
Regaliceratops petwerhewsi, one of my favourite ceratopsids! Discovered in Alberta, my home province

Regaliceratops petwerhewsi, one of my favourite ceratopsids! Discovered in Alberta, my home province.

Its crest makes me think of the sun, so I wanted to give it some fiery colours.

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A beaten up old Styracosaurus bull looks on while a younger male sizes him up and postures a bit, tr

A beaten up old Styracosaurus bull looks on while a younger male sizes him up and postures a bit, trying to initiate a fight. But the elder is too old for this shit.

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Styracosaucer improvement.Both are characters in a Deviantart ARPG called Primeval Age.

Styracosaucer improvement.

Both are characters in a Deviantart ARPG called Primeval Age.

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DINOSAURS! (Weird, silly background for my instagram profile’s mosaic)The animals are: Kentrosaurus,

DINOSAURS! (Weird, silly background for my instagram profile’s mosaic)

The animals are: Kentrosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Utaharaptor, Mamenchisaurus, Mononykus, Carnotaurus, Spiclypeus and Herrerasaurus, 

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In the late 1990s a partial skeleton of a ceratopsian was discovered in New Mexico, USA. These remai

In the late 1990s a partial skeleton of a ceratopsian was discovered in New Mexico, USA. These remains were initially thought to belong to Torosaurus, but after more of the specimen was recovered in the mid-2010s it became clear the bones actually represented an entirely new species of horned dinosaur – officially named in 2022asSierraceratops turneri.

Sierraceratops lived during the Late Cretaceous, around 72 million years ago, in what at the time was the southern region of the island continent of Laramidia. About 4.6m long (~15’), it had fairly short chunky brow horns, long pointed cheek horns, and a relatively large frill.

It was part of a unique lineage of ceratopsians that were endemic to southern Laramidia, with its closest known relatives being Bravoceratopsfromwestern TexasandCoahuilaceratopsfromnorthern Mexico.


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 CORONOSAURUS“Crown lizard”Late Cretaceous, 77 million years agoThis ceratopsid was originally thoug

Crown lizard”
Late Cretaceous, 77 million years ago

This ceratopsid was originally thought to be a species of Centrosaurus. But despite the requisite centrosaurine nose horn, plus additional barbs on its frill (“epiparietals”), Coronosaurus would still have had no trouble wearing a g*****n mask.


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Moving Ever Forward

Moving Ever Forward

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