#bucky series



Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader, Foggy Nelson x reader

Word Count: 2.9k

Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity, stalker. 

A/N: Thank you to my lovely beta reader, @whisperlullaby​​​​ . All mistakes are my own.

I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist

Ben closes the door behind him and you back away quickly. 

“Ben! What are you doing? Why have you been following me?” you ask with false bravado. 

“It’s all going wrong. They found out about me.”

“What are you talking about?” 

“Daredevil found me. He found me and now he knows. Now they all know. I can’t let them take you. I can’t lose you.”

Your blood runs cold, “Ben-”

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The last line is EVERYTHING.



Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader, Foggy Nelson x reader

Word Count: 2.9k

Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity.

A/N: Thank you to my lovely beta reader, @whisperlullaby​​​ . All mistakes are my own.

I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist


Sunday dawned and you had barely slept. Dragging yourself out of bed, you set about eating breakfast and cleaning your apartment. Your stomach is in knots considering everything that happened last night. Foggy’s adverse reaction, the revelation about Matt, the fact that your two worlds would collide tonight and, most disturbingly, the stalker. At least, you were labeling them a stalker since they were supposedly following you. 

You were still questioning that. Why would someone follow you? You are a nobody. Maybe Foggy was right and you were being followed because of who your friends are. It still didn’t make any sense to you though. You were just their friend and nothing else that you did affected their missions in any way that mattered. Matt had to be mistaken. It had to be someone following him or maybe even Foggy. It couldn’t be you but you knew in the end, no matter who the target was, your friends would help.

A quick trip to the grocery store, an afternoon of baking to calm your nerves, then on to a shower and getting ready for your friends. You aren’t sure how you feel about Foggy right now. The way he had acted the night before disappointed you immensely and now you’re questioning your feelings for him. He’s a really good guy but could you trust him when the first test of your burgeoning relationship had him turning his back on you? You had long held onto the quote, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” You didn’t often let yourself get to  “shame on me.” Too often you have let people use you, step on you, and hurt you because you thought you needed their friendship. You were never going to be a doormat again.

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I Really Love Being Your Friend (Part 6)


Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader, Foggy Nelson x reader

Word Count: 2.6k

Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity, misunderstandings, injury.

A/N: Thank you to my lovely beta reader, @whisperlullaby​​ . All mistakes are my own. 

I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist


Sunday night was just like old times. You met the guys at Sam’s place, watched a movie, ate dinner, and ribbed each other. Your face was heated when Joaquin mentioned your date but he only needled you for a minute before you got back at him about his non-existent love life. Sam and Bucky exchanged looks but, wisely, decided to stay out of that particular rabbit hole. The night was fun and you were glad your friendship had been restored. 

Wednesday night you met Foggy, Matt, and Karen for drinks and then dinner. You joked about it being a double date making Karen blush and Matt clarify that they aren’t an item. Foggy then ragged them both about how they had insisted on a double date making this Matt and Karen’s first official date. They both demurred but you and Foggy kept the ruse going much to the others chagrin. Before the night ended, Foggy invited you to his place on Saturday night for dinner and a movie and, when you said yes, planted a happy kiss on your lips. 

Saturday morning you rose to find you are out of coffee and kick yourself for forgetting to go by the store. You get ready for the day and decide to treat yourself to some coffee from Neutral Ground before going to the store. As you trudge down the stairs you hear footsteps coming from above but ignore them until a now familiar voice says your name.

“Ben, hey. I didn’t realize you’d moved in,” you say. 

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader, Foggy Nelson x reader

Word Count: 2k

Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity, misunderstandings.

A/N: Thank you to my lovely beta reader, @whisperlullaby​ . All mistakes are my own. My blog is 18+. Minors DNI.

I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist


Bucky woke with an ache in his chest and a purring Alpine there, too. He smiles softly at the cat, strokes its soft fur, and tries not to think about the night before. It had hurt when Joaquin had told him you were going on a date, but then seeing you had broken his heart. You were lit up the entire night in a way he’d never seen you. You had never looked at him that way. He thought after the way you two had kissed, maybe he still had a chance. Maybe he just needed to tell you how he really felt but now he knew that you really did only want to be friends.

He gets up and goes about his morning routine. Start the coffee, feed  Alpine, make breakfast, and concentrate on the good things. If only his brain would let him. 

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader, Foggy Nelson x reader

Word Count: 3.2k

Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity, misunderstandings.

A/N: Thank you to my lovely beta reader, @whisperlullaby . All mistakes are my own. My blog is 18+. Minors DNI.

I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist


Your desk was littered with papers as you tried to finish up for the day. It had been nuts since you arrived at work this morning and you wanted to get through the madness before the weekend. The sound of your phone vibrating has you scrambling through the stacks on your desk to find it. When you finally get your hands on the buzzing device you see it’s Foggy calling. 

“Hello?” you say, smiling already. 

“Hello Beautiful!” Foggy says enthusiastically. 

“Hi Foggy. How are you?”

“I’m good. How about you?” 

“It’s been a crazy busy day but I got a call from this really cute guy, so that’s made the day a little better.”

“I am hurt, beautiful. Who? Who’s the guy?” Foggy teases.

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-Size Female Reader

Word Count: 1.5k

Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity, misunderstandings.

A/N: Thank you to my lovely beta reader, @whisperlullaby . All mistakes are my own. My blog is 18+. Minors DNI.

I Really Love Being Your Friend Masterlist


The mission had been completed without a hitch but it had taken two days with the travel involved. On the way back, Bucky acted like a mad man. It took all of Sam’s persuasion to keep him from hurting himself or Joaquin. When Bucky realized you wouldn’t answer any of his calls or texts, he tried Sam’s phone, then Joaquin’s, but all went unanswered. Sam had to wrestle his phone away from him before he crushed it. He managed to persuade one of the pilots to let him use his phone and you finally answered. His heart beat out of his chest hearing your voice. 


“Doll, please let me expl-” the line went dead. You hung up as soon as you heard his voice. 

Bucky handed the phone back to the pilot feeling absolutely defeated, “She’s never gonna forgive me, is she?” 

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-size Reader, Foggy Nelson x Reader

Features: Mutual pining, idiots in love, angst, body insecurity, misunderstandings. 

Summary: When Bucky finally makes his move, you can’t believe that someone like him would ever really want you. A misunderstanding creates a rift in your friendship and, when a new suitor show up, will Bucky be willing to compete for your affections?

Updates and taglist: Updates for series will be made on weekly. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​ for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Tuiccim’s Masterlist

I love this series so much that I’m about to spam reblog every chapter. Buckle up!


Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader    

Word Count: 1.5K

Warnings: *Trigger* Forced Drug use, discussion of drug overdose, suicide, & miscarriage, violence, language.

Summary: An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.

Updates and taglist: Updates for series will be made on Wednesdays and Sundays Central Time Zone. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction​​ for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
A/N: Divider by @whimsicalrogers​​

Almost Had Me Believing It Series Masterlist

“Nobody needs to die, Melissa. If it’s me, I’ll… I’ll leave. You’ll never hear from me again.” You say, hoping to appease the angry woman in front of you.

“No! No, you aren’t leaving. You’re mine. I love you.” Frank growls before turning to Melissa “It’s been eight years. Haven’t I paid enough? Can’t I have something for myself?”

“No. You’ll never have paid the debt you owe. You’re mine. Forever. And I don’t like competition.” Melissa stares past Frank to you, still pointing the gun. 

Deciding to stall you look between the two, “What debt? What is she talking about, Frank?”

“There was a time when we were in love.” Melissa’s words are mocking. “Because I was stupid enough to believe in it. To think he was actually capable of it.”

“I did love you.” Frank says quietly. 

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I didn’t forsee it going down like this!

Also Tumblr is a dumb bitch cause my tag didn’t work



Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader    

Word Count: 1599

Warnings:*Trigger* Discussion of Attempted assault, mutual pining, fluff, language, some minor violence, a little angst.

Summary: An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.

A/N: Divider by @whimsicalrogers

Almost Had Me Believing It Series Masterlist


Frank’s room was empty the next morning and his suitcase sat next to the front door. When you and Bucky entered the kitchen you found him sitting on the opposite side of the table and you think it’s smart that he put an obstacle between himself and Bucky. You put a hand on Bucky’s arm to keep him from lunging. Frank looks up with an unreadable expression marred by a swollen black eye. His hands are wrapped around his mug of coffee so tightly his knuckles are white.

“From the state of my eye I’m assuming I did something very stupid for Bucky to punch me. I don’t remember anything but I am so sorry for whatever it is I did.” Frank says quietly.

“Oh, I didn’t punch you. It’d be much worse if I did.” Bucky says coldly.

“Oh, it must have happened at the bar then.”

“I punched you,” You declare.

Keep reading

They would come in handy right now…

Series - Chapter Three

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary:You’re a HYDRA assassin that’s worked closely with the Winter Soldier, to each of your dismay you’re reunited with Bucky after the blip.

A/N:SMUT! This was supposed to be plot but it’s genuinely just smut and fluff oops. Enjoy it while it lasts because its about to get so fucking sad lol. Anyways thanks everyone for being so supportive towards the series!

Word Count: 1,500

Snowman Masterlist||Full Masterlist 


New York


“You speak about (Y/N) in a very loving way. Did you ever have a physical or romantic relationship with her?” Bucky’s therapist questioned.

He paused. That part of his relationship felt private to him. It felt like only he and (Y/N) should know. It was never about anyone else, no one else had ever known what they had. He didn’t feel at liberty to share.

“It’s not something I want to talk about.” He avoided eye contact as he replied.

“Why is that?”

“After SHIELD and HYRDA’s secrets were leaked to the world, it felt like everyone could get their hands on whatever information they wanted about me, (Y/N)’s information too. The stuff we shared with each other is the only private life I have left. I don’t feel like telling anyone about it.” Bucky explained. Dr Raynor nodded comfortingly. As much as she wanted too, she didn’t push it.



Your tits were shoved up against the cold concrete wall of the shower. Bucky’s cut abs were pushed into your back, his hands firmly holding your hips in place as he buried his cock into you. The warm trickling of water down your nude frame only heightened your senses to what was happening in your core. Bucky’s grunts were muffled by your sharp moans.

“Holy fuck, baby!” You groaned, feeling yourself tighten around him. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” One of your hands held against the wet wall in front of you, and the other clenched Bucky’s real hand at your waist.

The dark pit in your stomach was winding into a tight knot, an influx of little stars pecked at the corners of your vision. Bucky was relentless, he had worlds of stamina and was stronger than he realised.

You squeezed your eyes shut as you let your orgasm pulse through you. Bucky felt your knees weakening, his hands held harder around your hips to keep you in place.

“Please don’t stop,” you whined,

You could practically feel the smirk on Bucky’s lips, “want me to speed up, darling?” he growled, thrusting himself harder inside you. You unravelled on him, your abdomen tensing while your eyes squeezed shut. Pure bliss pounded through your veins while you came all over Bucky’s thick member.

A string of curse words fell from your mouth, stifling Bucky’s deep grunts.

He slowed down as you mellowed from your high, gently pulling his cock out of your core. His hands on your waist turned your frame to face him.

“God, you’re so fucking beautiful.” He murmured, his lips falling down to connect with yours. The kiss was tantalizing and smooth. Bucky’s hands softly trailed down to your plump ass. He swiftly lifted you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.

One of your hands moved to tangle your fingers into the hair at the back of his head, pulling it slightly to move his face away from yours. He smirked at you, taking in your gorgeous features. Your other hand slipped between your bodies to wrap around his length, it was slick with your wetness. You jerked it slowly, watching Bucky bite down on his lip.

You lined him up with your entrance and he pushed himself inside. You let slip a heavenly moan.

He began slowly thrusting again, his hands firmly gripping your as to hold your body steadily up against the shower wall. His member pushed deeply inside you with every movement Bucky made. You clawed against his shoulder blades, his body now pressed tightly up against yours.

You knew you were close again, the knot in your stomach never having the chance to unravel. Your walls clench around him, your legs shaky and tense.

“Fucking hell,” you groaned, arching your back against the concrete. Your head fell back with closed eyes, not being able to focus on anything other than the sheer ecstasy pulsing through your body with every thrust.

Bucky was close too, but you knew he wouldn’t finish until you did again. He took pride in knowing how intensely he could pleasure you.

Your moans echoed through the shower, still encapsulated by the rich feeling of hot water falling along your body. Without warning, you let go. Your hands grabbed at Bucky’s muscled back, your body shaking and tightening as your high hit you like a wave. You couldn’t even think, all you could feel was euphoria. Bucky didn’t hesitate, his pounding thrusts became sloppy and uneven, his fingers clenched hard against the delicate skin of your ass. With one last growl he filled you up, his toned figure tense against yours.

You both took a moment, heaving breaths in time with each other. Your hearts racing at the same pace. He would no doubt recover before you could.

Bucky moved first, slipping himself out of you and gently lowering your feet to the floor. His velvet lips left a trail of kisses across your sensitive collarbone.

“Come stay with me tonight.” You painted, your fingers tangled into his wet, dark hair.

“If we get caught-” Bucky began, speaking against the rich skin of your neck,

“How would we get caught? We’re two of the stealthiest assassins in the world.”

His head dragged up to meet yours, his gaze focused on your delicate, pink lips.

“Well, when you put it that way,” he smiled, leaning in for the hundredth kiss of the night.


The early amber sun seeped through your blinds like fresh honey through beeswax. It softly pulled you from your peaceful slumber. You couldn’t help but listen to the soft snores of the man next to you. Bucky took up most of the bed space with his huge frame. You cuddled up next to him, admiring how the light entangled in his brunette locks.

Bucky lay sleeping on his stomach, his real arm stretched out to rest over your nude body. He looked comfortable with the duvet pooled around his waist. You’d crept in on him in his room a few times before, he’d always be sleeping on the ground, with nothing but an old blanket. It didn’t seem like something he wanted to talk about, or something he even knew how to talk about. He’d always just say his ‘bed was too soft’. But now, in your bed, he was content.

You shuffled your body closer to his, watching him as he stirred slightly. He didn’t seem ready to get up. Rolling onto his side to face you, you were able to snuggle into his warm chest. His arm instinctively embraced you, his huge frame engulfing yours.

You’d never felt the need to feel safe, you always carried weapons, you were highly skilled, immensely trained. No one in their right mind would try anything on you. But Bucky, your snowman, he made you feel secure. He finally made you feel like you had something worth living for. It was such an obscure feeling to you, it almost felt daunting. Like you finally had something to lose. You wondered if this is what love felt like.

“Stop thinking.” He grumbled, his morning voice raspy.

“That’s difficult when I have such a big, smart brain.” You giggled, your hand moving to push a piece of his long hair from his face.

“Yea, I love that big, smart brain.” He replied, his large hand moving down your back to squeeze your ass.

You looked at his resting face, his eyes hadn’t opened yet. His soft features remained relaxed while his hand stroked along your back.

“Did you dream last night?” You pondered, quietly.

“No.” He replied, remaining in his position of rest. “Did you?”

“Mhm,” you started, “I dreamt about the ocean.”

“Was it a good dream?”

“Yea. I could smell the salty water, and feel the hot sand. It was loud, the crashing waves seemed violent, but it was peaceful. I’ve never been to the beach though,” you rolled over slightly to stare at the ceiling. “Darling,” you added, “have you ever thought about escaping?”

This pulled Bucky’s eyes open, “escape?”

“Escape from this life? Leave HYDRA, be normal people.” You explained, barely above a whisper. Letting your thoughts fall onto the sheets.

“Do you think you can be a normal person?” He inquired.

You paused. All you’d known your whole life was HYDRA. All you’d ever done was assassinate and infiltrate. You’d never had to a cook a meal, do taxes, mow a lawn. But the human part of you always wanted too.

“I guess not.”

Bucky looked over at you with soft eyes. “I don’t remember being a normal person either.” He added, as an attempt at comforting you.

“Were you ever a normal person?” you questioned,

“I think so. I think I lived in New York for a while. Sometimes I have patchy memories about what I think was my old life, and my old friends.” He cracked a faint smile.

“Are they good memories?”

“The best.”

Taglist@is-it-really-a-secret@quxxnxfhxll@stranger-names@bb-tings​ @ohmygodsebastianstan@selfsun

Series - Chapter Two

Pairing:Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: You’re a HYDRA assassin that’s worked closely with the Winter Soldier, to each of your dismay you’re reunited with Bucky after the blip. 

A/N: Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist, no spoilers in this chapter!

Word Count: 1,750

Snowman Masterlist||Full Masterlist 


New York


“Did you see her much after that mission?” Dr Raynor asked Bucky. She seemed interested in (Y/N).

“Yea. I saw her in passing a few times. She spent a lot of time at the base I was at. Sometimes I’d be out of cryo for weeks on a mission. That’s when I saw her the most.”

“What did you do together?”

“Played card games, trained together, built weapons, I taught her how to snipe. Normal shit, I guess.” It felt strange thinking about it all. It felt like a different lifetime to him.

“I guess that is somewhat normal for trained assassins. Did you tell her anything about yourself? After she explained her story, did you reciprocate that?” His therapist questioned.

“I couldn’t. I didn’t really remember that much about myself. Everything I knew was wiped, I was pretty much a blank slate. I couldn’t even tell her my name because I didn’t know it.” Bucky shrugged.

“What did she call you then?”

“She gave me a nickname. Snegovik. It means snowman in Russian. She thought it was hilarious, because I was the Winter Soldier. If anyone else called me snowman I would’ve snapped their necks, but when she did it-“ Bucky paused to think, “It felt nice.”



“What’re you doing, snegovik? (snowman)” You placed yourself down at the table opposite Bucky. He looked up at you, his pale blue eyes gazing into yours. You noticed Bucky started looking differently at you as you spent more time together. Instead of a look of hostility or annoyance as he gave to everyone else, it was a gentle look. A look you would give birds dancing in a fountain on a warm day, or a look you would give the sun as it rose so smoothly over the snowy mountains.

“Reading.” He shut the file laid out in front of him. The maroon file had a black HYDRA symbol resting in the middle. It was his next target.

“I haven’t had a case in weeks. I’m bored out of my mind. Do you wanna go to the firing range with me?” You queried. The HYDRA base you were currently stuck at had one of the largest firing ranges down in the basement, with a very fun collection of weaponry.

“I know what we can do. Let’s go snezhinka. (snowflake)” Bucky pushed up against the table to stand, he grabbed his file and walked off. You quickly followed behind.

The two of you ended up in a large room full of dark grey lockers. It was an empty, dusty smelling room. Not many agents or assassins resided at this base so it was mostly desolate.

Bucky pulled a few lockers open, his metal fingers clanking against the steel lockers. He tossed a large coat towards you. It was black with a soft fur lining the hood.

“Put that on.” He demanded.

“Are we going outside?” You asked, tossing the coat over your shoulders and zipping up the front.

“Mhm.” Bucky pulled his sniper rifle out of a locker. It was already put together. He grabbed a small, red box of ammunition and an extra scope. He walked off again, he tended to do that.  

You waltzed off behind him.

“Don’t you need a coat too?”

“No. I’m the snowman, remember?” He smirked back at you. Bucky didn’t smile very often, you always tried to savour the moments that he did.

The two of you exited the compound through a side door, it simply led out into the snowy forest. He began walking out into the snow, along a path he’d obviously walked plenty of times before. The large pines that inhabited the forest were covered in a layer of thick snow. The reminisce of grass and flowers barely poked through the large sheet of white on the ground.

Bucky’s path guided to a small, wooden sniper nest. It was an old sniper range that used to be for protecting the base. As more enhanced people began showing up, HYDRA moved to using giant concrete bunkers instead.

Bucky threw down a thin, dark green blanket and lay down on his stomach. He quickly set up his sniper rifle and adjusted the scope.

“Lie down.” He asserted. You complied, lying down on your stomach next to him. There was nearly no room between your bodies, the sniper nest seemed like it was only made for one. His body radiated heat like a fire. So much for snowman, you thought. Bucky lined up the spare scope and passed it over to you.

“Look through that.”

You stared through the small scope, it showed a few trees over two kilometres away. “What am I looking for?” You asked, quietly.

Bucky didn’t reply. The sound of the silenced sniper announced, and a single pinecone burst into pieces. You turned from the scope to look at the man next to you. “That was 2,000 meters away, holy shit.”

“2,248 meters.” He added, lifting the sniper to sit in front of you. “Your turn.”

“I told you, snegovik, I can’t snipe. I’ve never been good at it.”

“I’ll teach you.” He took the spare scope from your hand. “Get nice and close to the gun, your  shoulder should be up against this part,” he motioned to the back end of the rifle, you shuffled so you were in place, “look through the scope,” you did as he instructed, “and here,” his hand grabbed your wrist, the cool metal of his fingers burnt against your hand. You didn’t know much about how his metal arm worked, but he seemed to have amazing control over it. He was so gentle as directed your hand to a dial near the scope, “use this to adjust your sight. Take it to 500 metres out, we’ll start off easy.”

You adjusted the scope. 500m. You agilely moved to line up with a large pine cone resting on one of the giant pine trees.

“Deep breath.” Bucky said lightly, “fire.”

Your finger snapped down the trigger and the bullet flew. Bucky watched through his own scope as the bullet hit its target.

“I did it!” You announced,

“You’re not as bad as you thought.” He smiled, “go further out and try again.”

You and Bucky sat in that tiny sniper nest shooting pinecones for hours.


Bucky left early that morning for his mission, leaving you at the base by yourself for a few days. You spent most of those days shooting and you spent your nights combat training. Unsurprisingly, you’d developed some severe insomnia. In your line of work it wasn’t uncommon. Kraken didn’t want you to take any sort of sleeping medication that the HYDRA doctors suggested because he was afraid it would affect your work ethic. He wanted you staying sharp. Arguably, running off no sleep didn’t have you very sharp.

It was another regular night. 2, maybe 3 in the morning, you were in the gym, giving everything you had to a black punching bag. Your bandaged knuckles were feeling the force with every blow. You tiring body felt shaken under the strenuous training you were putting yourself through.

“It’s a bit late for this, snezhikna.” A deep voice announced from the entrance of the gym. You turned to see a muscular figure. He was covered in black clothing, only revealing his face and his large metallic arm. Not many people were able to sneak up on you, except Bucky, he always could.

“How was the mission?” You returned to your punching bag.

“The target was eliminated.” You heard the faint sound of his boots approaching. By the time you spun around he was directly behind you. “Let’s spar. It doesn’t look like that bag’s putting up much of a fight.”

He moved towards the thin gym mats. You watched as he adjusted his arm, each metal part whirring into place. You unravelled your knuckles, standing on the mat opposite him. The two of you stared in silence for a moment, the tension between you hung like a heavy, black smoke. A vicious grin flicked along your mouth and you began.

Punches were met with dodges, kicks were defended with blocks. You ducked, grabbed his metal wrist and pinned it behind him. He adjusted and threw your body over the top of him. You landed hard on the ground. He smiled. You whipped around and caused his legs to fall out from beneath him. He fell, and you quickly moved to throw your legs around his neck. He lay on the ground in a choke hold between your legs. You didn’t apply too much pressure, just enough to stop him from moving.

“Nice job.” He grunted. Just as you thought he would tap out, he grabbed either side of your waist and twisted you so he was able to free himself from your legs. You scrambled to get off your back but Bucky was too quick. His muscular legs had your ankles pinned down and his metal arm had both of your wrists over your head. It clicked into place and held you pinned to the ground.

You’d never felt weak in your life, you were skilled, strong, smart. But Bucky sitting above you like this made you feel so small.

“How can I tap out if you’re holding my arms?” You joked.

Without a moment’s warning Bucky lowered his head and pressed his lips against yours. Everything about Bucky was harsh, rough, and cold. But his kiss, it was gentle and sweet.

You kissed back without hesitation, his metal arm relaxed and your hands tangled into his messy hair. He unpinned your legs and you instinctively wrapped your thighs around his waist. His soft, real hand caressed your waist, holding you as if you were fragile china.

He didn’t touch you with his metal hand. He used it to hold up his weight. He never barely ever touched you with that hand. He never knew how strong it really was and he didn’t want to accidentally hurt you. Ever since you’d told him his hand was cold, he’d been much more cautious with it. You were the warmth in his life. He didn’t want to mess that up.

“Snegovik, we can’t do this here.” You smiled up at him, your hands held gently against his cheeks, his stubble tickling your palms.

“Let’s go then, my snezhinka.” He carefully picked you up and led you out of the gym.


Series - Chapter One

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: You’re a HYDRA assassin that’s worked closely with the Winter Soldier, to each of your dismay you’re reunited with Bucky after the blip. 

A/N: I haven’t posted in like 300 years, but I hope you guys enjoy this new series! This follows parts of TFATWS so expect spoilers! (Also I’m sure all the Russian is absolutely wrong, if you’d like to correct it please send me a message!)

Word Count: 1,815 (future chapters will be wayyy longer)

Snowman Masterlist||Full Masterlist


New York


“So tell me about this-” the therapist looked down at her notes briefly, “(Y/N).” She finished.

Bucky paused momentarily, “No.”

“James, for these therapy sessions to be effective, you need to open up to me. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.” His therapist responded, laying her pen carefully on her small notebook.

Bucky thought for a moment, taking in the ambience of the room. What would he even say about (Y/N)? He hadn’t seen her in years. Bucky was kicking himself for accidentally bringing her up in his session last week. “I- uh-” he stammered, shifting his weight on the couch, “I met her in 2011. At least I think it was 2011. Date’s get kinda fuzzy sometimes, with all the cryo.” Bucky’s hand pressed against his head, feeling dazed as he tried to think back. “It was at the big HYDRA base outside of Moscow. We had to go on a mission together-” he was cut off,

“Did she work for HYDRA?” Dr Raynor interjected.

“Yea. She was an assassin too. She went by the alias the Viper.” Bucky pretended not to notice his therapist tense up. Anyone who knew anything about HYDRA knew who the Viper was. She was one of the most prolific assassins after the Winter Soldier.

“Tell me more about when you met her.”

“We were instructed to take out a terrorist organisation forming against SHIELD. Which was ironic because we were working for a terrorist organisation. But at this point SHIELD was being run by HYDRA and they couldn’t risk any slip ups, so they put 6 assassins on the job. HYDRA usually didn’t have their assassins working together, we were all too volatile. But we had to take out over 70 people in one night. It was (Y/N), a few assassins from the Red Room, and a few agents that HYDRA had trained personally, and me.” Bucky stopped.

“Where was (Y/N) trained?”

“At a secondary facility run by HYDRA. She was trained from a really young age. It’s all she’s known.” Bucky seemed somber. But his therapist continued,

“What happened on the mission?”

“Nothing. It went exactly to plan. The targets were taken out and we all left without a trace. But (Y/N), she- she kept trying to talk to me, or get to know me. I was the Winter Soldier. No one in their right mind ever tried to ‘get to know me’.”

“Why do you think (Y/N) did that?”

“She told me she was bored.” He replied bluntly.



The poorly lit conference room was filled with a myriad of assassins and officials. The only illumination came from old LED lights hanging from the concrete ceiling. The mossy green paint on the walls looked as if it hadn’t been patched up in years. The only new-ish part of the room was the large, oak conference table, surrounded by black, leather seating. It was difficult not to notice the red HYDRA symbol holding a spot on almost every piece of clothing in the area.

“TITAN terroristicheskaya organizatsiya, formiruyushchayasya protiv nas. (TITAN is a terrorist organisation forming against us.)” Kuznetsov spoke, “Izbrannyye budut otpravleny segodnya vecherom v Ukrainu dlya vypolneniya postavlennoy zadachi. Uberi ikh. (The chosen ones will be sent to Ukraine tonight to complete their given tasks. Take them out.)”

That was all it took. You stared at the file in front of you. You had read through it multiple times, going over every single name, every single skill set your targets had. You were more than certain you could complete this job on your own. But you had no choice on the matter.

Your eyes darted around, taking in the faces of the assassins that were to accompany you on your mission. Two youthful females, dressed in black leather sat next to each other. The older, grimacing woman behind them was Madame B., the head supervisor of the Red Room. You moved your gaze to the two agents in dark green uniforms and red, soviet berets. Neither looked particularly menacing.

You finally landed on the last assassin. His dark hair fell like curtains around his face. Gloomy blue eyes searched their way through the room. His sharp jaw seemed tense through his stubbled cheeks. He was large, extremely built. Covering his frame was an amplitude of black clothing and gear.

“Play nice.” Your mentor spoke softly over your shoulder, breaking you from your train of thought.  

“I always do.”


Your padded snow boots ripped through the thick snow covering the ground. The six of you had hiked your way to the set point on your GPS systems, the clouds of snowfall covering your vision held the illusion that there were absolutely no structures nearby. A large helicopter had dropped the group a few miles out from the hideout to ensure nothing was compromised. The trek was in utter silence, fighting against the harsh temperature in mid February.

The waypoint became closer on your map, a tiny building slowly appeared in your vision against the foggy downfall. It was a small, wooden cabin. Everyone hustled their way through the unlocked door. It was barren, it held no furniture, no blankets, no means of any life. There appeared to be a few doors that led to small, empty rooms. The entrance only held a small fireplace, filled with old cut down logs that had been eaten by bugs.

The group quickly dispersed, you headed to one of the rooms alone, throwing down your belongings onto the floor. The bag you carried was mainly filled with weapons and ammunition, along with a very warm sleeping bag. You knew too well you wouldn’t be sleeping tonight, but you would need the extra heat for now.

There was no chatter anywhere in the house. Your mission would begin in 6 hours. Everyone was likely putting together their artillery. You decided to cozy up in your navy sleeping bag for a moment of comfort.

Someone had lit the fire in the lounge. A warm, orange light crept through the cracks in your door. The ambiance was strangely calming for a shitty cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Snow continued to fall against the tiny glass pane of your room. You weren’t a fan of assassinating in the snow. It was low vision, harsher climates, and it lessened the ability to move. Snakes weren’t creatures of the cold. Conveniently you’d been grouped with someone who called himself ‘The Winter Soldier’. I’m sure he loves the cold, you thought.

You’d heard a lot about him. Everyone had. He was the perfect assassin. He never failed a mission, his body didn’t reject cryo, every form of enhancement HYDRA had used on him had been a success. He was what every assassin had aspired to be.

Without thought, you grabbed the glass bottle laying next to you and walked off to the room the Winter Soldier had claimed for the night.

“Privet (Hello)”. You announced, pushing his door open with a creak. His head didn’t turn towards you. He sat on the floor, the sound coming from him indicated he was sharpening knives.

“Khochesh’ vypit’? (Want a drink?)” You asked, motioning the bottle towards him.

He stayed silent for a moment. Finally he turned, looking up at you from his position on the floor. “What is it?” His dark tone asked back. The amber light from the fire crashed against his features. His strong jaw was covered with a dark stubble, his brunette hair tucked behind his ears. His most obvious feature was the hauntingly blue eyes that sat in sunken sockets, he looked drained.

“It’s vodka.” You stated, honestly. You were surprised to hear he wasn’t Russian, he sounded… American?

“You’re drinking before a mission?” He queried.

You shrugged. “Alcohol doesn’t freeze.” You sat down next to him. “Plus it takes the edge off.” A faint clinking noise announced as you placed the bottle on the floor between you two. He stared at you for a moment, before quietly going back to his knives.

“Wanna play 20 questions?” You interrupted the silence.


“What about truth or dare?”

“I’m not 14.” the soldier replied, his eyes not leaving his handy work.

“How old are you?” You shot back,

“Why are you trying to get to know me?” He dodged your question.

“I’m bored.” You shrugged, taking a deep swig of the vodka. “And by my calculations,” you peered down at your watch, “we still have 3 hours and 27 minutes until the mission starts.”

He gave a shallow sigh, “93.”


“I’m 93. How old are you.”

“93?! You were born in 1917?”

“Mhm. How old are you.”

“25. You look great for 93.” You chuckled.

“You look old for 25.” He jabbed back. His knife sharpener still grinding across a 6 inch blade.

“You flatter me.” You replied sarcastically. “So what’s your story? How’d you make it to 93?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Why would I ask if I didn’t want to know?”

Bucky looked over at you. “I’m telling you, you don’t want to know.”

“C’mon old man,  I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” You smirked. He once again, went back to his knives. It almost seemed as if he was trying to threaten you, pulling out larger knife after larger knife.

You huffed, opening your mouth to speak, “I was born in Hungary to a drug abusing mother, and an absent father. I was kidnapped and sold to HYDRA when I was 6. I was placed under the care of the Kraken. Not sure if you’ve met him, he’s this large guy-”

“I’ve met him.” Bucky stated, interrupting your spiel.

“Right, well, he trained me for years. Eventually HYDRA got involved again and I was tested on, experimented on, messed with, ya’ know, all that fun stuff.” You explained.

“Are you enhanced?” Bucky asked, almost as if he was actually interested.

“Yea. I have this whole snake venom trick. It’s great for up close combat. The experiments really should’ve killed me though. But maybe that’s what makes us so good-” Bucky looked over at the woman next to him, her bright eyes stared back at him as she spoke “ya’ know, the best assassins are the ones living off borrowed time. Because we’ve met death before, so we’re not afraid to do it again.”

Bucky quickly grabbed the Barrett M82 rifle next to him, his metal arm making faint whirring noises. “I’m going to scope out the base.” He stated bluntly. And with that, his large black boots walked him out the bedroom, and out the door.

You let out a faint sigh, creeping back to your room to sort out your weapons. You were sure it was something you said that scared him off. I guess at 93 you have to be living off too much borrowed time, you speculated. You absentmindedly set up your pistols, your mind not being able to wander from the Winter Soldier. Maybe annoying the Red Room girls would get your mind off it.

Hello, everyone!

Here’s the first part of The Lone Wolf. I hope this is clearing up some unanswered questions, in the next few will be more flashbacks, which will explain everything.

I hope you enjoyed reading it.

This series was brought to you because someone who (thank God) doesn’t follow me on Tumblr, wanted me to write something nicefor him, but I also wanted to post something here, so you guys are getting a bit cleaner version.

I hope you’ll like it!!


Summary: The Reader hadn’t seen nor heard from him in about five years. Her life is getting back on track (sure, she might be playing the role of fiance for her gay friend, but everything else is going great). She’s famous all across the world for being the only person to meet The Lone Wolf in his uniform, and live to tell the tale. There was so many people asking her about him, but she never said a word. She moved on, but the past seems to want to bite her in the ass.

Warnings for this part: Implied sex, edging, a bit of SMUT (fingering), lying, mentions of dominant!Bucky, some Language

Sometimes I wish I knew what had happened to him. I looked back at the building of the company, before continuing my walk toward the café I often frequented, Coffee Bean. Sitting down, I gave them the order, which had put me into that situation with him in the first place - Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows, chocolate crumbs and coconut, the drink I haven’t had in five years, not since May 2020.

That might not have been the warmest month I had encountered in my years, but it came with a lot of memories. Pleasant and unpleasant ones, but they are still some of the most memorable moments of my life.

Rough hands gripping me tightly by the waist from behind, pulling me close enough so that I can feel a hard, throbbing length against my ass.

Lips attacking my neck and leaving trails of hickeys. I couldn’t tell whether they were made out of possessive jealousy, or as a way to show me he actually cared about me, but they were there, dozens of hickeys all over my body…

His hand grabbing me by the throat, before pulling me in for a rough kiss, which left me breathless and weak in the knees…

“Honey, are you okay?”

“Huh?” I looked away from the window, as I was pulled out of my thoughts. The bright, blue, eyes of my ‘fiancé’ were in front of me. Steve and I have only been 'engaged* for two weeks, due to him needing a fake fiancé, because he didn’t have enough courage to tell his parents he’s actually gay. He was gorgeous, blonde, blue eyed, well-built and over six feet tall. Every girl’s wet dream, but not mine. “Oh, hey, love! I’m sorry I was thinking.”

“I could see that, honey.” He sipped on his coffee. How long had he been here?  “I’ve been trying to grab your attention for the past 10 minutes.” He grumbled out, answering the question I didn’t even ask, while grinding his teeth. “A penny for your thoughts, darling?”

“It’s nothing, really. I was only remembering some things from my past.”

“Good or bad?”

“Both.” I said with  finality in my voice, making it known that I don’t want to talk about that subject anymore.

“So it is true.”

“What are you talking about?”

“There was something between you and the lone wolf.” His voice was filled with some sort of venom, but it was, weirdly enough, calm, although, if you payed enough attention, you could notice that the anger was radiating off him in waves, his eyebrows were furrowed, and fists clenched idly at his side. I didn’t even know he knew of him. Most of the wolrd didn’t really care much about the people from Balkans, although, him being a famous, mysterious war criminal might have had something to do with it…

“I was someone he kidnapped once.”

“Is that all?”

“He also tortured me.” I told him the official story. No need to tell him the truth about the aforementioned torture, but his heated gaze didn’t falter.

Why does it seem like he knows something? He can’t know. No one can. It was all between me and him, and he disappeared off the face of the Earth five years ago.

He kept the staring game for a few moments, before his stare softened. “If you say so.”

“I do.” I took another sip of my Hot Chocolate, before I let out a sorrowful laugh. “I had this same drink a few hours before he took me five years ago, you know? I was afraid to drink it again. I thought it was some sort of a bad thing, but I got over it.” I always had this same drink, when I was talking to him, whether it was over the phone, or over a video-call, in person… He knew me like an open book. Since he hasn’t been around in five years, If he were alive, he would have contacted me by now. So I thought it was the time to move on and have it again. It hadn’t disappointed. “Damn, it tastes better than I remember.”

He hm-ed, before nodding for me to continue. His eyes were, somehow haunted. Which made me think something was extremely wrong, but this was Steve. Friendly-neighbourhood gay-man who didn’t want his parents to know he was gay, so he faked his engagement to me after two months of being my friendly gay best neighbour, and five years of being my (only) gay-best friend ….

“I had this one friend, Bucky. We had been friends, since my third/fourth year of high school, and I had been in love with him ever since I had seen. My friend needed my help. Apparently, he had been in trouble at the time.”

“What did he do?” He asked, deep in thought.His blue eyes deep in thought.

“I don’t know. I was talking to him on the phone, and then, someone had grabbed me, there was a cloth in my face. I had breathed in and everything went black. When I woke up, I was in my Grandfather’s abandoned house in our old village. Most of the old people have been sent to homes, and nobody lives there. My plan was to stay there for two weeks, alone, surrounded by acres of woods. The only person, other than my family, who knew where it was, was my best friend, Bucky. So, I assumed he allowed someone to kidnap me and have their way with me. I never saw a face, and never heard their voice, but I’ve heard the groans they made while they violated my body.” Lie, lie, lie and lie. He would never put me in any type of danger like that. Sure, he had, indeed kidnapped me, but he knew I had one of those fantasies when I was younger.

“Why are you saying they?”

“Because I’m uncertain whether it was a man or a woman. Yes, Steve, there is a possibility that The Lone Wolf is a woman, as well.” No there isn’t, but there’s no need for him to know that.

“I never even thought of that possibility…” He mumbled, seemingly mind blown, but I could tell he didn’t believe me. “So, that friend of yours…”

“I don’t like your tone. He was only my friend then, we hooked up a few times before that, though, three years after we’ve met.”

“So, your then-friend, betrayed you.”

“Yes. He left me with an animalistic person whose only purpose in life was to hide, and torture me.”

“How exactly did he torture you?”

“Any way you could possibly imagine, only twenty times worse…” That was true. He tortured me in any sexual way he could. From spanking, to bondage, through whipping and leaving hickeys all the way to edging me ten times before finally letting me cum, screaming for him in places where only animals could hear me, biting…If I mentioned any other man, I would get punished.

“How do you feel about The Lone Wolf?”

“I hate him so much.” For leaving me a hot mess, and after two wonderfully-spent weeks, disappearing into thin air. He only wanted to use me for sex just like all those times before…I loved him, through everything, but he never cared. He never loved me and now, five years later, I finally understood that.

“You really hate him so much?” His gaze was so intense, it made me remember a moment with Bucky.


“I hate you, Sarge.” I cried, which was understandable since it was the sixth time he edged me so far. And I wanted to cum so badly. “Please, please, please, allow me to cum.”

“You hate me?” He asked, before pushing his finger into my slit once again and picking up the pace. Every word he said was slowly rolling off his tongue, his blue eyes were dark with lust, and there was a mischievous glint in them. “Why are you so wet, then, doll?”

“Please, please, please, make me cum”

“I asked you two questions, doll. If you answer them, I’ll think about it.”

“Fine, Sarge, I don’t hate you. I don’t think I could ever hate you and I’m wet because you make me feel things I shouldn’t be feeling for anyone.”

“And what are those things?” He asked, before licking my breast and putting another finger in, while his other hand played with my clit.

“I…” I was about to answer before the sensation I felt stopped me. “Please, Sarge…”

“You’re about to cum already?” He asked.


“Don’t lie to me.”

“Yes, Sarge. Now please…” I whined, he was picking up the pace, and I was surprised he had actually listened to me. I was right there. Only one push and I’d be getting the sensation I wanted to feel since he had started this…

“No…” I whined, as I felt him pull his finger out.

“Yes.” He said, kissing me roughly, before pulling me onto my wobbly feet. I couldn’t stand properly due to our…activities. He let out a self-satisfied laugh, before throwing me over his shoulder. “I’m going to help you take a shower.”

“I hate you…”

“I thought you could never hate me, doll.” I slapped him across his very lovely ass. He let out another, hearty laugh, before I felt a sharp pinch on my ass.

“You bit me!” I mumbled

“If you mess with the wolf, you’re bound to feel some consequences.”


“I don’t know if I hate him completely. If it weren’t for him, I would have been dead, you know. He saved me.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well…” Think, think, think… “That winter, the wolves were running about the forest. We didn’t have any sheep, cows or pigs in any of the barns that year. Grandfather was in the home and Uncle couldn’t retire until the next year. So me and him were, practically, the only ones in the area at the time. It was plenty useful to have a deadly soldier there, or I would have been ripped apart by the actual wolves.” Again, a half-truth.

“So you don’t hate him?” He asked again.

“He had saved my life. I don’t think I could ever hate anyone, I think I only strongly dislike him.”

“Good. I’m so sorry about this, Y/N.” He said, his blue eyes filled with regret.

“What are you talking about, Steve?” I asked him, but his phone rang.

“Yes, buddy, you were right. She’s all yours now.“ He said, before hanging up. He gave me one, pointed look, before gesturing something. I had no idea what it meant, but I didn’t need to think about it. There was something on my mouth and my world went black. Deja-vu much? 

Tags:@sebastian-stan-is-my-love@mississippifangirl @iheartsebastianstan @princessofdarkwinter @kiki5283


Almost Had Me Believing It Series Masterlist


Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Warning: Fluff, angst, mutual pining, smut NSFW 18+ ONLY.

Summary: An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.

Updates and taglist: Updates for series will be made on Thursdays and Sundays Central Time Zone. Please follow my sideblog @tuiccimfanfiction for update notifications. All series and new stories will be reblogged to it. You will only receive notifications when a new part or story is out! Nothing else will be blogged to the page. I can’t thank you enough for your support!

A/N: Divider by @whimsicalrogers

Almost Had Me Believing It Series Masterlist

this is so good! i normally stick to enemies to lovers with bucky but i loved this one<3


Charmaine is an intern for Tony Stark, soon she meets the team and they become her family. One mission was all it took.

1.Meeting Where Charmaine meets the team for the first time after having a panic attack.

2.Shit Bucky Charmaine cooks for the team and gets to know them more.

3.Charm BraceletCharm gets to know Bucky more and feelings starts to grow.

4.Alright, that’s enough A little bit jealous of bucky but finally confesses his feelings to the guys as well as charm do.

5.Don’t do this to me Charmaine’s first mission with the team but doesn’t end well and the team loses a member.

6.Eternal Flame ➞ Mazikeen has finally got a hold of two of her deadliest weapon.

7.1 year later ➞ It’s a year after Charmaine is fully Eternal Flame along with Cyan. The team is fully accepting that she isn’t coming back anymore.

8.I’m not naming my child Thorina. ➞ Lori does a big gender reveal for the whole team but by the end of the night, Thor and Steve are able to reveal something.

9.Stay ➞ Two weeks have passed and Charmaine tries to get used to being in the house but Mazikeen still has that effect on her.

more to come!

I really want to finish this series and maybe post it on Wattpad. This will give me a reason to finish so you guys can enjoy.


word count:

pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader.

warning: angst, nightmares.

Summary: Bucky nightmares are too much.

A/N: Y'all it’s been weird and longgg week and I can’t stay on one thing soo the overprotective series will have to wait a second .

ik it’s in first person point of view because i just didn’t feel like putting it in third person. either take it or leave it!‍♀️

“No! Stop! Please."  I heard Bucky say from behind me. I looked at the clock and it said 2:45 a.m.

Bucky was tossing and turning which made me sit up. He had sweats running down his face. I rubbed his face softly so I could wake him.


His eyes were tightly closed and his hands gripped the pillow. I placed my other his shoulder.


“Ahh!” He yelled thrashing around, Bucky was still asleep. “P-please! I’ll take her spot. No! Don’t say those got damn words.”

I was scared myself, his nightmares never gotten worse like this.

“Bucky! Wake up!”

“Ahh!” He yelled again and I grabbed Bucky pulling him into my chest. I held a tight grip so he wouldn’t move around in my arms. Bucky’s metal hand grabbed onto my forearm so he could hold on to me. His screams turned into sobs.

“Baby open your eyes. I’m here Bucky.  You’re okay.” I comfort rubbing my hand through his hair. Bucky was completely woke as his head stayed on my chest and his cries turn into sniffles.

“I d-didn’t mean to wake you up to this, I’m sorry. It just felt so real.”

“I’m sorry,” Bucky muttered quietly. I kissed his forehead rocking us back and forth.

“It’s fine. I know it’s not your fault.”

“I’m sorry.”

I placed my chin on top of his head,  “Baby stop apologizing, it’s okay. I want to try something, is that alright?”

He pulled back from my chest, “Yeah, what is it?”

“You have to trust me, baby,” I said as we stared each other in the eyes.

“I trust you.”


“Honey, you got the words ready?” Tony asked tapping away on a tablet. His suit powered on, going into auto-pilot mode

“Yes honey, just waiting on Y/N or Bucky to give us the cue.” Lori yawned sitting on top of the table.

We were sitting in Tony’s workshop and it was still late at night. The plan was to try to use the words that were in Bucky’s brain against him. It was like the nightmares were getting worse every night.

“I will be here the whole time okay? You got this. I’ll hold your hand if you want me to baby.” I said leaning down so we could have eye contact. Bucky was sitting in a chair across from Lori. He was so nervous that it might all come back.

“You don’t have to. I know this is maybe one of the best ways to get rid of the nightmares so I should be okay.”

“Okay,” I said placing a peck on his lips. We gave each other a small smile then I stepped back leaning again the table. He looked a Lori nervously.

“I’m ready.”

“Just close your eyes Bucky. We aren’t going to let anything happen.” Lori reassured softly. “We will be here for you.”

“I will stop her if you need me to.” Tony said standing beside her with his arms crossed over his chest.

Bucky nodded then hesitantly closed his eyes. I never took my eyes off him, I was hoping this went well. Lori slowly opened the red book beginning to read the words.

“Желание. Ржавый. Семнадцать. Рассвет. Печь. Девять.” Lori said slowly, saying every word fully. Bucky’s lip trembled as tears rolled down this face. I couldn’t bear seeing him like this. I try to hold my tears back.

(Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign.)

“Добросердечный. Возвращение на родину. Один.”

(Homecoming. One. Freight car.)

Lori finished closing the book. Bucky opened his glassy eyes giving us the answer we all needed. He was free.

I go over to him placing my forehead on his, “You’re free baby. You’re free.

Bucky wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a big hug.


We thanked Lori and Tony for helping us out with all of this.

It was around 3:50 a.m. and we were back in bed. I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t know why so I was up reading a book. Bucky rolled over placing his head on my chest and his metal arm around my waist.

This was the best sleep he’s gotten in years.


Ehhh I know it’s short but it’s a little something.

Here my lovee @golden-child04, thank you for commenting.

@kenny-2318,@calimoi , @someone-looking-weird

thought you guys might want to read it when it was done!

stay slutty my friends!

for this one shot im going to write about bucky having nightmares. should it be soft or violet where he chokes her without warning if you get what im saying.

im confused on which one to write.

little girl in a box.

word count:

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader

Warning: Swearing, mention of killing.

Summary: Bucky and Y/N comes home from their date to find a sweetheart in a box.

A/N: this haven’t been my week so im using fanfiction to be a distraction.

Y/N and Bucky walked up the stairs to their apartment in Bucharest. They were holding hands, engaged in a conversation.

“I was thinking, what if I made shrimp alfredo?” Y/N asked as their hands sway back and forth. Bucky looked at her confused.

“What’s alfredo?”

“Oh my god, you never had it before?”

“I mean in the army they boiled everything. It wasn’t really lavish.”

“Everything boiled sound so nasty.”

“I know right but I managed. What’s going to be in it?”

“Shrimp and pasta with Alfredo sauce. I think you’re going to love it!”

“That’s fine with me babe, as long as it isn’t soup.”

“Same.” Y/N laughed letting go of his hand so she could unlock the door. Normally they would go through the window. But just for one night, they didn’t want to be paranoid. Just to have one normal night.

Bucky stopped in his tracks staring at a medium size box that had big holes poked in it. “Y/N were you expecting something?”

“No.” Y/N with hesitation getting worried that this might a setup. Bucky pulled her behind him protectively then proceeded to nudge open the box. The box top fell off and a pair of brown doe eyes stared back at them. Bucky hardened face expression soften as he saw a beautiful little girl in the box.

Whoever left this beautiful child in the box was a horrible person in general. The little girl sat up looking at the couple nervously. Bucky squat down so they could be eye level.

“Hi princess… I’m Bucky and that’s my girlfriend Y/N. Would you like to tell me your name?” Bucky said softly then pointed at Y/N who waved giving a toothless smile. It was like Bucky’s dad instincts kicked in as he felt the need to protect the little girl any way he could.

She shook her head as a way of saying she didn’t want to talk. Her body was skinny seeming that she haven’t ate in a couple of days. She looked no older then 4. Y/N squat down to help ease her nerves.

“How about we go in and get you something to eat?”

The little girl looked at Y/N scaredly and instantly held her arms out for Bucky. Y/N sigh knowing that whatever happened in this girl past, she was scared of women she didn’t trust. Bucky picked her up gently not wanted to hurt her with his arm.

They walked into the apartment and Y/N quickly started to prepare dinner. Bucky sat on the bed while the little girl sat on the side of them. He tries to start conversation again with her.

“Can you tell me your name now?”

The little girl looked around before speaking softly,“Melanie..”

The pair looked at each otherin shock, he got her to talk. There wasn’t any technology in the room so they best way to stay entertained was to have conversation.

“Well Melanie how old are you?” Bucky questioned.

“Five.” She said but held up three fingers making Bucky smile in amusement. He helped her by raising up another finger.

“How old are you?”

Y/N giggled while fixing their bowls. Nobody have ever asked him that. Bucky laughed since its been a long time since someone asked him that.

“Well doll, I’m 106.”

Melanie made a funny face turning her head to the side. Y/N came over with three bowls in her hands. Bucky grabbed the bowls passing one to Melanie, while holding the other ones as Y/N sat down so she wouldn’t spill it.

“Can I eat all of it? I’ve been good all week.” Melanie moved some of her hair from her face with a a sadden expression. Y/N felt so bad for her, this wasn’t right.

“Baby you can eat all it. I can make more if you want some okay?”

“Okay.” Melanie smiled digging in her food. Bucky and Y/N shared a look. He was angry that she went through horrible things at a young age.

After dinner, Bucky washed and put the dishes away while Y/N laid down on the mattress. Melanie kept picking her head up to see if Bucky was coming.

“He’s coming honey, he’s washing dishes."Y/N laughed softly realizing what she was doing. "You tired?”

Melanie shook her head, rubbing her eyes,“No.”

“Yes you are. Come here?” Y/N asked nicely but Melanie poked out her lip. She was sitting in the middle of the mattress near Y/N’s knees.

“Noo, I’m waiting on Bucky.”

“Here I am princess.” Bucky grunt getting on his knees behind her. Melanie looked happy as he picked her up, walking on his knees to get to this spot on the mattress. Y/N laid on her side, watching them in admiration. 

Melanie was very brave and didn’t take long getting used to the couple. Food was a way to her heart so the trust came quickly. She was snuggled between Bucky and Y/N while they cuddled her enjoying their sleep.


2:48 a.m.

People smashing through the apartment windows starled them awoke. Before Bucky could reach for his gun, a man punched him in the face. Y/N quickly grabbed Melanie holding her into her chest then gets up grabbing the emergency bookbag.

The couple agreed that if this was to happen then find the best way out possible. They would find each other no matter how far away they was. Bucky did one on one combat with the man that broke in.

“GO Y/N!”

She nodded rushing to the door making sure to keep a good grip on Melanie. When she opened the door a man stood their with a gun pointed directly at her head. Melanie start to cry with all the commotion going on. Tears start to fall out of Y/N’s eyes, thinking this was it.

“Go back in now or I won’t hesitate putting one between your eyes.” The man sneered putting the cold gun on her forehead. Y/N turned around going back into the apartment. Bucky closed his eyes trying not to lose it as he saw his family being held at gun point.  He was being held at gun point as well but he was hoping that his girls was able to get away.

“So Winter Soldier, you really thought you could get away.” A man laughed turning on a light revealing his face. It was Rumlow holding Bucky at gun point and the man that held Y/N at gun point was Pierce. Bucky chest heaved up and down as he was getting angrier.

Melanie little face was turning red from how hard she was crying. Pierce rapidly pointed another gun in his other hand at Melanie’s little forehead.

“NO!"Bucky jumped forward but Rumlow put the gun on his forehead making him stop. Pierce took the gun off safety pressing it harder on Melanie’s forehead which makes Y/N sob harder.

"Shut the little brat up!”

“Melanie baby, stop… stop crying we’re okay. Bucky’s okay.” Y/N lied hoping she was to stop crying. Melanie cries turns into sniffles looking at Y/N hopefully.

Y/N nod her head crying,“We’re okay baby.”

Bucky felt like he let his girls down. He was so angry that he wanted to kill both of them but he couldn’t move. “I’ll go back and do whatever. Just p-please leave my family out of this.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear! Cuff him!” Pierce exclaimed letting the guns drop from Y/N and Melanie. Y/N shook her head not wanting Bucky to leave and endure all the things they worked so hard for him to forget.

“Bucky no!”

"Shut it bitch!” Pierce snapped at her holding the gun to her head again making her jump. It was killing Bucky for not being able to help.

“I’m sorry Y/N. I love you.” Bucky sigh putting his arms behind his back so Rumlow could cuff him. As Rumlow did, Redwing flew in dropping a disk on Pierce’s forehead electrocuting him. Sending him unconscious.

Bucky ducked as Rumlow shot the gun towards him making the girls scream. Sam flew in the window taking out the extra gaurd that stood by the refrigerator. Bucky stood up swiftly so he could take out Rumlow.

He smirked aiming the gun towards the girls,“ I guess nobody’s getting what they want.” Rumlow shot the gun at the girls. Y/N used her body to shield Melanie. Bucky stared in horror as he tried to get to them but Steve’s shield covered them from the bullets.

Bucky turned around angrily at Rumlow pulling out the secret gun that was in his  waist holster. With no hesitation, Bucky shoots him between the eyes. Rumlow body fell to the ground.

Y/N came from behind Steve’s large frame. She walked over to Bucky and pulled him into a hug without crushing Melanie’s little body. Bucky rubbed his hand through Y/N hair and kissed Melanie’s forehead. They didn’t have anything to say, they were just grateful to all be alive.

“I’m so sorry to ruin this moment guys but we need to go. Their supposed to be bringing in reinforcements any second.” Steve said placing his shield on his back.

“F.R.I.D.A.Y. bring the jet back around.” Sam pressed his finger on the com.


On the jet, it was quiet but peaceful time for them to rejuvenate. Bucky couldn’t sleep so he watched over his girls who were sleeping.

Melanie slept on his chest with his metal arm holding her up so her face could implant into his neck. Y/N was cuddled up with his arm wrapped around her. He kissed their foreheads every other second for his comfort.

“Thank you guys.” Bucky said to Sam and Steve who were sitting in the in the front seats of quinjet.

“Just gald you guys are safe.” Steve pat his hand on Bucky’s shoulder.

“Plus we were able to kill two birds with one stone. Bonus but glad we could help."Sam said making Bucky smiled. He looked at his girls, very content with life.


horrible writing.

I wrote this bout a year ago. I don’t like it, but i just needed it as a distraction.

stay slutty my friends

Beauty and Beasty 2.

Word Count: 3,368

Pairing: President!Bucky Barnes x Babysitter!BlackFem!OC

Warning: Swearing, Uptight Bucky.

Summary: This goes into Devora’s back story a bit. When she comes home from picking the kids up from private school, James there waiting for them. She finally gets into contact with her best friend Alexis who is married to King Steve Rogers of Brooklyn. James makes way downstairs for a midnight snack to find her in the kitchen…

A/N: you guys love it so here is part 2.

Devora Smith is the child of Deeva and Devon Smith. You shouldn’t think too hard about how she got her name. The 22-year-old loves to cook. How she landed this job is a straightforward story to explain. Since she was 7, in her eyes, her dad was the best cook in the world. Devon owned a small restaurant that had enough attention to keep them afloat.

Devon always had Devora in the kitchen helping him cook; that’s how she fell in love with cooking. Sadly, things happened, and her dad lost the restaurant due to the lack of money. Devora promised herself that she will make her dad proud by owning her own 5-star restaurant.

9 months ago, her best friend, Alexis, fell in love with King Steve Rogers of Brooklyn. They are now married and are expecting a child. Devora had complained to them many times that she needed a job to jumpstart her career. So when President James Buchanan Barnes of Romanian asked his best mate, King Steve, to help him find a babysitter. The king suggested Devora, and since it was last minute that he needed a babysitter. President Barnes hired her immediately.

“Hi, guys, how was school?” Devora questioned once the kids got in the Audi. While she drove, they were quiet, too quiet. “Uh, is anyone going to say anything?” No one responded so she stopped the car, putting it park on the side of the road. The babysitter gave Melanie her phone so she could be distracted by youtube. James doesn’t allow the kids to use cell phones but do she does she care at the moment? No, and he isn’t here to say anything.

Plus, Melanie gets fussy when she curses, so she doesn’t do it around the kids unless she’s really pissed off. “Roman, spill it.” She sat Indian-style in the seat facing them. Devora knew that the 16-year-old boy couldn’t hold anything from her. Unbeknownst to her, Roman saw Devora as his mother because she takes such good care of them.

He feels there is no reason to lie to her because she’s such an understanding person and will always find a way to solve their problems. “This guy from my class constantly bullies me because of my hair and what I wear to school. Declan saw him shove me against the locker, so he punched him and they start to fight. Sophie saw what happened so she jumped in by jumping on his back, hitting his head from behind.”

Before Devora could utter a word out, Declan sounded off.“I had to defend him, Devora. He’s my brother and I’m not going to let him get bullied on my watch. Roman doesn’t mess with anyone and I wasn’t going to let that guy continue to bother Roman.”

Devora tries to speak again but Sophie continued their justification, “We’re so sorry Devora. Don’t be mad at us; we didn’t get suspended…”

This time Devora did the cutting off.“I’m not mad.”

“…Or anything because of Father’s status with the school.” Sophie rambled out of nervousness then realized what she said. ‘You’re not mad?“

"I’m not. Want to know why?” She smiled ruffling Roman’s hair causing him to smile. “ Because you did what every big brother and sister are meant to do which is take up for your little sibling. Extra bonus points for beating his ass.”

Melanie furrowed her eyebrow at Devora like a scolding parent. Everyone chuckled at her reaction. “Oops sorry, Melanie. Anywhoo you guys doing that proved to Roman that you’ll always have his back. No matter what, you guys should always love each other. Never be in competition with one another, never judge, and never be jealous. Because at the end of the day you guys should always be able to depend on each other.” The siblings looked at each other with a smile. Devora kissed each of their foreheads.

“I am so proud of you guys.”

“Means a lot to hear that Devora. Thank you for being in our lives."Sophie hugged her neck. After their heartfelt moment, they were on the way home until Devora came up with a wonderful idea.

” How about you guys get a make-over?“

Roman perked up excitement, "Really? You would do that?”

“Duh you guys deserve it plus I might have the head chef’s Mastercard.” She winked at them through the rearview mirror. They all cheered in the backseat even though Melanie had no clue what was going on. Her phone ringed and Mel held the phone in the air, looking at the contact picture.


“Don’t answer it!”


As they walked into the mansion from their shopping spree engaged in a funny conversation, James stood in the foyer. The children stopped their chat, standing still as if they were soldiers. Devora adjusted Melanie on her hip still holding hands with Declan, not phased by him.



“Where are there so many bags? Who do they belong to cause I am sure that I told you 3 that you aren’t allowed to do your own shopping? I have someone to pick out your clothes precisely like how I want them. Did I not?” James dictated crossing his arms over his chest, holding a scowl on his face. That was new information to Devora out of her 7 months of being there. What was so wrong with them picking out their own clothes? Their teenagers for god’s sake.

“Are you serious right now?”

James’s blue eyes focused on her, not losing the hardened expression. “Serious as a heart attack.”

Devora narrowed her eyes at him, “Well I took the kids-” Declan squeezed her hand, indicating to lie. “To get some ice cream to celebrate Sophie for passing this semester. Those bags are mine and that’s all the explanation you’re going to get.”

His lip drew back in a snarl, “You live my house! Under my rules! Whatever you bring in here is my business. Why don’t you ever just shut up sometimes and get with the program that I am in charge.”

“That’s what you think, "Devora mumbled rolling her eyes. James walked closer to her. "What did you just say?”

“Father, can we please go to our room now?” Sophie said while James and Devora never broke eye contact. “Yes.”

Declan grabbed a sleeping Melanie from her arms and the children went upstairs. When they were out of earshot, Devora stepped to him. “Stop being so strict; they’re just kids.”

“They have to learn to deal with it; we have to uphold a perfect image.” His tall frame hung over hers. The sexual tension between them was getting thick. Devora’s eyes adverted between his plumped lips that looked so soft and his eyes. Trying to fight the urge to smash her lips onto his, the babysitter for once was lost for words.

James came to Devora’s face; she could feel his breath fan against it. She gave up trying to look him in the eyes instead she stared at his lips, biting her own. He smirked, knowing that she was hooked. He pulled back taking her out of her sex-filled fantasy trace. James walked away leaving Devora’s core throbbing for pleasure.



“Psst! Devora!” She heard when she walked past one of the kid’s bedroom. The dark skin turned around to see who was calling.


His head peeked from the door.“Yes, I need your help.”

She walked closer to the door. “What is it?” Declan fully stepped out of the room. He pulled out the most beautiful necklace from his pocket.

“I bought this for a girl that I’m in love with. The only problem is, she lives in the village, and Father prohibits going to the village.”

“So what does this have to do with me? You need me to cover for you while you gone?”

“Well it’s the weekend and I normally go see her during first period but I cant’ wait until Monday. The evening guard will be out but he should be sleeping like right."Declan checked his watch."Now. Can you come with me to go see her?”

“Come with you? Declan, your father already hates my guts.”

“Please Devora? I really love her.”

Vora saw that he was really devoted to seeing this girl. She just wants to see him happy, it makes her feel content. “Fine Declan, I’ll go.”


Devora plopped in her bed face first. Helping Declan sneak out and making sure both of them weren’t caught was tiresome but worth it. Rose is her name and she was the sweetest. Her family was the best, they treated them like family not people with royal status.

Rose’s mother gave her some cheese that she made by hand. What makes it so special because it was so expensive in the states. Devora already had made a plan to make mac & cheese after a shower.

Her mac book ringed from the edge of the bed causing the tired 22-year-old to groan. Devora smacked against the keyboard hoping it would answer the call.

“Devoraa!!! BESTIE!”

Vora swiftly lifts up seeing her best friend’s face in the camera.


“I haven’t talked to you in so damn long! How is going over at Mr. meanie’s mansion?”

“it amazing here, excluding him. I don’t want to talk about me, let’s talk about you! How’s Steve and the baby?”

Steve’s face popped in the camera, drenched in water, “HI BESTIEEE!”

“HI BESTIEEEE, I miss you guysss!”

“We miss you too. and the baby’s going fine."Alexis propped the phone up showing her stomach. Devora gushed at her 8-month pregnant belly.


“Me… and she… Steve…June…”

“Alexis your wifi is ass. Y'all live in a rich castle but have poor wifi. How does that work??” She didn’t respond but flips the camera showing the outside-filled endless activities. From bouncy houses to water guns, to little kids running around with bubbles plus a couple of workers enjoying themselves.

“I love you bestie! I have to go! BYEEE”

“I lo-"The phone call hung up causing Devora to let out a sad sigh. The kids were always fun to be around but when she was herself, it’s so boring. The mansion was boring. Vora was feeling homesick from them. ”-ove you too.“

After her shower, Devora was in the kitchen making from scratch mac and cheese. "Add a little bit of this..” She mumbled to her self dumping a whole measuring cup of cheese on top of the already cheesy pasta. Her tongue poked out a bit while she spread the cheese across the pan.

“I didn’t know you did that when you’re focused.” James’s deep voice said from the side of her. She glanced at him for a second then return her gaze at the dish.

“Because your head is always stuck up your ass.”

James took a deep sigh, “Could you just stop with the smartness and backtalk for one damn minute.” She bent over placing the pan in the oven feeling his eyes on her ass.

“Stop being so mean and I’ll stop. Now quit looking at my ass, I’m trying to cook.”

As James walked past her, his huge hand smacks against her ass cheek roughly. Devora quickly stands up clutching her now throbbing cheek.“Ow!”

“No, I’m good. Thanks for the suggestion though.” He winked opening the refrigerator door. “What are you doing up? It’s late.”

“Since you just have to in my business..” Vora leaned against the counter. James took a sip of his juice, “Your business is my business, I thought I made that clear.”

“Whatever, anyhow I got some good cheese from R-…” Devora mentally cursed at how she almost gave Declan’s secret away. Bucky raised an eyebrow which made her nervous thinking he caught on. “Rome. Yeah, Rome. Alexis and Steve sent it in as a gift because it’s so expensive in the states.”

James sat the cup down, coming closer to her.“Is that so?”

Devora cleared her throat. 'Damn I talk too much. She thought to herself. “That is so Mister.” James did that hovering thing like earlier but this she wasn’t intimated.

“Do I make you nervous?”

She giggles mushing his face away from hers.“ Mr. President get away from me.”

He laughs leaning against the counter beside her. He laughed like literally laughed.Devora looked at him like he grew three heads. He looked at her confused.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You laughed. I need to pinch myself to wake up to see if I’m dreaming.”

“So you dream about me?”

“No so don’t flatter yourself, mister president.”

“So you do.”

“No now hush because you disturbing the peace and quiet I had in here while I cooked.” Devora implied while picking up trash she had left on the counter. Surprisingly James started to help her clean up.

“You didn’t have to Mr.President.”

“I want to and quit calling me Mr.President. It feels like you’re teasing me every time you say it.”

“I mean what else am I supposed to say? I don’t know your name and I didn’t bother to ask the kids because I simply didn’t care what it was.”

James placed a hand on his chest, “Ouch why you gotta be so harsh?”

“I’m not being harsh sir, just being real with you. If you don’t like it then find another babysitter."Devora shrugged throwing away some trash from the counter. James grabbed her hand pulling Vora to his chest.

"I don’t want another one, having you is perfect.”

Devora tried to keep the smile from forming on her face but what he said made her feel special. She couldn’t help it and smiled anyway. “You have a smooth way with words. You flirt.”

She pulled back, picking up the last of the trash. “I can’t help it when you’re always looking so good.” James compliment watching her every move. It got quiet for a minute because she didn’t know what to say.

Devora hoped that the niceness would stay and not disappear overnight. Being nice really suited him. The timer went off signaling the macaroni was finished.

“My name is James.”

She pulled the pan out of the oven"Hmm?“

"My name is James Buchanan Barnes but you can call me Bucky.” He watched her sit the pan on top of the stove. She reached up to grab some plates but struggled a bit. Bucky came from behind, grabbing the plate with ease. “You know I can get the maids to come do this for us. ”

She shook her head, taking the plates out of his hands. “That’s uncalled for when we been in here the whole time. My mom taught me to do it myself and not be lazy about anything and to reply to what you said. Your name fits you, I like it.” She dipped herself a spoonful of macaroni. “Bucky do you want some?”

Bucky was mesmerized by the way his name flowed from her lips, “Yeah I want some.” She beamed at the fact he wanted to try her food. She scooped him up some placing it on another plate. “Your mother sounds like a wise and good woman.”

“She is. That one time when my Dad and I cooked random dishes in the kitchen, my mom got so mad at us when we didn’t clean up behind ourselves. She told me, "Always clean after yourself. Never expect someone to do it for you. You are not a lazy woman.”

“Are they still alive?”

She giggled as they both sat down at the island. “Yes, Bucky they are still alive. My parents are enjoying their time with me being away since I moved out to come here.”

“You lived with your parents before you came here?”

“Bucky we can talk about some other time okay? I want to eat before my food gets cold.” Devora pointed at the food, Bucky sigh wanting to know more about her but did what she asked. “Fine, I’ll wait until another time.”

He picked up the fork but she took it out of his hand. He looked at her puzzled, “How am I suppose to eat?”

“Let me feed you the first bite.”

The way Devora looked at Bucky aroused him so much. Her boldness caught him completely off guard.“Okay…”

“Crap I didn’t mean to weird you out. Your beard hair is so perfect and I don’t want you to mess it up by getting cheese on it.”

Bucky crinkled his nose in happiness.“Oh, you like my beard?”

“Yes, I admit. I love it.” She dipped his fork in the mac and cheese. It was still hot so Devora blew on it a bit. Bucky pressed his lips together watching her’s curve into an o-shape. Everything about her excited him. Vora watched him eat the food from the fork while her soft hand was placed under his chin.

The macaroni tasted like heaven in his mouth, Bucky let out a little groan while he chewed. Devora looked at him in worry.

“What? What is it? Is it nasty?”

Bucky shook his head with a smile, “No this is really good. You are an excellent cook.”

“Thank you, means a lot coming from your mean ass.”

“I’m not mean.”


“All these amazing flavors hitting my mouth at once, what is that?”

“It’s seasoning Bucky…”

“What is that?” He looked at her like a lost little kid. Devora snickered sitting down her fork. “It’s all those 'amazing flavors that are hitting your mouth at once’ ”

“Ha Ha Ha you’re so funny.”

“Hehehe you think so? I’d say I’m pretty hilarious.”

The two laughed at her little joke. It was a comfortable silence after their chuckling. Bucky was done eating while Devora finished up.

“Do my kids hate me?”

His sudden outburst baffled her.“Huh?”

“Do my kids hate me as their father?”

She wiped her mouth with a napkin, “No they love you. It’s just you’re not letting them enjoy their childhood. I know about the image to uphold but kids will be kids. They deserve all the love and care from you. Bucky you’re going to miss them when they grow up and leave the nest.”

Bucky ran his hand through his hair.“When my ex-wife left, it was hard on me and I just felt like they blamed me for her leaving. I’m just doing them how my father did me. I turned out just fine-”

“Buchanan you and your children are two different people. You are their parent, not your dad so you raise them differently. They do not blame you for anything. Melanie is 2 years old and knows her alphabet all the way up to the letter L. Declan wants to be better at building things. Roman wants to be a famous basketball player to bring recognition to Romania. Sophie wants to be everything, she such a smart little girl. Bucky it’s sad that I know all of that and you only know their birthday. I can only do so much until they need their dad. You can be a parent that cares but don’t be so strict. Let them experience things.”

Bucky looked at Devora while she talked about his children. Her eyes twinkled with affection as she relays information about them. That’s what hooked him on her line, she genuinely cared about the kids. “I’m going to do better, I’m going to make sure from now on they’re happy.”

“Don’t just shower them with gifts, do that plus actually hanging out with them when you’re not busy. Make time for them okay?”

“Okay I will, I’m going to make it up to them.”

Devora yawned a bit, “I’m tired so I’m going to head to be. I had a great time being down here with you.” She got up from the chair, placing both their dirty dish in the sink then walked towards the door.

He got up following her.“Devora.”

She stopped turning around to face him. “Yes, Bucky?”

“Tomorrow can I take you to my favorite spot? It could be like a picnic.”

“Okay, that sounds nice. Should I make the snacks?”

Bucky smiled.“Yes please.”

Devora gave him a smile back.

“Anything for you.”


yall this shit took all fucking day but I hope you guys like it because went into more depth with this one!

part 3 on the way! hopefully, it will be out tomorrow.

until then

stay slutty my friends.

Pairing:Cowboy!Bucky Barnes x Barton!Reader

Warnings: Fighting. Language.

A/N:This can be more. This is just what came to mind for now, I am open to the idea of exploring deeper into this and giving you more of the story behind them.

Barton Ranch isn’t your typical ranch.        
Bucky got lucky marrying the owners daughter.        
He might have gotten the daughter, but his soul was pledged to the Ranch long ago. And he won’t stand for anyone messing with any part of the Ranch.

Tag List open!!

Something strange about public schooling. People, students, teachers, pause looking us over as we move through the foreign hallways of a place we didn’t know or own.

“Up on the left, with the blonde.” Calum murmurs, tipping his chin down the hall to the boys we’re looking for. Indeed he’s got a blonde up against the locker, melting on whatever bullshit he’s spewing. Her daddy clearly doesn’t love her enough, she could do better. Moving towards them, none of them notice the incoming.

“Swing batta batta.” Nathanial chuckles as my fist pulls back, clocking the kid square in the cheek. He hits the tile flooring with a crash, the girl screams, the hallway comes to a stop.

“What the fuck?!” The friend, the other one that harasses Becca Barnes is coming at us. Calum winds up, sucker punching him in the gut before he reaches me, folding him in half Nathanial kicks out his legs sending him to the floor.

Coughing, groaning, disoriented, holding themselves.

“Let’s call this a warning boys.” I look down at them.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” The girl gaps at me. Cutting my eyes over, I glare at her, hard. Her mouth slowly shuts, getting the unspoken warning.

“What the hell did we do?” The first one whines as he rolls over slowly, holding his face.

Smirking, I drop down on the balls of my feet. “Think long and hard, you can’t be that fucking stupid.”

Neither speak up, only groan, cough on the floor.

Nathanial clears his throat, looking up I find her in the crowd.

Long, jet black, hair, pretty blue eyes, like her brothers, full lips and almost a look of excitement on her face. Standing up, I step over the one boy, stopping in front of her. She’s the only one that doesn’t back away quickly.

“Becca?” I ask, like I don’t already know.

“Bec’s.” She nods, tucking her hair back behind her ear.

“Y/N.” I nod back. Her head tips as if she’s trying to piece it together. “Barton, your brother works for my daddy now.” I explain.

“Why are you here?” She swallows, it’s the flicker of worry in her eyes. Not for herself but for her brother.

Glancing over my shoulder at the two on the floor. “Your brother said if he doesn’t get into trouble, those needle dick, pubescent brained morons fuck with you.” I look back at her.

She pulls in her bottom lip.

“As of now, anyone fucks with you, at any time. I’ll fuck them up.” I shrug. Blue eyes snap up to mine quickly.


“You’re pretty, not stupid Becca, you heard me.” I turn stepping back over the one again. I turn settling down on the toes of my boots, down on their level. “So here’s how this works. You so much as cough in her direction again, speak to her, point your dental floss dick in her direction, I will hog tie you and drag you through town behind my horse.” I pat the one on the stomach. He groans loudly, rolling to the side, the other flinches.

“Got it?” Calum asks.

They both nod quickly, looking panicked.

“Who are you children?!” A loud, male voice comes towards us. Standing the three of us turn to look. Dressed in a button down and cheap slacks.

“Mine.” My mother steps in from a side exit. Long legs, blonde hair, never aging good looks, and a mouth on her that could make a priest cringe.

“Mrs. Barton.” He halts instantly, looking like he’s already sweating.

Smart man.

There’s a round of whispers running through the on lookers. Everyone knows my family

“Y/N you and Rebecca, exchange information. Boys make sure she understands.” Our mother nods, before heading for the man.

Students disperse quickly.

“Listen you take this number and come up with some sort of code word.” I take the paper from Nathanial handing it to Becca.

“Code?” She looks at the paper, she’s taken from me.

“I don’t care if you throw some fucking bat signal in the sky.” I roll my eyes, Calum snickers. “Anyone so much as fucking looks at you wrong. Gives you shit for anything.”

“You’ll beat them up?” She looks to me.

“I’ll be your brother’s alibi while my brothers dig a fucking hole.” I nod.

She looks from one brother to the other and back to me.

“Do you have to get in trouble to come work for you?”

I snort softly, a small smile on my lips.

“Excel at something we can use. Could always use someone that can hold their own and good with numbers or politics.” I tap the paper again. “Looks at you wrong or so much as calls you a bitch. Text.” She nods slowly.

The three of us leave her. Heading for the way we came.


He’s bailing hay from the barn to the trailer on the tractor. He’d been gifted with a cowboy hat from the Wranglers, all black blending in with his jet black hair. The familiar, starting to dirty, banged wrap on his forearm tells me all I need to know. He’s in with my daddy, with the ranch, tied to us till his last breathe.

He stops bailing as I get closer, watching me approach.

“My sister called.” He tips his hat slightly, watching me.

Looking out at the horizon, I nod, licking my lips. “What’d she say?” Cutting my eyes to him.

“Barnes aren’t snitches.” He doesn’t smile, smirk only stares.

Nodding slowly, I tuck a stray strand of hair from my braid, behind my ear.

“That why my daddy gave you that?” I tip my chin towards his forearm.

He glances down, looking at it.

“Least I belong somewhere now.” He shrugs a wide shoulder.

I laugh softly. “More than belong, we own you boy.” He watches me.

“I’m okay with that. I think.” Blue eyes on me.

There’s a funny feeling in my stomach, or maybe it’s my chest.

Maybe I’m having a stroke. Or I’m getting sick as I feel a warmth creep up my neck.

“Right. Well too late to think twice about it.” I scoff, kicking grass with the toe of my boot. “He owns you.” Shrugging.

“Little miss?” Tony approaches as well.

“What?” I blink at him.

“You alright?” He chuckles.

“What?” I blink in panic now.

“You’re all flushed in the face.” He waves a gloved hand towards his own face.
Full on panic, I gasp quietly. “Fuck off Tony!” I splutter, turning to walk away quickly.

“Hey Y/N!” James calls after me. I stop dead in my tracks, but don’t turn around. “Thanks for what you did for my sister, by the way.” There’s a laugh, peeking my interest. I glance over my shoulder at him, he’s grinning as he pulls his gloves back on, Tony is grinning. Like that saying my momma always says, the cat that ate the canary. I hurry away from them, blowing past the other Wranglers.


“What is that?” He stands in the bay window of the house, looking out at the Hay Barn down the hill.

“What’s what?” Bobbi joins him, watching as they’re daughter comes to a stop. James, the young, new Wrangler calling after her. It’s the color in her face, the grin on his, and Tony smiling as well.

“The kids?” She looks to him.

He sighs. “Why she all red in the face? She punched her brother this morning during breakfast for making fun of her.” He looks to his wife.

She laughs, patting his shoulder. “That’s cause he isn’t making fun of her, baby. He’s flirting with her.”

He goes ridged instantly. He attempts to move quickly, but she’s got him by the collar of his button down.

“Get back here cowboy.” She laughs. “You knew this day would come. You knew this was the repercussions of having a girl.” She gives him a pointed look with a smile on her lips.

“I told you it wasn’t happening.” He mutters, looking out the window Y/N is bolting up the hill looking embarrassed.

She sighs. “And I told you, she’s going to be a force of nature just like you, bullheaded and determined. She’s going to do what she wants too.” She laughs, kissing his cheek. “Leave that boy alone Clinton, or you’ll face my wrath.” She warns him, walking away.

“Well that’s just not fair.” He calls after his wife. She only laughs in return. “Son of a bitch.” He mutters.

“And don’t you send those Wranglers after him either!” She calls from somewhere else in the house.

He cusses under his breathe, stalking away from the window.

Everything Peaches 5/8/21


Bucky ‘Fuck Me Up’ Barnes:
