#choices bolas



April: A Tired Kiss (Blades) - Tyril x Maiele

  • Based on this lovely art by @lethendralis-paints. Go get you some gorgeous art and support their commissions for Ukraine.
  • For the @choicesaprilchallenge. Since I don’t pay any attention to dates and schedules mean nothing to me. Have a drabble that is between books one and two.
  • Warnings & A/N: Canon compliant trauma and darkness. Nightmares. It’s not happy times round these parts today. But that doesn’t mean their ain’t some hint of hope. Inspired by @liaromancewriter’s A Year of Kisses Seriesandthis prompt list. My masterlist for this series is here (but right now it’s just April).

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It’s missing BOLAS hours ✨always ✨

Red’s charm + wit getting him in (and out of) trouble for the past 20 odd years!

@danniseyebrows (beware I’m just gonna tag her on alllll of these) you are the best!!


All this talk has given me an idea. If Pixelberry goes back on their word and makes Blades 2 VIP-first, like we fear they might, then we switch to a new strategy: psychological warfare.

We flood their mentions with content and asks about orc mpreg. Make them fear every time they’re tagged in something lest it be about mpreg again. I wanna see people @-ing Pixelberry Studios and the official Choices twitter with the hashtag #doestheorcbussyselflubricate. Raise hell.



actually you know what this does raise a good question of how does orc mpreg work

do male orcs have a vag also or do they just have the orc peen and orc bussy? if they just have the bussy how does that work? is it like how the male urethra is used in both a reproductive function and also expelling waste (urine)?

all i’m saying is pixelberry has opened pandora’s box here and there’s no way to close it now

I personally think male orcs have a seperate vag, but let’s entertain the idea of the bussy first.

If it is indeed just the peen and the bussy, i would assume it acts as a sort of cloaca where the reproductive track and the digestion track merge at the end to form a single opening. Think sort of a Y intersection. Some examples are chickens and (most) snakes, who expel their waste and their eggs from the same hole.

However i think it would be rather traumatizing [physically] for a live baby to be birthed from the bussy. Like, the cervix and the anus are both rings of muscle, but something tells me that it’s going to be an even tougher time coming out of the bussy instead of a regular vag.

And also like, the cervix dilates and that’s when the baby is ready to like come out of the womb, no? The baby still has to escape the vag, and so the baby is still in a ‘sterile’ environment (idk if it is but lets use that word anyways). I dont think Mother Nature would make the bussy dilate, bc think of the possible infections from having an open ass with the baby just Out There. So unless you’re telling me baby orcs come from eggs, I dont think they’ll be able to survive the trip through the bussy. (Though, ngl, that’s an interesting thought.)

We can safely say that male orcs have a womb, otherwise lmao where else would the baby go? In any case, due to the abovementioned reasons, I think male orcs have a seperate vag opening for the baby to be birthed.

Warning: NSFW(In case some of you can’t read black, smh.)

Another fanart for BOLAS. This has taken all day, so if you wanna report it remember that poor Eva had her arms sore after this✌️

Tyril starfury x viewer

Got you some drugs in case someone’s allergic to a naked back

This is my first fanart that isn’t OH related (it was painful to draw someone other than Ethan Gah!) I’ll be doing more BOLAS-related fanarts. Anyway here you go, Mal volari and MC.



blades is so fucking good like I’m thoroughly enjoying each chapter they get better every week.

mal is so chaotic

god she is gorgeous

 I’m not calling you a liar, just don’t lie to me I’m not calling you a thief, jus I’m not calling you a liar, just don’t lie to me I’m not calling you a thief, jus I’m not calling you a liar, just don’t lie to me I’m not calling you a thief, jus

I’m not calling you a liar, just don’t lie to me

I’m not calling you a thief, just don’t steal from me

I’m not calling you a ghost, just stop haunting me

And I love you so much, I’m gonna let you kill me

base on the song

Also I still love him. I regret nothing.

Post link

I have been enamored by his soul

Wildly distant but also ever familiar

He knows that he is gentle and wise

His beauty does not beckon,


Tyril StarfuryfromBlades of Light & Shadow

Dedicated to: @bladesappreciationweek@choicesarehard@schnitzelbutterfingers
