

Napoleon commissioned the statue group of Theseus killing a Centaur from Canova, but Franz I scooped the piece in 1823 and brought it to Vienna. He had the Theseum built in the Volksgarden for it. Eventually, it was moved to the Kunsthistorisches Museum. I’m there for scale - it’s not a big temple.

A close up of Antonio Canovas „Hebe“. . . #sculpture #canova #hebe #ebe #art #marble #berlin @staa

A close up of Antonio Canovas „Hebe“
#sculpture #canova #hebe #ebe #art #marble #berlin @staatlichemuseenzuberlin #altenationalgalerie

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Ma dimmi tu lo sai cos'è?
Dimmi la verità
L'hai mai provata la felicità?
Oppure un po’ di serenità

Ma se ci siamo persi qualcuno ci dovrà recuperare
Sperando che non sia la municipale
Ma se ci siamo persi
Qualcuno prima o poi ci dovrà pensare

l’hai mai provata la felicità?

Canova - La felicità

Bust of Paris, Antonio Canova, 1809

Bust of Paris, Antonio Canova, 1809

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Antonio Canova: Venus Victrix, 1808. The statue depicting Pauline Bonaparte as “Venus Victrix” (Venu

Antonio Canova: Venus Victrix, 1808.

The statue depicting Pauline Bonaparte as “Venus Victrix” (Venus the Conqueror) was commissioned by her husband, Prince Camillo Borghese, shortly after the couple arrived in Rome in 1804… (Read more)

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templeofapelles:Antonio Canova,Cupid & Psyche, 1788-1793


Antonio Canova,
Cupid & Psyche, 1788-1793

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Perseus with the head of Medusa, 1801. Antonio Canova. Italy, Rome, Pio-Clementine Museum

Perseus with the head of Medusa, 1801. Antonio Canova. Italy, Rome, Pio-Clementine Museum

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Apollo & Daphne by Bernini, 1622-25. Venus Victrix by Canova, 1808.

- Galleria Borghese, Rome.


Antonio Canova



National Gallery of Art (D.C.)

【 Cupid and Psyche】♡ — ❝ Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,And therefore is winged C

Cupid and Psyche

♡ — ❝ Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

© — My edit  ✗✗

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