#chain of iron


After a few months of inactivity, I decided to force myself to finish all my WIPs, so here is a drawing of Tessa in the famous strawberry dress that I started back in August. I wanted to focus on improving my digital art but I somehow ended up in an art block instead but hey, shit happens. And happy 2021 you guys!

James: You always have a solution, don’t you?


Matthew: If you are dehydrated, drink. If you are sad, drink. Just drink.

James: Well okay, anybody else?


Finished my redrawing of Lucie :3

“For Lucie, everything was always very, very, very something”

You can check it and support me on my Instagram as well

my dear I thought I had reblogged this!!! I give you all my apologies I need you to know that I love love LOVE your Lucie redraw I hope one day you do one of Jesse *wink wink*


jesse wanted to chop wood like a lad

*malcolm fade monologue over jesse and lucie montage*

cassie released the snippet especially for the unhinged ghostwriter men and maidens i stg @axoloteca@lucie-blackthorns@casualsthings

i sure hope cot makes me SOB

my dear your artwork is always appreciated thank u so much for this! ✨✨

I noticed that the blackdale snippet was in quotation marks, meaning it was part of someone’s dialogue

Bet it was Malcom filling Magnus in

The man was DONE being the third wheel


updates from the newsletter:

  • chain of thorns released date is pushed back again due to backlog with publishing, and it will now come out on 31st january, 2023.
  • the cover will be revealed in mid-may, along with which pre-order links will go up.
  • it’s possible that secrets of blackthorn hall might continue for longer than it was supposed to, due to the delay with cot publishing.



morning doddle:: Well, you know Jesse’s flower card, right? the only official art where he wears a different outfit than the typical white shirt and black pants, the picture where he looks absolutely handsome and depressed, right? So, here my interpretation!

[Tag list on the notes, tell me if you want to be added/removed]

handsome, glorious, beautiful, blackthorn blood indeed



if Jesse ends up being a traitor and just used Lucie to get him revived form the dead with reverse psychology and has been helping his mother all this time I swear to god—


OP your tags are scaring me

When it is put like that it does sound very sus…

@thestarkster1465 i was very nervous while writing them, I don’t want them to be true at all


And so I will take the things of my enemies. I will take them from under their noses, from their own homes. (Secrets of Blackthorn Hall)

“What did you do with my gold comb?” Lucie said. […]

“Hidden it away safely,” he said. “It reminds me of you when you are not there.” (Chain of Iron)


