#card reader



pick a pile

-> trust yourself and choose whatever pile you are drawn to.

disclaimer:PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

pile one (left)

king of swords, eight of swords

  • you stand firm in your truth and for what what you believe in, and express yourself well. you may have a very logical, rational way of thinking and decision making. others pay attention to what you have to say.
  • you have a tendency to trap or restrict yourself - possibly allowing yourself to stay in a negative situation, or one that doesn’t leave you feeling fulfilled and satisfied. if you can negative thoughts with positive ones, and you will attract positive situations.

pile two (right)

five of pentacles, the moon

  • you may have a way coping with difficult or disappointing situations, where it helps prevent loss from affecting your self-esteem and self-worth. alternatively, you still be feeling isolated and alone, but are good at making the most of the situation.
  • you may have some kind of anxiety or fears that prevent you from seeing things clearly and thriving. if you have a lack of faith in yourself and your intuition, know you are more powerful than you realise at this time.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

personal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all



p*yp*l: [email protected]

z3ll3: [email protected]

hey yall <3 some may know i have been continuously trying to fundraise in the past but to no avail. previously i had a gfm up for me and my cat to move but unfortunately, he has passed. i’ve been stuck living with abusive family the past couple months which hasn’t helped me move on in life. HOWEVER i have been blessed with a job offer in LOS ANGELES, a city i’ve dreamed about moving to for forever. it’s all so sudden but i’m so excited to finally escape the environments that have been holding me back these past couple of years and move to an environment that will be much better for someone like me. in order to make this move complete i need to raise $1500 by the end of this week (hopefully by october 1st) to lock in on housing!! i’ll be in LA for tomorrow to get my job paperwork situated but will be back home the next day to grab my stuff and then hopefully situate my housing. please boost. i’ve had so many attempts at fundraising for housing where i get a good amount of notes but little-to-none donations. send to your white, straight and privileged friends and help me boost this to the right people. if you’re interested in a reading too please dm me!! willing to do tarot readings in exchange for donations $5 and up!!

my life is changing and i’m so grateful for it and i just need this help this last time. Hail Lilith, Hail Satan, Hail Hecate, Hail Baphomet, Hail Beezlebub. ‍⬛♥️

