#free card reading



for water signs ♓️♋️♏️

-> where to focus your energy.

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

♏️ SCORPIO - knight of swords

  • there may be big changes coming your way this week. focus on finding your drive to succeed - be fast thinking, take action, and allow your ambition to come out. it can be a sign that you need to be assertive in order to what you want.

♓️ PISCES - five of wands

  • there may be energy of competition, fights or resistance surrounding you over the next week, but you have the potential to rise about the chaos. encourage change, but always take the mature, peaceful road when dealing with people.

♋️ CANCER - ace of pentacles

  • focus on opportunities presented to you, relating to career, education, and self-growth. this card can be a “green light” to go after the dreams you have been wanting to manifest. it represents a fresh start, as well as a strong foundation and stability.

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personal tarot readings shop.(etsy)

love to you


pick a pile

-> trust yourself and choose whatever pile you are drawn to.

disclaimer:PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

pile one (left)

king of swords, eight of swords

  • you stand firm in your truth and for what what you believe in, and express yourself well. you may have a very logical, rational way of thinking and decision making. others pay attention to what you have to say.
  • you have a tendency to trap or restrict yourself - possibly allowing yourself to stay in a negative situation, or one that doesn’t leave you feeling fulfilled and satisfied. if you can negative thoughts with positive ones, and you will attract positive situations.

pile two (right)

five of pentacles, the moon

  • you may have a way coping with difficult or disappointing situations, where it helps prevent loss from affecting your self-esteem and self-worth. alternatively, you still be feeling isolated and alone, but are good at making the most of the situation.
  • you may have some kind of anxiety or fears that prevent you from seeing things clearly and thriving. if you have a lack of faith in yourself and your intuition, know you are more powerful than you realise at this time.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

personal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all



-> trust yourself and choose whichever pile you are drawn to.

DISCLAIMER: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES AND IS MEANT FOR YOU, LEAVE THE REST <3 . this is a general (& not in person) reading and not everything will resonate for everyone. i believe the cards can be very accurate, but this is my own interpretation of them using my intuition and the energies i receive. if the way i read doesn’t suit you personally, please just find someone that works for you. everyone’s different :)

CARD ONE (left)

five of swords

there may be some kind of conflict in your life, such as arguments or competition. you may want to stand up for yourself, or come to a peaceful resolution, but you’re are trying to walk away from it which may be the right thing to do, because this card can also indicate the loss of something that wasn’t good for you.

CARD TWO (middle)


energies of imbalance, impatience or recklessness may be surrounding you, and is a reminder to test waters and be patient. it suggests that balancing internal or external blocks, could be the key relieving stress in your life and finding peace. you may even be entering a stage of harmony and calmness, after a time of chaos or change.

CARD THREE (right)

the fool

you’re looking for adventure and new experiences. this is a new beginning for you. be open to stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring possibilities and opportunities you may not have even considered yet. the person is this card where’s there heart on their sleeve. take risks if you know it’s leading you to where you want to be.

asks are open.

id love to hear your tarot spread suggestions and the reading types you want to see!!

personal readings shop(affordable)

love to all



for each zodiac sign

-> what does the universe want you to know?


♑️ capricorn

two of wands

  • you are exploring your options and planning. you’re looking ahead and making progress towards your goals.

♉️ taurus

nine of wands

  • you may be feeling burnt out or tired, but you’re also persistent, resilient and so close to completion or success.

♍️ virgo

ace of swords

  • you’re on the verge of a breakthrough or a new way of thinking that will give you significant clarity, understand or ideas.

♓️ pisces

the lovers

  • you may be developing a very strong connection with someone - friend or romantic partner, but it will be beautiful, mutual and bring you happiness.

♋️ cancer

knight of cups

  • there will be a significant person in your life (or yourself) who shows compassion, understanding, and is in touch with their emotions and femininity.

♏️ scorpio

four of pentacles

  • this card suggests you are holding onto something, or not letting go of a person, your money or a situation.

♈️ aries

wheel of fortune

  • there may be some changes or unexpected events coming up. you may even have luck on your side. remember if things haven’t been ideal, they have to get better at some point.

♌️ leo

queen of cups

  • this is a warm, kind, empathetic, loyal and emotional person. they can even support or guide others. it may represent you, or a relevant person in your near future.

♐️ sagittarius

five of wands

  • you may have some conflict, arguments or competition surrounding you. be open to seeing positive sides of criticism and new ideas, and save energy for what is important.

♒️ aquarius

three of pentacles

  • this is a sign that you have all the skills, resources or people you need in your life to take next steps in going after what you want - and in seeing big progress and results.

♊️ gemini

ace of pentacles

  • there may be a new opportunity involving a manifestation, money, or your career. this card can also be a “green light”.

♎️ libra

ten of pentacles

  • you may reach a point of accomplishment and completion. things may be feeling stable and abundant.

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affordablepersonal readings shop.

insta - (readings, guidance, positivity)

love to you


-> what does the universe want you to know?


PILE ONE - the sun

you’re being surrounded by light. when this card appears, it brings success and joy. opportunities for happiness in your relationships and work are all around you. it’s the perfect time to move forward. if you’re feeling any inspiration or a want to take the next step, know that the right energy is coming towards you.

PILE TWO - spirit fox

the energies around you are changing, and although it may not always be comfortable, you have all you need to cope. be open to the shifts that occurring, because they may actually hold answers. stay alert, and trust in yourself and your talents so you can be the best you can be.

PILE THREE - protection guardian

you may have limiting beliefs or fears because of something from your past, and they are standing between you and your happiness. know that you are protected - whether it’s by spirits or angels or the universe, and you are stronger than you believe. you don’t need to hide who you are because you were born to shine.

THANK YOU!!! please like and reblog if anything resonated.

insta (more readings + positivity)

affordablepersonal readings shop.

love to you


-> trust your intuition and choose whatever you are most drawn to.

-> what does the universe want you to know?

LEFT - five of swords

you may have some kind of argument or conflict recently and has left you upset or resentful towards the other person or yourself. the advice of this card is to pick your battles. you don’t always need to prove you are right, or defend yourself - and it could lead to much more peace in the long run.

MIDDLE - two of wands

there may be something you are inspired to do, but feel you can’t yet for some reason. you’re in the stage of planning your next steps and working up the courage to expand and leave your comfort zone - and it will set you up for success. remember to let your intuition help guide you.

RIGHT - four of cups

this card appears when opportunities present themselves, but they tend to not interest you or you turn them away. you may be focusing a lot of your energy inwards to re-ground and align yourself with where you want to be. question whether shutting yourself down is still the best option - you may need it right now, or they may be other possibilities waiting for you.

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love to all




-> what does the universe want you to know?

-> what are your energies for the next month?



cancer, scorpio, pisces ♋️♏️♓️

cards: ace of cups, three of swords, ten of swords, four of pentacles


you’re radiating love and compassion. it’s likely showing in relationships around you and giving you emotional fulfilment, or maybe you are becoming more comfortable with who you are - but either way, love is pouring out of you. however, you may also be struggling with a kind of loss or grief, possibly something being unsuccessful or a betrayal, and it has hurt or disappointed you. hold on to what is important to you, but the universe wants you to know that it’s okay to let go of anything that has been weighing you down.


taurus, virgo, capricorn ♉️♍️♑️

cards: king of swords, queen of cups, the world, six of swords


at this time, you are able to think very logically and rationally, and this intelligence and power shows. you’re also likely in some kind of structure or routine and have a lot of self discipline when you want to. you’re using your head and not your heart. maybe because you have been hurt and put walls up to protect yourself, or just because it’s working for you right now - but you aren’t letting your emotional side be seen. you’re so close to completion and achieving something significant. the universe wants you to know there is always a calm after the storm. and if you allow yourself to heal and let go, it will help you to keep moving forward.


aries, leo, sagittarius ♈️♌️♐️

cards: two of swords, seven of swords, page of swords, judgement


you are likely facing a difficult decision, and are unclear about which option to choose. there is deception in an area of your life, or a person who isn’t being entirely honest with you (for a few, you may be the one keeping something from someone). you’re being encouraged to explore new ways of communicating what you are thinking and feeling. trust yourself, any signs that stand out, and notice what is calling to you. it will lead to amazing opportunities and changes, as well as guide you through challenging decisions.


aquarius, libra, gemini ♒️♎️♊️

cards: king of pentacles, ten of cups, two of pentacles, the chariot


you are manifesting success, stability and wealthy, or putting a lot of energy and determination in working towards that. you’re likely finding it hard to be completely happy right now, possibly it’s relating to problems in relationships or even with yourself. there may some imbalance between aspects of your life - and you’re feeling the pressure and struggling to manage all of it. the universe is reminding you that you can overcome any obstacle, especially if you are determined and focused. i know this is cliche, but you can do it - like you actually can.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! please like and reblog if anything resonated.

personal readings: etsy shop

love to all <3

what can i do to manifest my soulmate?


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. this is a general, and not in-person reading. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my own interpretation based off my intuition and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for everyone. Always trust yourself first.

PILE ONE - left

nine of pentacles

stay focused on your goals and getting to a place that you have worked hard to achieve and can be proud of, whether that’s relating to self-improvement or career and education. you will be at the highest and best vibration to attract your soulmate when you are feeling secure and self-sufficient. you have the ability to be confident and fully content with yourself, where you are and what you are doing.

PILE TWO - middle

ten of pentacles

this may be a sign that you don’t need to do anything, but more likely is suggesting that once you accomplish whatever big project you have been working on and finally reach a place of success - possibly wealth - then you may find your soulmate. this card is about family, stability, abundance, and having everything you need - especially materially/physically - so that may be what you should work towards if you want to attract love.

PILE THREE - right

three of cups

for some, you may find your soulmate is someone you are already friends with. for others, spending time with people you care about and connect with may be the way to go. there is lots of social, happy, compassionate energy surrounding this card. take the time to celebrate even the little successes and share the positivity with the people around you - it may put you in alignment with the right person for you.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

personal tarot readings shop.

love to all


for fire signs ♈️♐️♌️

-> where to focus your energy.

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

♈️ARIES - page of cups

  • this is a sign to believe anything is possible. stay in touch with your inner child, dream big, and allow your emotions to show. your creativity might be flowing at this time, and you have the ability to express it. there may even be unexpected but pleasant surprises coming your way.

♐️SAGITTARIUS - eight of cups

  • if there is anything you want to walk away from, or that is causing you to feel lonely or withdrawn - this may be the time to let go of it, or take a break so you focus on seeking the truth about what you want and how you feel. sometimes taking a step back from something can lead to a new perspective, understanding and growth

♌️LEO - ten of pentacles

  • take time to enjoy and focus on the present. you have almost, or already reached a point of completion and accomplishment. you have everything you need - especially materially. there is also energies of family and home.

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affordablepersonal readings.

love to you


for air signs ♎️♒️♊️

-> where to focus your energy

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

♎️LIBRA - nine of pentacles

  • acknowledge your successes and focus your energy on finding satisfaction and fulfilment in your achievements. it also sends the message that you have the ability to be independent and feel secure.

♒️AQUARIUS - page of wands, three of wands

  • remember to look forward and be excited about the possibilities for success or adventure that are coming your way. stay optimistic and allow yourself to feel free. this is a time to turn plans into actions, and be open to the opportunities ahead of you.

♊️GEMINI - nine of swords

  • there may be something that is causing you anxiety or overthinking - possibly even “keeping you up at night” - however there is an opportunity to realise that things may not be as bad as they appear, and the worst may be in your head. if you can replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will be more likely to manifest positive outcomes.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog to let me know it resonated <3

personal reading shop.

love to you

i wanna do a celtic cross reading for someone!! (ten card tarot spread) ✨

if you’d like to be one of the people i choose from, please comment on this post, send an ask or message me - with your name/initials + something about you whether it’s your sign, a situation, or anything else. (would also really appreciate it if you were following me!! <3)

i will message someone with their reading!! :)

thank you!!

list of my free readings.

love to all
