front of her,“Y/N princess, I would never put anyone above you. You and your mother are my number one priorities. I love you so much princess. Please forgive me.”

“Only if you come to the party.” She mumbled wiping her tears. Steve nodded his head,“I’ll come to anything you want me to come to Princess. I’m sorry.” A smile grew on her face as she hugged her dad.

“I forgive you Dad.” Hearing that felt like music to his ears. He hugged his daughter tightly. Steve looked at his ex-wife and she shook her head. They weren’t leaving. Y/N pulled back from the hug, “Now go get dresy, we’re late for the surprise!”

“Alright, Alright!” Steve laughed getting off the floor. He walked over to Harmoni to talk to her.

“I’m sorry Harmoni.”

“We’ll talk about it later Steve.”


Steve held on to Harmoni while they walked to the Patio. Y/N had walked ahead to get everyone ready. Harmoni held on to the blind while Steve struggled ti walk. It was a comfortable silence between the 2 before Steve spoke up.

“I miss you so much Harmoni.”

“Steve I miss you too.”

“Let me take you out this weekend, we can talk about some things.”

“Steve we’re to different for each other. It didn’t work last time, what makes you think it will this time.”

“I know it will Harmoni. I have faith in us, I can’t do this without you.”

“I’ll think about it, we’re at the door. Have a genuine reaction please, Y/N put everything into this for you.” Harmoni kissed his cheek. He nodded, looking around as if he could see. She opened the door, leading him to the patio.

She dropped the blind fold and everyone jumped out yelling “SURPRISEEEE!!!” He jumped clutching his chest.

“ SHIT! Don’t do that!” He looked around to everyone he know and love here. The party looked amazing.

“Happy Birthday Dad!” Y/N exclaimed running up to him, giving Steve a hug. He laughed picking her up with ease. “All this for me? Thank you Princess!”

She wrapped her arms aound his neck.“Anything for you Dad!”

Hours later after the fireworks, everyone was either drunk or tired. Y/N was cuddled up to Bucky watching her parents slow dance to Steve’s favorite song. 40’s music.

Feeling content with life, Y/N fell asleep.


Guyssss I had to write this!

I hope you enjoy 4th of July!!

Stay slutty my friends

Don’t do this to me.

Word Count:

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!OC

Warning: Angst, Sadness.

Summary: Charmaine’s first mission with the team but it doesn’t end well and the team loses a member.

Go to the series masterlistbefore you read this chapter, if this is your first time: Charmaine

A/N: Okay so I feel way more comfortable posting this chapter after I said I wasn’t going to post the rest. Let me know if this cringy, I love feedback.


The day was Friday and it was the same as any other day, Charmaine was back home from her class, Peter was getting out of school, the team either train or helped find the location of the Hydra base that held the scepter. One month after the avengers been staying in the tower. The relationship between Charm and Bucky was growing every day, at times they act like a couple without even noticing.

“Did you enjoy dinner?” Charm questioned while washing the few dishes that were in the sink. Bucky walked over placing a kiss on her cheek and putting his dirty plate in the water.

“I loved it, that lobster mac and cheese was amazing.”

She blushed at the comment and his boldness of him kissing her on the cheek. He winked then walked over to the couch sitting down beside Sam, joining him in the movie that was playing. Bucky let go of the nervous breath he was holding,  he seemed confident on the outside but on the inside, he was scared as fuck.

Charmaine wasn’t no easy girl that he would flirt and take home the same night in the ‘40s. She was the girl that he wants to get to know fully, learn the little things about, be himself around. So most time he was around Charm, he was nervous as hell praying that he wouldn’t say something dumb.

Charmaine hummed one of her favorite songs while cleaning up the last dish thinking about a certain long-haired brunette. She turned around coming face to face with spiderman who was hanging upside down.  The 21-year old let out a yelp clutching her heart.

“Peter don’t do that !! What the hell dude.”

“You okay Charm?” Bucky questioned from the couch looking over at her. He saw Peter hanging down so his concerns washed away. “Oh, Peter just scared her.”

“Yeah, you alright?” Sam asked as well not taking his eyes off the screen, ignoring what Bucky just said.

“Sorry Champagne, I just came back from patrol and I rushed in here before you left to ask you this. Can you make brownies? I wasn’t here the last time you made them and everyone said they were good. ” Peter rambled as he let himself come down, sitting on top of the perfectly clean marble countertop.

“They were!” Sam chimed in.

“See! I want to try them.” Peter pout poking out his lip.

“I be spoiling you guys I swear. I’ll make some just for you Peter."  Charm groaned playfully, opening the cabinet grabbing the brownie box. "Get your ass off my counter, I just cleaned it.”

Peter hopped off happily,“ So? You and Bucky?”

“Peter if you continue to say something about that topic, I’m not making the brownies.” She warned looking in the fridge for the eggs.  Maria walked in from the elevator with a serious face grabbing everyone’s attention.

“They found the base. Cap said suit up and meet them in the lab in 5. Peter, Happy is downstairs waiting for you.”

Everyone nodded and Charm hugged Peter. Tony had let slide with one of his kids going on the mission, not both so Peter was going home until they got back. She kissed his forehead.

“This mission shouldn’t take long, I’ll be back to make your brownies. Be good for Aunt May.”

“ I am Champagne, be safe and please come back. ”

“I will Petey. I’ll always come back.”


Charmaine walked in beside Sam as they were the last two to join the rest in the lab. She found a spot beside Scott. Everyone was in full armor ready to go except Bruce and Tony because you know.

“Glad of you two to finally make it,” Tony said sarcastically then started swiping away on his tablet. It projects a hologram of what seems to be Rome. “We are going to Rome. Intel tells us that hydra has a camp in the countryside.”

The hologram shows a huge vineyard with a building that looked abandoned with little buildings surrounded.

“Inside sources tell us that the person who is over this organization called M.A.Z.E is supposed to be visiting any moment now. We’re taking down two operations at once so be prepared for this mission to be one of the hardest.” Maria said reading something off her tablet. Charm snuck a glance at Bucky who was in his winter soldier attire. She hoped that this mission wasn’t going too hard for him.

“Brief explanation. Stay focused at all times, take out as many as you can, feeling overwhelmed? Walk it off. Get in, Get out. Anyone that has the chance grabs the scepter.” Steve spoke with determination.

“When we get there we fight anyone that comes our way. Sam or Stark will find a way to get us in. Charm you stay by someone at all times okay? first mission and we don’t want to lose you.”

“Gotcha.” Charm nod her head understanding his rule.


Inside the quinjet, she sat beside Bucky. Both had their mask off to communicate with each other. Everyone was in either their own zone or in a conversation. Bucky closed his eyes so he could converge on how to not lose control of himself, he didn’t want to completely turn back into the winter soldier.

“You like my suit?” Charmaine asked softly taking him out of his trance.

Bucky turns his head giving a smile, “I like it. You make it look good and very badass.”

“I feel like a badass.” She jokes making them laugh. As their laughter died down, Charm grabbed his hand pulling it in her lap. “Are you okay about this whole mission? I know history with you and hydra isn’t really that good.”

“I should be good, I just don’t want to be captured again, you know? Steve and I are still working on me not reacting to my trigger words. It’s hard but it’s working. Plus I got you fighting by my side so we are going to be the coldest duo.”

“Well I’m not going to let that happen, you protect me so I’m going to always protect you . If you don’t mind, I could help with the trigger words? I’ll be there to hold your hand or something.” Charm said with quiet empathy giving him a soft smile. “ Coldest duo? Well, this mission should be over in no time. When we get back can we finish watching Legally Blonde? You fell asleep before it started leaving me up by myself.”

“I’ll check with Steve when we do it the next time, I wouldn’t want you to get hurt if anything happened,” Bucky said nodding his head towards Steve. “ And I told you that I was tired! You didn’t listen and put on the movie anyway.”

“I’m not going to get hurt and I thought you were playing!” Charm said in defense then calmed down. “Hey, Bucky?”


“I’m always going to be here for you okay? You mean the world to me and I don’t want to lose you under no circumstances.” She said holding his hand to her face. Charmaine looked him in the eyes, showing that she was serious. A world without Bucky is a world that she can’t live in. She needs him.

His hand opened and Charm cuddled to it. Bucky looked at her in admiration rubbing his thumb against her cheek. He admits it, Buchanan was head over heels for her,“You mean the world to me as well so don’t think you’re going anywhere. You’re my lucky charm.”

In the next four hours, they had arrived Rome’s countryside and everyone prepared for landing. Charm stood next to her dad as his Iron Man suit connects over his body. Before his helmet covered his face, Tony turned to Charm.

“Kiddo, be safe alright? Don’t get hurt or anything.”

“I will.” She reassured and he kissed her forehead. 'Now thinking about it Tony has a weird way of expressing his feelings’ Charmaine thought to herself. The doors to the jet opened and Steve spoke up, “Stark, Sam you’re up!”


A/N: I am not good with action so skipping to the juicy part.


Charmaine ran down the hallway trying to find the exit to the big building. Thor didn’t retrieve the scepter and they were still looking but time was winding down. She ran into this room where there were big computer screens on the wall with a closed-cell in the corner.

“Ahh, I have been looking for you.” A female voice came from behind her making Charmaine turn around swiftly. “I’m Mazikeen and you are going to be on in my unit.”

The room filled with tension as they circled each other not losing sight of one another. “Unit? I’m not going to be anyone’s slave. Let alone let you lay a finger on me, so let go of that stupid ass idea you have.” Charmie snapped holding her fist up. Mazikeen winked getting in defense mode as well.

“Snarky? I like that. Let’s do this shall we?”

She swings on Charm who easily blocks it. The two fight hand-to-hand combat for a couple of minutes, none stop. Charmaine was getting tired but she held her weight up. She kicked Mazikeen on her back, placing her foot on her neck. The Demon grabbed her ankle smirking then rolled over making Charm fall on her side. She gets on top, pulling out her knife.

“This won’t hurt one bit. Well, maybe just a little.”

“Anyone have eyes on Charmaine? The building is going to blow in 3 minutes.” Tony’s voice came through the comm.

“I’m busy at the moment!” Charm yelled pushing Mazikeen’s arms up so she wouldn’t get stabbed in the face. The dark skin girl moved one of her hands to the side grabbing the demon’s hair yanking it.

Mazikeen fell off and it gave her enough time to get back to her feet. Charm kicked her to stay down but Mazi grabs her foot mid-air then twist it making her body twirl, falling on the ground.

“I will have you to myself and make you my eternal flame. Right along with the other 3 elements. You are going to be the most powerful.” Mazikeen leans down grabbing her hair yanking it making Charmaine cry out in pain. The demon moved her mouth close to Charm’s ear with a sinister smirk.

“I’m going to have you kill anyone that stands in our way.”

A guard’s body flew in the door from someone kicking him through. Bucky walks into the room angrily seeing Mazikeen holding a handful of Charm’s brown hair.

He runs over punching her in the face making the demon drop his lover. Bucky grabbed Mazikeen by the neck with his metal hand dragging her towards the closed-cell.

The bounty hunter’s eyes widen from the pressure that was on her throat, she hit his arm repeatedly but that didn’t do anything. Bucky flings her into the closed cell like she was discarded trash.

Charm sits on the ground rubbing the back of her head, the words haunting her mind. Bucky goes back over to help his best girl onto her feet.

“We need to out of here now.”

But it was muffled because of the mask. She nodded putting her weight on him as they walked to the exit. On the roof, the two ran to the middle.

“We’re on the roof! Bring the Quinjet!” Bucky yelled taking off his mouth cover. Charm was hunched over trying to catch her breath, she literally just fought 5 minutes straight now she doing a full-out run. She needed more exercise.

The explosion sounded off and the building shook. Just in time, the Quinjet hovered down lowly so they could get on. A huge crack in the roof separated the two.

The building was going to collapse.

They looked around frantically as Charm’s side start to slowly but gradually fall.

“Jump!” Bucky yelled, holding out his hand.

Charm did as told, not even second-guessing, leaping off the fallen building. She catches the side of the broken roof, barely holding on with one hand. All she needed to do was use her upper body to lurch her forward so her other hand could grab his. Bucky bends over, reaching for her hand, not taking his blue eyes off her brown ones.

Charmaine’s eyes were filled with fear, feeling herself slowly losing grip, “I can’t reach it!”

“Use your strength, Charmaine. Grab my hand!”

“I can’t, Bucky; my body is too tired. I feel myself slipping!”

“Charm, grab his hand! Bucky, you need to need to grab Steve’s hand. That building is going to collapse any second! He will pull you guys up.” Natasha said in the comms but was ignored by both.

Bucky leans forward more without noticing that he might fall himself, “I’m not leaving without you charmaine. grab my hand!”

“I’m trying!” Charm yelled when she tries to lift herself; it aches in pain. She drops her hand down in pain. Tears clouded her vision as she knew this was it; Bucky stared at her scratched-filled face knowing what she was thinking.  He shook his head; He can’t lose her, not now, “ No Charm, you’re leaving with me!”

Charmie could feel the building she was holding on to began to fall, sobbing; she looked into Bucky’s blue eyes one last time. “I’m sorry Bucky.”

“No Charmie, you have time. Just grab my hand! P-Please.” Bucky yelled as tears clouded his vision. “You’re my lucky charm. I need you!”

The building collapsed, and his feet slip from under him. A hand grabs his keeping Bucky from falling in the rubble; Natasha lowered it down in time just for Steve to grab the back of his armor from falling with her.

“No!” Bucky stared in horror watching Charmaine screamed, falling into the explosion reaching out for him.

Steve gasp as tears fell down his face seeing the horrible fate of his sister.

There was nothing either could do.

With the help of others, Steve pulled Bucky into the quinjet.

Bucky laid on his stomach sobbing with heartache.

Tears weld in Thor’s eyes as he saw that Charmaine wasn’t on the jet. This didn’t seem real to him; he couldn’t accept it, “Where is Charmie? Why isn’t my sister on this jet?!”

“Steve, where is Charmie?” Natasha asked, slowly getting up from the pilot seat as Clint took over. Her heart raced, hoping that he would say that Tony has her or something. Bruce grabbed her waist, but she snatched away from his touch.

“Natasha, sit down.”

“Don’t tell me to sit down! Where is she?!”

Steve couldn’t say anything as he drops to his knees, breaking down. Sam catches him before he hit the floor. “I got you man.”

The jet doors opened as Tony flew in; he raised an eyebrow to see the team in tears. He was getting files in this underground room but got out in time just as the building collapsed. He noticed someone was missing.

“What’s going on? Where is Charmaine?”

No one answer, which made Tony panic.

“Where is my daughter?!”

“Tony, she died; she f-fell into the explosion,” Scott informed him while wiping his tears.  Her falling replayed in Bucky’s mind like it was his personal hell. Charm reached out for him, and he couldn’t save her. He failed.

Tony’s world crumbled as tears blurred his vision looking around the jet as if she was hiding, “What? Barnes tell me he’s lying! Where the hell is my daughter!”

Bucky sat up now with his knees to his chest; he couldn’t stop crying no matter how much he tried. He lost the one person that meant the most to him other than Steve, the person he saw a future with. His best girl is no longer here.

Tony sat down in a seat in disbelief; for once in his life, he cried. He completely broke down, not being able to hold it. She filled the lonely hole in his heart; everyone he ever loved was gone, and the person who made him happy.

Was gone too.


It was evening time when they got back; they had been gone all day.

The living room was silent; the avengers sat down sulking and mourning. Bucky squeezed his eyes tightly closed as the memory of her falling hit his mind like a truck. Tony had his head in his hands, just letting his mind run all over the place. The elevator ding, and a frantic Peter walked out looking for Tony.

“Mr. Stark, I’m here! What happened? Is everyone okay? Are you okay?” Peter rambled, walking into the living room. He noticed everyone’s sad behavior, then looked around for Champagne. “Guys?  Did something happen? Where is Charmaine?”

Tony gets up from the couch, going to Peter, engulfing him in a hug. Peter hugged back, shock that he did that but was still confused about what happened. “Mr. Stark, what’s wrong?”

“She n-not co-coming back, kiddo.”


“I’m s-sorry, kid.”

“N-no, you’re lying! This isn’t a joking matter, Mr.Stark; everyone can put smiles on their fucking faces, and Champagne can pop up from under the couch.” Peter said abruptly, pulling back from Tony’s arms; doing a 360 to look around for a camera. Steve rubbed his hand over his mouth to keep from crying again.

“Queens, it’s not a jo-joke.”

Peter’s face reddens from anger and sadness,“ She said she was coming back! She promised! What happened to her?!” Charmaine promised without even promising him because she always comes back. Peter prayed that this a sick ass joke; she was his best friend. Him and Her against the world.

“She fe-fell into the explosion Peter,” Bruce said sadly; with that, Natasha broke down in his arms. Peter wasn’t taking this well, and that broke everyone’s heart even more.

“N-no guys, stop this, pl-please."Peter cried, shaking his head, then he looked Tony in the eyes. Her father nodded his head as a way of saying that it’s true. Peter broke down mentally, ” My Champagne is su-supposed to be here with me. My best friend is..“

Tony pulls his son into his arms; tears threaten to spill.

Peter sobbed his heart out.


2:43 a.m.

Bucky’s body lurched forward after grabbing the gun that was kept under his pillow for 'emergency purposes’ raised at…


"Bucky, drop the gun. It’s me.”

“Shit, I’m sorry, Steve.” His fingers slowly lost grip of the gun, and the weapon dropped to his lap. His chest drew up sharply with each breath as he tried to control his rapidly beating heart. Steve sat on the edge of his bed.

“It’s fine Buck, you were yelling, so I came in here to see if everything was alright.”

“I should be fine.”

“Okay, I’m going back to bed and try to get some sleep before my morning exercise.” Steve sighs, getting up from the bed. He wasn’t getting any sleep at all, but he didn’t want to tell Bucky that.

“Steve?” Bucky called before he could leave out the room. Steve stopped in his tracks looking at him.


“Can you stay with me and watch Legally Blonde? I was supposed to watch it with Ch-Charm when we came back, but…”

“I’ll stay Bucky; I don’t mind.”

Bucky gave a small smile getting out of bed, grabbing some pillows and the comforter. Steve grabbed his laptop from the desk to find the movie. 5 minutes later, the two super soldiers were lying on the floor, eyes glued to the computer enjoying the movie.


Awe this is a filler and it’s long so bonus.

Give feedback plsss. If this is cringy let me knoww!


Next Chapter: Eternal Flame

stay slutty my friends!

what’s some good Thor one-shots or books??

and some good T'Challa one shots and book?

it can be either on here or wattpad. idmm! i just wanna read!

( you can throw in some tony, peter parker, steve and bucky one shots or stories too)

You’ve barely even danced with me.

Word Count:

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing.

Summary: Y/N and Bucky’s relationship is starting to blossom but first that have to make it through the shy stage.

A/N: This damn tiktok sound has been stuck in my head all morning . I haven’t even watched the movie yet!


“Good Morning Y/N."Bucky leaned against her door frame while she was fixing her hair. Her serious face turned into a smile.

"Good Morning Bucky.”

“So are you going to Stark party that’s this afternoon?”

Y/N sat her comb down,“Tony’s party? I didn’t know he was having one? Crap! I wish I would’ve known this earlier!” She got up from her vanity going towards her phone on the bed. “I have to go shopping right now.”

“I’m taking that as a yes, you’re going.” He stood up straight preparing to leave. “I’ll see you there?" Bucky’s admiration on Y/N made her nervous a bit.

"Yeah I’ll see you there.”

When they get around each other they can’t help but get shy. None of the team know that they are freshly starting a relationship, hell they literally just got together yesterday. It took Bucky the previous week to muster up some confidence to ask her to be his girlfriend after 3 dates.


“Hey guys!!!"Y/N greeted to the team when she walked into the party. A course of hey’s went around. Y/N’s outfit hit it right on the mark with everyone else’s.

"Y/N!!” Thor yelled in excitement seeing his favorite person.She yelp when he picked her up, twirling her around. “Thor! You literally saw me yesterday before you went to asgard.” She chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him. Thor placed her gently back on her feet.

“I know but that’s to long.”

She smiled giving in,“Alright I admit, I miss you too.” Y/N glanced over to Bucky seeing him in a conversation with Steve, A blonde woman and Sam. ’I’ll just talk to him when he’s alone. He might not be ready for the team to know that we are together.’ She thought to herself sitting down beside Thor.

“Your dress is amazing Y/N.” Tony looked her up and down. She blushed picking up a champagne glass. “Thank you Stark. I had to find it at the last minute because you forgot to tell me about this party.”

“Well I am a busy man.”


Y/N engaged herself in a conversation between Thor and Natasha. lt was a good conversation but she couldn’t help to feel the glances from Bucky. She did it back to him because he has yet to talk to her. “I need something stronger then this.” Y/N groaned rubbing her temple. Thor smirked at that.

“Need something stronger you say? Follow me.” Thor got up grabbing her hand. They walked over to the bar just in time for Bucky and Steve to walk over trying to join the conversation.

“Where did they go?” Bucky pointed towards the direction Thor and Y/N went. Natasha leaned back on the couch. “To get her something stronger.”

“I’ll go see. Be right back.” Steve pat Bucky’s shoulder before walking off. Bucky plopped down beside Natasha stressed. ’Does Y/N and Thor have something going on? No she said yes to being my girlfriend. Then why won’t she talk to me? I mean I haven’t said nothing either but still!’ He thought to himself, taking a sip of champagne.

He cleared his throat,“Natasha does Y/N and Thor have something going on?”

She shrugged,“I don’t really know Barnes but I’m gonna go with no.” That didn’t help Bucky’s over thinking. He chugged the rest of glass down getting up to go to the bar.

A veteran held out his glass while Thor passed out some Asgardian alcohol. “I gotta have some of that.”

“Oh, no, no, no. See this, this was aged for a thousand years, in the barrels built from the wreck of Brunhilde’s fleet, it’s not meant for mortal men. ” He said politely passing a drink to Steve but the other older gentleman cuts him off. Y/N sniffed the alcohol, seconding guessing it. Then again she did say she wanted something stronger.

“Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie. Stop trying to scare us. Come on.”

Thor looked at Steve who gave him a look of ’You might as well.

"Alright.” Thor shrugged pouring some of the alcohol into the veteran’s glass and sliding it to him. They a drunk it down at the same time and boy was that shit strong. Y/N placed a hand on her chest, feeling that burning affect. “God damn Thor. This some strong ass shit.”

Thor laughed pouring him some more,“What? You asked for it.” Steve held out his glass for more.

“This is the most tipsy I’ve ever felt. Keep it coming.”

Y/N laughed then shook her head when Thor offered her more. That one shot was enough to last her for the night. Seeing her boyfriend walk up to the bar, she decided to speak,“Bucky? Hey I haven’t saw you-”

The blonde from earlier came over grabbing Bucky’s arm,“Steve, Bucky come dance with me!” She completely cut off Y/N. Steve smiled grabbing her hand, leaving the couple by themselves. Bucky grabbed his girlfriend hand who was sorta irritated from being cut off. “Babe we can dance on the next song right?”

Wanting them both to have a fun night, Y/N gave in. “Alright babe.” It was a lot of thing she wanted to say but Bucky smiled walking off. Fuck it, if he wants to have fun so will she. Taking back what she thought earlier, Y/N held out the glass in front of Thor. “More please!”


Y/N felt hot and the music was getting to her. “Shea

Butter Baby, fucking up your pillow

Shea Butter Baby, fucking up your sheets.” Y/Nsing the lyrics, slowly going to the dance floor. Letting her waist move to the beat of the music. Being drunk made Y/N be confident in a lot of things she did.

She danced with a lot people, letting the alcohol take over. Most of the time she twerked, letting Natasha smack her ass while she did. Bucky watched the whole time but didn’t say anything because he was dancing with other people too.

Bucky saw his girl on the dance floor finally by herself, wasting no time to go over where she was. Feeling him behind her, Y/N held on to Bucky’s waist letting her ass do the grinding.

Bucky bit his lip watching how gracefully her hips rolled. He leaned down to kiss on her neck but she moved . “Oh you aren’t off the hook.” She rolled her eyes at him, stopping her movements. Bucky sigh in defeat of her stopping, which he definitely didn’t like. He grabbed her forearm pulling her to a empty area of the party so they could talk.

“What you mean I’m not off the hook Y/N. I haven’t did anything.”

“You’ve barely even danced with me Bucky.” Y/N huff crossing her arms. Bucky got closer looking down at his girlfriend.

“Don’t make me laugh, I’ve been trying all night. You’ve been shaking ya ass for like half the party.”

“Real nice.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “I was only doing what you’ve been doing which was ‘have fun’ . Maybe we aren’t meant for this relationship thing if we can’t even be together at a stupid party. I’m leaving.” She turned to walk away but Bucky grabbed her waist, pulling Y/N to his chest.

“Wait wait wait, Y/N I’m sorry okay. This relationship is new to both of us and I should’ve been the one to speak first. Tonight has been weird and before you even say it, I didn’t care if the team knew about us or not. I was shy then jealous the I didn’t care but that wasn’t right. I’m so sorry, I want this relationship with you. I really like you.”

Y/N blushed at what he was saying and it did sound genuine. “I forgive you Bucky and I’m sorry for not speaking first. I mean I was being shy to at some point. Do you want to go back to the party?”

Bucky began kissing down her neck,“No, I have something else in mind.” Y/N giggled at his soft touch from being ticklish. Liking the idea, she pulled away from his grasp, grabbing his hand. Bringing him all the way to her room then

You know the rest.


I hope you guys like it because I felt like I could’ve wrote better . I just hope it makes sense!!

This the song she was dance to where I put the lyrics.

Go either watch the tiktok or the movie The Heights if you don’t understand this one-shot.

Stay slutty my friends.


Word Count: 1,629

Pairing: Avengers x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, Fighting, Angst, and Fluff maybe? I can’t really describe it.

Summary: Y/N is the adopted daughter of Howard and Maria Stark. She goes to school with all her siblings and today seems different than other days.

A/N: This is basically their outfits, it gives private schools vibes. Everyone last name will be their last name and Stark. Thank you for reading.

Y/N was the last to be adopted by the Starks. The couple fell in love when they saw her at the adoption center. They were the best parents to Y/N, giving her unconditional love. “Mom? I can’t find my skirt!” Natasha yelled from upstairs, throwing random skirts behind her. Y/N walked out of the bathroom, brushing her hair. “It’s downstairs Nat, Mom steamed it this morning.”

“Thanks, sis.” Natasha rushed out of the room, downstairs. Y/N and Natasha shared a room while Steve and Bucky shared a room. Thor and Loki shared a room across the hall from Tony and Clint’s room. “Tony do you have my mousse? My hair is frizzy.” Y/N knocked against his door. Those two were always the last ones to get dressed which sometimes made everyone late. “It’s actually mine, you used all of yours last week Y/N. I know your hair is that damn frizzy all the time.” Tony opened the door holding the can.

“Mind your business bro."Y/N flipped him off taking the can out of his hand.

"Y/N? Tony? Come on. You guys are going to be late!” Maria yelled up the stairs. Everyone else was around the table eating except them. 5 minutes later Y/N and Tony were at the table with the rest of the family. They had about 15 minutes before it was time to go.

Maria placed waffles and cheese eggs on their plates when they sat down. Natasha played on her phone, “Y/N got dress coded again Mom.” Y/N glared at Natasha for bringing that up. Thor sloppily ate on his waffles getting syrup on his face.

“Y/N did you change your clothes when we got to school yesterday? This is the third time this week that you’ve got dressed coded.”

Maria sat down her fork. “Thor cleans your mouth and he’s right Y/N. This is the third time. Do I need to clean out your closet or something? I don’t want this to happen again.”

“No mom, they always say something to me for no reason. I can’t help it if I’m thick.” Y/N rolled her eyes, smoothing out her skirt. “Plus it’s their fault for making this little skirt a part of the uniform.”

“Clint pass me some more orange juice?” Loki asked not taking his eyes off his book. “Okay.” Clint slid it towards him.

“Do we need to come up to the school?” Howard sat down his newspaper. His children instantly spoke up in protest. “No!"

It was bad enough that people at their school knew who their parents were. Them coming there was going to make it worse than it was. The kids just wanted a normal school year. "It’s fine Dad. Steve will talk to them.” Bucky reassured getting up from the table so he could place his plate in the sink.

Steve wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Yeah, I will. There wouldn’t be no need for you guys to make an appearance at the school.”

“Alright then. I love each and every one of you guys. Have a good day at school and drive safe.” Howard checked his watch then stood up. He was always the first one to leave the house for work. That was an indication that it was time for everyone to leave.

Y/N and everyone else got up from the table grabbing their bookbags that were beside the door. “Steve I’m riding with you.” Y/N smiled knowing that he was going to give her the aux.

“Alright. Let’s go.” Steve held the front door open for her. Y/N did a happy skip towards his car. Loki, Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, and Tony were all seniors so their early graduation present was a car. They each had different after-school activities sometimes is why they rode in separate vehicles and since Y/N was only a junior she had to catch rides with either one of them.

Y/N laughed at Steve belt out the lyrics to Work by Rihanna and Drake. “I haffi work, work, work, work, work, work.

“Sing it, Steve!!”


The day progressed by and now it was a couple minutes before lunch period. Y/N wrote down the last little bit of notes then closed her tablet. The teacher was done teaching so now the students could talk amongst themselves. In this class block, she didn’t have any friends. The boys were too full of themselves and the girls were straight-up bitches.

“Y/N right?” Jenn sat down on the desk in front of her. Y/N knew it was going to be some foolishness coming out of her mouth.


“So everyone here wants to know how did you get adopted by the Starks?” Jenn leaned forward on the desk and Y/N sat back because she was starting to be in her personal space.

“How do you know about that?”

“Word around here travel fast. So what? They needed a maid or they just felt bad? There has to be a reason why they adopted you because you are a little too dark for them just to want to adopt you.”

Y/N tilts her head a bit. ’I know this bitch did not.’ Shethought to herself.

“Jenn I’m going to let you think about that dumb ass shit you just said.”

Jenn let out a fake laugh. “What I said wasn’t dumb. Everyone wants to know.”

“Well everyone can kiss my ass. I don’t owe anyone an explanation. You know what? girl get out of my damn face before I get disrespectful on your ass.” Y/N huffed throwing her hair over her shoulder. The bell ring and Y/N instantly got up leaving the room with her packed bookbag.

Relief flooded through her veins seeing her siblings sitting at their usual table. At this point, Y/N was ready to go home. “Hey, guys.” They greeted except Clint who grunted because his mouth was filled with food.

“How’s your day so far?” Loki looked at Y/N while he bit into his sandwich. Y/N stirred her mac and cheese that was in a plastic container.

“It’s been okay. Not all that.”

“Can I have some of your burgers?” Steve asked Tony who nodded his head, tearing off a piece of his burger placing it on his napkin. The siblings talk amongst themselves, enjoying the little time they had together.

A football player, Jaxon slid his plate which held his leftovers from lunch on the table in front of Y/N. “You’re going to need it when they dump your ass on the street. Maid girl.” Normally Y/N would be strong but this one really hurt.

Thor stood up with a scowl on his face. “The fuck you just say?” Bucky stood up, shoving the football player a bit.

“What the hell make you think you can speak to my sister like that?!”

Steve, Clint, Loki, and Tony stood up with anger written on their faces. More football players walked over for Jaxon’s backup. Both Y/N and Natasha sat there with disbelief on their faces.

“ We know you use your ‘sister’ as a maid. You don’t have to lie. That’s what her people are for.” Jaxon laughed crossing his arms. Steve stepped forward.

“You don’t know what you’re talking Jaxon so I’ll advise you to shut up.”

“Watch how you talk about my sister pretty boy.” Tony snarled clenching his fist.

“Or What Stark? You’re going to get your rich daddy to sue me? Just tell-” Loki pulled his fist back punching the shit out of Jaxon. It turned into a big brawl between the guys. Y/N couldn’t do anything but watch with tears clouding her eyes.

Words hurt and she couldn’t help but think that the only reason why her parents adopted her was that they felt bad. “Let’s get you out of here,” Natasha whispered placing her arm around Y/N’s shoulder. The two ended up in the office so Y/N could tell her side of the story.

20 minutes later Clint walked into the office with a bandaid over his eyebrow. “Hey Y/N, Natasha. Are you guys okay? Have either of you got in contact with mom and dad?”

Natasha kissed his cheek, “We’re okay and No I haven’t.”

“I haven’t either.” Y/N fumbled with her fingers. “Are you and the boys okay? I didn’t mean for this to happen. I had everything under control.”

“Sure you did Y/N but we’re fine. What he said was wrong. I wasn’t going to let him continue to do it.” Clint furrowed his eyebrows.

The principal cut their conversation short bringing them into the office. The boys had 2 days of detention while Jaxon and his crew had a week’s suspension. Y/N walked out of the office seeing Loki coming towards it. She ran towards him giving Loki a big hug.

“You okay little sis?”

“I’m okay Loki. You didn’t have to do that for me. I could’ve handled it.”

He gave her a hug, “Y/N I know you handle everything else but he was out of pocket and I solved the problem.”

“I understand but I can’t help to think.” Y/N bit her lips to keep the tears from falling. “Did mom and dad only adopt me because… because they felt bad?”

Loki took his sister into his arms, as she starts to cry. “Y/N don’t let them get inside your mind. It’s nonsense they’re speaking of. Mom and Dad chose you because one look at little Y/N brightened up their life. You’re the best daughter they could ever ask for. They wouldn’t replace you for anything and I wouldn’t let them. I’m very overprotective of you Y/N. You aren’t going anywhere.”

Y/N closed her eyes hugging Loki tighter, she was terrified to let him go. He sighs kissing her head.


I’m posting this and a Tony one shot in like 2 seconds, sooo enjoy these for the weekend

stay slutty my friends.


Word Count: 2,923

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, arguing.

Summary: Y/N rides along with Sam, Zemo and Bucky to Madripoor.

A/N: I know this episode is over used but I write this and I just wanted to give you guys something after been absent for so long. My birthday is next week and I’m excited. Enjoy this one-shot.

They followed Zemo to his personal jet. An older man stood at the end of the stairs waiting on their arrival.

“So all this time you’ve been rich?” Sam asked looking at the jet. Y/N walked between him and Bucky behind Zemo. She hasn’t really been talking to Bucky because of their argument.

It was basically about how he disappeared on her. He left without warning. The only reason the previous couple is around each other now because Y/N was there when Sam gave up the shield and decided to stay by his side through the journey. That’s how she ended up here on a plane with someone that broke her heart.

The reason why Bucky left because he’s scared to love. He’s scared that’s she was going to leave him because of his past since it was too much for her. So Bucky left and still hasn’t told her the reason why he did.

“I’m a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country.” Zemo replied then spoke to the older gentleman in Russian. After the men greet each other the trio followed Zemo into the jet.

Bucky placed a hand on Y/N’s lower back to help her up the stairs, but she pushed his hand off. She had every right to be mad at him. Y/N really loves Bucky but he can’t just leave her whenever he gets the chance.

Y/N sat in the chair in front of Zemo with Sam beside him and Bucky beside her. She nervously looked out the window, Y/N isn’t a big fan of heights.

“The fridge is out. But I will see if there is some good food in the galley.” The man said to Zemo who replied in Sokovian. My nerves were getting really bad, She starts to fumble with her fingers.

“Y/N you okay?” Sam’s voice laced with concern. She turns to see them staring at her like a worried parent. Y/N gave them a small smile trying to ease their worries.

“I’m fine.”

“Just checking Y/N. Why don’t you tell us about where we are going Zemo?” Sam asked looking at Zemo for answers.

Zemo opened a book, “I’m sorry, I was just fascinated by this. I don’t know what to call it but this part seems to be important.” He pulled a little book that was inside the bigger book holding it up.

“Who is Nakajima?”

Bucky swiftly gets up wrapping his gloved hand around his neck. Y/N’s eyes widened from seeing how worked up he got up from that. All the nervousness about flying left her body.

“What the hell James??”

“If you touch that again, I’ll kill you.” Bucky seethed then unwrapped his hand from around Zemo’s neck sitting back down. Y/N rolled her eyes at how dramatic he was. Deep down she wished it was her he was putting into place but no one needs to know that. (Our little secret.)

“I understand that list of names. People you’ve wronged as the Winter Soldier.” Zemo said obviously not phased by what just happened.

“Don’t push it,” Bucky warned glancing at him then towards Sam.

“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What’d you think?” Sam amused but Bucky kept a straight face.

“I like ‘40s music, so…”

“ '40s music? You definitely need to put me on some good music then.” Y/N said engaging in their conversation. She thought it was kinda cute that he held on to the book Steve had. Bucky gave her a small smile.

“Whenever I get the chance, I will. Just for you.”

Y/N bit her lip to keep from smiling to keep up the ‘I’m mad at him’ act.But it wasn’t working.

“You didn’t like it?” Sam asked shocked.

“I liked it.” Bucky said giving him the face of 'duh I liked it.’

“It is a masterpiece, James. Complete. Comprehensive. It captures the African-American experience.” Zemo said in the most formal way possible. Y/N gave a humorous smile nodding her head.

“That was one of the best ways to explain it.”

“He’s out of line, but he’s right. It’s great. Everybody loves Marvin Gaye” Sam agreed as if Bucky didn’t agree. Y/N laughed at what he was doing.

“Sam, why are you still going on about it? James literally agreed.”

“I like Marvin Gaye.” Bucky continues looking at him.

“Steve adored Marvin Gaye,” Sam said bringing up another memory of Steve.

“I have to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.” Y/N held up the finger going to the mini bathroom. She struggled so damn hard in that small ass bathroom trying not to fall on her ass. Y/N soon came out to hear them talking about Madripoor.

“What’s up with Madripoor? You talk about it like it’s Skull Island.” Sam questioned looking between the two who used to be villains.

“It’s an island nation in the Indonesian archipelago. It was a private sanctuary back in the 1800s.” Bucky starts while Zemo finished telling them the information.

“It’s kept its lawless ways. But we cannot exactly walk in as ourselves. James, you will have to become someone you claim is gone.”

Y/N glanced at Bucky who tensed up at those words. I knew it was going to be hard on him. Sitting back down in her seat, She moved the hair that was in her face.

“So who do I go as?”

“Miss Sapphire, one of the richest lady there. She models for every company you can think of.” Zemo said showing Y/N a picture of a woman who looked exactly like her.

“Ooo I think I’m going to like this,” Y/N smirked looking at the outfit that she was going to have to put on. She knew Bucky wasn’t going to like it but oh well, its part of the job.


Y/N was beside Sam as they walked down this empty bridge. She kept sneaking glances at Bucky because he looked so good with his new arm. Y/N didn’t know she staring too long when his eyes linked with hers. She quickly looked away, face turning really hot.

“We have to fix this. I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.” Sam complained touching his suit. Y/N rolled her eyes, her feet were starting to hurt from walking for so long.

“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp,” Zemo said. Y/N’s walk began to turn into limping which made her fall behind a little.

A little “Ow.” came from her mouth, grabbing Bucky’s attention. He slowed down walking beside Y/N.

“You okay?”

“I’m good.”

“No, you’re not. You just said 'Ow’. What’s wrong?”

“None of your business James. I’m okay.”

“So you’re calling me James now? And I know your feet are hurting Y/N. Let me help.”

Y/N decided to be stubborn even though she wanted to get off her feet so badly. “It’s always been, James. I’m able to handle myself, I can take the pain.”

Bucky rolled his eyes, in a matter of seconds, Y/N was in his arms bridal style. Not in the mood to argue, Y/N looked everywhere but him.

“And it’s Bucky to you. It’s always and forever going to be that to you.”

“Before you left, it was Bucky. Now it’s James. You know what, I can walk myself.” She moved but his grip tightened not wanting her to get out of his arms.

“No, I’m going to continue to carry you,” Bucky said but Y/N didn’t respond which made it quiet between them. She fought the urge to look at him since she was mad.

“I saw you looking at me and my arm.”

She looked up at him fulfilling her urge and they made eye contact. Y/N quickly looked away nervously “Um, no I wasn’t.”

Bucky let out a laugh, “You indeed was.”

“Was not.”

“Was too.”

“Was not.”

“Was too.”

“Guys! for the love of God, shut up!"Sam scolded from in front of them.

"He started it!” Y/N replied back like a little kid. Bucky laughed a little then sigh.

“Y/N, you’ve barely said a word to me today. Did I do something?”

She scoffs getting irritated from that dumb-ass question. “DiD I dO sOmEtHiNg?? Huh? Bucky stop talking to me before I say something I might regret.”

“What? Y/N I just asked a question.” Bucky said in defense. She huff rolling her eyes, ’a dumb ass question at that

“No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error.” Zemo explained as the car came into view on the bridge. Bucky placed her down on her feet when they neared it, opening the door for Y/N who climbed in the middle seat.


“Here we are.”

Walking into the bar they could feel the intense stares. Bucky glared at anyone that looked in her direction. Y/N had to fight off any instinct to grab his hand. It wasn’t the appropriate time to do it.

You could hear the whispers of the crowd looking at them. “Is that the Winter Soldier?”. Zemo guided them directly to the bar. A tall dark skin man walked over to the trio so they could order.

“Hello, lady and gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting to see you, Sapphire and Smiling Tiger.”

“His plans changed.” Zemo nodded towards Sam. “We have business to do with Selby.”

The bartender looked at Sam,“The usual? Anything for you Ms. Sapphire?”

Sam nodded his head while Y/N replied, “No, Thank you.” The bartender turned around grabbing a dead snake out of a glass jar. She covered up her mouth to keep from gagging. Y/N turn to Bucky shaking her head no.

“Ah, Smiling Tiger, your favorite.” I heard Zemo say from behind Y/N. She would’ve laughed but Y/N wanted to puke at the moment. She knew Sam had drunk it when Bucky looked the other way to keep from I guess laughing.

Y/N moved to the side of Bucky when a man walked up to Zemo from behind. “I got word from on high. You ain’t welcome here.”

“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me.” Zemo then pointed towards Bucky.

“New haircut?” The man asked but Bucky just stared.

“Or bring Selby for a chat.” Zemo continued his deal. The man walked away not even giving an answer.

“A Power Broker? Really?” Bucky finally spoke up.

“Every kingdom needs its king. Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.” Zemo explained.

“Do you know him?” Sam whispered not wanting to give himself away.

“Only by reputation,” Zemo replied. “In Madripoor he is judge, jury, and executioner.”

Y/N leaned against the bar with my back facing the crowd. She felt a hand being placed on her lower back. The other hand moved Y/N’s hair from the side to show her neck.

“Sapphire, baby, we didn’t get to finish from last night. Let’s get out of here.”

Y/N prepared to punch him but stopped herself when she heard Zemo say “Зимний Солдат, Атака” ( Winter Soldier, Attack.)

Y/N turn around to see it was a different man this time. He had a smirk on his face, as his index finger touched her bottom lip slowly then used the rest of his fingers running down her exposed chest.

Y/N had never felt so disgusted in her life. His fingers stopped on her boob when Bucky’s metal hand swiftly grabbed it, crushing his hand.

You could tell that Bucky was so angry for him even getting close to Y/N. The man grunts out in pain as both of them walked away from her while Bucky still clutched on his hand.

The pair shared a quick look. The way he eased back into his Winter Soldier character bothered her a bit. Maybe he had it like a switch?

Y/N winced not really wanting to see none of the combat taking place so she turned around with her back facing the crowd.

She didn’t want him to feel he can protect her all the time. Y/N didn’t want to seem so dependent on him especially if he isn’t going to always be in the picture. When Y/N needed him, he wasn’t there. Getting out of her thoughts when Bucky slammed the man that touched Y/N on top of the bar holding on to his neck, eyes never leaving his face.

Everyone around them starts to take their gun off safety. Y/N’s heart starts to pound as she looked around. Zemo placed a hand on Bucky’s arms whispering.

“Stay in character or the whole bar turn on us.”

Zemo says something else in Russian which makes Bucky let go of the man. “Selby will see you now.” The bartender announced.

“Thank you,” Zemo said then walked off.

“You good?” Sam asked Bucky concerned. He looked at me but Y/N quickly glanced at them then followed behind Zemo not uttering a word.


Turns out Y/N wasn’t the one she wants to talk to since she was just some famous model. She had to stand in the hallway and wait on them. Y/N was so uncomfortable, especially with what she had on.

Y/N heard a gunshot which makes her kick in the door. Both Bucky and Sam aimed the gun at her then lowered it.

“What the hell happened in here?!” Y/N asked seeing the bodies on the floor.

“We’ll explain later, let’s go,” Bucky said grabbing her hand and they all walked out of the building. They walked through the streets hearing surrounding people phones going off

“This is not good,” Zemo said looking around at the people who looked on their phones. They near the end of the street when bullets aimed at us. Bucky pulled Y/N to him as they ran in one direction.

“I can’t run in these heels!” Sam yelled while he ran.

“You better learn today!” Y/N yelled back holding on to Bucky’s hand since it was in the heat of the moment, not wanting to let go.


Sharon help killed off the bounty hunters they had on us. At the moment Y/N was in the bathroom getting ready for the party she was having. Finished with getting dressed, she walked out of the bathroom running into a hard chest.

“Oops sorry!”

“It’s an okay doll.”

Y/N gave him a small smile then began to walk to the room where everyone else was until Bucky grabbed her hand.

“Why didn’t answer my question from earlier? What did I do?”

“You know what you did Bucky. Is there I need to say?”

“I think I know what I did? I don’t know Y/N. Just talk to me. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

"To answer your dumb-ass question, you did do something wrong. You act like everything’s okay between us when it’s not! Bucky, you left me. Like disappeared on me without explaining why!”

“I knew telling you that I was leaving would crush you. I didn’t want you to be hurt over the fact that I left.” Bucky rubbed his hand over his mouth.

“Leaving you was the best way to protect you. I’m feared by many but that still doesn’t mean you aren’t going to be a target to hurt me.”

“Best way to protect me?! You leaving hurt me way more than what you think it did. You’re worried about protection but not focusing on my feels. You said you love me but you left like it wasn’t nothing.” I groan flustrated raising my voice. He couldn’t look at Y/N and it raised her suspicion.

“You’re lying Bucky? What is it? What is the truth.”

“Y/N… Please.”

“Bucky tell me!”

“I was scared Y/N! Scared that you were already planning to leave because of my past. I know I shouldn’t have left when you needed me but I didn’t know what to do. You deserve better than me Y/N.” Bucky confessed as his head dropped. I placed my hand under his chin so he could look me in the eyes.

“Bucky I could’ve told me. You leaving hurt me more than what you think it did. I love you and that means that I’ll understand anything you’re going through. I don’t deserve better, and I don’t want better. I want you Bucky. You’re not alone in this baby I swear.”

Bucky pulled Y/N to his chest, as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m so sorry baby. I love you too Y/N so much.” He kissed Y/N’s forehead.

“Oh and I wanted to kill him so badly but I knew you weren’t going to like that so I stopped.”

“You know me so well.”

Bucky apologized again, “I’ve missed you so much. I can’t wait to make up.” He began to kiss on her neck making Y/N tilt her head to the side so he could have more access.

“Hm, I’ll accept it if you dance on the dance floor with me.”

“No! God no. I’ll do anything but that. You know I don’t like dancing.” Bucky pulled back groaning but she gave him the puppy eyes.

“Please? Or I’m going to stay mad at you.”

Bucky rubbed his hand over his face, “Fine.”

Y/N smiled jumping in his arms and they rested under her butt to keep her held up.

“Yayyy!! This is going to be fun.”

“I’m only doing this for you baby.”

“That’s the best part.”


This took a long ass time to edit but I hope you guys like it. Like I said earlier I know this episode is overused but I had written this when tfatws was still airing so yeah.

I’m posting something since I haven’t posted in so long.

If this one-shot doesn’t make sense let me know cause it’s almost 3 am while I’m trying to edit and add stuff to this and I’m so sleepy

Thank you for reading!

Stay slutty my friendsss

New York

Word Count: 2,655

Pairing: Avengers x BlackFem!Reader. Justice League x BlackFem!Reader but more specifically Clark Kent x BlackFem!Reader.

Warning: Arguing, mention of miscarriage, angst.

Summary: After not being in contact for so long, someone decides to make a visit.

A/N: The title has nothing to do with the one short. Oops. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy! below is Y/N’s outfit for the first half.

A long day after helping the team on their mission, Y/N wanted some pizza. It was around 10 p.m. when she decided to leave the tower. Tony was asleep in the chair, Steve was asleep on the couch. Natasha and Bucky were on the floor watching a movie. Thor was rummaging through the refrigerator, he was watching the movie as well but stopped to get some snacks.

Loki was in the library reading a book. Peter was on patrol so that’s why she felt safe with being out so late. “Loki I’m leaving to get some pizza okay?” He closed his book, preparing to stand up.

“Alright, I’m going with you.”

Y/N placed a hand on his chest so he could stay sitting. “ I want to go by myself Loki. I’m going to be perfectly fine, Peter’s patrolling right now.”

Loki sigh trying to push down his overprotective feeling. “Alright, just be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Y/N hummed kissing his forehead, she then walked to the living. Everyone in their same position except Thor was now back on the floor.

Y/N kissed each of their foreheads, “I’m going to go get some pizza. Anyone wants anything?”

Natasha shook her head,“ No, be careful though. I really want to pause this good movie to save your ass.” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, grabbing her purse from the hook.

“Bring me back some pizza? I’m rather hungry.” Thor said with his eyes glued to the tv.

“You’re always hungry Thor. Bring me some too. Better yet, why don’t I just come.” Y/N heard shuffling from behind her. She wanted to take a peaceful by herself to get pizza, is that too hard to ask? “No Bucky, I want to go by myself. I can handle it.”

She turns around to see him looking at her hesitantly. “You sure Y/N? I don’t mind coming-”

“I got it, really. Go enjoy the movie Bucky. I’ll be right back.” Y/N cut him off, walking out of the door. Bucky stood there dumbfounded, “Is she acting weird or it’s just me?” He pointed to the door, looking at Natasha and Thor.

“She seems alright with me.” Natasha shrugged and Thor didn’t reply.

Y/N took a deep breath hearing the new york life sparkle in her ears. Taxis coming and going. The roar of the subway beneath Y/N’s feet. Everyone talking but still being able to hear your own conversation.

Lights flashing brightly, babies crying, the homeless constantly asking for money. The smell of 1,000 vendors, many selling gyros. Broadway fans going insane when their favorite cast member walks out of the stage door. People of every race, color, and religion.

“Finally,” Y/N mumbled after a good minute of walking, she arrived at the pizza store on the corner. She ordered and stood in line for 15 minutes then left with 5 boxes of pizza. Stopping at the park, Y/N sat on a bench eating pizza enjoying the night air.

Y/N was happy with life but sometimes a person just wants to be alone. A little part of her misses the old lifestyle she had. Bruce, Barry, Diane, Victor, and Arthur. She missed them so much, especially Clark but he was the last person she wanted to see.

They were old lovers, at one time there wasn’t a thing Clark wouldn’t do for Y/N. Time skip, Y/N found out she was pregnant but due to stress from Clark, she miscarried. No one knew because of the genuine smile she held on her face. He was probably so caught up with Lois to not notice that she’d been gone for a year now.

She loved Clark, Y/N was his best friend. Lois came into the picture and he dropped everything just for her. Heartbroken, Y/N came to new york searching for happiness. She found it in the avengers who she now calls family.

Today was the anniversary of her baby and she just wanted to be alone. She was alone when it happened so she rather be alone now. Y/N stared off into space not even hearing someone land beside her. You read right, land.


The deep voice took her out of her gaze. Y/N turned to see Clark in his superman attire. Shocked, she could barely get anything out. “…Clark??”

Clark’s face held worry,“ Y/N…” Y/N furrow her eyebrow confused cutting him off.

“What are you doing here Clark?”

“I can’t come to see you now? Y/N I haven’t seen you in months.”

“Clark I don’t wanna talk about that right now. I want to know how did you know I was here??” Y/N stood up, placing her unfinished pizza in the box. She couldn’t even enjoy alone time without being bothered.

“Bruce’s been track you this whole time Y/N. Come home, we miss you. I miss you.” He reached out for her hands. Surprisingly Y/N let him grab her hands. She shook her head.

“Clark I can’t just leave. I have a life and family here. You have Lois now, that’s who you need. Not me.”

Clark looked down,“ She left me Y/N. Lois said me being superman was too much."Y/N sigh knowing how to hurt he was. Yes, she was mad at him but sometimes not everything needs a reaction. Keeping it calm, she gave him a hug.

"I’m so sorry Clark, I should’ve been there for you.”

Clark held her close smelling her wonderful smell of lavender. “It’s okay Y/N. I know this life is treating you well.”

Y/N could feel that it was getting late. “Clark I have to go, but I do have to ask you something.” He pulled back glazing into her brown eyes.

“What is it Y/N?”

“Tomorrow evening bring the team to the tower. I want everyone to meet each other. I’ll cook! It’ll be so much fun.”

Clark looked at her with hesitation, “I don’t know Y/N..”

Y/N gave him the puppy dog eyes, “Please Clark? You get to see me in a nice outfit.” He smiled giving in.

“Oh alright.”


“A little bit of this,” Y/N murmured pouring grated cheese on top of the macaroni. She placed it in the oven, closing the door with her butt. Dinner consisted of steak with tarragon mushrooms with a side of macaroni. Y/N had been in the kitchen all day while the team did their overview with Fury for missions they have done.

“Smells amazing in here Y/N! What you make?” Steve’s voice came from behind while she grabbed plates out of the cabinet. “Food Steve. You’ll see when it’s dinner time and if you don’t mind, can you help me set the table?”

Steve nodded his head with a smile, “Sure I don’t mind Y/N.” The two joked around while they set the table. Clark and everyone were to be here in about 20 minutes. When she got home from the park last night, Y/N told the avengers about this evening dinner, and boy it was some weird faces.

She didn’t know who was harder to convince, Tony or Steve. Maybe because they had been on the team longer. Once finished Y/N ushered Steve to go get dressed. She was so caught up with finishing the meal, that she didn’t check the time. “Fuck!”

It was 10 minutes until Clark and the rest got there. She was nowhere near ready. “Y/N why aren’t you ready?” Tony asked in disbelief when he walked into the kitchen. Y/N pulled at her hair.

“I know, I know! I was too caught up in finishing the steaks. Can you watch the food so it won’t burn? please?”

Tony sigh,“If that makes you get dressed faster then I’ll watch it.” He opened the lid, the food smelled amazing. “Yeah hurry up, this smells good. I’m ready to eat.”

“Thank you!” She kissed his cheek, rushing past so can get dressed.


“Y/N they’re here!” Steve called up the stairs. Y/N hopped around on one foot trying to put on the other boot. When it finally slid on her foot, she stood in front of a mirror taking a deep breath. She wanted all her favorite people to come together and be her support. To make her forget about the pain she went through a year ago yesterday.

Y/N walked downstairs with all eyes on her. Clark’s mouth was agape from how good she looked. “Arthur! Diana! I’ve missed you guys!” Y/N hugged her with passion.

“Me too. You look beautiful.” Diana hugged her back. Y/N moved towards Arthur giving him a hug. “Thank you.”

“Yeah you look too good, don’t make me have to beat anyone up from looking too hard.” Thor snorted which made Arthur glance at him for a second. Y/N moved to Bruce.

“I hope you’re doing good Bruce other than Barry getting on your nerves.”

“Hey!” Barry said in defense.

“I’m good, just missed having you around."Bruce expressed which kinda shocked Y/N because he wasn’t so open. She then gave Victor and Barry a hug. "I’ve missed you, two knuckleheads, together.”

“We’ve missed you too.” Victor smiled.

“What are we eating, it smells so good in here,” Barry said excitedly. Y/N laughing gesturing towards the dining table. “We’re about to find out, let’s eat!”

Everyone cheered a bit sitting at the table, you know they didn’t mingle but sat on the opposite side. Y/N walked over to the stove trying to bring the food to the table but Natasha stopped her.

“I got it Y/N, go sit down. You’ve been on your feet all day, I can bring the food to the table.” Natasha grabbed the glass casserole dish out of her hand. She wasn’t lying about her feet hurting but Y/N wasn’t going to admit it.

Y/N sigh, “Fine, I’m bringing the champagne to the table though.” She hurriedly grabbed two bottles of champagne before Natasha could protest. She definitely needed a sip before dealing with two rival heroes.


There were conversations here and there but most of Y/N. She had all her favorite people in one room. Dinner was running smoothly until

“So Y/N, Clark told us that you were coming back to stay permanently. I’m excited to have you back.” Barry used his knife to cut the steak. Y/N didn’t know who to look at crazy him or Clark. She could feel the hard glaze from Bucky.

“What’s speedy boy talking about Y/N?” Tony asked tilting his head. Steve sat down his knife.

“Yes please do explain.”

“I uh haven’t said anything like that. I had planned on visiting, it wasn’t official.” Y/N scratched her arm out of nervousness from all eyes on her.

“I knew I wasn’t going insane. Y/N wasn’t going to go back permanently, she’s not that crazy.” Thor chuckled drinking his champagne.

Victor glanced at him sideways.“What’s that supposed to mean? Y/N wouldn’t be crazy if she came back permanently. That’s honestly the perfect decision if she does.”

“Guys..” Y/N trailed off but was ignored by everyone. “Y/N is right where she belongs. Do I need to say more?” Loki wiped his mouth with a napkin.

“If she wants to come back permanently then she can. Y/N’s only been with you guys for what ? a year? She’s been with us forever so you know who she’s going to choose.” Arthur leaned back in the seat.

“Sure fish boy.” Tony let his smart mouth get the best of him. Y/N took a sip of her champagne to calm her nerves.


She was ignored again. “Y/N is coming with us and that’s final. That’s the only reason why I came to this wretched place was for her.” Clark crossed his arm and Bucky narrowed his eyes at him.

“She’s not going anywhere with you. I stand on that.”

“Barnes right, you think I was going to let her leave with you after what you did? That’s really funny.” Natasha chugged the rest of her champagne down. Y/N winced at what she said.

“Guys please.”

“Does that matter? Y/N is coming whether you like it or not.” Bruce said setting his fork down. Diana nodded in agreement.

“I don’t have to anything. Just know I’m not going down without a fight?”

“You people are so petty and tiny.” Thor laughed using his fingers to indicate how small they were.

“If Y/N doesn’t want to leave she isn’t going to leave. it’s her decision.” Steve sat forward in his seat. They were getting louder by the minute.

“She isn’t going, you weaklings,” Loki growled sitting forward in his seat as well, not taking eyes off Arthur. Both Clark and Bucky held an intense stare.

“We should go few rounds.” Tony stood up and so did Bruce.

“Let’s do it then Stark.”

Y/N chugged down the rest of the champagne. “Stop.” The argument between them grew louder. “Stop!” Y/N stood up placing her hands on the table, no one noticed.

She slammed her hands against the table. “STOP! JUST STOP IT!” Everyone stared at her in shock.

“ENOUGH WITH THIS! I brought you altogether because I wanted support. I needed support."Y/N gritted through her teeth, tears welling in her eyes. "The one time I step out, you all can’t even put your petty egos aside. I don’t care who I’m staying with and I don’t fucking know why it’s an argument. I just wanted it to be a normal night.”

Y/N lips trembled as she cried, “I can’t hold on to this no longer. I was pregnant before I left Clark. I lost the baby. I lost it the day I went to find out the gender.” Clark squeezed his eyes closed, his heart broke hearing the news. “And I hate myself so much for even letting myself stress so much that I lost it. When it happened I was alone. I didn’t have you, Bruce, or Diana. I didn’t have no one. I came to New York heartbroken.”

She looked at the Avengers, they held a sad face. Natasha’s cheeks were coated with tears.“You guys mended my broken heart. You made me feel welcome and I don’t know how I could ever repay you.” Y/N wiped her tears.

“But I can’t deal with this between all of you. I’m leaving so you can have your big ego contest.”

She slid the chair back, walking to the elevator. “Y/N!” Bucky called for her but she ignored him. “Shit!” Clark curses under his breath getting up from the chair. Tony shook his head at him.

“Leave her be Clark. She probably went up to the roof or to the park for fresh air.”


Y/N sat in the chair at the airport. She was only going out of the country for a couple of days just to clear her mind. Bruce and Tony have been blowing up her phone none stop. She was tired and waiting on her flight to be called. “Ugh, I’m so tired.” She mumbled rubbing her temple. She got up going to the bathroom.

It was oddly quiet until she heard panicked screams. “What?” She murmured looking over her shoulder. Parademons were everywhere. Y/N scrambled to grab her phone trying to be quiet. She slid down the wall, covering her mouth trying to contain her breathing so she wouldn’t be heard. The vibration from her phone caught one of their attention and she didn’t know.

Still scrambling, Y/N declined the call somehow. She knew she was fucked, tears raced down her melanin cheeks as she held her breath. The parademons appeared beside Y/N, one inspected making sure she was the right one. It snatched Y/N up and she screamed.



The two teams were either sitting around or cleaning up. Clark stood in front of the wet dishes drying them off while Bucky cleaned them. He froze hearing Y/N scream in his ears. Diana noticed and instantly spoke up.

“What is Clark? What’s wrong?”

“Y/N’s been kidnapped.”


Omg, I feel like this is so weird. I am going to make a part 2 I just gotta think about how it’s going to go. I have a busy weekend ahead so I won’t update until Monday.

Yk i had to make Y/N damsel in distress . Clark is her lover but Bucky does like her. This is kinda a part 2 of Vacation. I love Marvel and DC so why not put them together !

I hope you guys enjoyed this weird post even though the title has nothing to do with the plot of the story, I just couldn’t think of anything .

Stay slutty my friends


Word Count:

Pairing:Avengers x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, A tipsy reader, Fluff maybe?

Summary: the avengers finally have a break off from avenging the world. The first place they go for vacation? Maui Hawaii.

A/N: You guys liking my content means a lot. when writing one-shots why don’t people put oufits? i wanna see wtf i be wearing since im y/n! I got some long faux locs in my hairrr sooo ykk i had to put it in here

Y/N stood in the kitchen pouring coconut rum into a drink that she found a recipe for on google. It was called a mermaid cocktail and it looked like something she could get away with, without any of her family members saying something. “I’m so ready to drink this, it looks so good.” She mumbled stirring the rum mixture.

She is 23 years old but the team still treats her like a little kid. As of right now, everyone was taking a nap from their huge lunch. All those missions they work was eventually stressing them out so Y/N took it upon herself to plan a vacation for them. She rented out a huge beach house for them. Best idea everr!!

Seeing the smiles on their face made her feel so content with her main priorities being happy. “What are you making?” Loki’s voice said from behind her. Y/N gave him a big toothy grin. “Oh, nothingggg!”

“You’re up to no good, I know you are.” Loki raised an eyebrow at her turquoise-looking drink. “I’m not going to even ask.” He sat down at the island, shaking his head. Y/N could feel something was off with him. She put the pitcher in the refrigerator, then sat beside him in the chair.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m thinking Y/N.”

“About? We’re on vacation Loki, we can think when we’re back at the tower doing boring missions.” Y/N stared at his jet black hair, having the urge to run her fingers through it.

“No, you can’t touch my hair.” Loki knew exactly what she was thinking. Y/N pout her bottom lip, squinting her eyes. “That’s not what I was going to do. Anyway, what are you thinking about?”

“I feel out of place. I just know they are still mad with me from the events of New York.” Loki buries his face in his hands. “I want to go back to Asgard, I know they’ll rather want me there than here.”

Y/N removed his hands.“What makes you think that Loki? If none of wanted you here then I wouldn’t have told you about this trip. ” She giggled making him let a small smile creep on his face. “You’re right where you belong and if anyone isn’t happy about you being here then just know that Thor and I are ecstatic to have you here. I’m glad you came, means a lot to me.”

“Means a lot to know that you want me here Y/N.” Loki’s small smile went to a big one. Y/N slowly moved her hand to his hair. He watched her slow movement in amusement “No Y/N.” She huff playfully giving up.

“Fine, I’ll try another time but I’m happy that I made you smile. You’re way easier than Bucky’s serious ass. Now that’s out the way, it’s hot girl summer so no sadness from no oneee!!” Y/N exaggerated getting out of the chair going back over to the refrigerator. She pulled out that now cold pitcher, chugging down the concoction.

“Did I hear Y/N say something about a hot girl summer?” Steve rubbed his eyes while he walked downstairs. Y/N rubbed her mouth from the leftover drink on her lips. Steve furrowed his eyebrows at the now half-empty pitcher. “What’s that?”

“Nothing! Don’t even stick your nose in it.” Y/N put the pitcher back. Steve looked at Loki who just shrugged his shoulders with confusion still written on his face. Y/N placed a rushed kiss on their cheek so they wouldn’t smell the amount of alcohol she just consumed. “I’m going to get ready so we can go to the beach. Steve wake everyone up for me please so we can leave in the next 30 minutes.”

“Okay Y/N,” Steve replied ready to question her but she was already up the stairs. 20 minutes later Y/N had music blasting from the speakers while she ready. From that consumption of alcohol, it kicked in about 10 minutes after she got ready. She was only tipsy, maybe. Y/N couldn’t focus because she kept giggling at everything.

“Damn why is everything so funny!” Y/N said getting mad at herself. Her long black faux locs flowed down her back after she struggled to place them in a high ponytail. Meaning she broke 3 hair ties and gave the hell up.

“Y/N we’re waiting on you!” Tony yelled up the stairs but Y/N waved him off. She grabbed her purse, pausing the music. Tripping over her feet a bit, she made her way downstairs. Bucky caught a glimpse and instantly spoke up.

“Oh hell no Y/N. Go change.”

She waved him off too, purposely ignoring him. “I’m readyyyy”. Tony crossed his arms over his chest.

“Yeah, I’m going to have to agree with Barnes. Y/N that isn’t a swimsuit, that’s two pieces of cloths.”

Thor smiled, “I like it Y/N and since I like it, we can leave.” He picked up a beach chair but everyone yelled no in protest except Natasha. Thor rolled his eyes sitting the chair down. Loki moved her hair aside, closing the white and blue shirt that she wore.

“Now you need a hair thingy to keep it close."Y/N smacked his hand away lightly, going over to the kitchen to find some chips. "Y/N why aren’t you saying anything?” Bucky followed still upset about her outfit.

“Her outfit is fine guys. Let’s go because you guys are over exaggerating.” Natasha placed her shades on her face. “I got your back Y/N!”

“It’s not fine, she’s showing too much,” Steve said being overprotective. Still not phased, Y/N nodded her head from the kitchen. “ That’s why you my bitch, thank you!” Everyone was shocked by her choice of words. Bucky grabbed her waist.

“Y/N are you drunk?”

Y/N giggled,“A lady never drinks, she sipssss.” She dragged out the s, kissing his nose. Bucky pressed his lips together, getting his answer.

“Guys she’s drunk!”

Groans went around the room. Steve was in realization,“Ohhh so that was what she was drinking when I came downstairs earlier.”


And it’s hard to keep my cool

When other bitches tryna get with my dude and

When other chickens tryna get in my coop

Cause you’re a one in a million

There ain’t no man like you

Y/N belt out the lyrics to Streetsfor the 13th time while Bucky held her in his arms while they were in the ocean. They had been at the beach for 30 minutes, and a biker went by playing that song in her speakers. Y/N haven’t let go of the song since.

“Y/N if you sing the same lyrics one more time, I swear I’m going to drop you.” Bucky scolded while she gripped his shoulder tighter. Y/N placed her head on his chest, the sun was getting rid of her drunkness. She was tired since she didn’t take a nap like everyone else plus Bucky’s heartbeat and the sound of the oceans was calming her down. “Sorry! It’s stuck in my mind.”

Steve, Tony, Loki, and Thor played on the beach with water guns. Natasha laid in the sun, getting a tan. Per Y/N’s request, Bucky was in the water holding Y/N close. She was surprised that he even agreed to it.


“Yes Y/N?”

“I’m tired.”

“I figured, let’s get you out the water.” Bucky turned around to walk back to the shore. Y/N just snuggled more to his chest. “Bucky?”

Bucky’s voice held slight annoyance, thinking she was playing.“What is it Y/N?”

“I’m glad you came on this trip, I know this past year had been so hard on you and I thought this trip would help ease your mind. Plus I got to know you better, that’s a bonus.”

“Yeah at first, I didn’t want to come but I couldn’t turn down seeing you in a bikini.” Bucky laughed making Y/N laugh as well hitting his chest lightly. “Bucky!”

“What? I’m being honest. I just rather for only my eyes to see.”

“You’re such a flirt.”

“You going to have to get used to it. But for real though, this trip made me not think about things that’s been haunting my mind. Coming on here was the best idea.”

“I’m glad I could help with that.” She tapped his shoulder for him to stop. He placed Y/N on her feet. “I’ve come up with the best plan though.”

Bucky narrowed his eyes, “What’s the plan?”


Y/N made herself sink underwater. Bucky waited a couple seconds before putting on his best acting voice. “Guys! Guys! Y/N she’s drowning!” Natasha stood at the shore, looking out at the water in concern. The team wasted no time running in the water.


“What happened??!?”

“Oh god, Y/N?!”


Steve was Y/N’s victim, he hunched over in her area of the water. Bucky pulled at the ends of his hair keeping the act going. “She was doing alright until I couldn’t hear her anymore.” Y/N lurched up grabbing Steve by the neck, pulling him in the water.

Bucky’s face of distress turned into humor. “Steve she got you good!” Both Y/N and Steve appeared out of the water. Y/N was laughing so hard she was clutching her stomach. Loki found it amusing while Tony, Steve, and Thor didn’t.

“That was a good one Y/N.”

“Don’t listen to Loki Y/N. You had us worried!”Thor huffed and Steve nodded his head in agreement.

“Yeah! I thought something really happened to you.”

“I’m sorry guys.” Y/N snorted trying to contain her laughter. “It’s not my fault, it’s Bucky. He came up with the idea. You guys should’ve seen Steve’s face when I came out of the water.”

Steve mocked her laugh, “Ha Ha Ha. It’s not funny.” Bucky held his hand in defense trying not to laugh as well. “It’s not mine! This was all her idea.”

“Capsicle is right, it’s not funny. Don’t scare me like that again.” Tony scolded her, he held out his arms. “Now come give me a hug so I can feel better.” Y/N gave him a hug, that humorous smile not leaving her face. When she tried to pull away, Tony held a grip. She realized.


He laughed leaning forward and they both fell in the water. Soon it turned into a big splashing war between everyone, they were having so much fun.


At 7:28 p.m. both Y/N and Bucky walked back to the beach for dinner. The restaurant they chose for tonight’s dinner was there. Since Y/N is over the planning for the vacation and Bucky is attached to her hip, they were at dinner first.

“I know the wait is going to be minute so sit down while I talk to the hostess.” She reassured him. Bucky looked at her kind of worried because he wasn’t comfortable with crowds yet. She squeezed his hand, “You’re okay.”

Bucky nodded his head reluctantly. Y/N walked off to make sure this restaurant gave them a private table away from the crowd, preferably on the beach. After about 10 minutes of talking, something just told her to turn around. It was some woman that looked around Y/N’s age steadily talking to Bucky even though he looked so uncomfortable.

“Hold on one sec.” Y/N held a finger-walking away, not even waiting on the hostess’s response. Y/N quiet appearance kinda scared them both. “Excuse me. Hi!”

The woman looked at Y/N with attitude. “Um, why are you speaking to me?”

Y/N took a deep breath to calm down. “ I’m speaking to you because you’re talking to my boyfriend and you obviously see him uncomfortable.” It was for the sake of the moment. Bucky and Y/N aren’t together, just a few flirts here and there. But since Y/N knew this bitch couldn’t take a hint she said, boyfriend.

“You might have him confused for”

Y/N cut her off, “No I don’t have him confused for no one. That’s my boyfriend so get your desperate ass out of his face before I embarrass you in front of everyone. We don’t want that do we? Now walk away miss.”

The woman turned her nose up walking away without saying another word. Once she was out of sight, Bucky visibly relaxed. “Thank you so much Y/N. She wouldn’t stop talking and my a-anxiety was getting bad because I didn’t know her and…” He shook his leg. Y/N sat beside him giving him a hug.

“Hey hey calm down, it’s okay now. I could see she made you uncomfortable. I wasn’t going to stand there and let her continue to do that.”

“Thank you Y/N.”

“Anything for you Bucky.” Y/N kissed his forehead then she stood up, holding out her hand. “Now let’s go get this table because I did cut the hostess off coming to help you.”

Bucky laughed grabbing her hand. As they walked back over to the stand, realization hit Bucky. He smirked.

“So I’m your boyfriend now?”

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, “No Bucky, it was in the heat of the moment.”

“What if I was to ask you out?”

“In your dreams Bucky.”


This took longer to write then what it supposed to be.

Hope you guys like it , I was trying to include a Loki moment because I’m starting to like him more.

Stay slutty my friendsss!

I can’t trust you.

Word Count: 1,552

Pairing: Thor Odinson x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, Angst, Arguing.

Summary: Bucky is Y/N’s best friend even though there are problems between him and Thor.

A/N: I’m trying to clear out my drafts since it’s now summertime so I’m sorry for the late delay, Please enjoy!

“Bucky move! I’m trying to feed him.” Y/N giggled, pushing Bucky away from the high chair. It was any other evening in the avenger’s tower. Y/N was feeding her son, Arthur, for dinner while her best friend Bucky was a distraction. Y/N has been in a committed relationship with Thor Odinson for 2 years now. Being with him every day makes Y/N feel complete and happy on the inside. Their son Arthur had been conceived a year into their relationship.

“I’m not doing anything."Bucky laughed, pinching at Y/N’s waist while she hunched down a bit to feed the infant. "The lies you tell!” She swats his hand away, laughing as well. Arthur babbles in his chair, placing his hand in his mouth. Thor walked into the kitchen coming from Stark’s lab. He saw them basically flirting but decided to say something to her later.

“ Lady Y/N…” Thor, deep voice, sounded behind them. Y/N slightly jumped from being caught off guard. “Shit babe, you walk so quietly.” Thor smiled at his son; Arthur held out his hands for his father. “My apologies Y/N. I came to tell you that I’m going out with Metal Man and Cap for some drinks. Is that alright?” Thor took Arthur out of his high seat, placing some kisses on his son’s cheek.

Y/N nodded standing on her tippy toes, kissing his lips, “That’s okay babe. Arthur and I will be here watching a movie till you get back.” Bucky cleared his throat watching the woman he liked kisses another man. Thor side-eye him then focused on his son. He tickled his belly hearing that heavenly sound of his son laughing. “I’ll be back in time for Arthur to be put down for bed.”

“Good, see you in a couple of hours. Have fun, I love you.” Y/N smiled at her boyfriend. Thor placed Arthur in her arms before giving them both a kiss on the forehead. “I love you too.” Leaving Y/N and Bucky by themselves worried him but he trusted her to not do anything crazy.

“Let’s put you in the playpen while I clean up!"Y/N gushed to Arthur while Thor walked towards Tony’s lab. Bucky stayed quiet the whole time until he left because it’s known that he’s madly in love with Y/N. He just hasn’t told her and was scared to tell her. But tonight, Bucky was going to make a move. Y/N walked over to the cabinets after putting Arthur in the playpen.

"You got awfully quiet. You okay?” She turned to her left stacking up the baby food. Bucky bit his lip, debating if he wanted to tell her now. ‘You only live once’ He thought. “Y/N I have to tell you-”

Y/N opened the cabinet door, a small glass jar of baby food fell from the top shelf hitting her in the eye. “Shit!” She grabbed her throbbing eye. “Y/N! Are you alright??” Bucky grabbed her chin so she can face him.

“Does it look like I’m okay?” Y/N glared at him still holding her eye. “Damn you right. Sorry, I say it out of habit.” Bucky cringed moving her hand aside so he can check out her wound. It was swollen and looked like a bruise forming.

Thor forgot his wallet so he walked back to the kitchen to see Bucky still checking out her face. “What happened in here? Barnes why does she have a bruise on her eye??” Y/N moved Bucky’s hand away, standing in front of him. “I’m okay, the jar fell on my eye.” Thor walked over checking out the bruise. He balled his hand into a fist.

“Barnes did you hit her??”

Both Y/N and Bucky looked at him in shock. Y/N walked towards Thor “What? No babe he didn’t do anything like that. I told you-”

“Bullshit Y/N you think I’m going to believe that a jar fell on your eye. I know he put his hands on you.” Thor fumed pointing at Bucky.

“You wasn’t even in here to know. You know I’d never do that to Y/N!” Bucky balled his hands into a fist as well. The tension between them was thick and it’s been like that since they first met.

“I swear to Odin if you laid a hand on her!”

Bucky didn’t speak back as then two men walked up to each other ignoring Y/N’s protest. “Stop! Stop!! Thor!” She pressed her hands against Thor’s chest. They held an intense stare while Y/N spoke.

“Thor I’m okay!”

His hardened glare never left Bucky. Y/N grabbed his hand, “I’m okay.” Thor looked down at his girlfriend staring back at him. He calmed down, letting his body relax. “ I’m going to come to our room after I finish cleaning up and grab Arthur. Okay?”

Thor slightly nods his head, glancing at Bucky one more time then left the kitchen. Y/N pulled at her ends from how stressed she was. She leaned her back against the counter closing her eyes. “I’m sorry about that,” Bucky said standing in front of her.

“It’s fine, I know the bad history between you guys. I just wish it was different.” Y/N sigh running her hands through her natural hair. Bucky stared at her facial features while she talked.

He was so close that she smelt his cologne without trying to. Apart from Y/N wanted to push him away but another wanted to smash her lips onto his. Y/N eyes traveled up to Bucky’s blue eyes.

Feelings for Y/N uprooted as Bucky leaned forward towards his lips. Her mind was screaming for her to stop but her heart was taking over. Y/N loved Thor but a piece of her love was for Bucky. From relations, they’ve had in the past. She never told Thor because the relationship with Bucky ended way before The God came into the picture.

Bucky’s plump lips brushed against hers until thunder from outside broke them apart. The pair turned their heads to see Thor standing there with glowing eyes. You could hear Y/N’s heart beating out of her chest. “Thor… B-Babe it’s not what you think!”

Bucky stood in front of Y/N protectively, Y/N pushed him away, “Baby..” Thunder rumbled harshly in the sky. The god felt angry, betrayed, and worse, heartbroken. Thor didn’t reply trying to keep his anger composed but it wasn’t working. He walked over picking up his sleeping son from the playpen, walking back to the room.

Y/N tries to rush after him but Bucky grabs her forearm. “Y/N where are you going??” She snatched away.

“To get him back! I’m not just going to stand here.”

“He doesn’t deserve you Y/N. The damage is done.”

Y/N looked him up and down shaking her head. Without a second thought, she rushed down the hallway to the shared room. She opened the door to see Thor in full Asgardian armor, grabbing random things for Arthur’s bag.

Y/N went over grabbing the bag out of his grip. “Thor you aren’t leaving me.”

“Lady Y/N put the bag down.”

“No Thor. You don’t get to leave, I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry.”

“Now you’re sorry? You’re really funny. See you don’t get to be sorry Y/N. Your apologizing isn’t going to make everything normal. Just admit that you never loved me from the start.”

“Thor I’ve been in love with you since the beginning.”

He scoffs trying to grab the bag out of her hand but she pulls back. “This isn’t a joking matter Thor. I love you.

Thor spoke angrily, “You are going to look mein the eyes, and tell me what happened between you and Barnes now!”

Doing what she was told, Y/N stared him in the eyes nervously. “Bucky and I met two years before you and I met. One night, we got drunk then hooked up with each other. After that night, we tried a relationship but it’s didn’t work so kept being friends babe I promise.”

Thor’s heart broke into a million pieces.“ Why did you lie to me?!? Huh?! Why did you lie?! I thought we agreed on honesty between each other!”

"Baby I’m sorry, I didn’t know how you would react and I didn’t want to lose you.” Her lips quivered, tears forming. “ I shouldn’t have kept that from you Thor, I’m so sorry.”

“So lying to my face was going to make it better?? I take so much dishonesty from Loki and now I’m getting it from you. Y/N I can’t trust you.”

“I know and I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry for everything.”

“Do you still have feelings for him?” Thor clenched his jaw thinking about it. Y/N bowed her head in defeat.

“At first a little part of me did because of old feelings but now I only want you. I want you in my life, Thor.”

“I can’t be in yours Y/N.” He whispered bowing his head. Y/N gasp at his words as more tears fell, “Please, don’t say that.”

Thor picked up Arthur off the bed, “We’re leaving Y/N.”

“No! No! No! Don’t take our son.” Y/N sobbed trying to grab him but it didn’t work. “I need him, that’s my son. I can’t… Thor don’t… don’t do this.”

Thor used his hammer to guide him out the window without saying another word. Y/N drop to the floor, crying. This didn’t feel real to her.


Part 2 : Here

I don’t like the way I wrote this but I hoped you guys liked it.

Stay slutty my friendsss
