#spiritual community


The Hierophant and Six of Swords

We’ve got the Six of Swords for the second day in a row with a different deck! I love the artwork in this card; I keep getting, “Float on by like a butterfly.” You don’t need to have a fully thought out plan to progress on your path. Life can get in the way of certain plans, so I feel it’s important for you to continue to go with the flow and adapt to any roadblocks you might come across. This Hierophant is making me feel like connecting with your ancestors, or asking for advice from any older family members may help you figure out what to move towards. There are stories of our ancestors written in the constellations; look to the stars to learn from these stories. Take everything you have learned from history and from older generations with you as you move forward toward the unknown

Instagram: @amanitatarot

I’m back in my Brooklyn apartment! It feels so good to be back, and I’m so excited to show you all more of my decks (I have a ridiculous amount) Anyway, here’s the collective energy for today!

Six of Swords and The Lovers

The first thing I’m noticing here is that we have two 6’s. In numerology, 6 is the number of unconditional love, empathy, healing, and hope. Collectively, we are moving on from the past; past situations or people that no longer serve us; and past mindsets that don’t align with who we are now. Some of you may be getting closure on a past relationship, or have decided to choose yourself first over a person who’s just not good for the person you are now. You may also meet a new romantic interest because you have decided to move on from someone in your past. Whatever you’re moving on from, you’ve made the choice to because you know it’s what’s best for you. Even though we don’t know what’s coming next, we can be sure the future is brighter than our past

Instagram: @amanitatarot

Hmmm. I’ve been wanting to put this out there for a while. I don’t want to vulnerable people falling for this stuff anymore when it comes to the spiritual community on and offline. Too many “spiritualist” have been preying on people who are desperate and are in need of wanting people to tell them what they want to hear and unfortunately a lot of these scammers in the spiritual communities do that. When you’re seeking from someone for readings and spiritual advice, if you’re able to, look at their past history. You can even do this on Twitter by searching their names and keywords and just search. These readers have been outed previously for hexing their clients and also gatekeeping information because of underlying jealousy. One reader was also outed for binding people to them and creating fear in the process if someone didn’t follow their orders. Another one is extremely transphobic, homophobic, ableist, and many other things and give out information that could be detrimental to people if they don’t tread lightly. If you can, try not to get caught up in the big following because those people can be the most dangerous sometimes. If someone randomly DMs you about a reading they want to give to you, please don’t fall for it. Don’t allow people to have access to your ancestors and spirit guides when they don’t have permission to do so in the first place. Spirit won’t send people to you unless you ask for a message of some sort. Even then, a message isn’t going to always come through people. So please be careful when searching for a reader. If you can help it, you can buy your own cards (no matter what no one says, there isn’t a rule that someone has to gift you cards) and do your reading yourself until you find the perfect reader for you. Please be safe in this spiritual community because truuuusssstttttt it’s not always love and light when it comes to people!

I guess I do aura portraits now.And I say it like that because this, honestly and truly, is a surpriI guess I do aura portraits now.And I say it like that because this, honestly and truly, is a surpriI guess I do aura portraits now.And I say it like that because this, honestly and truly, is a surpri

I guess I do aura portraits now.

And I say it like that because this, honestly and truly, is a surprise to me. 

I really believed that I would never in any capacity do readings of any form again. And especially I wouldn’t make them part of my career. 

Life has this weird spiraling pattern and I’m just grateful that I’ve somehow come around to doing something I’ve always wanted to do.

So hey, it’d be my pleasure to use my experience as a reader to translate your aura into a one-of-a-kind portrait. These come with explanations of the colors and symbols. You can find the listing via the link above, or in my shop at www.ravenmagill.com

Post link

A gem among tarot spreads I lay down these days, it gives the similar feeling as interpreting astrological natal chart - you’re going to uncover huge volumes of information - patterns, life themes, biggest challenges and soul mission, 

it gives a shivering feeling of presence of your \ your querent higher aspect in the time you’re doing the reading, really - it feels like stars and planets are reflecting in the cards, and messages, no matter how difficult and uncomfortable on the surface, come from the level of calm and assuring energy - all is well, girl, this is why you’re here - to make that impossible real, and you’ll do that, just because you’re here means you will.

I like rearranging the cards to the end of reading to create the picture of my querent’s path - I place challenges and limiting patterns of past on one side, deep wishes and all the beauty which seems so unrealistic now on another side - and tools and ways to grow and explore in the middle. It’s nice to see the path!

The positions of Soul spread correspond with 12 astrological houses:

1 - House of Self: personality, ambitions, drives

2 - House of money and possessions: value system, material possessions, financial attitudes

3 - House of communication: the way you communicate and learn, siblings and neighbors

4 - House of home: your parents, your roots, your domestic life and family

5 - House of creativity and sex: creativity, your sexual nature, fun, social life

6 - House of service and health: job, responsibilities, work relationships, health

7 - House of partnership and marriage: work and romantic relationships, how you blend your personality with others

8 - House of death and regeneration: spiritual transformation, inheritance, psychic powers, occult knowledge

9 - House of mental exploration and long-distance travels: spirituality, religion, morals, higher education, long-distance travels

10 - House of career and public standing: public image and career, material success in life

11 - House of friend and hopes and wishes: friendships, hopes, goals and wishes

12 - House of secrets, sorrows and self-undoing: your inner self, dreams, the past, subconscious, karma

Better to pull the cards for this spread in the evening,

and don’t forget to supply yourself with favorite tea - it’s going to be rather long reading.


pick a pile

-> trust yourself and choose whatever pile you are drawn to.

disclaimer:PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

pile one (left)

king of swords, eight of swords

  • you stand firm in your truth and for what what you believe in, and express yourself well. you may have a very logical, rational way of thinking and decision making. others pay attention to what you have to say.
  • you have a tendency to trap or restrict yourself - possibly allowing yourself to stay in a negative situation, or one that doesn’t leave you feeling fulfilled and satisfied. if you can negative thoughts with positive ones, and you will attract positive situations.

pile two (right)

five of pentacles, the moon

  • you may have a way coping with difficult or disappointing situations, where it helps prevent loss from affecting your self-esteem and self-worth. alternatively, you still be feeling isolated and alone, but are good at making the most of the situation.
  • you may have some kind of anxiety or fears that prevent you from seeing things clearly and thriving. if you have a lack of faith in yourself and your intuition, know you are more powerful than you realise at this time.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

personal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all

FREE Tarot Readings + AMA!

Yes, it’s that time again. I randomly get the voice in my head that’s like, “Give the people what they want!” Lol. Sooo send your questions to my ASK box! This will remain open until my store opens on 11/11 @ 11:11 am PST.
